Crimes of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 3)

Crimes of Cupidity: Chapter 30

Evert slaps my ass playfully where it’s propped beside him. “Had enough orgasms, Scratch?” he teases.

“For now,” I try to say primly. But really, how prim can you be when you have semen from three different mates caked to your skin? “But I’ll let you know when I require more.”

He laughs and kisses me on the top of my head. “So greedy.”

“Are you sore?” Sylred asks sweetly.

“Yeah, but I like it,” I answer honestly.

The guys groan. “Don’t say that. You’re just going to make us want to fuck you again,” Ronak tells me.

“Sorry.” I’m not sorry.

“We should go,” Ronak says, the first one to get up. “I’m sick of being in this cell.”

I take the opportunity to watch him and his gloriously tanned and muscled ass flex as he moves.

The other two genfins get up next, so with my elbow bent, I prop my head up on my hand to watch the show. Evert and Sylred get dressed in their discarded pants, and I can’t help the disappointed sigh that escapes me as their bodies get hidden away.

“Just gonna lay there and ogle us, Scratch?”

“Feral beast over there ruined my dress,” I reply. When I stand up, I wince slightly at the soreness, but I take it like a champ because I’m badass.

Sylred picks up the dress that feral Ronak had been resting on earlier and tosses it over to me. I pull it over my head and he helps me lace up the back around my wings. Besides being wrinkled, it’s no worse for wear.

“We need to get back to the portal unless we want to get stuck here for a week,” Sylred says as he finishes tying the laces up.

Fully dressed, Evert leaves the room, only to return with a pair of pants for Ronak.

I arch a brow. “You stole pants from someone?”

“I didn’t steal. They offered.”

I snort. “Sure they did, right after you gave them your, ‘Don’t fuck with me glare,’ I’m sure they offered it right up.”

He smirks. “You know me so well.”

“Is there any, umm, underwear in the alpha’s little clothing pile over there?” I ask.

Evert laughs. “You think we brought him a pair of your used undies to sniff while you were gone?”

I blink up at him expectantly. “Well? Did you?”

He just laughs again, and Ronak rolls his eyes.

I didn’t think the question was that outlandish, to be honest. “Well…there’s a lot of umm…manjam coming out of me,” I say, even as more cum drips down my legs. “This isn’t hygienic. I need panties.”

“Sorry, Scratch. Guess you’re just gonna have to go bare.”

He doesn’t look sorry at all. In fact, he looks annoyingly smug.

“Here,” Sylred says, taking the blanket from the bed so that I can clean myself off a bit. I kiss him on the cheek. “So polite.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses me back. “Was I polite when I shoved my cock down your throat?”

My brows shoot up in surprise at his dirty talk and…yep. I’m horny again.

“Umm…Can we…”

Sylred laughs at me. “You’re insatiable.”

I shrug. “You guys are really good at the whole sex thing when you try.”

All three of them whip around to look at me. “When we try?” Ronak asks incredulously.

“Yeah. When you try. Other times, you don’t seem to really be on par. I’m sure it’s not your fault. You can’t be great every time,” I say, keeping a straight face.

“I’ll fucking show you on par,” Evert growls.

Before he can pounce on me, Ronak puts a hand on his chest to stop him. “She’s goading us, idiot. She knows damn well she’s always satisfied. She just wants you to fuck her again, but our mate needs to learn patience.”

I cross my arms in front of my chest. “I’m totally patient.”

“Are not.”

“Are too.”

Alright,” Sylred says, stepping between us. “Emelle, no goading us into having more sex. We can’t miss the portal, and it’s due to come back for us soon.”

“Fine,” I relent as I start following them out of the cell and to the doorway where the guard is waiting with the door open for us. “But I want more sex when we get back. And like, at least five more orgasms. Or I’m going to just have sex with myself. I’m always on par.”

The guard makes a choking sound of surprise, and I see his nostrils flaring as he undoubtedly scents what we were just up to. His animal eyes flash for a half a second, but Ronak growls at him, and the guy immediately drops his eyes from me. “Apologies, Covey Fircrown. I’m glad to see you have recovered from your…condition.”

Ronak’s growl tapers off and he nods tersely. “Thank you. We will be leaving now.”

The four of us make our way back out to the main part of the egg building.

“Your feathers are different,” Ronak notes, looking at my black and white gilded feathers.

I spread my wings out a bit so he can get a better look. “Yeah. Funny story. It turns out I’m now a demon-angel-sandman-possibly other Veil Minor entities-cupid boss-hybrid.” I purse my lips in thought. “I gotta think of a better title.”

Ronak looks at me incredulously. “Are…are you saying that you really are a demon?”

A stupidly smug and amused expression comes over the hard planes of his face. “Okay, first of all, wipe that look right off your face. Secondly…yes.” When he opens his mouth to no doubt talk shit, I quickly cut him off. “But I wasn’t a freaking demon when I landed on your damn island! That didn’t happen until later.” I pause. “At least I’m pretty sure it didn’t. Like, eighty percent sure. I don’t think it happened until I got the black feathers, and that was ages after,” I explain.

The smug look doesn’t leave his face. “I was right,” he points out.

“Of course that’s all you heard in that explanation.”

Our conversation is interrupted when the elder from before spots us and comes marching over. “Ronak, you’ve recovered,” he says, his expression belying his shock.

“I have,” Ronak replies with a respectful nod. “My mate was able to tame my feral animal.”

The elder looks at me with surprise and maybe even a reluctant admiration. “Well,” he says as his furry wings adjust at his back. “To say I am relieved is an understatement. I’m glad to see you back to your full senses.”

“Thank you, we’re going to—”

Ronak doesn’t get to finish his sentence, because in that moment, a huge boom goes off somewhere above us, and the next thing I know, the huge wooden egg building has cracked wide open.

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