Creed’s Return (Lost Son’s MC #1)

Creed’s Return: Chapter 1

Creed grabbed the duffel bag off his cot and lifted his head to stare at the man he’d shared his cell with for the last seven years. Luke Montgomery. This parting was bittersweet for Creed. Luke was here when he came and took the young 27-year-old under his wing, and he would still be here long after he was gone. That was the price Luke was paying for killing a man.

At 27, Creed had been a man full grown but he still had a lot to learn as he found out on his second day inside the joint. He thought being part of an MC had seasoned him for anything but he found out the hard way… he’d been wrong.

That second day he got into line for breakfast and the man behind him shoved him out of the way. Well, Creed took no shit from anyone and he shoved the guy back. That was his first mistake as he learned later. The guy behind him had been Big Jim Randall.

He didn’t remember too much of the next ten minutes as Big Jim and three other men beat the literal shit out of him. He spent two weeks in the infirmary recovering from four broken ribs and a cracked sternum, along with a broken nose and head trauma from a vicious kick in the head before the guards could get close enough to stop the fight.

When he was allowed back to the general population, Luke took him under his wing and told him how the system really worked. Luke took the time to tell him the best way to survive inside was minding your own business and build yourself up as much as you can. Looking strong went a long way to people leaving you alone.

Creed was already buff but he took what Luke told him and made himself stronger by working out, using every waking minute he wasn’t otherwise occupied to work out and build up his body. Big Jim watched him carefully from a distance. Creed was almost positive he was waiting for another chance to ambush him and this time, Creed would be ready for him.

Creed had learned how to avoid the other man and his crew as he built up his own rep inside the cement walls. About a year after he got there, Big Jim challenged him. This time Creed was ready for the other man and his men. He was bigger and stronger than any of Jim’s crew, but he was also smarter.

When Creed was a kid, he’d learned some martial arts moves and while he was inside, he practiced those moves and perfected them in private, in case he ever needed them again. Not only that but he watched the other men in here and he learned the art of MMA fighting. Some of the moves were down and dirty but he learned them anyway. Then when Jim and his crew confronted him in the showers, it was him against four men. Not very good odds but Creed wasn’t afraid to use what he had and when he walked out of the showers that night, he left all four men bloody and broken.

No one ever called him out for the beatings and Big Jim never said who it was that took the four men out, but he left Creed alone after that. And that suited Creed just fine.

Now his time was done and after he walked out the steel door at the end of the walkway to freedom, he would be a free man. Creed stepped over to the other man and held out his hand.

Luke got to his own feet and shook Creed’s hand.

“I owe you man.” Creed nodded at him. “When you get out of here, you come find me.”

Luke shook his head. “Kid…” He always called Creed kid as he was a few years older than him. “I might just do that, if I ever get out of here.”

“You do it, old man.” Creed growled. “I’ll keep my eye on what goes on in here and if I find Big Jim is messing with you, he won’t like my retaliation. I’ve given him fair warning and he knows I’ll follow through.”

Luke smiled. “I thank you for that.” Shrugging he said, “I don’t think he’d be dumb enough to do anything, but Jim has a hard on for you and now that you’re leaving this fine establishment, he might strike out at anyone.”

Creed grimaced. “He’d better mind his P’s and Q’s if he knows what’s good for him. I’m a firm believer in quick revenge and he knows it.”

“Whatever man, good luck on the outside and don’t do anything that will send you back here. You’ve got your one chance to live free, so don’t waste it.” Luke stepped back and nodded at the door. “Get the hell out of here and stay that way.”

“You come find me when you get out,” Creed reminded him. “I’ll be waiting…”

Luke grinned. “Only four more years to go, then I’ll be up for parole.”

“Ok man, I’m gone.” Creed reached out to take the duffel in his hands. He still had to pick up the clothes and personal items he brought in with him then sign his papers.

When he stepped out of the cell, he looked around one last time, Several other inmates nodded at him and he returned the gesture. Turning left, he walked behind Butch, the guard for his cell block. They passed through three locked doors and finally, he could see the door leading to his freedom.

Butch reached out and shook his hand when they reached the point he would leave the prison to become a free man. “You take care of yourself out there man.” He nodded at him. “I’ll tell you something, I never expected you’d live long enough to see today. You came in here with a chip on your shoulder and I thought that chip was gonna be the end of you. This place only brings out the worst in some people.” Shaking his head, he added, “You turned that chip around and held your own. You survived hell and you better take care of yourself outside these walls. I don’t want to see you back here.”

Creed grinned. “And I don’t want to see you’re ugly face again either.”

Butch chuckled. “Take care, man.”

“You too.” Creed went over to the desk behind the bulletproof glass.

The officer behind the glass looked bored as he handed him the form he needed to receive his personal items and then slid over a small plastic bag with the clothes he wore when he was incarcerated. His jeans were a couple of sizes too small now and the t-shirt would no longer fit him. The only thing the bag held that he wanted was the leather cut he once proudly wore. That and the sunglasses he always used to wear. Those, he slipped on top of his head and it was like he was almost home. His father had given him these a lifetime ago and Creed had worn them every single day until he’d been processed into the prison.

He took his cut out of the bag and fingered the fine leather. He looked at the patch that claimed he was part of something bigger than he was. It read Lost Sinners. That name meant something once but not anymore.

The Lost Sinners was his father’s MC, his grandfather’s and even his own. But that was before. Six years ago, his father was murdered because he was searching for a way to prove Creed hadn’t caused the accident that cost a young woman her life. He’d been charged and convicted of manslaughter in her death but had no recollection of the events leading up to the accident. The last thing he remembered of that night was stopping at the bar and having one beer.

One lousy beer and then… nothing. When he woke up, the red and blue lights were already flashing while lighting up the night sky and Dan Murray was leaning over him asking him what happened.

Creed stuffed the items into his bag, all but the cut, that he left out. His eyes couldn’t let it go as he zipped up his bag. Before he left, he took out his small pen knife, set the cut on the counter, then carefully cut off the patch of his father’s MC. Swiftly, he stuffed it into his pocket then he snarled as he tore the cut to ribbons. It would never be worn again and that was fine with him.

The Lost Sinners MC was no more, today they were known as simply the Sinners.

He took one last look around the place he called home for the last seven years. He wouldn’t miss it, with its dull grey cement walls. It’s cold drafts, the sounds of the metal doors sliding shut at sleep time. The echoes of men crying, coughing, and fighting.

His footsteps echoed as he walked the last steps to his freedom. The red metal door pushed open hard but when he got through, the sunlight almost blinded him.

Squinting against the bright light, he felt the warmth of the day soothe his frazzled nerves. Creed was almost afraid to step through the door to god knew what, but he pushed himself to do just that. The moment the heavy door slammed behind him, he took a deep breath and exhaled. The air smelled different somehow and he filled his lungs again and again.

He heard someone clearing his throat and when his eyes snapped open he found himself glaring at the four men standing in front of him. Sinner’s President Bandit, his VP Snake and his enforcers Devil and Nitro were standing there sneering at him.

Creed’s fingers tightened and if his hands hadn’t been full, he might have thrown the first punch. “What the fuck do you guys want here?” he growled.

Bandit rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth and belched. He stared at Creed with a certain hatred in his cold eyes. “Heard you were getting out today and we came to collect somethin’ that no longer belongs to you.”

Creed snarled. He lifted his hand holding the torn cut and flung it at Bandit’s feet.

Bandit didn’t even bother looking down yet. He kept his eyes on Creed.

It was Snake who reached down and picked up the torn cut off the ground. He growled when he held it out and saw its frayed appearance. Snake took a step toward Creed.

Bandit pulled him back. “Leave it, he isn’t worth the trouble. We got what we came for.” Bandit took a step forward just out of reach of Creed’s fist but close enough so Creed could hear every word he had to say,  “Stay away from Killeen, there’s nothing left for you in my town. No family, no friends, no club, no nothing, you hear me boy?”

Creed didn’t bother responding to his veiled threat. He just glared at the other man.

Bandit turned and walked away.

The other three men stepped into line behind him.

Creed watched as they mounted their bikes and tore down the highway.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. He was by no means done with Bandit yet. He had a feeling he’d been set up seven years ago and after his conviction, his dad vowed to find out what he could. Then suddenly a year later, his dad, Tate was presumed dead and there had been no sign of him for six very long years.

It’d been Bandit who brought Tate Young’s remains back…supposedly. He’d said he buried a few bones and bloody clothing but he would never tell anyone where he buried them. The only thing he brought back to stake his own claim of the presidency was Tate’s own bloody cut.

Creed also heard how Bandit and Snake had run his three brothers out of town and the club. Then when his grandfather objected to the move, Bandit had ordered him beaten bloody but not killed. After the beating, he was left along the side of the road to live or die on his own. Bandit called it MC justice. Creed called it attempted murder, plain and simple.

Exhaling heavily, he took a few more steps away from the Huntsville prison and stopped as a fire engine red pickup truck slid to a stop right beside him. Dust flew everywhere in a cloud that covered his shoes and lower legs. Creed lifted his head to scowl at the passenger and driver of the truck then his eyes widened is shock as he found himself staring at the sweet face of his sister, Kimber and his grandfather, Silas Young.

Silas had a shit eating grin on his face as he drawled, “Well boy, you gonna stand there in the hot sun and fry your brain or you getting’ in the truck?”

Creed grinned and reached for the door.

Kimber squealed and jumped out at him wrapping her arms around his neck. “Hey there, big brother.”

Creed dropped his duffle in the dirt, wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. “Hello yourself, squirt. My lord, you’ve grown up since I saw you last.”

Kimber smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’ve missed the hell out of you brother,” she whispered.

“I missed you too, brat.”

“Are you two loco?” Silas grumbled. “It’s hotter than Hades out there. Get in the damn truck and let’s get the hell out of here. We got places to go and people to meet, damn it.”

Creed kept grinning and held out his hand to his grandfather. Silas Young didn’t look too bad for a man his age. He was still buff enough to arm wrestle anyone who asked. His hair might be snow white and he might be missing a few teeth from fights in his past but damn, he looked good to Creed. “Hey you old reprobate, how the hell is life treating you?”

“I’m still drawing breath sonny and I can still beat hell out of you.” Silas snickered.

Creed chuckled. “Yeah, right.”

Kimber scrambled back into the truck and Creed threw his duffle in the back. That’s when he noticed three bikes were loaded back there. One he knew right off the bat. It was his from seven years ago. His old Indian Chief. The other two were newer. He looked at his sister as he got in beside her.

She didn’t say anything but her eyes had a haunted look in them before she turned her head and looked straight ahead through the windshield.

Silas stepped down on the gas pedal and the truck sped away from the prison parking lot.

They stopped for a burger and a sweet tea about an hour down the road. Kimber went in the Whatabuger drive in and Silas and Creed got out of the truck to stretch their legs. They sat outside and away from the rest of the people.

Creed looked over at his grandfather and frowned. “Old man, are you gonna tell me what this is all about? And where we’re going or do I have to guess?”

Silas chuckled and looked away for a moment then turned to his oldest grandson. “Boy, what I’m about to tell you is gonna make you mad, so I need you to hold on to that famous temper of yours and hear me out.”

Creed nodded. “Ok, so tell me already.”

“Seven years ago you were set up to take the fall for a murder we think Bandit committed. It was either him or Snake that killed the woman you went to prison for. After you were arrested, your daddy and I began our own investigation. Things were just too slick with the cops and you were rushed to trial before the autopsy report was even finished.” Silas shrugged. “Your daddy and me, we just never liked that Dan Murray. He’s been sniffing around the club trying to get a way in since he was seventeen and your daddy wouldn’t let him. He knew Murray wouldn’t be a good man. He was too much like his daddy, Jeff. Jeff would sell out his own momma for a dollar then steal her back and do it all over again.”

“Get on with it old man.” Creed raised a brow.

Silas gave him a single nod. “Anyway, your daddy was beginning to put the pieces together. We both knew Bandit wanted more, more power, more money, just more of everything and anything he could get his hands on. He also knew your daddy wasn’t gonna let him have it. He knew Bandit would ruin the club we built up together before I stepped down if he ever got the chance. It took him a year to find it and he was so close to revealing the truth about that accident when something or somebody took his life. Now According to Bandit, he found your daddy out in the middle of nowhere all busted up and near death. Bandit said he stayed with Tate until the end but there was just nothing he could do to save him. He said he buried Tate out there where he died. Funny thing about that though, he never would tell anyone where that place actually was. Your brothers and I asked about it and we were told to mind our own business. All he ever showed anyone was your daddy’s cut. And it was Tate’s cut alright.”

“What happened next?” Creed asked as his fingers curled into huge fists. The muscles in his arms twitched as the rage inside him grew.

“Bandit told everyone he was taking your daddy’s place as President, there wasn’t any kind of vote, he just claimed the seat and then he named Snake as his VP. Together, they made it impossible for your brothers to stay.” He paused then shook his head. “The Lost Sinners was my club and when I complained about what was going on, Bandit and Snake and a couple of their men ambushed me out on the road. They almost beat me to death before they left me there to die.”

The more Creed heard the more he wanted to kill Bandit and Snake.

Silas turned his head and watched as Kimber came out with a tray of food. “I was able to crawl into the bushes that could give me a place to rest and that’s where your sister found me. I don’t know how she did it but she got me into her truck and took me home. We found Bear waiting for us and I thought he was there to finish me off but instead, he helped get me into the house. He told us about a dozen of the men were leaving the club. Bandit wanted to push the drug runs along with more guns and anything illegal and that’s not what they joined the club for. They said your daddy was a good and fair man and they would have gone into hell under his rule but they wouldn’t go three steps under Bandit. When he saw what they did to me, he decided we needed some protection of our own.” Silas snickered. “He’s been staying with us the whole time. Think he’s sweet on Kimber and I think she’s sweet on him too.”

Creed’s eyes shot over to view his younger sister. Ten years his junior, he knew she was of age and he couldn’t control her anymore. She was a woman grown and he had missed it all. “Okay, that doesn’t explain where we’re going now,” he noted as Kimber finally reached them with the food.

“We’re going to meet up with Jack,” Kimber told him. “Grandpa and I think we should all be together again and the first stop is Jack.”

Creed looked down at the full tray she had in her hands. There was more than enough food and four drinks on it. Raising an eyebrow, he looked questioningly at her. “Are you extra thirsty or are we expecting someone else?”

“Not expecting man, I’m right behind you.” A growly voice spoke from behind Creed’s left shoulder.

Creed got to his feet and spun around so fast Bear was caught unaware. Creed’s fist sunk into his belly and Bear doubled over in pain, falling hard to his knees.

“Creed, stop!” Kimber screamed.

Creed took another step back to get ready to strike again. He froze then looked at the other man.

Bear was holding up his hand in surrender.

Kimber was rounding the end of the table to help Bear sit down. “Are you ok, baby?” she cooed over him. Then she lifted her face to glare at her brother. “You didn’t have to hit him. He’s on our side, you big dummy!”

Creed loosened his stance and rubbed his hand over his long, dark hair. “Hell man, I’m sorry. You might not want to come up behind me like that. Where I just came from, coming up behind a man meant something and it usually wasn’t a good thing.”

Bear raised his head and grinned. “Well, you can hit a lot harder these days. I’ll give you that.” He held out his hand.

Creed took it and shook it without restraint as he laughed. “It’s good to see you man.”

Bear grunted and turned to look at Silas. “Have you told him everything yet?”

Silas shook his head. “Most of it but not everything.”

Creed sat down again and reaching for his food, he motioned Silas to get on with it. “What else you got in mind old man?”

“Well, I’ve been reaching out the last few months,” Silas told him before taking a huge bite of his burger, he chewed, nodded then swallowed. “Been talking to the brothers who walked away when Bandit and Snake took over. When I asked them if they wanted to come back under new leadership they all said, hell yeah.”

“New leadership?” Creed frowned at his grandfather’s words.

“Yep, I didn’t stutter boy. New leadership. The boys and I are taking the Lost Sinners back and we’ve elected you as President.”

Creed put his half eaten burger down on the paper it came wrapped in. He was stunned. “What the fuck old man?”

Silas nodded.

Then Creed glanced over at Bear and saw him nod. Looking over at his sister, he saw her nod as well.

Kimber reached out and covered his hand with her own. “That club is your birthright. As oldest son of the founding father, that club is yours. We need to get it back in the family.”

“Plus,” Silas grumbled. “The truth about your dad and what happened to you seven years ago needs to come out. Bandit and Dan Murray run the town now and that has to stop. They just run over anybody they feel like and that’s not how an MC should act. You don’t hurt civilians, they’re innocents.”

“Not only that,” Bear’s words were low but Creed heard the rage they held. “Snake wants to claim Kimber and that just ain’t gonna happen.”

Creed turned his head and glared at the other man. “Snake wants my sister?”

“Yeah he does, but not as his old lady, he offered her a job as a club whore. Told her he couldn’t wait to fuck her then passing her snotty ass along to the next brother. Told her he couldn’t wait to watch her fall from her perch of club princess to club whore. He’s coming to get her next week.”

“The hell he is,” Creed vowed. “I’ll kill the bastard first.”

Silas shook his head. “That’s one thing you can’t do son.”

“The hell I can’t old man.” Creed’s words were hard and the edge in them would give anyone who opposed him a mortal wound even if they were made of steel.

Silas shook his head. “You can’t be the one to take his miserable life. You need to leave that for the brothers. They will make him pay for everything he’s done in the last seven years but you can’t. They want it even more than you do and that will be their due, not yours. Your job will be getting the club your daddy and me started, back.” He nodded at them. “Maybe then, we’ll be able to find out what happened to your daddy. We’ll be able to bury his bones with the respect he’s due. Then and only then, will we be able to breath righteous air.”

Creed nodded. His dad deserved that much, hell he deserved a lot more but this was all he could give him. He wasn’t sure about his grandfather’s plans at first but the more he heard the more he wanted what they wanted. He would step up and take his rightful place. He would take back what Bandit and Snake stole from them. Take back the Lost Sinners, turn the club around, and make it his own. He would make it something his dad would be proud of.

He reached inside his front pocket, dug his old patch out, and handed it to Silas. “You hang on to that until I earn it back.”

Silas smoothed the old patch out on the table. His eyes welled with tears but he wouldn’t let them fall. This patch had once meant the world to him and he wore it proudly. The night Bandit and his boys beat the shit out of him they had destroyed his cut and taken his own patch. As far as he knew, this was all that was left of the old club. He picked up the patch and tucked it in his t shirt pocket. Patting it safely, he nodded at Creed. Without saying a word, he finished his burger although he didn’t taste the meat. He just ate it.

Everyone was silent as they finished their food.

Creed crumpled the paper in his hand and stood. Looking at the others he announced, “Let’s roll people. We got places to go and people to see, huh grandpa?”

Silas got to his feet and grinned. “We do indeed young man. Jack is only our first stop. There will be more and when we go back to my ranch in Temple, we’ll have an army of our own for the battle that’s coming. We’ll rain hell down on the Sinners and they will pay for what they’ve done, all the way to the gates of hell.”

“You still remember how to ride?” Bear challenged him.

“I can still ride circles around you, mother fucker.” Creed smiled.

Kimber came around the table and Bear caught her up in his arms.

When she didn’t object, Creed had to swallow hard. She looked all too comfortable in the other man’s arms. He nodded at her.

Kimber smiled. “Welcome home brother. We missed you.”

“Not as much as I missed you, baby girl.” He gave her a smile.

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