Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 95 Federal Official

Lyrian laughed awkwardly on hearing this, "Uh... what?"

"The spawn of this beast has been tormenting us for a long time! The reason was because of this bastard Elder Poison Spider that we couldn't kill, but now, you have gone and freed us from this torment!" Drodos exclaimed in celebration.

Hearing this, Leon couldn't help but laugh at Lyrian's awkward-looking face and odd situation, and Alten burst out into a full-blown laugh. As dwarves started to gather around Lyrian, his expression became helpless and desperate.contemporary romance

Looking over at his friends, he said, "Hey! Stop laughing and help me out here!"

After a short pause, Alten began to chant, "Lyrian! Lyrian!" As the entire crowd joined in.

At the moment the cavequake stopped, and everyone picked up Lyrian and took him outside, chanting his name in glory. Word quickly spread about who Lyrian was and what he did, and before long, nearly the entire village had gathered to celebrate him, many leaving their duties to participate.

In the midst of all this, Lyrian looked at the camera and broke the fourth wall, "How did this happen?" He said in misery...


10 minutes later, Lyrian was sitting in a blank wooden building that had a few windows on the walls. In the middle was a table with two chairs on either side and some portraits hung up as well.

Lyrian awkwardly waited there, not knowing what was going on himself. He looked at the stuff on the table, cups, pen holders, small pieces of paper, paperwork, and a lamp made of amber.


The door suddenly opened as large footsteps began to make their way toward Lyrian. Finally, a large, brutish man walked in front of his vision and sat down on the chair adjacent to him.

He wore thick brown fur, had a long brown beard, and closely resembled a dwarf, except he was gaint instead. Probably over 7 feet according to Lyrian's estimations.

"Hello, Lyrian the hero. I have heard much about you. I am the village cheif, Darwin." The man--now considered by Lyrian to be a dwarf, said with a dignified tone. His voice was deep but calm.

"Hello... why am I here?" Lyrian questioned, confused about what the hell was even going on at this point.

"It's simple, you now have full recognition of the people of this village. And therefore, you also have recognition from me," The big dwarf changed his tone to a serious one, "You see, all jokes aside, many of our men have died to the Poison Spider and its spawns. Their wives, children, their families have all been devastated. Our crops struggle to grow due to spider attacks, our mining is slowed down, but worst of all, we lived in a constant state of terror. However... now that you have killed that elder spider, we finally are free from that burden!" His mood suddenly lightened up.

"I see..." Lyrian said, not wanting to be immature in this situation.

"I know that you must go soon, as you are on a time limit due to your exam, but I want to thank you thoroughly." Darwin proclaimed, with genuine gratitude in his tone.

"It's my pleasure to help you guys. Please, consider it as nothing. Knowing you guys are free from this burden is a very good thing to hear."

Darwin paused before speaking, "Yes... but thanks are not enough, so our council has decided to give you a special elective title: Federal Official. You now have authority just below the village chief. This authority also extends to all other dwarven villages and civilizations. However, please note that the size of the dwarven civilization may deduct or add to your authority depending on size and power. Nonetheless, this is the least we can do to truly express our gratitude." Darwin said a bright smile on his face.

Lyrian was shocked speechless as he heard this. "I- thank you!" He said, "Thank you very much, but I don't believe I am worthy of such a title for doing something so minor!" Lyrian said, feeling a little guilty. 'I didn't even know that it was that bad... to be honest, I actually did just want to test out my sword.' He thought to himself.

"No! You must accept it!"

With this, Lyrian left the chief's office as a dwarven official, also obtaining a badge of certification. When he told Alten and Leon, they almost couldn't believe it. Alten especially freaks out.

"What!? You know, being a federal authority in a dwarven civilization is like one of my life's dreams! You lucky bastard!"

After the commotion ended, Lyrian walked through the streets with the eyes of everyone around him glued to him with admiration. To say the least, it wasn't a bad feeling.

They scowered through the shops to buy the last few healing items and such for the trip before finally leaving the dwarven village from the entrance they came through.

Leon and Alten also said a meaningful goodbye to Gimli and Dori who guarded the front gates. Throughout their wait for Lyrian, they were of great help in training the two.

"Listen, if you want to get further into the cave system quickly, we have a way for you. It takes a slight detour from the main cave system, but it will get you down much faster!" Gimli said, as Dori pulled out a small rolled-up map and handed it over.

Alten received it with grace, "Really? This is a huge favor! Thank you very much!" He said in gratitude.

"Don't mention it. We have a bunch of those laying around. It's the least we could do to help you young folk." They both said in unison before laughing whole heartily.

After they said their final goodbyes to the two guards, they went on their way to first reach the main cave system from a while back. After getting there, they followed the map.

There was a small route on there that was said to be slightly more dangerous but got to the main cave area far faster than the suggested route.

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