Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 89 Will

Throughout the day, an increasing number of spiders began to attack the hut, which even the dwarf found odd. Nonetheless, Lyrian defended it flawlessly.

The highest number of spiders that had attacked was still 15, so there wasn't a worry about if he could take them on or not. However, regenerating the lost mana in only a few hours in between each wave of spiders wasn't the easiest, even while using Gale which accelerated the process via bodily concentration.

Just like this, another day slowly grazed by. Thankfully, the spiders didn't seem to attack at night, so Lyrain was able to sleep when he realized that the spiders had stopped attacking completely after over 2 hours.

The 19th day was the same, except there appeared to be spiders coming even more frequently and in higher numbers. The highest number was now 18, but Lyrian still managed to fight them off.

He was now bruised and scraped up a bit from the continuous fighting, but it wasn't so hard that it was threatening as of yet. Nonetheless, if the spiders continued to accelerate in numbers at the current speed that they did, Lyrian knew that he wouldn't be able to fight them off soon.

Now, his limit was no longer 25, since that was considering he had full mana. He didn't get the time to regenerate all the mana in between most fights, so around 22 was his upper limit.

the 20th day finally arrived. Lyrian woke up and ate his breakfast which consisted of dried fruits and some meat jerky. His stores were nearly running out now as well.

As he finished his breakfast, he stood up to go train his sword, but paused as he heard a sudden rumble beneath him, 'Hmm?'


The ground suddenly shook with tremors, as dust and small pebbles began to fall from the ceiling, 'This is a cavequake no?' He said to himself, keeping his balance as the ground began to shake more.

'Igniel said that they were very dangerous if one wasn't inside of a hut, but I doubt he would let me in just because of this. Hell, I'm sure it isn't as dangerous as a hoard of 18 spiders.' He thought to himself.

Just then, he heard a sudden crack in the ceiling, as a giant stalactite the size of a shot down towards him at extremely fast speeds. Lyrian was shocked by how quick it fell and wasn't able to move fast enough before it hit the ground right in front of him crumbling into a bunch of smaller stones.

'Its... so fast.' He thought to himself, taken aback.


As he heard this, he ran to the back of the hut where there was a noticeable amount of small rocks, 'Is there where the dwarf sweeps the rocks from those fallen stalactites?'

As he ran, his balance became even more difficult to maintain. Suddenly, another spear of rock fell to his side. To be more accurate, it didn't just fall, but shot down like a bullet, almost as if something was accelerating it from the back. It grazed the side of his arm as it clashed against the ground and broke up.

The graze left a shallow scratch, but it was enough for his entire arm to be covered in a stream of blood fairly quickly. 'How the hell are these falling so fast!?'


"Another one... there!" He said, locating which one was about to fall down from the roof. It was far from him, but he kept an eye on it as he moved to try and see what was going on.

As it broke from the roof, a burst of air suddenly propelled it toward the ground at extreme speeds, 'No wonder it breaks into a thousand pieces, the force at which it's pushed down by that air is immense.' Lyrian thought to himself on seeing this.

At that moment, hundreds of smaller stalactites the size of swords began to dart down toward the ground as well. It was as if rain itself was made up of them, nearly impossible to dodge, especially in the cave with uneven footing and a ground that was shaking uncontrollably.

As he tried to dodge, the stalactites scratched him multiple times, giving him several small wounds, but he continued to dash around with a determined look on his face.

'He's willing to go through even a cavequake to get that sword fixed? He isn't just some normal kid it seems...'

As Lyrain continued to dodge the stalactites, Leon and Alten also quickly entered Igniel's workshop after going out for a bit to train and also to buy supplies from the local shops.

During the days that Lyrian was waiting for his sword to be fixed in the Poison Spider Nest, they spent their time at Igniels place. He understood Lyrian's situation, and couldn't go on without helping Leon and Alten, as it was kind of his fault that they had to wait anyways.

On the first day, they found out about the village's soldier training facility and were allowed to train there with the soldiers. They even met the soldiers guarding the gate when they first arrived, their names were Gimli and Dori.

To their surprise, they were actually quite powerful, making for perfect training partners. And since they had nothing else to do, they made use of their time and practiced to get stronger.

As they waited in Igniels workshop for the cavequake to end, Alten was worried if Lyrian would fail to get his sword fixed or not, "Igniel, you said that your brother will undoubtedly accept Lyrian... what did you mean by that." He asked a few dwarfs that had entered Igniels place because of the cavequake also listening in.

While he hit a red hot blade with a hammer, Igniel replied with a pause, "His eyes... did my brother get a good look at his eyes?"

Alten also paused as he heard this, confused at what Igniel meant, "His eyes? I mean, he didn't get like a close look, more like just a look."

"I see. I got a small impression of it, as I'm sure Drodos did as well." Igniel said as Alten and Leon became confused about what he was talking about.

"Yep, I did." Drodos, who happened to be there as well replied.contemporary romance

"How are you always here!?" Alten said, shocked at his presence.

Igniel continued to speak, "But I'm sure that my brother would get much more of an idea by looking at him. After all, that's his skill."

Alten replied quickly, utterly perplexed, "What are you talking about? His skill of what?"

Igniel replied after a short pause, "My brother, he has the ability to see people's wills within their eyes."

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