Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 56 Emperor Tiger


The giant beast let out another ear-screeching roar as everyone buckled slightly to the pressure.

"That-!" Alten yelled, "That's a tier-four beast!!"

 Seeing this, Lyrian immediately activated Enhance to not be crushed by the pressure of the creature's bloodlust roar.



Name: None

Species: Emperor Tiger

Age: 40

Overall Power (OP): 7

Health: 72/72

Stamina: 75/75

Strength: 82

Agility: 74

Defense: 70

Rank: Genesis: Layer 1

Special: Tier 4 (Exam Tier)


'What a beast! It's nearly as powerful as Garmr!' Lyrian thought to himself on seeing the creature's stats.

"R-run!" A kid from the group suddenly yelled.

"Fight that!? Who do you think I am!?" Another random kid retorted, shaking in his boots from fear.

You couldn't really blame the guy, since any normal being standing in front of such a powerful creature would easily send shivers done one's spine.

"Exactly! There's no way!"

"Shut the hell up and stay put!" Lyrian suddenly yelled, "We can't escape it with the debuff it's given us from its roar, and even if it hadn't done so, there's no way we can outrun it, so we have no option but to fight or be eliminated!"

The other kids were speechless, half from Lyrian's words and also from the tiger itself.

"He's right, stop being such scaredy cats!" Glis yelled, also understanding the magnitude of the situation.

"Yahhh!" Cedric suddenly yelled as he stormed towards the beast with the sword in hand.

"Wait! What are you doing!?" Alten yelled out on seeing him.

After getting only a few feet away from the beast, Cedric jumped up into the air attempting to stab his sword right into the skull of the creature, but right before his sword reached the tiger's head, the stinger of the beast slammed onto his torso, instantly propelling him over 50 feet away, only for his flight to be broken by a tree.contemporary romance

He was instantly knocked unconscious but seemed to have not suffered enough damage to be eliminated.

From what Lyrian understood, an examinee would only be eliminated if they were at risk of danger, as he saw this happening to the first kid he saw get eliminated at the beginning of the exam.

"Great, now we have one less person to help us," Glis spoke, her tone irked.

"If we fight one by one, we will all get eliminated. We have to go in all at once so that it can'--" Before Lyrian could finish, the tiger pounced at him, attempting a swing that Lyrian managed to narrowly dodge with the help of Enhance.

With another pounce, a kid fell into the tiger's jaws, only to be eliminated straight afterward.

"I can't do this anymore!" A kid wailed as he ran away from the group into the jungle.

This caught the tiger's eye, making it pounce for the run-away kid, slamming its paw at him as he was quickly eliminated.

"Stop getting taken out one by one, we have to all attack at once on my command!" Lyrian shouted as he ran.

"Everyone, start running around it so that it gets dizzy!" He yelled out.

Following his command, Leon took out his sword, and his eyes became fully white once again, and he began to run around the tiger a few feet behind Lyrian.

Glis also listened, fusing his feet with ice before beginning to run around it.

Alten and the other kids followed suit, finally stopping the frequency of the tiger's pounces as it gradually became increasingly confused, similar to a lion being circled by a herd of zebra.

"Aim for its weak spots!" Lyrian shouted as everyone got prepared, "Attack!"

Upon hearing this, Leon whispered under his breath "Iron Blitz!" As he dashed towards the Emperor Tiger and slashed each and every one of its ankles.

"Ice Spears!" Glis yelled, pointing her wand towards the beast as several large spikes of ice summoned from it and flew at the tiger's abdomen, most of them piercing through.

Alten pulled out a bow and shot several arrows at the beast's stinger, and the other kids used their appropriate weapons to attack it as well.

Amid the chaos, Lyrian jumped up above the creature, its stinger now distracted by the arrows for a split second, its body already injured, and its mobility disrupted by Leon's ankle slashes--unsheathing his obsidian sword before channeling all of his mana into his arms, allowing him to thrust the blade down on the creature's spine with utmost force.

With a powerful puncture that penetrated through the tiger's back, its spinal vertebrate was instantly severed, causing it to fall on its stomach due to paralysis.

It still tried to swing its arms and bite at the kids, but Leon, Glis, and Alten quickly stopped its endeavors with their following attacks.

Finally, the beast's head slammed onto the ground, marking the victory of the kids.

"We actually did it!" Alten cried in exhilaration as he celebrated.

Lyrian stood up from the back of the creature, cleaning off his blade in the air as he sheathed it.

'Should I use Reap on this?' He pondered.

"How the hell did such a powerful creature end up here?" Leon said, back in his normal form after sheathing his own blade.

"Oh, you don't know?" Another kid suddenly said, "It must be from the forbidden area down south. From what I can tell, we are pretty close to it."

"Forbidden area?" Lyrian said, intrigued by what the kid was saying.

"Yea, there is a forbidden area in the Tasnan Wilderlands because of the exam. It holds higher-tiered creatures, but no one actually goes there because the amount of high-tiered creatures inside is far too dense to handle."

"Some even say the golden-tiered creature is inside of there." Another kid added.

"Oh... is that right." Lyrian calmly spoke, jumping off of the back of the Emperor Tiger, completely forgetting about the idea of reaping its soul.

"Where exactly is this forbidden area?"

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