Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 252 Certificate Of Approval

Edward didn't seem to find it so funny, so as the room quieted down, he retorted in anger, "Rerth... I'm serious." His tone was sterner. "The forest outside of Anaviotis is not even close to a joke." He looked at Lyrian. contemporary romance

"I understand that you are an MVP, but the entrance exam is hardly enough to prepare you for what's really out there... do you wish to reconsider until the proper time?" Edward asked genuinely.

Lyrian didn't hesitate nor pause in his answer, "No, I want to get out there as soon as possible." He was actually quite excited to hear that the difficulty level was higher than expected.

On hearing this, Edward sighed in disappointment, "Kids these days... they are too brazen. Fine, do what you want. Don't come crying to us when you have a limb torn off though..." He said harshly.

Rerth laughed this off, and at that very moment, Jalls Silandra appeared in the room once again. He walked over to Rerth and handed him a small slip of paper.

"Here, this was the last one on your desk."

Rerth took the paper and handed it right over to Lyrian. Staring directly into the boy's eyes, Rerth exclaimed, "You have potential, boy. Do not waste it by killing yourself."

Lyrian nodded as he accepted the certificate.

"But before you worry about that, I suppose you have an entire license exam to think about, so I apologize for making you think ahead so much. You probably want to focus on what's directly in front of you, rather than what's so much farther in the future."

Lyrian's brows furrowed. He was slightly shocked and also a bit annoyed at what he just heard. 'A... a license exam!?' He thought in frustration as he stormed out of the room.

The teachers witnessed him leave and stayed silent for a few seconds as the door closed behind him.

"You say he has potential?" A teacher near Rerth inquired.

Rerth simply smiled before chuckling slightly. "When I tell you he does, I don't just mean he is a good candidate. I mean... he is the best candidate." His eyes lit up. Hearing these words about Lyrian, teachers gazed at Rerth in awe of their vision of Lyrian in their heads.

Truth be told, they were also quite mesmerized by the thought of the best candidate for a hunter in a while.

"Oi! I have the best candidate in my Hunting Class too; don't make objective claims like that so quickly!" Another teacher suddenly exclaimed as the room continued its conversation.


Lyrian sat across from the same teacher once again in that same room where he was first asked to get the certificate of approval. He thought that it was all he needed for the hunting license, but now he realized that it was actually an approval for the license exam, not the license itself.

It bugged him slightly, but he didn't have any other choice but to go along with it. He handed the certificate to the stern-looking teacher who looked at it closely through his glasses.

This teacher, who was also a teacher of the Hunting Class, was quite muscular for someone who had glasses on his face. Seeing a buff guy with glasses on wasn't very common, especially not for a teacher who was wearing formal suit attire, except without the large coat on the outside.

He wore overalls on his vest instead, all of which accentuated his bulging muscles. This man was also taller than most teachers and had a more calm presence.

'I wonder how many hunting teachers there are...' Lyrian thought as he waited for the man to finish examining his certificate.

Finally, the teacher flicked the side of the paper slip, and as he did, a small flow of mana traveled through it.

"You're ready for the hunting license exam. Take this to the main desk, and they will put you in the line immediately." He handed over the slip of paper.


In the next couple of minutes, Lyrian found himself sitting in the main desk lobby, waiting to enter the office so he could get his hunting license test.

In the quite spacious lobby, he found a few other students waiting to enter. Out of the several dozen seats scattered around, there were five kids in the room. They each held their very own certificates.

'Huh... I guess they had the same idea as me,' Lyrian thought as he looked at them. This slightly reminded him of the time he had to get his magia element affinity tested out. The nervous energy in the room matched the atmosphere of that past lobby almost exactly.

The lady at the front desk suddenly called out, "Lank Jitus!" As the boy closest to her stood up and made his way to the desk. After exchanging a few words with the front desk lady, he was pointed to a certain room.

Just like this, Lyrian waited as one after another student was called into the same room. Finally, it was his turn.

"Lyrian Theageld!" The front desk lady called out. Lyrian promptly stood and made his way over to the lady, handing her the certificate.

"Thank you so much!" She chirped, "Please, enter room 215 for hunting license exams." A delightful smile shadowed her face as she pointed toward the room.

As Lyrian entered, he was immediately taken aback. He saw a few seats to the wall not too far left of him. To the right of this wall was another desk, where another lady was posted.

Staring forward, the room continued for about 10 more feet before suddenly ending at a wall made of pure glass. It was a dome, similar to his hunting class gym. The bright rays of the sun shined through the dome as the sky's blue horizon could be clearly seen.

Through the dome, Lyrian saw a ground made of dirt, hardened by the several footsteps that it endured over the years. Inside of it was a single student, who fought what seemed to be a wooden dummy.

The seats to the left were all empty. Instead, all of the seven students that were inside were glued to the dome. They pressed their hands against the glass as they peered inside with excited expressions on their faces.

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