Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 236 The Auction Begins

Chapter 236 The Auction Begins

"Woohoo! Let's go, Lyrian!" Alten exclaimed from his seat. He was genuinely happy to see his friend excel.

As the noise began to settle down, Julius took a deep breath to speak, "I think we have a clear winner here, folks! Lyrian, please step forward."

Lyrian walked up and stood beside Julius at the front of the stage, as another small flutter of claps sounded. Amused faces were spread throughout the entire banquet, from the teachers to the students, to other figures.

Lyrian noticed the faces of all of his teachers somewhere in the crowd. All of them stared at him with prideful grins on their faces, as if to say, "That's right... that's my student."

Granweid, however, had his hands placed on his head. He was freaking out right now. "Oh my god! A Paragon Magus!" He almost felt like crying with joy as he spoke those words and rambled around aimlessly.

It was clear that the boy had left a far greater impression on everyone now. His first words at the entrance exam ceremony were interesting to hear, but now, Lyrian Theageld had a foundation.

He wasn't just some mysterious kid who stumbled onto the stage along with the other two MVPs... he actually seemed to be quite the talent. A prodigy, even, as some may have thought after seeing him today.

Julius turned to look at Lyrian, 'I said he is like a phoenix rising from the rubble far back when he was still taking the entrance exam... this performance here has solidified that for me.' He looked at his fellow teachers with a smile on his face. contemporary romance

'A new generation is stepping up now... a powerful one at that. This boy is a genius, one that will lead some aspect of the new world, that, I know for certain.' He paused... 'Now, it's just a matter of time for the world to realize that fact as well.' He gazed out into the crowd.

"For your prize..." Julius suddenly said, capturing everyone's attention as they quieted down. Lyrian and the others on stage also listened in.

"You will be getting any free item of your choice from this coming auction. However, remember that you cannot wait till the end and choose. If something is already bought, then you cannot claim it. If you do happen to find something you like, however... understand that it is yours."

After understanding his prize, Lyrian made his way back to his seat along with the others. On arriving there, almost everyone gave him kind congratulations.

Lyrian couldn't help but notice that far more eyes were on him now, which he thought to be impossible only moments ago. Nonetheless, he didn't care right now.

As soon as he sat down, he began scarfing down the food. He didn't like to be rushed while eating, but he never said he didn't like to rush while eating himself either. These are two completely different things...

With the audience still abuzz with excitement, the banquet continued, and the students resumed their conversations and laughter.

Meanwhile, Julius took charge of the auction proceedings. He stood at the center of the stage, commanding the attention of the crowd once more.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now that we've witnessed the incredible display of talent by our MVP of impressive talent, let the auction begin!" Julius announced with a flourish of his hand.

The crowd erupted in applause, and the attention shifted to the dazzling array of items displayed on the auction stage. Magical artifacts, rare spell scrolls, exquisite jewelry, and even unique creatures were among the treasures up for bid.

The auctioneer, a loud and skilled speaker, stepped onto the stage and began showcasing the first items. These items were of the lesser tier, so they were shown and bid for in bulk.

A beautifully crafted crystal amulet known for enhancing one's magical abilities was introduced first. Bidding started modestly but quickly escalated as mages and collectors vied for ownership.

As the auction progressed, the atmosphere in the banquet hall grew charged with anticipation. The bids became more competitive, and participants waved their enchanted cards to place their offers. The auctioneer's rapid-fire banter and charming commentary added to the excitement.

With the auction in full swing and various magical items finding new owners, Lyrian continued to savor his meal. The banquet hall was a whirlwind of activity, with participants eagerly raising their enchanted cards to place bids.

As the auctioneer's voice echoed through the room, Alten leaned in toward Lyrian and said, "So, have you spotted anything you'd like to bid on yet?"

Lyrian wiped his mouth with a napkin and glanced at the items on the auction stage. His eyes landed on a shimmering crystal vial filled with a radiant blue liquid.

It was said to contain a rare and potent potion known as the "Elixir of Arcane Clarity," capable of permanently enhancing a mage's magical concentration and ability. It worked by allowing mages to bend their spells more to their own wishes.

"That elixir looks intriguing," Lyrian replied, nodding toward the vial. "I've been curious about its effects ever since it got introduced."

Leon chimed in, his eyes scanning the auction stage as well. "I heard there's a rare spellbook containing advanced elemental spells coming up. I might consider bidding on that."

As the auction proceeded, the second tier of items was released. These were also shown in bulk but in about half the quantity of the first lesser tier. The bidding for various items intensified. The crowd's energy grew, and the auctioneer skillfully maintained the momentum.

Suddenly, a hushed murmur spread through the audience as a remarkable item was unveiled—a stunning Lightning Golem Stone cloak. The cloak was said to grant its wearer the ability to harden their armor effortlessly through just a thought, akin to a golem.

Lyrian wasn't particularly interested in the item, seeing as how it was still only a second-tier one, but Geld seemed to be really into it. Bids soared higher as he continued to put his bids in.

"That? Really? It's a pretty low-tier item," Alten said, questioning Geld's choice to bid for it.

Geld replied with a smirk, "At an auction, you should look at the actual value of the item, instead of what tier the auctioneers put it at. They can easily make mistakes..."

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