Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 211 Cheapest BF Module

Chapter 211 Cheapest BF Module

The situation with the fake monks and Nevin was odd... but not odd enough to distract Lyrian and the other two from their goal of the day.

Finally, they stood outside of the fair-sized Battle Forge shop. It had a modern design, sleek, and with white metal and slightly dark tinted windows.

They stepped inside without hesitation and were met with a dazzling sight. Hundreds of BF modules were spread around the spacious room, all encased in display glass. Each one of them had their very own unique designs.

They were quite big, about 8 feet in height and 4 feet in width. Mostly, they were all made of different colored metal. Their design was complex, yet understandable. As they walked around the checkered floor, a man dressed in a full black suit acknowledged them. contemporary romance

With a handkerchief on his wrist and a small mustache on his face, he presented himself with grace. Bowing slightly, he introduced himself.

"Greetings, students. Would any BF modules be of interest?" He said, putting on a small and kind grin.

"Why are all of these priced differently? Do they give you different advantages?" Lyrian suddenly blurted out, looking at the price tag sticker attached to the display glass on one of the BF modules. '500 Riftstones.' The sticker read. The module next to that one had a price of 550, and the other was 450. The dressed man, who had the demeanor of a butler, kindly chuckled slightly.

"You would have to ask the owner of this establishment for an answer to such a question. However, if it were my guess, I would say the unique designs of the modules inflate their prices quite a bit." The man's words made it seem like there was no other reason for the price difference.

"So you're saying that the game itself isn't altered in any way, no matter the price?"

"Yes, that is precisely so. All BF modules give fair gameplay privileges to all, I can assure you that. However, the amount of intricacy in the design, precious jewels, and other such details may cause the pricing to sway. Many students of Anaviotis are royals and high-status nobles. They deem only the greatest of modules to be worthy." The man was as polite as could be.

"If that's the case..." Lyrian paused for a split second, looking around. "What's your cheapest one?"

The butler-like man was slightly taken aback by this. It even caused him to let out a slight chuckle of embarrassment.

"Surely... a student such as yourself, one of the three Most Valuable Persons in the recent entrance exam, wouldn't want a module so cheap..." He said, scratching the back of his head as he awkwardly grinned.

"No, that's exactly what I want." Lyrian said directly.

Minutes later, the four stood in front of a BF module near the back of the shop. It was plain, made of pure white silver. There were no other designs, colors, or stones embedded into it.

Lyrian stared at the price for a while longer. "400 huh. That's the lowest you guys go?" He said figuratively, scratching his chin. The suited man stood to the side, gently rubbing his palms together as he waited patiently.

"Are you sure you don't have anything cheaper than this? Something that still works perfectly?"

The man was surprised again to hear this. Even Alten and Leon were slightly taken aback.

A few more minutes passed by as the man led them to the storage area of the establishment. It was a dark and dusty place, with tons of merchandise covered in big old sheets of cloth.

Walking to the back of even this dump, the suited man pulled a very old cloak off of a BF module that wasn't even encased. Dust surrounded Lyrian and the other two for a moment, as Alten began coughing slightly.

As the dust cleared, Lyrian walked up to the old module and glanced at it. "How much?" He said, as the suited man, clearing dust from his face, swiftly replied.

"300. Its current price is 300."

Hearing this, a slight smirk formed on Lyrian's face. To him, money was money. There was no point in wasting it for no reason. The man began giving a small explanation about the product.

"To give you some insight, this is the only module here in the storage area that's older than one year. It's actually 10 years old. It failed to be sold that odd year, and ever since then has been unwanted and left in the dust. The technology should be the same, however, as all BF modules are updated unanimously."

Lyrian didn't mind this. The only negative about it was that it needed a thorough cleaning.

"It's perfect." He said as the suited man's face lit up. Alten was still coughing at this moment.

"Even though it's this old... it's 300!? God damn these things are expensive. I guess I have no other choice..." He said, slightly disappointed. He was still coughing. This was enough for Leon to crack up a bit.

"So you will purchase it?" The man eagerly asked, but Lyrian quickly turned his smile off.

"No. Not yet. I still need to test it."

Lyrian said to the man, his gaze serious. For him, testing was the most important aspect of coming there that day. It would show him whether or not the module would be worth spending even one Riftstone on. If it was a bad training instrument, and only used for fun, then he wouldn't purchase it. He needed to test it out before buying it.

"T-Test it? Young Lord... we do not allow testing in our facility. A product must be bought before it can be used." Alten chuckled slightly as he heard this.

"Young Lord huh? MVP treatment I guess..." He said as Lyrian replied to the man's statement with furrowed eyebrows and an intense gaze.

"The product is useless to me if I can't test it." He stated outright, causing the man to adjust his collar slightly.

"Well... It is a product not currently on display... I suppose it wouldn't hurt for you to try it out."

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