Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 200 Spirit Pet Tiers

Chapter 200 Spirit Pet Tiers

Everyone quieted down as she began her lesson. They listened intently. Seeing someone with an actual passion for their job was enticing to most, even Lyrian.

Lyrian paid attention not just because of that though, but also because he knew this was the Spirit Pet and Beast Taming class. It had everything to do with beasts, so he was, of course, intrigued by it.

He looked down at his bracelet and pulled up the ticket that he and the other two MVPs of the school had. They were for the High-Grade Spirit Pet that he was to receive.

"I don't do student introductions in my class. Not many do, here at Anaviotis," she turned around, beginning to write on the small chalkboard stand that was on wheels behind her. "However, if you want to get to know each other, this would be the time to do so," she said, continuing to draw with the chalk on the smooth dark green board. For the next few seconds, the only sounds that were heard in the room were the sounds of her piece of chalk rubbing against the board.

Lyrian was slightly taken aback by this. He expected the whole class to abruptly explode into conversation, but that was not the case. Intrigued, he took a look at some faces nearby.

A boy next to him bit his nails and stared at the board that Ms. Nria was writing on. He was clearly anxious for some reason. And then, he saw a few girls whose breaths were shaky, as though they couldn't control themselves.

A few people couldn't stop shaking, and others looked to be pale, and almost blue from nervousness.

'Nervousness... that's right. They are all nervous,' Lyrian realized. 'Of course, they are. I wasn't even thinking about that, since I was guaranteed a High-Grade pet, but everyone else... they probably have no clue what pet they are going to get.'

Finally, Nria turned back around and faced the class.

"In this class, we will be learning about creatures! They aren't just beings that exist to cause us harm. They may be powerful, but that power can be used to our advantage as well. Specifically, this class is not only about creatures but how humanity can use said creatures to their benefit; how you can use creatures for humanity's benefit."

Kids listened intently as she continued, knowing what was soon approaching.

"Here is the basic list of Spirit Pet tiers, going from weakest to strongest," she pointed at the list on the chalkboard with her piece of chalk. "Spirit Pets are humanity's greatest separate weapon. They are our companions, our saviors, and our pawns as well."

The room's atmosphere became a little more tense as she began to talk about the Spirit Pets.

'Pawns, huh...' Lyrian thought to himself. For some reason, he didn't like that wording. Garmr, and even Zuuc, didn't seem like pawns to him. However, they didn't seem like friends or companions either. Instead, they felt like something else... they felt like his students or his children. He couldn't explain that connection, but that's what both of his creations felt like to him.

The teacher turned, pointing to the board as she began to speak.

"Remember this well, as you will all soon be getting your own Spirit Pets." She paused, letting that sink in. Even she knew how big of a deal this was. Spirit Pets were essential beings that every Magic Master had within his or her possession. All beings fortunate enough to join an academy would get their first spirit pet at the age of 10.

"Your first Spirit Pets are arguably the most important ones. Since your body is not used to having Soul Bonds to other creatures, it will take you at the very least a year to be able to have another Spirit Pet bonded to you. Most of the time, it takes up and over a year, and sometimes, even 5 years before you can get another Spirit Pet." contemporary romance

This gave Lyrian some clarification, as he now understood just how important these things were. They weren't just add-ons or specialties, but necessary and normal things for everyone. On top of that, not being able to change it for a year or even several years... he got why that would scare some.

"Now, I will tell you the 6 tiers that represent a Spirit Pet's potential. Low Tier, Medium Tier, Great Tier, High Tier, Legend Tier, and Supreme Tier. Out of these, the highest ones we can give out are the High Tier Spirit Pets. Unfortunately, the Legend Tier is extremely rare for us to see. To obtain one would be even more difficult."

Her words left the class with an eerie silence. As she looked through the group of nervous kids, a hand raised in the air. Noticing it, she quickly called it out.

"A question?" she said as Lyrian replied.

"What about the Supreme Tier? You didn't tell us about that one."

He asked, genuinely curious about its rarity.

The entire class looked back past their shoulder and toward him. They gave looks as to say "Are you serious?" or "You really don't know that?"

However, Lyrian was completely serious. Nria chuckled slightly before answering his question.

"In an academy such as Anaviotis, which was founded by our predecessors many years ago, we have information in our teaching curriculum that is quite outdated. Most tiers follow this rule. Tiers such as Supreme for Spirit Pets, Vermillion for Magic Potentials... these are mere legends."

Hearing this reply, Lyrian sat back in his chair.

"Hmm," he retorted, not seeing any reason to say more. He knew he could blurt out to the entire class his Vermillion Magic Potential, but bragging so audaciously seemed like a cringe thing to do for him.

However, this gave him a slight hope that he could actually get a Supreme Tier Spirit Pet since he already had a Vermillion Magic Potential.

"Any more questions?" Nria's eyes scanned the class, as she finally announced.

"Alright then, everyone make a line to come down here. It's time to pick your Spirit Pets."

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