Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 197 Peculiar Roommate

Chapter 197 Peculiar Roommate

On opening the door, the first thing Lyrian saw was a fairly spacious room. It was large, larger than any other room he had ever seen. Although, for Anaviotis, it was oddly small. Nonetheless, that part was normal. The part that wasn't, however, was the explosion dents all over the walls, a mix of small and large and blue holes. Along with that, everything was thrown to the floor, as though a wild animal had ravaged through the room.

"What the hell?" He said in confusion, slowly taking a step inside and closing the door behind him. He looked around, noticing more and more things out of place.

At that moment, a taller boy stepped out of one of the side doorways. He seemed to be naked under a luxurious bathrobe, and Lyrian also noticed that his slightly long brown hair was wet.

The boy looked at him for a split second before heading over to his bed and sitting down on it. He then began fidgeting with his bracelet, seeming to completely ignore Lyrian, and also the situation of the room.

Lyrian scoffed slightly as he witnessed this. "Are you going to explain this?" He said to his roommate. The boy turned around to face him for a short moment. He looked him up and down.

"I don't talk to peasants. Don't try to make conversation with me."

The boy turned back around, engaging himself in playing with the bracelet.

"Another buffoon in my midst. How annoying," Lyrian stated with a slightly annoyed tone, slumping himself onto the bed. It had been a long day. At this point, he just wanted to sleep.

The boy turned back around after a few seconds. "You are w--" He paused, looking at his roommate, who was nearly snoring and had his eyes closed.

'Don't tell me, this fool fell asleep this quickly,' he thought to himself as he stared at Lyrian for a few more seconds. Without getting a single reply, he realized that the boy had actually gone to sleep. This annoyed him for a split second, as he was the one who said not to make conversation with him, and now, he was being ignored.

'Che! Whatever! Why should I care about talking with that peasant anyway...'

The next day, Lyrian woke up to the alarming call that sounded from his bracelet. It jerked his eyes open, as he rubbed them while looking around the room.

To his surprise, everything seemed to be completely fixed from how it was the day before.

"Huh? Anaviotis room service is amazing..." He said as he stood up.

"I gotta get ready. I already overslept for my first day of class... Did Leon and Alten not think of waking me up? Selfish bastards!"

He quickly got into the bathroom, which was nearly as big as the bedroom, before taking a shower and brushing his teeth. Doing this took him a few minutes extra as he had to figure out how the magical contraptions worked.

By raising his hand up and down in the shower, the water level rose and shrunk. By moving it from left to right, the temperature of the water heated and cooled. It was slightly confusing but also amusing at the same time.

The toothbrush, on the other hand, was a bit simpler. He figured out that by inserting just a touch of his own mana inside of it, it began to spin and buzz, a perfect cleaner for his teeth.

After this, he quickly rushed to his first class. While walking there, he realized just how unprepared he was. He had never been to a school before in his life. He didn't know what classes he had, and he didn't even know anything about how schools worked.

All he knew was that the bracelet was telling him to go to a certain room, so he went there...

Finally, Lyrian made his way to his classroom and walked inside. As soon as he did, he scanned the layout of it. It was huge, more spacious than almost any university classroom. On stepping in, to his immediate right was a large wall full of incantations, magic circles, and a bunch of other writing.

To his immediate left were the round rows of seats that all faced the front of the room where the board full of writing was. The seats were all already filled by this point. Lyrian also observed the giant dome ceiling above them, making the room seem even more spacious than it already was. contemporary romance

As he was one of the last students to arrive, many eyes were placed on him. Near the back, he saw Leon, and also an empty seat next to him. He began walking there. Many eyes followed his every step.

Out of the 40 or so students in the room, some started to whisper amongst themselves. "That's one of the MVP's right?" A girl quietly said to her friend. "Yeah... he looks pretty handsome... you know?" She blushed, as she and her friends broke out into a small laugh.

As more murmurs began spreading around, Lyrian sat down next to Leon and leaned back in his chair. "Aren't we supposed to be put into year 1 classes? I'm sure everyone here isn't a new student."

Lyrain asked Leon, who was casually waiting for him. Leon looked over to him. "Didn't you pay attention to Sir Julius' speech? It was stupidly long."

Leon retorted. "It's because this school works slightly differently. There aren't many required courses. Instead, students take the courses they want to, and they can change them if they want throughout the year. This way, there are different year students in each class."

Lyrian heard this and nodded. The explanation made sense. Lyrian was a bit confused though. Even though he was late, the teacher still hadn't shown up.

Just as he was thinking about that, a few loud footsteps approached the entrance. Seconds later, two kids stepped inside. One was short and slightly chubby, while the other one was much taller, and had black and red hair on his head.

As the two walked up the rows of seats, eyes darted

away and looked towards the ground, instead of at him. Many lowered their gazes for some reason as the boy walked past them with his hands in his pockets, loudly chewing some gum.

Finally, he arrived at Leon's seat and stopped. Looking down at him while obnoxiously chewing his gum, the boy spoke. "Oi... get up. This is my seat, newbie."

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