Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 166 One Struggle After Another

Several fast arrows whizzed through the tower top, where pure chaos recked the battlegrounds. Kids, untrusting of each other, were now scattered around. Running everywhere like lunatics, they attempted to avoid other Magma Dwellers while fighting their own.

Some ran to simply avoid all fights, and some did so to attack other examinees! It was total havoc.

The arrows that flew around were from none other than Alten, who attacked dwellers from afar. He was next to Rylan, who was still trying to get his large magic gun, or whatever he called it, to work.

"Damn it! The stupid thing is jammed for some reason!" contemporary romance

He exclaimed in frustration, hitting the small mechanical block with the butt of his palm.

"Dude! You're always great at creating stuff, but you are never able to actually make a fully functioning item! What's wrong with you!?"

Alten yelled, also frustrated with Rylan.

"I don't know man, stop yelling at me and help me instead!"

"What do you want me to do? You're the inventor!"

*Stomp stomp stomp*

Loud footsteps rapidly approached the two out of nowhere, and they immediately froze up in fear for a short moment.

Alten managed to turn his head to look at what was behind him, only to see what he least wanted to be there. An enormous polar bear model Magma Dweller stood before him, menacingly looking down.


He shrieked in horror, quickly running forward as Rylan followed.

"C'mon, man! Stop screaming like a little girl and attack the damn thing!"

Rylan cried as the two ran around the tower top, both desperate to get some help.

"I'm not that strong!"

Alten exclaimed.

"You're teammates with Leonidas Serroa and the Black Sheep! I'm sure you can pull something out of your ass to save us!"

Rylan yelled as he looked back at the polar bear dweller, which was quickly gaining on them.

"It's catching up!"

He cried in fear.


Alten exclaimed, turning around as he quickly took out two arrows and pulled them back on the bowstring, aiming directly for the polar bear's head.

"Please work!"

He shouted, letting go of the string as the two explosion arrows landed on the dweller's head.


They exploded in unison as a cloud of dust covered the beast. The two ran for a while longer, both anticipating not seeing the dweller any longer after the smoke cleared.

However, the bear ran through the dust, his face even more angry than before. The two looked forward and began full sprinting, both pretty much crying at this point.

"Ahh! Damn it all! If only this stupid thing worked!"

Rylan continued slamming his palm into the block. Alten knew that the gun was their last option, and seeing it not work felt like they were running deeper and deeper into an abyss.

"After all I've been through... I'm going to fail here!? This is a disgrac--"

He almost finished his exasperated cry, but Rylan interrupted him just beforehand.

"Hey! I just realized! I put a button on this thing!"

Rylan yelled in excitement, quickly pressing the small button on the mechanical cube as a large blaster materialized in his hand.

Alten's expression turned emotionless, as he paused for a few seconds.

"You cursed idiot! How could you forget such a thing on something you made yourself!"

He yelled angrily, as Rylan quickly turned around, pulling the trigger on the blaster. Instantly, a dart of light sped out of the barrel of the gun. It blitzed through the stomach of the Magma Dweller, leaving a large hole in the middle of its face as it abruptly fell down and slid to a stop.

Both Alten and Rylan stopped, panting loudly in relief. Suddenly, Rylan took a deep breath.

"Hahaha! It worked! We survived!"

He declared into the sky with a bright grin on his face, the blaster still in his right hand.

"Damn you... You fool."

Alten said, annoyed at the idiot, but also relieved that the dweller was dead.

"Oh oh..."

Rylan suddenly fell onto his knees, the blaster turning back into a cube.

"I think I got excited and used too much mana. I'm gonna have to take a small rest."

He said, looking at the ground, which seemed wavy and blurry.

"What are you looking for down there? Lost something?"

A familiar voice sounded from out of nowhere, and both Alten and Rylan felt their hearts sink into their chest. They turned around to see Kedward slowly walking towards them.

Alten's eyes widened as he took a step back instinctively.

'No... no no no! We just dealt with something dangerous... Why is he here now!?'

He knew what was going on with the Deck group, but hadn't expected to be attacked... at least not yet. Rylan put his hand on one of his knees and pushed himself to stand up.

He was shaky and slightly unbalanced, his vision still blurry, but he pressed the button on his cube once again. The blaster materialized, and he immediately pointed it towards Kedward, who was walking closer.

"Wow! I'm impressed! You can still get up on your feet huh? How courageous. What? Are you trying to protect your friend still? Trying to look like a hero?"

Kedward put his hand on his face.


He suddenly broke out into a peal of laughter.

"How amusing."

However, Rylan didn't find it so funny.

"Laugh at this... bitch."

He managed to say, pulling the trigger on his gun.

"Wait! Rylan! Don't use any more mana!"

Alten tried to warn him, but it was too late. A smaller ball of light darted out of the gun, but as it did, Rylan fell flat onto his back, causing the blaster to tilt up, and the mana bullet to go up into the air.

Kedward paused for a few seconds.

"Ha...hahaha!! How pathetic!"

Alten gritted his teeth, furious with Kedward. He loaded up two more arrows and stared at the boy with an angry glare.

However, before he could pull the string back, Kedward suddenly dashed forward, appearing in front of him in mere seconds. He gripped Alten's neck, lifting him into the air at once as he began to choke him out.

"This time... I'll kill you so fast that no savior will be able to come and rescue you."

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