Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 127 The Generational Hobgoblin

<A Few Minutes Prior>

Seeing that he could alter everything on the canvas to his will, Lyrian was filled with an eager exhilaration. Not dwelling on the feeling too much, he decided to begin creating something, since he didn't want to waste too much time experimenting and get to the center as soon as possible.

'The best attributes of the bear are its size-changing ability based on its age, its monstrous strength, and also its large size when it gets too elder. Thinking about pure animal abilities, its sense of smell and claws might also be useful.' Lyrian thought to himself as he manually imagined all of those qualities being taken from the bear.

Once taken, he then began thinking about the Hobgoblin, 'Its higher intellect and athletic abilities to move around better than the bear is probably its best qualities.' Lyrian thought, taking out those qualities as well.

Finally, he now had to create a body with these picked attributes. He couldn't create an entirely new body, so he would be forced to use one of the two creatures' bodies in front of him.

'I'll use the Hobgoblin's body. It's human-like, giving it the athleticism and ability to move in certain areas better than the bear. Those are its best qualities, so it fits. It will get the age-to-size transformation power, which will make him either white when he's small, green when he's normal, and black when he's elder.' As he confirmed all of this to himself, the hobgoblin was equipped with all of the spoken attributes.

'The small form would be for hiding and moving in small areas, the normal form would be to fight weaker opponents, and the elder form would be to fight the strongest opponents, so I'll give the bear claws to the elder form since it might hinder the normal form's ability to carry weapons. That's not a problem for the elder form though, since its main purpose is to just fight, not carry things.'

He finally added some of the last attributes, 'I'll give all of the forms an advanced sense of smell, and I'll also give them some thick bear fur on important areas such as the shoulders, shins, and forearms.'

And with that, he had finished his creation. Leaning back slightly, he marveled at what was there. For the last few moments, he thought of any final adjustments but was happy with what he made.

He wasn't free to fully experiment with it right now, so he wasn't going to go any further.

[Creature-link: Hobgoblin Shaman + Generational Grizzly commencing]

As this message sounded, a purplish haze of mist suddenly appeared in front of Lyrian.

*Ding* [Creature-link successful! You have created a new creature!]

[New Creature: Generational Hobgoblin]

The misty cloud morphed into the figure of a Hobgoblin before quickly solidifying.

'Huh? Why is it so small?'

Lo and behold, as the mist cleared, a 2-foot Hobgoblin that was butt-naked and as white as snow appeared in front of Lyrian.

'What the?' Lyrian was thrown off by this since it wasn't at all what he was expecting.

The Hobgoblin looked at him like an eager human child would look at a parent who just came home from work, its azure eyes twinkling as it grinned widely at Lyrian.

Suddenly, it jumped up into the air and began running around the entire cave while giggling, its hand stretched out to the side signifying its freedom.

"Ga ha ha! Gu ha!" It laughed in a cute, high-pitched voice as it ran. contemporary romance

Lyrian quickly stood up, wanting to make sure it didn't somehow escape as it ran around in circles.

[Please name your creature]

'Name it? Hmm, Hobgoblin is a tiresome word to say each time...' As he thought of what to name it, he looked at it running around and enjoying its life. It was enough to bring a smile to his face, as the creature didn't look horrid like its real-life counterpart.

"Zuuc, that fits you. From now on, your name will be Zuuc." He stated, feeling that such a name signified both freedom and also the essence of a Hobgoblin.

*Ding* [Generational Grizzly name has been formed: Zuuc]

Lyrian continued to look at the little guy running around, almost in awe. Creating an entirely new being, one with its own individual consciousness... it was an odd feeling, to say the least.

[Due to your low OP, a creature of this magnitude will not automatically respect you]

'Oh yea... that again.'

[However, an intellectual creature such as a Hobgoblin may choose to respect you despite your low OP sooner than a creature with lower intellect]


[As time passes, it's up to the creature to respect you or not]

[Some creatures may only want to respect you when you are powerful enough, while others may choose to do so based on their whims]

'I see. But I don't have the time to figure that out right now.' Lyrian thought to himself, intrigued by what Gear said.

He held out his hand, "Shadow," He said, as Zuuc was enveloped by a purpose haze and was absorbed into Lyrian's shadow, or soul.

Lyrian quickly stepped out after this, finally able to intake the sunlight again. He noticed that the colors of the world were more vibrant than before. Sounds of water flowing in the distance, birds chirping as they flew from tree to tree, and the random, ambient rustling of the forest floor were all clear and heightened to him.

Everything was more enjoyable to experience. Throughout the days he had cultivated, his body had been showered in sweat, so before heading out he decided to wash himself first in a nearby river.

With his new heightened hearing ability, finding a stream of water was easy. Even his Rock Ostrich decided to take a dive.

After naming Zuuc, Lyrian was in the mood for naming, so he decided to name the ostrich as well

As it calmly enjoyed swimming in the water, Lyrian called it out, "Hey, ostrich!"

Hearing this, the ostrich suddenly went from floating to nearly drowning as it abruptly tried to turn around. After catching its bearings, it looked at Lyrian with a concerned expression and widened eyes.

"Your name from now on will be Rird! Rock Bird!"

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