Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 2 A Familiar Wife!

Chapter 2 A Familiar Wife!

After the frightening voice finally disappeared from his head once and for all, Rob emerged from the mysterious state he was in and automatically regained a sense of his surroundings just like a living human.

He looked around curiously and made sure that he was indeed on a wooden ship that used the sail and wind thrust to sail.

"Unbelievable, I have truly crossed into the world of One Piece, I am not in that closed world anymore!"

"I won't have to hide in that dark and cold room anymore!"

"I won't have to fear being tracked down by Interpol anymore!"

"I got deliverance! That damn survey was real!!! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I was finally got the justice by the damned gods!"

Rob wanted to scream with all his frustration and explosive enthusiasm at this moment but had to control his voice and shout in a low voice so as not to attract any unwanted attention from the people on the ship.

He had a surreal feeling that he could feel everyone on the ship right now but he didn't try to focus on that feeling any deeper.

As for Rob from the earth, or what might be called his previous life in its current context, he was a very mysterious figure in his previous society as he was one of the emperors of the dark net and had criminal precedents in the internet world where he had previously hacked confidential data for many countries, including the United States that is why he was designated a Dangerous Wanted by Interpol.

In his previous life, he was nicknamed Ghost Net! He has never been tracked before.

He was 32 years old and living alone, the computer was his only friend and anime was his favorite world.

His interactions with the real society were low, but that didn't matter to him at all because he had found his true comfort in everything he was doing.

But now that life is gone, and he has a new life!

A life where he already has a family, he has completely fused with the soul of the previous owner of the body and obtained all his memories, the essence of his existence, his emotions, and his desires, from the darkest buried memories to the best and most unforgettable memories, everything was fused into Rob's earthly soul.

In short, Rob is better than he was before, no, he's a lot better.

The current Rob is very powerful because he got the previous Rob's body.

The former Rob who was shy even though he was already married, that character has gone unheeded, because the current Rob is not shy at all, the Emperor of the Dark Net can't be shy in any way, he is a real demon who can do whatever suits his benefits, to be shy does not suit him at all.

Rob discovered that the owner of this body was amazingly a member of the Roger Pirates!

From the memories he got, this man had met his wife who also boarded Roger's ship only a few years ago and had to leave Roger's ship and follow his one love of his life after she finished her role on the ship of his former captain, of course, this was with the consent of his captain and all his crew mates.

Just recalling that kind of warm memory made Rob's eyes wet, after all, he had inherited his ancestor's warm emotions as well, if it was the previous Rob his expression would have been as cold as ice.

Rob continued to delve into the memories retrieved by photographic memory and stow them into accumulated, meticulous data.

Rob finally finds out why his predecessor broke up with the Roger Pirates. In addition to love, he had an extremely rare and fatal disease that was diagnosed by the ship's doctor, Crocus himself.

When the former Rob knew he would die in a few years, he decided to leave the crew and live a life without regrets, and since his wife loved him too, she decided to devote herself to him and archeology and help him live his final years without regrets.

He was going to die two years from now but Rob caused him to die two years early.

Rob knew that he could not die under any circumstances because he had obtained a true immortal body from the higher being or beings who had incarnated him in this world, so he was not worried at all, death was his last concern at the moment, he probably wouldn't die once never again.

The life of former Rob was difficult at first but since joining Roger Pirates he has found unparalleled joy and freedom, just remembering it all brought a pure smile on his handsome face.

Rob knew from the stored memories that his current body was proficient in two types of Haki, Armament, and Observation, and had a respectable level in both, as well as mastering in swordsmanship.

The previous owner of his body was really strong and worthy of the title of a former member of Roger Pirates, his strength could be compared to a powerful Vice-Admiral of the Navy, his talents were very good in admittedly and praised by Roger himself, if it wasn't for the deadly disease he was suffering which made his strength drop and his training made he stagnated he would have become a strength of the Admiral level!

After getting to know the owner of his former body well, Rob sighed and thanked him inwardly from the bottom of his heart for giving him a lifetime opportunity that he had previously wished for, but he had not really dreamed of. free webnov el.comcontemporary romance

The former Rob may have already died, but all his legacy has been left to the current Rob.

"My dear, are you contemplating the meaning of life alone again?"

Rob felt two warm hands embracing his being and pulling him into a warm embrace.

As he was immersed in the memories, he didn't feel anyone sneaking up behind him discreetly.

When he was to respond violently, the woman's familiar warmth had already invaded his being and made his stiff limbs loosen once more.


He already knew who the woman hugging from behind at the moment was, she was his wife!

Someone who never thought he'd meet her in his life let alone is his wife!

Not really knowing how to act or what to answer at the moment, he was starting to panic.

But before he panicked, even more, a warm feeling penetrated his soul and canceled out every negative feeling that was building up in his heart and he became calm again, that feeling allowed him to obtain an image that could not be changed from now on.

Now he was the real Rob, whether Rob from the Pirates World or Rob from Earth, they became one.

This is a fact that cannot be changed.

"No, I've already found the meaning of life, I don't need to meditate on it anymore."

Rob turned towards the beautiful woman with silvery-white hair and bright blue eyes and smiled gently before giving an answer that made the woman's heartbeat.

"The meaning of life cannot be found just by thinking about it. A person must live life with all its events until he reaches his own understanding of life, and this does not mean that it may be the correct answer, but no matter how wrong it is, the essence of the matter that he concluded himself is the important thing."

Before she could even ask Rob put his finger on the woman's lips and answered her as if he already knew her question before she even asked it.

The white-haired woman was completely amazed at how positive change which comes from her husband at this moment, she can swear that she felt such an immense life force enveloping her husband that she could even revive the dead! Suddenly she had the feeling that she was standing before the King of all living things and not her husband himself.

It seemed as if the current Rob was not the previous Rob at all.

"When, will we get to your home, my dear?"

Rob removed his finger from her lips before asking curiously.

The woman pressed the surging amazement, in her heart and answered obediently, she knew that her husband was very powerful but only today her impression of his power has changed to different heights.

"There's not much left. We'll be in OHara in two days. The group of guys is excited to be back home after all those travels full of knowledge."

The woman inside his arms was releasing the mood of an unfathomable scholar at this moment.

Yes, his wife was Nico Olvia herself!

It seems that he will be the father of Nico Robin.

Just thinking about it left his mind blank.

"My Dear?"

"My Dear?"

He had already drowned in his endless chaotic thoughts.

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