Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties

Chapter 120

The truck which was followed by two SUVs and a Mecedes Benz G-class pulled over at a lone street. The street looked hardly trodden and was dead quiet.

As soon as the truck pulled over, the three cars which were behind it did too. The vehicles were positioned thus: the truck at the forefront, followed by an SUV, the G-wagon and then the last SUV.

Out of the two SUVS ran out several hencemen dressed in black suits. They hurried to the G-wagon and made a file at both sides. As soon as the door of the G-wagon was pulled opened by one of the men, all the men went in a conforming bow at once.

"Steven the Lord. Steven our boss!"

They chorused on top of their voices. Steven stepped out of the car. He had changed his shoes. Also, the numbers of the henchmen had reduced significantly!

The henchmen led him through an alley till they bursted out into an open and busy street. Opposite them was a restaurant.

Point in time they left the truck, the big two backdoors of the truck opened and out of it jumped out another troupe of henchmen who lined themselves around the truck, forming a rectangular defense position. The truck quite the long one.

Steven and his men walked into the busy restaurant. It was a typical restaurant for an average man.

"That's it. Everyone out. Now!"

Steven called and people who were eating in the restaurant scrambled off. Some of the civilians who stood up, standing their grounds and challenging the henchmen, got their jaws broken, face pulpy, teeth lost, eyes swollen and lots more.

In the blink of an eye, the restaurant was void of people. The owner of the restaurant quickly dialed the emergency number 789, putting a call through to the police. "There are some louts here! Come right away!"

In less than few seconds, the police siren was heard blaring in distance. The police got there and about seven police men ran into the restaurant.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing in a civilized world where rule of law exists?!"

The leader of the police men called on top of his voice. There was a heavy baton in his left hand. A baton that could leave a pothole in your skull if it makes a contact.

"Who is that noise maker?"

The henchmen paved the way for Steven who had just spoken.

"How dare you call an officer a ---"

The police man choked on his words when his eyes met Steven's. He dropped on his knees suddenly.

"Forgive me, boss. Forgive me. I didn't know that you were the one."

The officer looked to his back and yelled,

"Do you have death wish? Go on your knees right now."

Back to Steven, the officer kept going up and down in bow.

"Forgive me, boss. I'm sorry. I wouldn't had come if I knew it was you."

Steven got to him and squatted, reaching out his long and thick arm, his hand pushing up the chin of the officer who couldn't look him in the eyes. The best he could go was staring at Steven's nose. "How much do I pay you?"

"$100,000 weekly, boss."

Steven dropped the man's head, standing up.

"Divide it by four. That's what I'll pay you for the rest of the year. I'll use the remaining for my emotional support."

He turned to his henchmen,

"Shouldn't I?"

"You are generous boss!"

The henchmen chorused and bowed.

"What are you still waiting for,

cop boy? Off you go!"

One of the henchmen barked at the police officer.

"Arrgh, this boys love noise."

Steven grunted, looking for a good position to seat. The police officer jumped on his feet glaring at the owner of the restaurant.

"You fucking turd. I'll close down this place."

He turned away and stomped off with his men.

"Poor boy."

Steven lit another cigarette.

Point in time, the police officer left, there walked in a short and round man with protruding belly. Behind him was a tall, burly and huge guy, about 7 ft tall. More like a bouncer.

As soon as Steven saw the short man, he stood up.

"Mr Colton, I'm so glad to see you."

Steven reached out his hand but Mr Colton refused to take it. Instead the latter settled in a chair.

"Give me a good reason for bringing me such a shitty place, Steven."

Mr Colton spoke with audacity, and with little regard for the so highly revered and dread Boss Steven.

"I heard that the BMX group board met and are about to bring in new group of girls. Isn't that quite bad for your daughter who's one of the missing nine girls?"

As soon as Steven quit talking, Mr Colton's brows were cocked and his eyes grew red.

"Bring me a glass of wine."

Mr Colton called at one of

waitresses who hurried away and did as instructed. She had hardly put the glass on the table when Mr Colton grabbed it and threw the content in the face of Steven.


One of Steven's hencemen made a move at Mr Colton. Steven caught it and stood up. He grabbed the. henchmen who had made the move and beat him to pulp, till the fellow could hardly breath.

"How dare you make a move at Mr Colton!!!"

Steven yelled almost about to tear his throat off. Yelled at his henchmen. When he calmed down, he turned to Mr Colton and bowed --

"Do you want to die? Did you bring me to talk about what doesn't concern you?!"

But Mr Colton didn't care about his apology, as he was raving in rage himself.

Steven dropped on his knees.

"Forgive me, Mr Colton. Forgive me."

Mr Colton heaved a heavy sigh.

"Hit the nail on the head already. I have a meeting with the board."

"It's a business worth 500 billion."

Mr Colton's eyes widened.

"Are you pulling my legs? You know one of the things I hate most is jokes!!!"

Steven tried to get up on his feet.

"Who told you could do that?"

"Forgive me."

"Just get to the point. Are you selling

a senator in exchange for

information? Even the most important senator costs less than that. What is it that worths 500


"Two gold statues. Red gold statues."

When Steven mentioned 'Red gold statues', Mr Colton's face went from shock to disbelief.

"I swear to Buddha if you are playing a dumb game y'all play in the Mafia world, I would skin you alive and set all your casinos on fire!!!"

Steven chuckled.

"Your word is the only thing standing in my way. Just say the word and I'll lead you the truck."

"You mean the red gold is somewhere around?"

"Across the alley."

Steven nodded his head towards the door. Mr Colton jumped on his feet excitedly,

"What are we doing here then you fool! Get up already!"

They all made to leave. Suddenly, one of the henchmen looked to one of the extreme corners of the restaurant and saw a youth wearing a big black hood, facing the wall.

"Hey, you! Who the fuck are you to defile Boss's order!!!"

A henchman called at the youth.

"Let him be."

Steven said, because of Mr Colton. He didn't want to get on the man's bad side again.

"Don't be all soft, Steven. Few seconds won't kill."

Mr Colton seemed to be interested in the youth also.

"I was just worried about the meeting."

Steven pretended but Mr Colton had looked away from him to the youth, calling,

"You fool, don't you have ears?"

"Why are you all so loud? I can't even concentrate here."

There came the voice of the unbothered youth who turned his neck, looking in their direction.


"What the fuck! Do you have a death wish?!"

The big and burly bouncer of Mr Colton hurried towards him...

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