Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties

Chapter 116

"Laurette... what happened to her?"

Damien pushed back the system window in. He was pacing the living room of the hotel room which he had slept in overnight. He had just watched the discussion of the girls and saw Laurette slump.

It was evening the next day and he had paid people to dig out his father's corpse earlier the day. He had also taken the corpse to a morgue for the meantime and paid enough money for the embalming. He had grabbed two burgers and a bottle of soda which he had been surviving on through the day. He wasn't really famished, but could swear that tasting a burger again after two months seemed utopian.

He also knew that he couldn't dwell on the death of his grandpa for long. He still felt like he had wronged the old man and wouldn't be able to give him the life he had mapped out. But then he had sworn to make everyone who knew about his death pay as well as give a very grand funeral party than no one had ever witnessed across the world.

After getting all the personal duties done, he had decided to check up on the girls before proceeding with other plans which he had in stock. And he had caught them in the middle of a discussion which pointed directly at him.

"Could she be suffering from a sort of disease? Why does she faint so easily..."

A sudden realization hit him...

"Wait... why do I keep ignoring this? Laurette and Ayisha sucked the dick of Cannibal?!!"

His eyes turned red in rage.

"Why didn't I cut off the dicks of all these bastards!!! I kept ignoring that it could be a sort of temptation for the girls."

He scoffed.

"But to think of it... these girls are really impossible. Waah... this sends chill down my spine. How could they even think of it..." He brought the system window up again and began to scroll through it. But then he hesitated and pushed it back in. "Watching them give the blowjob would only get me very mad and I'll end up doing what I don't want to."

He tried as much as possible to swallow the rage. It was something which he couldn't give life to at that moment. "Thinking of why they did it... it's quite surprising to see that they would go such a length to find me. I'm really impressed."

He heaved a heavy sigh.

"Perhaps I am not entirely wrong about them. Even though they have dark sides, at least a part of them still wants my well-being."

"And whether or not they want me back because they want to use me to get out of the island isn't really a disturbing fact."

"After all, I use them sexually too. We could keep using ourselves till we can't help but lean on ourselves. Something which I would make happen." He nodded fiercely.

"I have no choice but to make it happen."

He sniffed, throwing his head up high into the air.

"Laurette, what is the matter with you? I hope you get well soon. There's still a lot I have to do with


Even though he had several emotional breakdowns, there were certain things which he couldn't ignore. Yes, there were.

He walked to the bag of money and pulled the zipper open. He looked. He could see the bottom of the bag now.

"I don't have enough. I should start selling the gold. If I want to survive in this cruel world, then I have to find a way to get more and more money. Yes, money is power here." He flipped the window system out,

"Search through Vegas and tell me where the stalker is. The man whom I had a fierce physical contact with."

He made sure to be detailed enough before the system would give or show him what he didn't ask for.

"Ahh... there you are."

He saw the fellow sitting on a wooden bench which was set by the bank of a lake.

"What's the location of this place?"

[Ping! System notification: 2/A Avalon street, off the Piper's hound, about 5 kilometers away.]

[Ping! 2 hours by car, 10 by leg, 5 minutes by the system zoom Function.]

"Since when did this system become this talkative?"

He thought about it for a while but couldn't get a response. He was going to tuck the system in when something suddenly hit him.

"Oh, since the mountain. Since I found myself on that island."

That had just opened the door to lots and lots of thoughts which he didn't have time for but had to make time for.

"This stupid system talked about a reward for ridding predators off the frozen island. As far as I can remember, I didn't get nothing. No fucking thing."

Another realization...

"Or could it be... I couldn't speak the skills and features into existence before the island."

"If I remember accurately, the first time I was able to do that was when I fought the bear which was the last predator I fought on the island."

"Did I fight any other creatures after the bear?"

He allowed his mind to do a quick survey. Then his mind was supplanted on the scary and disturbing image of the strange Samurai with a big mark on his forehead.

But unlike before when he would be scared at the thought of the Samurai's threat and warning. He didn't really give a damn anymore. He wouldn't be nervous. He would wait for it to come, then...

"No, no way... it can't be... could the reward the system talked about be the ability to speak the skills and features into existence? So I don't have to bring the system window up anymore? I just have to speak and they will come up themselves?"

He shook his head.

"Let's see..."

"Nether TV pro."

[Ping! Bringing up Nether TV pro.]

"Woah, no way."

He was stunned.

"Bring up the Nether Camera Function."

[Ping! Bringing up the Nether Camera Function.]


Damien zoomed at once from where he was but hit his head heavily against the door and fell back.

"Ouch. Ouch. That hurts."

He couldn't cry at the pain. But he knew that it was a matter of time before the pain goes or he could... "System medic, heal me..."

[Ping! System medic: Healing of the Host's aching head loading. Commencing. Done in three seconds.] "Waah... this is so great."

The pain was gone, in the blink of an

eye. Damien felt really happy. But then he found it quite odd to feel so happy in this situation. In the situation where he found his

grandpa, his only family, dead, and

one of his queens sick, when he

wasn't with her...

Feeling all right, he walked to the door, opened and used key combinations to lock it.

Truth be told, he'd never slept in a hotel room all his life. How could he be able to afford it, when the foam board he used back in his old place was shared with his grandpa. The same foam board he used back in college before he dropped out. In short, there were so many places

where He'd been wrong and can't wait to visit when he become super


"Yes... you too College, I'm coming back. Even if not to study... to prove to y'all that a bad luck, loser and dropout can suddenly become whom all your fates are tied to."

When he was outside the hotel, he

looked at his back, at the

magnificent building. Even though it wasn't the best and costliest in town, yet not all average workers or civil servants could afford a night there let alone pay for a fulkweek like he had done.


He called and off he went, zooming through the city. He stopped at a billboard and looked,


Those letters were written on the pictures of the nine girls, the BMX girls.

He knew that the girls, the BMX group had the largest fan base across the whole world. About five billions loyal fans.

Back in those days, when Damien couldn't even afford a phone, he would go to a cyber cafe to pay to watch the latest videos of the girls on their YouTube channel.

There was a day he found something which made his jaws dropped;

Everyone knew what time the girls dropped their videos. 12am, every Thursday of every week. He made sure to be one of those who would see the video drop at exactly 12am.

And when the video dropped at exactly 12am, he saw 200m million in its first second. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Yes! That was how popular the girls were!!! The girls who were now his!!!

"Go to Marcus's Ave. You would find an abandoned cathedral. Enter into it. You would find two gold statues there. Take them to the best buyers and sell them for me. I'll send you my account number." Damien had gotten to the man who jumped on his feet at once as soon as he saw Damien. There was shock, fear creeping up his face. The man was so stunned that he stuttered,

"How... h-how did you f-find me..."

"I have somewhere else to go right now. See you tomorrow afternoon."

He zoomed away from sight, leaving the man confounded.

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