Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties

Chapter 113

"Ahh... God, I'm dying."

Ayisha was lying on the floor of the castle's living room. She was panting, breathing heavily as though she had just been chased by a panther or lioness.

The corners of her mouth were stained with thick white substance. She had tried to clean them earlier but couldn't get rid of everything.

She had been carried to the castle by Laurette who had volunteered. Many of the girls didn't give a shit about what state she was in.

"Was this the same way it felt, Laurette?"

She arced her head, trying to get an answer out of Laurette. They heard a loud voice from the left,

"Huh? What the fuck! Laurette? You have done it too?"

That was Mira jumping on her feet and gawking at her twin sister who didn't seem to care. Laurette had thrown her face to the wooden wall to avoid the death stare.

Mira walked to her and grabbed her by the left shoulder, she pushed Laurette's frame to hold her gaze.

"Tell me that it's not true. You didn't suck the dick of a Cannibal. Did you?"

Mira gulped. She had asked the question. But from her looks and the corners of her eyes, it was obvious that she wasn't prepared for the answer. And it was quite funny and betraying that she already had a hint of what the answer would be.

"So what if I did it? So what? Did you think that we got the Cannibal to help us climb into the watchtower without giving him anything? If we didn't climb on the watchtower, how would Ayisha had found the other island? How would she had discovered that Damien is on the island? Some people have to do someth---"

Mira struck Laurette across the face. Not only Laurette was stunned but the rest of the girls.

"Mira, why would you do that?"

"Are you stupid? Are you crazy or dumb, Laurette? What if you become sick? I know you to be very smart, how could do something so dumb? What has happened to you?" Laurette got up to match up both Mira's rage and height. She struck Mira in the face too.

"Wow... this is becoming interesting."

"I've never seen twins fight."

"Shut up and stop ruining the fun."

Mira was still trying to recover from the shock of the slap. Obviously, she didn't think that Laurette was going to do that.

"Who made you my mom? You aren't even older than me! Mom said that that I came out almost immediately after you were born. She almost passed out from the stress pushing the both of us out almost at the same time... an interval of few seconds or minutes."

Laurette paused for a while. Mira was now staring at her. It seemed as though the latter had finally got a grip of herself and was over the slap.

"What does that mean?"

Laurette continued. Asking herself a question and giving an answer,

"It means that you don't have no fucking right to tell me how to live my life. What do you think? Who the fuck do you think you are? You selfish wench!!!"

She pushed Mira out of the way and stomped out of the castle.

"Always wanting to be at the centre of everything. Always claiming to be wiser."

Laurette bickered as she walked on.

"Well she's right."


Tendzel snapped at Jada who had added flames to the embers.

"What...? Isn't it the truth? Y'all are just hypocrites who hide from the truth. Like I care what she can do to me."

Jada spat on the floor and walked out of the castle. The atmosphere was becoming choking.

Mira who was on the floor didn't stand. She didn't want to. She retained the position for a while staring blankly at no one in precise.

Suddenly the water broke, and her eyes became a channel of the flood. In a short time, her face was flooded, then followed the rumbling sound and crashing like of the waves made by her sore throat. Evelyn walked to her and knelt by her.

"Let it out. You still have enough friends here... we are all practically sisters."

Evelyn pet, then pushed her into her chest. Mira allowed her and cried into her chest.

"Let's meet outside then."

Allison stood up and walked out. She acted as though she didn't witness what just happened. One after the other, the rest of the girls followed.

"Mira, you are stronger than this... don't let something like this pull you down. We'll be waiting for you outside."

Ayisha stood and walked towards the door.

"You bitch!"

Ayisha halted at those words. She turned to see Mira pulling away from Evelyn's hold. Mira got on her feet and walked to Ayisha.

"You crazy wench! Wasn't it because of you... it was all because of you!!!"


Evelyn had jumped up, trying to caution Mira.

"No, let her be."

Ayisha called at Evelyn. Mira rolled a ball of sticky saliva and dispensed it in the beautiful face of Ayisha.

"Mira, that's just too much!!!"

Evelyn couldn't be mute anymore but Mira didn't seem to give a damn! Let alone two fucks!

"Always acting so cool... crazy bitch!"

Mira grabbed Ayisha by the shoulders, depriving the latter a chance to clean her face. The ball of saliva gently trailing off the curves of Ayisha's jaws.

"Whatever you did to my sister and made her believe, to make her turn her back on me... To make her see me as a stranger... I'll advise you to undo it right now or ---"

Mira bursted out crying again. Ayisha gently held her arms and pushed it down till it dropped. Then Ayisha pulled her into her chest in a warm hug.

"Yes, I'm evil and pretend to be cool. But I'm sorry to have caused you such distress. To had made a crack in the bond between you and your sister. But I tell you, she still loves you. Little fights like these only strengthen the bond of sisterhood and not end it."

Mira pulled away abruptly,

"Are you sure? Are you sure that my Laurette would be back?"

Her teary eyes had enough emotions to them. A stray tear dropped from Ayisha's face as she nodded.

"Yes she will, I promise to make her. It's a debt I owe you."

"Oh...thank you."

Mira hugged her again. Ayisha caressed her hair,

"No don't."

"Laurette was a sweet girl. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. She is the reason I've never fancied having a boyfriend... I can't imagine what my life would had looked like if I didn't have her as my twin sister... she's so ---"

She teared up again. But then came a louder voice... a voice which was neither Mira's not Ayisha's. Ayisha looked, it was Evelyn.

"You guys are making me cry."

Evelyn was crying so loudly, but in a very cute way. Several tears dropped from Ayisha's face when she chuckled at the naughty cry-baby. "Come here, you little thing."

Evelyn rushed to them and joined the two in something close to a group hug. They shared warmth and love for few seconds.

"Do you think the Cannibal would be able to make the boat?"

Allison asked. It's past five minutes now and all the girls were gathered again. This time, adjacent to the rice field.

"We can only hope. We've fulfilled our end of the bargain. Let's hope he comes through. But I do trust in how innovative they could become --"

"How sure are you that he even understood you? How can you be sure that --"

Lisa who had cut Ayisha short was cut too by Tendzel,

"I'm more worried about the rest of the Cannibals. What if that one tells the rest... we all know how orgasm makes one feel. He might tell the others and then we'd be thinking of --- ew" Tendzel shrugged the remaining words off.

"Abalina... Abalina..."

Everyone turned their attention to Claire, who was wearing a kinda expression which says that she was in shock and was about to Cum... her eyes dead white but looking either side. Ayisha and Laurette laughed. They seemed like the only ones who got the joke. The joke of the expression of the Cannibal the first time he cummed.

"Their sperm is so thick and --"

"How about you think of making a baby for them..."

Lisa snapped at Tendzel.

"Enough... enough. While we wait for the Cannibal to get our work done, let's do the needful. It's been over two days now and we haven't watered the rice field. That's the least we can do for ---" "Let's divide ourselves into two groups."

Allison cut Ayisha short. Ayisha was mad but kept it in.

"The first group would go and check on the Cannibal and the second water the field."

"Go ahead."

Ayisha urged Allison to continue what she had started. After the groups had been formed, Ayisha called at Tendzel,

"And you don't have to worry about the Cannibal talking to the rest about it. They are more loyal than the lot of us. Why did you think Damien trusted them?"

"Maybe because he's a fool?"

That was Jada. Everyone glared at her, even some were going to have her neck, but Ayisha wasn't ready to be cut short.

"And if he's unable to make the boat, then bad luck. Cos I ain't sucking no dick no more. I already feel like shit!"

She walked away. Jada called,

"Now the ghetto trait finally resurfaces. You can't hide your true nature forever."

"Crazy wench!"

Evelyn cussed at Jada then walked to catch up with Ayisha.

Jada only chuckled, watching all go.

"Yes, I'm Claire Pro."

She called at the rest. Claire looked at her like she had shit all over her face.


Claire spat in the earth and resumed walking.

"You crazy wench! Wait for me!!!"

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