Corrupt (Devil’s Night Book 1)

Corrupt: Chapter 26


“WE SHOULD STUDY TONIGHT,” Alex said as we walked down the sidewalk, having just left class. “I’ve got this great technique where I let myself eat a Skittle every time I get the right answer.”

I let out a weak laugh, shaking my head at her. “But they’re essay questions.”

“Shit,” she grumbled. “That’s worth at least a snack size bag per question, then.”

She turned left, and I followed her inside a small outdoor café area, watching her plop her bag down on the ground next to a table full of women.

“Hey, Alex,” a redhead chirped, looking up as the other girls finished laughing about whatever it was they’d been talking about.

“Hey, everyone,” Alex greeted, pulling out a chair. “This is Rika.” And then she turned to me. “Rika, this is Angel, Becks, and Danielle. We lived in the dorms together last year.” She leaned in further, mumbling under her breath as we both sat down. “They think I have a rich, married lover who supports me, so hush and just feel special that I trust you with shit, okay?”

She shot me a warning glare, and I snorted, sitting down in the seat.

“Hey, everyone,” I said, looking around at them.

They smiled, and the conversation picked up again, moving from boyfriends to midterms and I sat quietly, trying to relax and take in the late afternoon energy around me.

The taxi whistles, the car horns, the conversation going on at the tables around me…

But slowly, all the noises began to fade. The girls’ conversation became a distant echo, and heat spread up my neck just like it did every time I sat still today, and I could feel them all over again.

Their bodies. The steam room. The sweat.

And I closed my eyes, feeling the little aches I had from what we’d done. My limbs were sore, and I could still taste them in my mouth.

I couldn’t believe that had happened.


Last night I swallowed shame and pushed boundaries, and I didn’t know if it was to test the trust, his love, or just to see the emotions that the experience would unfold between us, but I came out of it knowing one thing: that nothing could stop us.

If he loved me, we would be invincible.

Nothing had happened between Kai and me, not really. It was between Michael and me, and Kai had helped.

He’d helped me see that Michael wasn’t ready. Not yet. He needed the back and forth—the games—too much to give into me.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I fished it out, seeing Michael’s name on the screen.

I ignored the call, sliding my phone into my bag. That was six times today already, as well as six voicemails and a few texts.

I knew what he wanted, but if he wasn’t giving me his heart then I wouldn’t listen to him give me orders.

“Is that Michael?” Alex piped up, sliding me one of the waters the server had set down.

I nodded slightly and leaned back, resting my forearms on the wrought iron chair.

“Is everything okay?”

I shook my head, hooding my eyes. I had no idea how to talk about him.

“No, everything’s not okay,” a deep male voice said behind me, and I stilled.

The other girls at the table stopped talking and looked up, and Alex twisted her head around to see who it was.

I closed my eyes in frustration and then looked over my shoulder, seeing Kai and Will standing behind me, a black Jag parked at the curb.

“Michael’s been trying to get a hold of you,” Kai informed me, coming to stand between my chair and Alex’s. “When he couldn’t reach you, he sent us to look for you.”

“And I would’ve answered the phone if I wanted to talk,” I retorted.

“He thinks it would be best if you went home to wait for him,” Kai suggested, but I knew it was an order. “He’s concerned it’s not safe.”

“Noted,” I replied. “Thank you.”

And I picked up my glass of water, dismissing him.

He grabbed it out of my hand, and I hissed as the icy cold liquid spilled on my fingers. He flung the contents on the little potted tree behind him and tossed the glass back onto the table with a clatter.

He leaned down, eyeing the girls at the table who watched wide-eyed and still.

“Excuse us, ladies,” he bit out and then growled in my ear, his scent bringing memories of last night flooding back. “He’s worried about you, Rika.”

“Then he needs to say that,” I snapped back. “Not send his dogs to fetch me.”

He shot up, and I yelped as he yanked my chair back and grabbed me by the upper arm, pulling me up. Pushing me toward Will, he picked up my bag and threw it at me.

I caught it, but I threw my hands out again, flinging it right back in his face.

“Get in the car,” he ordered, holding my bag in one hand, “or you’re going over my shoulder.”

“Rika, you okay?” Alex stood up.

But Kai turned around, his body towering over her. “Sit down, and don’t interfere.”

She dropped into her seat, and for the first time since I’d know her, she looked scared.

“Let’s go,” Will pulled my arm, but I yanked it away, storming for the car.

Kai followed, and we all got in, slamming doors as Will pulled away from the curb.

I ground my teeth together, Kai’s tall frame next to me in the back seat filling the small space and his glare scorching the left side of my face.

He reached over and grabbed me, and I pushed at his chest as he hauled me over onto his lap.

What the hell was he doing? Did he think last night meant he could handle me any time he wanted now?

“While you’re busy pouting,” he said, his breath falling across my face as he held the back of my head in one hand and squeezed my jaw in the other, “let me paint a picture in your head that apparently isn’t clear enough.”

I jerked, trying to hit him and twist my head out of his hold, but his grip was too tight.

“Think about the last time you let Trevor inside of you,” he spoke in a hard voice, biting out every word. “Think about how he smelled, how his sweat and lips felt all over your body, how hard he rode your pretty little ass, and how much he fucking loved it…”

I growled and fought, trying to pull away.

“You want to know what was going on in his head?” Kai taunted. “Hmmm?”

I breathed hard, anger like lava all over my skin.

“Stupid. Fucking. Bitch,” he answered, speaking as Trevor. “She’s so goddamn clueless, the brainless twit doesn’t even know it was me that night in the mask. On top of her, touching her, and here I am, still getting the goodies. What a brainless twat.”

He released me, and I shot over to the other side of the car again, breathing hard with fire raging through my blood.

Fucking Trevor.

The last time we slept together he must’ve really enjoyed the sight of me bent over for his pleasure. Powering me over and taking me for an idiot.

I ran a frustrated hand over the top of my hair, feeling my back cool with sweat.

“I hope you’re good and mad now,” Kai continued, “because that’s exactly how mad Michael is. Trevor fooled us all, and you should know by now that the only dangers we can fight are the ones we can see coming. And right now, we’re blind.” His voice filled the entire car, and I refused to look at him. “Trevor is unpredictable and unreadable, and Damon has one emotion. Hate.”

I stared out the window as we pulled onto Delcour’s street. He was right. There was possible danger, and I was being childish.

But they were treating me like a child, too.

“Is it so difficult to understand that Michael wants his girl safe?” Kai asked, his tone gentler.

“Maybe,” I admitted, turning my head to look at him. “But maybe you guys could talk to me like a person instead of manhandling me? Is that possible?”

Kai’s eyes softened, and his gaze lingered on me. I held my breath, a moment passing, I think, where we were both remembering last night.

The car was suddenly too small.

Will pulled up in front of Delcour, and I hopped out, grabbing my bag.

“I’m going to check her apartment,” I heard Kai tell Will. “You go park.”

I slammed the door, giving the doorman a quick smile as he opened the building’s door for me. Kai followed behind as I walked to the elevator and pressed the button.

“You don’t have to come up,” I insisted. “I’m quite capable of locking myself in.”

He exhaled a quiet laugh. “It won’t be too long. Michael will come by later to keep you company, I’m sure.”

I stepped into the elevator as soon as the doors opened, pressing twenty-one. I knew Michael was at practice, which is why he’d sent the guys after me, but I wasn’t sure I’d let him in the door later.

What was worse than him coddling me was sending his friends to do it, as well.

Once in my apartment, Kai walked ahead, searching all the rooms and checking the rear exit and balcony doors.

“Everything looks fine,” he said, strolling back across the living room and checking the locks on the front door.

“Of course it does,” I replied. “Trevor’s in Annapolis, and Damon is probably drunk and buried under an endless supply of teenage hookers in New York City.”

He grinned, holding the door open and standing on the threshold.

But then his eyes came to rest on me, looking thoughtful, before slowly falling down my body. His gaze lingered long and intense, and I froze, feeling the heat on my thighs and down my legs.

He looked back up at me. “I could stay with you if you want,” he offered, his voice deep and husky.

I tilted my lips in a half-smile, approaching him. “And what would we do?”

A sexy smirk adorned his beautiful face. “Maybe order food,” he hinted and then cast a longing glance down my body again, “or have something to drink?”

I came up and held the door. “Or maybe…you’re testing me. Seeing if I’ll invite you in behind Michael’s back.”

“Why would I test you?”

“Because you love Michael more than me,” I shot back.

He dropped his eyes, smiling. “Maybe,” he answered, reaching out and brushing his thumb across my chin. “Or maybe I liked it. Maybe I’d like to see what it’s like having you to myself this time.”

I cocked an eyebrow, giving him a knowing look.

He dropped his hand and broke out in a quiet laugh. “Sorry. I had to make sure.”

I stared at him patiently, knowing exactly what he was doing.

Kai had nothing to worry about. I loved Michael, and I would leave him before I ever betrayed him. I knew Kai was testing my loyalty to protect his friend, but it would never be necessary. While I didn’t regret last night, it wouldn’t happen again. We were friends.

Kai backed out of the doorway, leaving, but before I could shut it, he turned. “It’s not just Michael, you know?” He peered over at me. “Will and I were worry about you, too. You’re one of us. It would be hard to…”

And then he dropped his eyes as if searching for the right words. “We feel close to you,” he admitted, gazing up at me again. “We don’t want to see you hurt, okay?”

It warmed me to hear him say that, but I couldn’t help but retort, “If I’m one of you, then why is it I’m the one being cut out of the plans and guarded?”

“Because he loves you more than us,” Kai answered, flipping damn-near close to my own words back at me.

I wanted to believe that. I’d waited for longer than he knew to hear it.

Closing the door, I locked it and soaked in the peace and quiet. My phone was buzzing again, and I checked it, seeing that it was Alex, probably calling to check up on me.

But unless it was my mother, I wasn’t interested in talking to anyone.

I stood at the island, thinking about the assignments I had to get started on, the reading that was due in a few days, and the fact that I hadn’t checked my social media in over week.

But all of a sudden I was exhausted.

Kicking off my shoes and socks, I walked into my bedroom, dropped my phone on the nightstand, and collapsed on my bed, my body immediately melting into the soft, cool comforter and my eyes falling closed.


I popped my head up off the pillow and twisted it around, blinking my eyes open.

I thought I heard something.

The room was dark and silent, and I peered out the door, into the hallway, seeing it completely dark as well.

I noticed the light blinking on my phone, and I turned over, my back crashing to the bed again, knowing that’s what must’ve woken me up.

“Shit.” I rubbed my hands up and down my face, trying to wake up.

Turning my head, I glanced at the clock, letting out a frustrated sigh. Six hours. It was just after eleven.

I couldn’t believe I’d slept that long.

Picking up my phone, I saw several texts from Michael, the last one saying,

You better open the fucking door when I get there.

I hadn’t read his texts all day, but I guessed there was a progression of anger that was probably justified, since I’d failed to answer any of them.

Tossing my phone on the bed, I sat up and climbed off, padding my bare feet out into the hallway and toward the kitchen to make something to eat.

I’d skipped dinner, and I was starving.

But then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, and I swung around, my heart leaping into my throat as I saw the back door sitting wide open and the light from the stairwell pouring in.

A dark form, dressed in a black hoodie, with the hood drawn, stood in the doorway, staring at me through a white mask. The same mask that the guys wore when then lured me to the Crist house.

I breathed hard, my hands shaking at the rush of danger crawling on my skin.

But then I stopped and glued my teeth together, anger tensing my muscles.


“What?” I demanded. “You need your midnight snack?”

Him and his goddamn games. This wasn’t the time, and I wasn’t in the mood for kink tonight.

“Just get out of here, Michael.”

But then he raised his hand, digging the point of a massive butcher knife into the wall of my hallway. My heart picked up pace again as I stared wide-eyed, watching him stalk toward me, the steel blade scraping as it dragged along the wall.

I expelled every inch of breath I had and backed away. “Damon,” I choked out.

And at that moment, he dropped his hand and broke out in a run, charging me. I screamed and spun around, racing for the front door.

I slammed into the wood, immediately grabbing for the locks, but it was no use. He crashed into my back, wrapping a hand around the front of my neck, and digging the tip of the blade under my chin.

The sting made me cry out. “Damon!” I dug my nails into the door. “Don’t do this!”

He squeezed my throat, and then the hand with the knife came down over my mouth, a cloth covering my lips, suffocating me.

“Who’s going to stop me?” he whispered in my ear.

And then everything went black.

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