Chapter Claim Me 492
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
One Hundred and Ten
This was the last place they had been. It was an apartment owned by Aric.
My chest tightened. Had she slept with him here?
I could pick the locks, but I didn't bother with that, I broke down the door. I was right, she had been here, there was no mistaking it, her scent filled the place and it was fucking intoxicating.
I entered the apartment and searched the rooms. As expected, she was already gone. In the last room, her scent hit me stronger than anywhere else in the house. A few of her clothes were still left in here. That could only mean one thing-she was coming back. I returned to the living room and stopped when I saw the table. Pictures were scattered across it.
I sat on the couch and looked through the pictures. They were all of the same woman-Cynthia. I knew her. Empress Cynthia.
What the hell did Kaida have to do with this woman?
There were many write-ups and notes too. I read through them all, not caring about the fact that this might be seen as intruding. There was nothing more 'intruding' than breaking into a person's house. From what I gathered, they were both making plans on how to sneak into Aureonna City and find the woman named Cynthia. It seems like the plan was to kill her.
I remember how strongly she had convinced me against sending a letter to the Empresses in Aureonna City; now I understood why: she was going to be there, and she didn't want it coming in the way of her plans.
Someone was coming. I could sense it even from a distance.
It could be Kaida, but even if it wasn't, I had a good idea of where she would be right now.
I set the pictures back on the table.
I could tell someone was inside. The door had been broken open.
I drew my gun, pointing it forward, while my dagger remained tucked in my boot. I approached the house, moving as silently as possible. Stepping inside, I entered the living space.
Was I imagining it or did this place scent like him? Maybe I've begun missing him way too much that it was playing with my senses.
"Got you." The voice whispered from behind me, and I turned around, almost dropping my gun in surprise. I thought I was being silent; but he outdid me. I hadn't even heard him till he made his presence known.
It was Alexander and despite myself and my plans of explaining things to him, I ran into his arms, hugging him tight, drinking in his scent, I had missed him so much. He didn't move or attempt to hug me back. "Alexander... I'm sorry."
"What exactly are you sorry for?" he asked.
"I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for using the sleeping potion on you, and I'm sorry for everything.
Chapter One Flued and Ten
He didn't seem content; it was as if he expected me to say inore.
"You better have a fucking good explanation, Kaida."
"I do." I said, hating how shaky my voice sounded. "I do." I repeated, my voice a bit bolder.
"Well, feel at home, take a seat, and then explain it all to me."
"How did you find me?"
"I won't be answering any of your questions, not until I know everything that happened and why?" "You have every right to be mad at me. I understand."
I dug into my pocket and fetched the letter, the same one my father had left for me, and I passed it to him.
"The messenger had brought it to me some days ago.
He stared at me; he was furious but still accepted the letter from my hand. I let out a breath of relief. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
"I'm sorry; I knew you would try stopping me from doing this..."
"I would have helped you in any way I could."
"I... it was too risky."
"Too risky for me? But I bet your partner Aric could handle it better."
"I didn't mean it that way; I care about you; I didn't want you hurt."
"And you don't care about him?"
"You are making this hard..."
"No, you are making this hard!"
He had never raised his voice on me and for some reason this scared me. "I'm sorry, I should have told
you." "You should have. If you did, I would tell you that this letter might not be from your father."
Chapter One Hundred and Twel
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
We pulled up in front of a house that resembled the one Trian owned in Aureonna City.
"How many houses do you own?"
He smirked, "You don't want to know."
"I do, actually."
"A lot." He answered.
"Why do you need so many houses?"
"I used to be a traveler, obsessed with owning houses." He admitted, before leading me into the house.
We didn't stop at the living area; he led me to one of the rooms.
The design in this room felt more masculine.
"This is your room, isn't it?"
"Yes," he answered.
I ventured deeper into the room, looking around the place; my eyes landed on the king-size bed in the middle. Dark thoughts filled my mind, but I managed to force my eyes away from the bed.
"Those three weeks that I was away... I thought about you. It felt like an obsession, but I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"I thought about you too, every single day." I admitted, walking back to him, I took his hands in mine. "I believe in you now, fully and completely."
"I haven't earned it, Aliya."
"You have, over and again. You are the best thing that happened to be Trian Valtor, the best thing life gave me."
"You look beautiful in this dress. You look like an angel."
I could say the same thing about him, but he looked more like a fallen angel: dangerous, dark, and mysterious.
His hands trailed down my neck, and then, in an instant, he tore the bodice of my gown. Some of the diamonds embedded in the fabric scattered to the ground.
"What are you doing?" I ask, surprised.
He gave no response, but he didn't stop ripping the beautiful fabrics off my body. I should be angry, it was a beautiful dress but strangely, I wasn't.
Back in the castle, I was lavished with fineries, but I always knew I was still in a prison, the castle
everyone adored was my own prison. I was supposed to be grateful for all the elegant dresses, for the
diamond and gold jewelry... but I hated them. The gown was reminder of what 'they' wanted me to be. Maybe I wanted it torn off me.
I was left in only my panties as I wore no bra beneath the gown.
I shielded my nipples with my hands; he had seen me naked before, but still I felt shy as I always do.
"Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asked, and I nodded. "Speak up."
Chapter One Hundred and Twel
"Then that's good."
He held both my hands, forcing them down, and then he stared at me, his palm wrapping around my breasts.
"Don't you ever hide what belongs to me."
"I won't." I whispered.
"Good girl." He said before picking me up, my shredded gown remained on the floor as he placed me on the bed. My heart raced with fear and excitement.
He tore off his clothes, yanking his shirt so roughly that the buttons popped off and scattered on the floor. Then, he was naked.
I swallowed, staring at him. Never had I felt so self-conscious before; he was perfect, too good to be true. My eyes couldn't leave his male part... gods, he was large. It was going to hurt; Trian was not going to be gentle, even if it was my first time. I could tell, and yet I wasn't stopping him, even as he joined me on the bed.
"I promised to ruin you; I always keep my promises."
With his teeth around my panties, he slowly took off the last piece of fabric shielding me from him leaving me naked.