Contractually Yours Alpha (Riley)

Chapter Claim Me 214

Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen

Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen

Axel had left after taking off my stitches.

"You are healing up really nice," he commented with a smile.

"Thank you, and I already feel perfectly fine."

It was late in the night; Axel had already informed me that Thane would be back a bit late. There had been another attack, and many still belleved the attacks were from this pack.

I rose, putting on a robe, and headed to the balcony, enjoying the fresh air.

My mother was the only family I had left. I wish could tell her about Nick; he wasn't exactly a villain, but my mother had referred to him as the only 'good thing life offered me,' and she was wrong; if she knew the truth about him, she wouldn't think that. I wish I could open up and tell her everything; I wish I didn't have to lie, but now more than ever she didn't need to know the truth; she wanted to make a life for herself, and I was happy for her, but a part of me wasn't ready for all these. I needed someone there to shout at me when I was making the wrong step, and she wanted to let me be, I didn't want that. I needed a mother; I needed her, but with these so many secrets I kept away from her... It wasn't going to be easy to revive the bond we once shared.

Just then I spotted two figures a distance away; I knew who the first figure was almost immediately; that was Bailey. There was something suspicious about her friend. They were both in black, as if to blend in with the night. She was definitely up to something; I knew it. There was no other person close by, and I let my wings spring free, as I leaped into the chilled air of the night. I stopped a few distance from them, I hid my wings the moment I landed before slowly creeping closer to listen into their conversation.

"... You've done as I asked?" Bailey question.

"Yes, everything has been set..."

I stepped on a twig and it snapped.


"Hush. We are not alone." Bailey said, she must have heard that

Running wouldn't be a good idea, and so I hid behind a tree. After a few minutes of silence, their conversation continued.

"I will leave now." The other figure said, I recognize that voice.... It sounded a lot like... Beatrix. But that was impossible, right? She was supposed to be down in the dungeons, rotting to death.

They were moving now, heading in the opposite direction. I heard their footsteps fade away; well, I think it was safe to come out of my hiding spot now.


Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen

I rounded the tree only to come into direct contact with Bailey.

I was quick to slam her against the tree, but she was stronger; she kicked at my leg, and I lost balance; she shoved me down to the ground.

"You," she sneered.

"I guess you aren't happy to see me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was only taking a walk.'

"And you were doing that, hiding behind a tree?"

"I saw you and Beatrix; I had to know what all the secrecy was about, and isn't Beatrix supposed to be in the dungeons?"

She placed her leg against my back, applying pressure.

"Let's keep this a secret, shall we?"


always suspected you were up to something. Do you mind sharing what you were discussing with Beatrix?"

"You said it earlier; curiosity kills the cat. I know all about your little suspicions, and I have nothing to do with those, but be warned. No one must know Beatrix is free."

"Okay then." I agreed; of course, that would be the first thing I would tell Thane when he returned.

"Not good enough." She sent a kick to my guts, just where I had been stitched earlier, and I groaned. "So this is the deal. You keep this to yourself, and your mom stays alive. I know she is at the Raven Claw pack, about to get married-congratulations to her by the way, even if you don't look very enthusiastic about the news and no need to look so surprised, you should know by now that I have my sources. You will return back to Thane and pretend like you nothing, understood?"

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my mother."

"Or what?" she asked. I pushed away from her hold and rose to my feet.

"I will fucking kill you, Bailey."

I saw

"You think you can kill me? Back at the training grounds, I underestimated you; of course I didn't know the truth of what you had become; I wanted to take it easy on you. I won't make that mistake again. Don't be deceived; you are not powerful; power comes from the inside, and on the inside you reek of weakness. You've been warned, Highness."

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