
Special Chapter 47 Wolframite Amative

"Ouch! Boss, that hurts!" he exclaim while touching his head.
"I told you, just watch from afar and don't do anything without my permission. Now, look at her! She's injured! She's cautious!
She thinks were following her to put harm!"
"Sorry boss."
"Your sorry won't cure her injuries!" I said then look at Rackie from the distance. "Let’s go. She'll faint if we'll stay here." I
To be honest, I don't want to put any harm on Rackie but my people were so dumb headed that they can't even follow simple
instructions. I found out that she lost so much blood that day and she's now hospitalized. I can't just visit her; those Go brothers
are always there.
It’s been weeks since I'm having sleepless nights, she's sleeping at my favorite room, on my favorite bed. My Abstract is so
defenseless when sleeping. I heard my phone ringing, if not for her I already curse out my lungs because the caller interrupts my
peaceful looking at the beautiful creature view.
"Boss, we found them. We already sent someone to pick you up so you can come here."

Before I said I won't be coming, they were outside my house. I have no choice but to leave her alone. She's still asleep like a
baby. I kissed her head before leaving.
"Whom did you catch from those rats?" I ask while grinding my teeth.
"Both, boss." Rhodolite said, the driver.
"Where?" I asked.
"We found them to a remote area."
I was too harsh for what I've done today, Chief is still crying while Captain hugs her child and glares at me. I can't even comfort
them for I was the one who cause them this kind of pain they feel right now but those bastards really get into my nerves
especially that Doodle! How can he abandon his own flesh and blood? I just heard Capee and Chie screamed while covering
their ears. The next thing I knew they were looking at me with worried eyes. I just found out that I'm bleeding and my sisters are
crying all over again while pressing my wound.
"Get these two out of here, I'm the only one they are after for. Make sure they are safe. I'll buy you time just all of you get out of
here!" I commanded.
They were all against but this is my fight, mine alone. I don't want to put any harm on them especially to my nephew. I was
running into the woods; honestly how did I get here? I really don't know yet they are still after me. I forgot how to pray however
the moment I thought of my nephew and my sisters, I whisper a pray that they were safe. Uh, now I remember... This is a remote
area where those bastards hide. A leap of hope escapes on my lips when I saw my Abstract but that hope fades when I found

out she's helping someone up from the cliff. I think my voice run somewhere, I can't call her out from where I am right now. I'm
near to help her because the one behind her struggles too much that he can't pull a petite girl who's injured yet when I was about
to help, I found out that she's helping those bastards, I became statue for a moment. I'm about to command that last person
who's near her to catch her for she was about to fall over the cliff yet once again, my voice betrayed me. It was too late, she fell
and I wasn't able to help her. I don't care about these bastards anymore, I run to check her yet I'm too slow to run.
"Go!" that's the last word I've heard from her.
The moment these bastards saw me, they ran as fast as they can and never look back while me screaming, shouting and yelling
her name but there's no response. I was about to climb down on this cliff yet one of my friends pulled me up.
"Boss, come on! Let's go!" that's all I can hear and force me to come with them.
Day after day that accident, I went to the cliff where my Abstract fell yet my friends always pull me up. My heart is breaking. I
can't move freely because I'm now a suspect which is true. If I just forgive those bastards, she won't be missing.
"Abstract! Abstract!" I yelled with regret while crying. "What if she was at the woods under that cliff? What if she fell there and no
one can hear her calling for help? I have to save her!" Even if my wounds are bleeding, I really don't mind. All that I have in my
mind is to save my Abstract, my poor Abstract what did I do?
The next thing I knew is I'm lying at the bed with pale yellow painted all over the room. I look all over the room and it’s obvious
that is so girl room.

"You're awake. Don't move yet, your muscles were forced that's why you're feeling weak and cramps but you'll be fine." said the
girl who just came in. She smiled at me. That was the first time that someone smiled at me genuinely aside from my Abstract
who smiled at me the first time I met her and she never smile at me ever again. I look away. She touches my forehead. "Your
fever have gone down now." she said. "Don't worry, you'll be safe here." Honestly, I don't deserve this kind of kindness but how
and why in this world gave this angel to me? I look at her, she has a long hair, long eyelashes and red lips.
"Name." that's all I've said but it seems she understand what I'm about to ask.
"Sunbeam." that's all she said. I look at her before she left and leave a smile on me. That smile made me forget the goal I've had
on my mind. I forgot about Abstract and my feelings for my beloved racer whom I loved for years.
"Sunbeam." I whisper on the air with a smile on my lips. "Familiar name yet unique." I added then I fell asleep.
The moment I opened my eyes, there's food serve and ready to eat. The door is always lock seems like she doesn't want me to
go out which is favorable with me because I don't want to go back to where I have outside this room. In this room I'm accepted,
I'm treasured and I'm taken care of really good. In this room, I can see her sleeping even though she not next to me but what's
more important for me is her smile every morning every time I wake up, her smile is like the sunbeam on my life that makes my
dark past fade away and make me forget.
“Stay here and don’t move that much, Zeus.” she said and left.

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