Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Thirteen.

Robert could see a distant flickering of light, as he and the others approached the valley, he could just make out the reflections of a fire.

“It would seem there is company below us.” As they descended the valley, he became aware of the male cat, it was looking down on its mate and cubs, as they were finishing off the remains of one of the bears.

“We are not the only visitors to this valley.”

His companions had also seen through the cat’s eyes, as the huge creature turned its head, they became aware that the wolves were still trying to keep to their flanks. In turning to view the wolves, the cat had passed its eyes across the entrance to the cave. Clearly before them, they could see a huge fire blocking the entrance.

Robert raised his rifle and fired three quick shots into the air. Immediately the cat family left what remained of its feed and merged into the wilderness. Juliet could sense her partner’s presence, quickly she replied by firing three shots into the air.

“Juliet is that you?” Shouted Robert, for a brief few seconds he awaited her reply.

“Yes, we are sheltering in the cave.” She paused for no more than a brief few seconds.

“Take care there are animals, other than the cats nearby.”

Her words only reinforced his determination to bring his partner, and those in her care into the safety of his group. Jamie raised his rifle and fired into the darkened cavern beyond the fire, he had sensed that the unseen predators, were aware of Robert and the others.

“Juliet, tell Robert to come quickly.” His words were not needed, on hearing gunfire from within the cave, Robert leapt some five meters from where he had been standing, then in another two bounds, he had jumped clearly over the fire and entered into the cave.

He had instructed his companions to stay grouped together and proceed to the entrance immediately. He was aware that Alex’s offspring were unable to leap the type of distances, which he had just undertaken, however there strength far than made up for that inability, Jamie’s assumption had been correct. From within the surrounding caverns emerged starving bears, mountain lions and other zoo escaped predators.

It was at that moment that the Alpha wolf led an organised attack, on the remaining group, which was still outside, and then the bears and other creatures also charged into the gathering and acted immediately similar to the wolves. Before Robert and Juliet could come to their aid, blood had been drawn, two of Robert’s sons were wounded near fatally, and it was gunfire and brute strength that saved many a life. However, it was the sheer number of attacking animals that started to overwhelm those who were fighting for their lives.

Within the cave Jamie called out to Juliet for help as animal after animal tried to force its way into the cave. At that moment Virgo re-appeared on the scene, he lunged forward forcing his way into the battle and set about killing some animals, and trying to get at the humans and hybrids, from within the party. Robert immediately came to his brother’s aid, as he raised his rifle to fire, he realised he was out of ammunition.

Virgo turned and charged Robert. At the same moment, the male cat leapt from a high vantage point, and tore a massive chunk of flesh from Virgos neck, the next instant; it sank its huge teeth into the bear’s throat and broke its neck.

The female cat and her cubs leapt into the sprawl of wild animals and frantically fought off those that had gained an advantage over the humans, within minutes, there was silence, Robert looked at the huge cat as it stood proud with its to front legs on Virgos chest. No sooner had the cats arrived, when the male cat turned its head to look at Robert, and then walked away to join his family. “Dear Lord, that creature saved our lives, why would it have risked its life and that of its family for us?” he asked in stunned disbelief.

Juliet was unable to answer; again, it was young Gemma who answered, she had left the security of the cave to fight alongside the others. She stood no higher than four foot seven and was totally dwarfed by the huge hybrids around her, yet been only a child, she fought with such tenacity, that she killed many of the wild animals alongside Robert’s family.

She lowered her rifle and took hold of one of Robert’s hands.

“I cannot be sure, but I feel it was repaying you a debt of thanks, Jamie told me of the many times that you or the others could have shot at it or its family, but instead, you all repaid it with kindness and food, and I also feel like Jamie, that it in some way has an empathic connection.”

Robert looked down at young Gemma, “I would hardly say it was from kindness, it was Jamie who saw the value in feeding the beast, and he felt that by providing it with food, that it would in turn leave us alone.”

Gemma looked up at Robert. “I think for now we had better tend to your kin folk, as some are bleeding badly.”

The child was unaware of their genetic ability to heal so quickly, however Robert moved to the nearest injured person and assisted the others in taking them to the safety of the cave. It was Jamie who emerged from the cave; he had left others to guard the inner entrance and ventured outside to assist in the recovery of the dead and injured.

“Leave those bears, we only want their skins, the cat family won the right for their meat.”

Juliet walked over to his side. “You were right son, thank you; my family are indebted to you.”

Jamie never answered, the scene before them was one of sheer carnage; the alpha wolf had miraculously escaped, and fled the scene, along with a very limited number of other creatures. It was a full three hours before the group had skinned and cut the meat into movable chunks, and then left some five bears along with Virgo, for the cat to feed upon.

“In truth Mam, I think that creature is far more intelligent and self-aware than we had given it credit for.”

Juliet look at Jamie; she could see a tear in his eye. “What is it that has caused you such pain?” she enquired.

Jamie lowered his head and looked at the hunting knife in his hand, it had been given to him by one of Alex’s sons; his body now lay motionless before them. “I have come to look upon you all as true kin, the loss of such life is hard to understand.”

Juliet placed an arm across his shoulder. “They died defending their family son; you and your kin were part of that family. They could not have asked for a more honourable way to die.”

Jamie thought over her words, wiped the tear from his cheek and walked away to gather his belongings, and then returned,

“Robert Juliet can I make a request?” he awaited their reply,

“Why yes son,” Jamie looked at the dead hybrids, as tears flowed from his eyes, yet he held his posture and control with dignity.

“May I chant our family’s rite of passage, these were true warriors and deserve my family’s thanks and blessings, as they enter their next life.”

Mrs Undraus instructed Seth to guide the Aura shuttle, to an area that her technicians and soldiers had prepared. As the craft landed with its Jump Jet Harrier type motors, it came to a silent rest. The on-board pilot and crew appeared as if it had been unaware of who it was that had diverted their landing. On leaving the craft they were greeted by armed soldiers and led into an underground complex.

“Which one of you is Captain Graham Burgess?” enquired Mrs Undraus. The captain looked at the lady before him.

“That would be me Mam, to whom do I have the honour of talking with?”

Mrs Undraus respected the courtesy, and she smiled, and then spoke.

“Am I correct in assuming; that you and your staff are in the direct employment of the Portland Institute?”

“Yes Mam” Came the reply.

Mrs Undraus paused for some seconds, she had truly not expected to be treated or spoken to with such respect.

“Tell me captain have you heard of the Undraus corporation?”

The captain looked at the lady before him,

“Why yes Mam, if you are Mrs Undraus, then you are one of the foremost respected and valued citizens of the United States, correction, I apologise, I should have said in the world.”

She smiled at the young man’s whit, yet his words pleased her.

“We have need of your skills and the craft that you have just landed.”

She paused, took a sip of water, and then continued talking.

“You and your team have two very simple options, however after talking to you, I feel that you are all intelligent enough and will understand which course of action that you should take.”

The captain never spoke; he simply gently lowered his head, acknowledging her remarks. “You can live and be well respected and cared for, I value highly those with such skills that are in my care.” Again, she paused to give enforcement to her next words.

“Or…or you can refrain from offering your services, for which I would understand. However, should that be the case, then I would have no need for you on my team, do I make myself clear?”

Captain Burgess, breathed in deeply, held his breath and then exhaled.

“Most clearly Mam, of how may I and my team be of assistance?” he replied with utter politeness.

Elaine diverted her concentration to the moon base computer; the mental connections had passed within the frame of a single Nano second, and almost as quickly she disconnected her mind leaving her version of Seth to oversee any future communications. A simple instruction had been implanted, enabling her to be aware of any program changes or communications with the moon base.

Elaine was aware that the base offered not only refuge or sanctuary, but also with its extensive scientific facilities, and all equipped by the Portland Institute, it enabled any future tenant to develop untold research, unhindered by the earth’s atmospheric and gravitational restrictions.

Alex entered the room and tried to telepathically connect to Elaine, “Excuse me Elaine, I know you left strict instructions to not be disturbed.” Christine turned to face Alex; it was some seconds before she answered.

“Alex…could it really have not waited?”

Seth instantly answered her question.

“The Portland institute has just released its total batch of Blue Goo; you stated very clearly that you were to be made aware of any complications.”

Elaine re-established her neuro link with Seth,

“Seth re-establishes communication with Portland.” Seth again answered immediately. “That is what Alex was trying to inform you, there is no Portland Institute, and it no longer exists.”

“I do not understand. Clarify your last statement.”

It was Alex, who interrupted,

“It would appear that several staff were sent out by the Muller Sky cars, to distribute the Blue Goo. Within minutes of the last sky car leaving, all communications were lost.”

Alex paused, and then continued talking.

“We were able to re-establish a visual connection from the security cameras, at one of your other facilities on the island.”

“Was…my daughter on any of the sky cars?” enquired Elaine, Alex lowered his head,

“Yes, she had been included in one of the distribution teams, but for some reason, and as of yet unknown, we appear to have no further contact, other than knowing that she stayed close to the island.”

Elaine viewed the images before her; the Lighthouse and the main research facilities were a smouldering mass of ruins. There had been over two hundred employees within the facilities and an unknown number of family members awaiting transfer to the moon base.

As it dawned on the family of their loss, fear gripped them. The facility had been the most advanced on the planet, with the very best technicians and protection, which money could buy.

“Seth do we still have access to their research?” Elaine enquired.

“Yes, the backup system was unchanged and backed up twice daily, as per your instructions. The last entry was twenty-five minutes prior to the loss of communications.”

Elaine thought for some seconds, “What were there last actions?”

“They had noted a change in the magnetic north and said a visitor whom you know as Anastasia had arrived and had reinstated.”

Those were Seth’s last words the bio-genetic computer went silent.

Jamie raised his head, then looked and the others.

“Something is wrong.” For some seconds he just stared into a void of darkness, and then rose to his feet.

“This is not right; can’t you feel it?” Robert walked to his side,

“What is it that has spooked you?”

Jamie looked up at his friend, “I feel we need to go outside, even the animals are expressing fear.”

Juliet interrupted him.

“Robert can’t you feel it, it is not only a vibration from within the earth, the air is also different.”

No sooner had she spoke than there was a thunderous earthquake, with the earth changing on its axis. Almost instantly the air became thin, and the temperature outside the cave dropped to over minus fifty, it was Robert that surmised what might be happening.

“I cannot be sure, but I would say the Asteroid started a chain reaction.”

The words took seconds before their reality caused a response.

“If the world has shifted on its axis, it could only hasten an instant Ice age, unless we can get ourselves back to base, we may not survive.”

Already even with the three fires burning, the interior of the cave was becoming noticeably colder.

“Do you think we can make it back?” Robert looked at Jamie,

“We have an adequate supply of firs; from them we can fashion suitable clothing. The food is by far more than adequate; however, I am unsure as to the health and strength of some of the women and children.”

Gemma walked to Jamie’s side, “I am not leaving any of my kin; we are more than able to travel with you.”

Robert placed a hand on her shoulder,

“You are correct; it was not you and your kin that I was concerned about. You rescued a party from those human traders; I feel that some of them will die in this cold.”

Gemma looked at some of the women and children, lifting her head; she bit into her lower lip.

“You are right, but it would be wrong to leave them,” She paused for a few seconds thinking, and then continued talking.

“We can leave them here with a supply of food and wood, or we can terminate their lives, what we cannot do is take them with us; they would slow us down and place the family in danger from the cold and wild animals.”

Her words were stark and brutal, yet the truth was none the less unalterable. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that their most humane action would be to leave them within the cave, with food, fuel and firearms. Jamie had not wanted to kill them, yet he knew the cats and bears would eventually find a way into the cave and kill them, he just could not decide if it was far more merciful than leaving them to face such fear and brutality.

“We can fashion snow shoes using green wood and animal sinew.” Stated Gemma, “My Pa showed me how to do it before he was killed.”

Robert looked down at the small child. Incredibly she had the tenacity, and foresight akin to that of Jamie. He could see that they were well matched. It was Juliet that interrupted his thoughts.

“I feel leaving these people here is cruel and a waste of food, clothing and munitions. I know it seems brutal, but it would be by far more merciful to terminate their lives now, before we leave.”

Robert listened quietly along with the rest of the hybrids,

“I agree, but as already stated by leaving them here we will without questions buy ourselves much valuable time, and there is just, albeit a very slim chance that they may survive.”

Robert hesitated momentarily looking at his wife with patience and understanding, Juliet looked at the group of injured women and children. “Mercy would still be my root; however, I agree, the family must survive, and by leaving them here with their injuries and for some, with the loss of blood, it will ensure most of the animals will focus their attentions here rather than on us.”

“If I may Mam,” It was Jamie who spoke next. “We hill folk are well acquainted with hardship and danger. With a few adaptations to this cavern it is just possible that we could hasten their chances of survival.”

Robert looked inquisitively, “What do you have in mind son?”

Jamie looked around the cavern, “If we can find a way of ceiling off that internal entrance, and narrowing the main way in, then it would be quiet easy to defend” He paused and wiped away dust from his eyes, “The food cellar can be extended, water can be collected from that lower crag were it trickles down the rocks. Pa told me thousands of years ago our ancient ancestors lived in such caves, and that they had far less to defend themselves with than we have here.”

The group was stunned for some seconds; it was then that two of the hybrid humans spoke. The first was Jessie, a grandson of Roberts,

“Father if I may, I would like to stay with these humans, I feel with work that Jamie’s plan could be made to work.”

“As do I”, the group looked up at the son of Alex senior. It was his brother that was killed in the animal attack. He was a second son of Alex and stood at almost nine foot, and weighing in at over 600lbs, all mussels, without an ounce of fat on him.

“My father will understand; we are extending our chances of survival by diversifying and separating.”

It was Juliet, who stepped forward,

“Jessie, Alex it is for you to choose, you both shall be missed, yet I am pleased for you. There are some fine females here who when they recover will give you fine offspring.”

Jamie was pleased, he knew now the group would have a good chance of survival.

“I noticed not far from the entrance there is a large cluster of boulders, if we can move them, then we can narrow the entrance to just allow an adult to gain entry. Two of us can wedge similar boulders into the internal entrance, Alex could you and some others bring boulders into the cavern. Robert could you organise a team to start on the front, Gemma and I can organise security.”

Robert smiled; he knew that Jamie was pleased; Juliet had also expressed distaste in leaving the humans. It took a full day before the boulders had been repositioned and a further two days to refashion the root cellar, leaving it secure from animal attack, similar to what Michael had built for Mary Jane. By the fourth day the groups parted and went their separate ways, Robert and Juliet led the remaining Hybrids and humans towards Bear Mountain, while Jessie and Alex remained to build a community of their own.

Within the cavern, it held a vast supply of chopped wood along with stored smoked provisions, which was put in place by Jamie’s Pa. The animals that were killed were divided along with the firs, leaving the new community with a substantial improvement on their survival. Hundreds of years of living in these mountain ranges, had equipped most of the humans for such a life style, and as for the hybrids each one was equivalent in strength and stamina to ten men, possibly more in Alex’s son’s case.

The Portland Foundation was almost fully destroyed, at least that was what it looked like, Elaine now knew differently, Anastasia was a life force her team had regenerated from some fossilized remains discovered by her Grandfather and had been kept in storage. When their knowledge and skills had advanced, her technicians had with her direction and guidance, extracted small quantities of XDNA, and regrown the creature. Only to find some time later that it had vanished from within the sealed security rooms.

Then one evening it reappeared within Elaine’s private room, and they were able to communicate, Anastasia explained that she lived within a semi dimension of space, close to that of Earth, and that in her timeline, her species would visit Earth to have their young. As it was safer for them to grow on Earth and develop unhindered from creatures in her realm. Together they had re-visited the chambers, now owned by the Portland Foundation, and many additional remains were found, and with Elaine’s direct assistance, they were brought back to life.

Anastasia had explained that humans existed in her world and looked in every way identical to humans living on Earth. However, their technology was based more on high science, and some hundreds of years in advance of Elaine’s time line, as such it appeared as if it was a magic skill, rather than direct science, and that should they become combined, that a person holding such power would be vastly more advance and knowledgeable to any one on Elaine’s world.

Anastasia explained that she had become aware of the troubles our time line was facing and had tried to return, but because of the water levels she had been unable to gain access to the Portland Institute. When however, the water levels decreased she decided to visit Elaine, and became aware that the Institute was under attack from a weapon in space.

So, she reacted instinctively and transported herself and the building she was in back into her time line and dimension. Sadly, she could not safe everyone, however she had saved all the Moon base families and most of the Institutes staff along with over two thirds of Eline’s research stations and storage units.

The remaining was totally destroyed by the satellite weapon, when Anastasia returned, she used her abilities to destroy the satellite, and informed Elaine it was under the direct control of the U.S. president’s staff, but had been over ridden by the Undraus Corporation.

Elaine’s daughter had only just vacated the buildings and had witnessed the attacks but had been injured and unable to communicate or call for help. Anastasia had found her and had her taken back to her time line where she was recovering. From there it was decided that a contingent of personnel would stay living within the new time line. Anastasia returned the buildings and personnel, which had included the moon base and Mars families.

In time it was discovered that an even greater enemy was emerging, insects had become contaminated by feeding off the remains of the dead carcases, and in time they stated showing signs of advanced growth, intelligence and telepathy. As a result, Earth now faced a new threat which Elaine was forced to concentrate her attention towards.

It did however have a silver lining, which had not at first been expected, as the insect population offered a very ready supply of food rich in protein, and as the availability of wild animals required time to regrow or restock, the insects offered a suitable alternative. Maggot’s grubs and worms had increased in bulk by some nine hundred percent, Bees and other flying insects had precipitated, resulting in three simple grubs, making a substantial meal.

That was thirteen years ago, my father Jamie and his group were eventually met by one of the hover pods that were sent out to find them. Four days later I was born, typical of Jamie he and his two wives along with fifteen hybrid technicians; twenty-four human men, thirty-three human women and eighteen children; plus, a supply of munitions; essential tools and food, took some hover pods and returned to the caves.

It was agreed that if the human race was to survive then it had to be given the best possible chance of survival, what little Blue Goo that was left was injected into each pioneer before departure. Should the colony then come into contact with the Grey Goo it gave them an above average chance of survival.

In fact, it did just that, only two years later the colony had grown by fifteen percent, with all new born immune systems already tolerant to the Grey Goo. It was believed the colony became infected by contaminated meat brought in from a hybrid bear. Only three eventually died, with a full 100% recovery of everyone else who became infected. As the colony grows, we need to go deeper into the caverns, they in turn have to be surveyed and secure before new areas become habitable.

As for Elaine and the Bear Mountain colony, it was eventually divided into three new sections, one comprising of the best technicians in the field of Nano technology along with specialised military trained hybrids that eventually made it to the moon base. As it turned out, it was only twelve days after that of the Undraus team; father told me that those who arrived were dispatched moments after entering the visitors lounge.

There shuttle and equipment were used to bolster the moons much needed supplies; and from there new batches of Blue Goo have been made in vast quantities and distributed to the Mars colony’s, and enough was always held back for the Moon’s needs, and with the remainder returned to bear mountain.

Jamie my Father has contacted the various new colonies through the hybrids, it is estimated that this ice age will last another thousand years, unless Christine or the Undraus family can find a way of hastening its end. There is so much more to tell, and I record faithfully all that my father and my new family tell me, I have been appointed the families group historian, there is one appointed in every colony, along with three assistants. One day this world will return from the ice age, only now it will be controlled by a newer breed of enhanced humans, hybrids who are born with the genetic memories and knowledge of their parents.

There will be animals and insects that have evolved into super creatures far beyond the imagination of when my father was a boy. One point of encouragement, there have been no volcanic eruptions in this area now for over ten years, the dust no longer falls blotting out the sun, there is still an element of volcanic cloud which prevents the sun from fully breaking through. However, now it is light outside, and certain areas which are not covered by mountains of ice, have been made secure, and a minimal crop of maze has been grown for the last five years. Last year we grew our first ever rice field and although it was barely edible it was a start.

Many a night my father and I along with my brothers and sisters talk, drinking a diluted version of the famous Paa’s home brew, the stronger unfiltered substance is kept for explosives and emergencies. We discuss what might have happened if father Peter had chosen another route other that bio genetics.

My father said in his opinion someone else would have stepped in and had they not had the finance and control that father Peter and Christine showed; that the world could now be in an even worst position. It certainly causes many an hour of debate during those lonely cold hours between night and day.

Well until I put together another record of our history I will for now close my story and wish those of you who endured to the end, a very good night.

The End of Book Three.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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