Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Seven.

Elaine had been listening in telepathically. “Michael, I will get my team working on that immediately, I cannot see why we can’t find a way around those difficulties.”

It was at that moment that the electrical storm restarted, this time with considerable rage, and had cut off their communications.

Juliet slowly moved sideways and made her way to where Jamie was sitting.

“Listen son, I feel we may be able to make our way through that hole and into the lake below.”

Jamie tore off another strip from his shirt, and then lit one of its ends. The light was poor, as the fire struggled to take hold, but it was enough for them to see their surroundings. As they raised their heads some three meters above them hanging by a strap was one of their back packs that Juliet had been holding.

“Do you see that son, if we can reach that, then there is provisions of food and medical equipment in there, as well as a battery powered torch and even a hand gun.”

Jamie looked at Juliet, “If you were to lift me onto your shoulders, I may be able to reach it.”

Juliet looked at the bag, and then back towards Jamie. “Ok son. Place that rag on this ledge and climb onto my shoulders.”

No sooner had she ask him, then Jamie made his way towards her, placed a foot in her cupped hands and raised himself upwards. As he did that, Juliet lifted her arms upright, bearing his full weight in her hands and up stretched arms. Jamie took a firm hold of the bag, and then lowered himself back to the ledge.

“I wish that I had the strength and abilities of you and your kin Mam.”

Juliet opened the bag and pulled out the torch, as the rag finally burned out, it was then the battery-powered torch that now gave them their light which they needed.

Looking down the hole, Juliet considered carefully a course of action. It was Jamie however on looking further through the medical kit and provisions that he came across a large container of baby oil.

“Umm, would you mind telling me what this is used for?” Juliet smiled; Jamie’s question had caused an element of surprised embarrassment.

“Yes son, Robert and I use it at times, to apply it to each other’s body, massaging it deeply into the skin. You see our skin is slightly different to yours and it is prone to drying.”

Jamie interrupted her by raising a hand and gently touching her face. “Yes, it is kind of softer, almost like that substance they call velvet.”

“Yes son, we find that the oil, helps to keep it in better health, when I realized I was to be accompanying you on this hunting party, I was concerned that the wind and dust would cause me problems.”

Jamie just smiled.

“I understand, and it’s fortunate for us that you brought it.” Juliet looked at Jamie.

“It’s just it has given me an idea.” Juliet’s puzzled expression turned into a broad smile. “Grease yes?”

Jamie nodded smiling and feeling thankful for a chance finding of escaping their stoned prison.

“Yes, son it may just work, but I am still unsure if I will fit through that hole, you are considerably smaller framed than me, and I feel even you will find it difficult.”

Jamie just smiled with his typical grin. “The only other option is to stay here and die.”

His words were direct and to the point.

“Your right son, we will have to place our clothing into this rucksack and try to hang it from one of our arms, as we try to squeeze through that hole.”

Jamie blinked, and then looked down as Juliet shone the torch directly down the centre of the hole, trying to keep as much light as possible away from the crystallized walls.

“If I am not mistaken Mam, I would say that is rather a long drop from here, I will be truthful with you, I would rather we had another option.”

Juliet looked at Jamie. “I know son, and if I had my way, I would make the same choice, and find an alternative way.”

Jamie and Juliet laughed, then started to take off their clothing, leaving only they’re under garments. They then placed there clothing into the rucksack, secured the torch, and then liberally applied the baby oil onto each other’s body. “Don’t be embarrassed son, make sure you cover me over completely, I shall need more than you, due to the nature of my skin.”

Jamie looked at her body, then lifted the bottle and very liberally applied the oil; his hands were strong and firm for such a young man. Juliet rippled her mussels as his hands moved along her skin.

“Right son, it is your turn now.”

Jamie handed her the bottle, as she viewed his muscular and youthful body, Jamie could feel something like electricity serge through his spine, as every nerve seemed to tingle into life, as Juliet gently kissed his head, and then ran her fingers along his taught skin as she applied more oil.

“Ahr…, don’t stop that was nice.”

Juliet smiled, she had not been sure, that the young man before her would enjoy such luxury.

“When we return home, I will teach Evolin my daughter, how to massage your body, I have a feeling that you will both find immense pleasure.”

Jamie bit into his lower lip, and then looked at her.

“In truth Mam unless we can get through this hole, and then find another way out of this cave system, we may never return home.”

“I know son but let us just concentrate for now on the task at hand”

Juliet smiled then arose to her knees and handed the baby oil, back to Jamie.

“I think we shall both need to have this re-apply to our bodies.”

Robert had returned to the surface and re-grouped and then headed in an Easterly direction, unseen by him and his family, the male cat kept itself just far enough out of range to avoid a telepathic link. As the group moved away, it waited until it was clear, and then made its way to the caverns entrance and sniffed the ground. Its body was too large to enter the caverns below, but already it could sense that somewhere below were Juliet and Jamie. Lifting its immense head, the cat sniffed the air, and then moved away in a northerly direction.

The journey to the mountain ridge was full of difficulties; Robert and his family had to cope with wild animals, poisonous dust clouds, lightning and limited vision. In addition, unknown to Robert there was a contingent of the Undraus military, still encamped on the mountain.

They had originally received instructions from Mrs. Undraus to study, and then capture the two bears. What they had not been aware of, was that Mrs. Undraus had released the two cats, and other bio-genetically created animals into the same area some months earlier, to see how they interacted against the bears and the heavily armed humans.

Genetic advances had enabled her team to duplicate some of the hereditary bio-markers that she and her team had found on Thomas, it was these very markers that gave the cat like beast its telepathic capability, as well as its intellect and capacity to view through the eyes of Roberts Blood-line.

The officer looked at the soldier before him, “Sergeant James, what have you to report?” The marine stood to attention, saluted his commanding officer then delivered his report.

“The bear that they call Virgo sir, it has remained elusive to any of our attempts at its capture. To date seventeen other bears have accepted our bait, yet there seems to be a higher level of intelligence and understanding among a few of the other bears; also, and more disturbing with what appears that bear we refer to as Virgo directing their activities.”

The military officer studied the report then looked at the person before him.

“Thank you, you are dismissed.”

“If I may sir permission to ask the general a question?”

“Granted soldier, what is it?

The soldier looked at his commanding officer, “Sir, has there been any communication outside the mountain yet sir, please sir?”

“No son, our orders were strict and clear, under no circumstances are we to break radio silence or vacate this mountain, without first having obtained our instructed objective. Our employer Mrs Undraus was kind enough to ensure that we had more than adequate provisions, equipment and personnel. Now do you think that a little earth quake and some electrical storms are going to stop us from reaching that objective, now do you son?”

“No Sir, no sir.” Replied the soldier.

“Very good sergeant, now unless you have another question, I suggest that you return to your duties.”

At that the sergeant saluted turned then walked away.

“Do you feel there may be a problem accruing in the ranks?” enquired an Undraus technician as he walked into the room.

“No Sir, they like any humans, are simply missing their family and loved ones, nothing sir that cannot be handled.”

The general breathed in, as the Undraus technician stood before him, he had been genetically cloned, with an advanced intellect, height and strength, as well as mental and telepathic ability, and almost an equal to that of Thomas.

The encampment had been equipped with its own generators, laser guarded bio-genetic sensors, and enough firearm power and munitions to supply a small country.

From a distant ridge, Virgo viewed the encampment; he had spent months watching the soldiers and wanted revenge for the pain that they had inflicted on him and for invading his territory. Now as three soldiers passed through the bio laser canon boundaries, he stared at their unusual faces, as they were wearing breathing apparatus and specially constructed bio-computerized night vision glasses.

Meanwhile back in the cavern, Jamie cut one of the shoulder straps from the backpack, then using his knife he split it length ways and fastened the ends together. Juliet secured on end of the strap to an ankle and the other end to Jamie’s wrist.

“Listen Jamie, I am unsure if this will hold my weight, however we have no other options. Once I commit myself, you will have to do everything in your power to assist me, it is also imperative that we do not become separated.”

Juliet took hold of the remaining strap that was still attached to the backpack; and secured it to one of her wrists.

“OK, Jamie keep the baby oil with you, it is highly likely that I shall become wedged; if that happens, then I will need you to pour some of the oil along my body.”

Jamie could not help but feeling uncomfortable, as Juliet lowered herself from the ledge; she entered head first, and within minutes Jamie could see blood; already some of the skin from her back was grazed and bleeding. He lowered himself, so that he was face down. Then poured some of the oil on the areas where he could see that Juliet was experiencing difficulty.

“Juliet, can you hear me?”

Juliet tried moving her body in a twisted snake like fashion.

“Yes Jamie, I am almost through, a little further now and I can see light reflecting from the crystalline walls.”

On the occasions of sporadic lightning flashes that were below the cloud line, the crystals reflected a dim light, indicating that from somewhere below, light was able to enter the cavern. Jamie could feel the strap that was attached to his wrist becoming tight.

“I am going to have to follow; the strap is not long enough for me to remain here.”

Juliet never answered, as she started to slide from the hole with more ease, Jamie found that he had no other choice that to follow.

“Jamie I am going to try and brace my weight, against the side walls, so that I don’t fall.” Said Juliet. Jamie was already entering the hole, as the torch reflected off the crystallized wall; he was just able to see that Juliet was only a matter of a few meters in front of him.

“I can almost touch your feet; see if you can move a little lower down.”

Juliet could feel the strain of holding her weight upside down, a few more inches and she would be coming against one of the crystallized walls.

“Listen Jamie, see if you can crawl past my feet and get yourself as close beside me as possible.”

Jamie was finding the manoeuvrings considerably easier than Juliet had, although he had already cut himself in many places.

“Ah Shite, that hurt.” Blood was running from his thigh, along his tummy and onto his chest.

“Are you ok son?” enquired Juliet, as that was the first time, she had heard young Jamie use such words.

“Yes, I guess I will have to be, I just caught my thigh on a sharp edge, had I hit it much lower; I don’t think Evolin would be having any more children.”

As he jested, he cringed at the pain.

“That’s is ok son, you are just passing my knees, see if you can lower yourself until you can go no further.”

Jamie twisted his body, and then slid another meter, hitting Juliet’s chest with his head.

“I think that is as far as I can go.” Juliet tried to slowly move her body but found that Jamie still needed to lower himself a few more inches to enable them to clear the obstacles.

“Jamie, I need you to try and move yourself downwards just a few more inches.”

As she spoke, Jamie’s outstretched arms, had reached her shoulder, within a few seconds he just managed to slide his hands around her neck.

“OK Jamie brace yourself and hold tightly around my neck.”

No sooner had she spoke when she could feel her grip slipping. As Juliet removed her hands, both bodies started to slide downwards. Grasping her arms around Jamie, she held him securely against her. The fall was rough, as both bodies bounced off the crystallized wall, catching their skin and tearing strips away.

Within seconds they had realized, that they were now free from the wall and falling downwards at an accelerated rate. As their bodies hit the water’s surface, they had not been prepared for the intense coldness of the water. As they sank into the dark depths, Jamie released his grip and tried swimming back upwards. As Juliet let go, she realized the backpack had become separated from her wrist; thrashing her body sideward; she took hold of one of Jamie’s hands and made her way to the surface.

“Ahr…, Juliet are you alright?” Jamey asked Juliet.

Juliet shuddered as the intense coldness of the water, which almost took her breath away.

“Yes son, do you still have the torch with you?”

Jamie lifted his arm; there hanging on his wrist was one rubber coated torch, and still in working order.

“Lord this water is cold.” Replied Jamie.

Juliet reached over and took the torch, shining it into the cavern, she could see that they were some five hundred meters from dry land, and then looking around, Juliet searched for the missing backpack.

“We are going to have to swim in that direction, keep looking as you swim for the rucksack; it’s got our clothing and other essential supplies.”

Both were good swimmers, although by the time they reached dry land, they had found various items from the backpack floating on the surface.

“The bag must have caught on one of the ridges and burst open.” Stated Juliet, and looking around, they could only find a First Aid tin, two small plastic boxes containing, matches, tinder and a hunting knife, plus a few additional survival items. “We must find that bag, it contains the rest of our clothing and some food.”

Jamie looked at Juliet; blood was no longer flowing from her wounds.

“How can you do that; I am having trouble in stopping the bleeding?”

Juliet then realized, he was cut quite badly, she healed by far quicker than humans; and had forgotten about their more delicate bodies.

Looking at Jamie, Juliet could see that his arms were badly grazed, as was his back and part of his left leg. However, the most serious injury was to the area, on his upper leg on his inner thigh; where three large areas of skin had been stripped away.

“I am going to have to treat those injuries son, or they could become infected.” Jamie blushed, breathed in deeply, he held his breath, and then exhaled, gritting his teeth as pain surged through his body. After some forty minutes, Jamie had his wounds cleaned sterilized and dressed. It was then that they heard something hitting the water.

“What was that?” As they both looked across the water, Juliet could just make out the backpack.

“It’s the bag; it must have got stuck on a small ledge and has only just fallen.” Within minutes Juliet had swam out to the bag and retrieved it. It was not until they opened it that they realized the handgun was missing.

“Well at least we still have our clothing.” Juliet smiled at the resolve of the young man.

“Now all we have to do, is find our way out of here.”

Jamie looked at Juliet, as he pulled on his pants and passed Juliet some clothing. It was then that they heard the echoing sound of one of the cats as it called to its mate. Somewhere from with the maze of caverns and tunnels the cat family had found a way in.

“Is that what I fear it is?” Juliet looked at Jamie.

“Yes son, I fear it quite well may be, I cannot say for sure, but the sound was very distant; none the less, it will be only a matter of time before they find us.”

Jamie looked at Juliet his expression was one of concern.

“Especially with the scent of our blood attracting them.”

Juliet looked at Jamie; he had a way of coming directly to a subject, with stark reality. “I am going to have to try and find that gun, when we fell into the water, did you feel the faint current in the lower depths of the water?”

Jamie looked up at Juliet. “Yes Mam, it was not very strong, and I was only at that depth for a brief moment.”

Juliet smiled; she had fallen into the water first and went to a greater depth than Jamie.

“We surfaced then and eventually made our way here, if we return to that area then…,”

Juliet stopped talking, from a distant echo they could here that the cats had re-grouped and were now coming closer.

“We can either, walk the area of dry land, or swim?” Jamie looked at Juliet then spoke.

“In truth Mam I feel we would be safer in the water, at least that way it would make it more difficult for the cats to set a trap.”

Juliet nodded her head, indicating that she agreed

“We have one added advantage, if the male cat is close by, then I will telepathically be able to view through its eyes.”

Jamie picked up the broken rucksack.

“We are going to need to find a container to carry the food and other items.” Juliet removed her shirt, placed the items inside, and tied the ends into a bag like container.

“I can tolerate the cold more than you.”

Jamie checked the torch was secure to his wrist.

“I would rather we could walk, as the coldness of that water chills the very spine.”

“I know son, but you know as well as I do, that we would be safer in the water and in a better position of finding an exit.”

Jamie entered the water first, followed quickly by Juliet. “I think it was in this direction that we swam from pointed Jamey.” Juliet agreed.

“We must keep our talking to a minimum, and swim as quietly as possible. The less noise that we make the easier it will be for us to hear if the cats enter the water.”

Their bodies shivered as they tried to become accustomed to the bitter cold, it was only a few minutes when they were in the approximate area where they had entered.

“Jamie, shine the torch at the roof, I want to try and get an idea as to where the gun may have fallen.”

It was at that moment that the area lit from a volley of lightning flashes. It was a stunning sight; Juliet realized the cavern was vast, with the subterranean lake covering over 200000.00 square feet of viewable surface. The dry land itself covered over two thirds as much again before it faded from view.

Again, another volley of flashes revealed the reflection of three sets of eyes watching them.

“Dear Lord Jamie did you see that?” Jamie had been looking in the opposite direction.

“All I could see was miles of water.”

As Jamie turned to view the direction that Juliet was looking, they waited until another volley of lightning illuminated their surroundings. From a ledge some 300 meters above the water’s edge, stood three cats, they could be heard calling to the fourth, which was not far behind them.

“Do you think they will enter the water?” enquired Jamie, “Cats prefer to avoid water, especially when it’s as cold as this, none the less if they are hungry enough then they will.” Replied Juliet.

Jamie gently moved his arms and legs trying to stay afloat.

“One thing in our favour, it looks as if from where they are standing, that they will have to find another way down to the water’s edge.”

At that they looked upwards to try and view the caverns roof, it took over twenty minutes until they were almost directly under the area from where they fell. Juliet took the torch from Jamie, she took a deep breath, and then dived. It was over six minutes before Juliet re-surfaced.

“We may have a problem, the deeper you go the stronger the current, not just that the bottom tapers downwards rather sharply, beyond any depth that I feel you or I could venture towards.”

Jamie looked at Juliet.

“That is not our only problem.”

He was pointing into an area that was almost in pitch black. Then as lightning illuminated the surface, in the distance, just above the shoreline; revealing a serious of caverns.

Another volley of flashes illuminated the area again, and there in the distance could be seen three huge bears drinking at the lakes edge.

“I think one of them is Virgo, as for the others I have never seen them before.”

Another lighting flash illuminated the area; it was then that they realized there were several dead bodies close by, and resembling humans in shape. Slowly without speaking Jamie and Juliet made their way deeper into the middle of the lake, as they felt the further away, they were, the safer they would be.

Michael looked angry. “I don’t accept that, there must be some way that we can get an engine to work, without it continually failing or becoming clogged by dust.”

The technician looked at Michael, as Elaine had given him the task of overseeing the construction of the cargo hover pods

“Can we not re-enforce the filter systems?” asked Michael,

“Yes, but that in turn reduces the vehicles carrying ability.” Replied the technician.

Michael picked up the blue prints and studied its contents, some minutes later he pencilled in his thoughts.

“Brian, these crafts are built to carry just over two hundred fully equipped combat troops and three short wheeled troop carriers.”

Brian a military technician considered the comments that Michael had made on the blue prints.

“That may just well work, however you will need to carry surplice filters and a considerable amount more fuel.” He stated,

“Yes, I realize that, but it would still enable at least fifty partly equipped troops to be carried, and at present we can carry none in these conditions.”

Brian looked at Michael, and then ran some figures through Seth.

“Yes, Seth agrees it could be done, as long as the additional motors were installed, to give greater stability, thrust and safety margins.”

“Yes, that is one of the reasons that I allowed for doubling of the specifications.”

Within minutes Michael had updated Elaine, informing her that they would be able to adapt three hover pods, by cannibalizing others.

“Michael that is good news, instruct the construction teams to start work immediately, also get Brian to instruct the tool room to make any additional parts that he feels may become in short supply.”

It was then that Alex interrupted their conversation.

“Elaine reports are coming in from one of our military scouting parties; they have established where the Undraus troops have set up their HQ. Their defences are beyond our physical abilities, in entering there complex.”

Elaine listened with interest at the report been relayed to her by Alex.

“In addition we found traces of a bear attack, it would appear by examining the computers video equipment, that two soldiers were attacked, and then when others left the outer security limits to come to their aid, it would seem they in turn were ambushed and all killed.”

“Are you saying these bears have an even higher level of intelligence than we allowed for?” Elaine enquired. Alex answered immediately.

“Yes Mam, from the logistic side, the ambush was clever and carried out with ruthless efficiency, it would have taken, not only an organized mind, but various minds that were thinking as one.”

Juliet thought for some seconds.

“That implies, that Virgo has found other animals that can telepathically link into his mind, had he sired another female bear that had been genetically enhanced in a similar fashion, then their offspring would without question inherit their qualities, as well as the possible chance of been born with its parent’s knowledge and memories at the point of conception.”

Alex remained silent. “Seth access all our available records on the early research in cross cloning, which involved animals, especially bears.”

Within seconds Seth had the information that had been requested.

“According to the files available to me, there were five bears that match those criteria, fourteen cats, twelve wolves and numerous other animals.”

Where are those animals now Seth?”

Seth momentarily remained silent. “According to my files all bar two bears should still be accounted for, however on viewing the area where they were stored, I regret to inform you that all holding pens are empty.”

Elaine grinned; she had realized that to have gained this level of intellect, Virgo had to have mated with more than just one female.

“Alex can you shed any light on this?” Elaine asked.

“Yes, there was an incident some twelve years ago, where we had to terminate several members of security personnel, who we discovered had connection with an animal rights organization.”

Elaine nodded her head.

“Thank you, Alex, Michael can you send out an additional team to back up the rescue mission of the women and children, if there are such animals out there, they will need whatever help that we can give them.” At that the conversation was brought to an end.

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