Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Fourteen.

Adam knew now, that due to the failed attempt on Elaine, that he was once again a wanted man, his intentions were to have simply killed the child and to have been away before anyone knew who he was, and thus at a loss as to why he failed.

He was unaware that the family had been pre-warned, “had Christine of not returned so quickly?” he thought to himself, “and then I would have got away with it.” It also disturbed him as to who was this other child, he had only once ever felt such strength, and that was the day he had killed the doctor and placed the body within the rafters of his house.

On that occasion, he had felt a strength within him on demonic proportions, it was not until he actually committed the act of killing him that he suddenly realised it was like looking through someone else’s eyes. As if he had suddenly become spiritually transformed into the body of a demon, and that he was within it and watching its every action.

It had excited him, as he reflected back, he could remember how at the time he thought it was almost exhilarating, and by far uplifting and effecting his body better than any drugs. It was something that had lasted for some hours before it left him leaving his body feel as if it had been violated and almost raped from within.

He tried to picture the other girl in his mind and thought to himself, “Who was she, and how could someone so young and frail have such strength?” these thoughts had haunted him for days. Then he remembered he had photographed her while flying a kite.

He had forgot about this, and went to fetch his digital camera. He reached over, and while drinking a cup of coffee, he casually looked over the photos which he had taken, at first, he never realised what was wrong. He kept thinking to himself “I’m sure this is not right,” yet he could not grasp that which was before him.

Or in this case, that which was not before him, he put the printed Photos down, and reached over and fumbled within the holder that he kept his drawings, from Portland. Carefully he went through each one, and then looking back at the photos, firstly trying to see if he could spot where the hidden surveillance cameras were, it was not until he picked up his sketchbook and looked through its pages, that it dawned on him what was missing.

On two of the pages he had quickly drawn the outline of the Lighthouse and of the children outside while they were playing. His sketches covered a vast area of the island and therefore had the police looked at them, or Peters security team, it would not have been though of, as out of place to of had these two pages included within it. “That’s it,” he shouted as he jumped out of his seat, “That’s bloody well it.” He suddenly jumped backwards as he spilt hot coffee onto his trousers, “Ah Dam it… that bloody child, she is haunting me even from here.” He quickly reached down as the hot fluid suddenly made its way to his skin, and then as the hot fluid came into contact with his skin, he shouted, “Shit, O shit…shit, oh shit, that bloody child, I’ll tear her bloody head off.”

He was furious that in his excitement he had been so clumsy as to pour hot coffee almost into his groin area. Quickly he dropped his pants and reaching out pulled at a cushion to mop up the fluid, once the pain had left him he kicked his pants to one side and sat back down. Picking up the ’Photos, this time he knew what was missing, as he looked at the pictures of the Lighthouse, he could only see one child playing outside.

Yet he knew in his mind and by his drawings that there had been two. Adam was unable to understand or explain why, but he knew that was it, “then who and what the bloody hell are you that could give you such strength, yet not be picked up or seen by the camera? he said and thought to himself.

He had suddenly gone very serious, the thought of his discovery deeply disturbed him; he ruled out quite quickly that she could be a ghost. As in his mind they were not solid to the touch, and were certainly not known to have an audible conversation with people.

For days, he thought of almost nothing else, continually going over and over in his mind as to what it could have been. It was a chance glance at an old magazine, which had set his mind on a particular line of thought; he had noticed an article on advanced robotics, and had decided to read the contents.

Within it were a group of ’Photos showing military personnel testing various robotic devices for there military potential. Like any intelligent person he realised it was a scam, as he knew the military would have been using such devices years before they admitted to their existence. He therefore realised that this was simply to divert the reader’s eye from whatever was now protected, and hidden under the label of Top Secret or Above Top Secret.

It was the ’Photograph of the military personnel that now caught his attention, he was not fully sure, yet he felt as if he had seen one of the women before. The article was only four years old and he realised in that space of time that it would be unlikely if her features had changed that much.

After some basic research, he traced the writer of the article and asked if by chance that he still had the information on that article. It came back as been a Wendy Harlow Fairfax, assistant head of military research, he wondered what had tempted her to leave her career and take up with, “that’s it” he shouted aloud, “that’s bloody well it, dam I’m good.” As he congratulated himself, looking back through the ’Photos taken on Portland, there was just one, where he had seen Peter talking with Alex and two other women. On closer examination, he could see that one was without question Wendy Harlow Fairfax, he was unaware that both of their military contracts had come to an end.

Both women had served twenty years of their life in military service, and in truth, were not looking forward to leaving. Fortunately, Alex had very high-ranking contacts, and word had soon reached the women that he represented a company, whom were looking for military personnel with their level of expertise. And not only offered double the Nations average wage, but highly valued their services and offered an environment with working conditions favourable to the military.

For them they retired with a military pension, then had secured employment that guarantied to value their expertise, and to encourage further paid research and development. Adam had no way of knowing he was completely off track, and within his confused and unstable mind, he didn’t know how, but he felt sure that they had created some type of robotic humanoid who had the ability to cloak herself from detection.

No sooner would he think this, and then reject the idea as sheer fantasy, yet after constant thought he kept coming back to the same line of reasoning. There was no other logical explanation, as he had seen with his own eyes the child, when he had photographed her, and felt her strength. No child could have the strength required to leave a grown man feel totally helpless and defenceless.

Yet that is exactly what had happened, “Have the military advanced so far as to have created such a machine?” he thought to himself. Logic told him no, yet he had seen and felt for himself, so the answer had to be yes. If so then he knew he was up against something far more powerful than he had expected, and that such knowledge could if acquired, that it could be used to earn him a fortune. As to how he would acquire this was something he had not given thought.

Peter had taken the opportunity of talking to Christine, he wanted to offer Sgt Peterson a job and give them the use of the keeper’s cottage that adjoined the Lighthouse. It had come with the building but had remained empty, as there was more accommodation than they needed within the actual Lighthouse itself.

They had planned on possibly using it for holiday lettings but then realised the security implications involved and shelved that idea. Both Christine and Peter could never repay the family enough, they were aware of that, after some thought they also realised it was a way in allowing them to be close to Amander.

Elaine had told him, that Amander had mentioned that her mother had felt her presence within the Glass studio, and that she enjoyed been near her again. On his return Peter firstly spoke to Sgt Peterson, he had felt uncomfortable calling him Sgt all the time, and had asked him his first name. With a broad smile, he informed Peter it was Billy, Bill for short, Peter having a sense of humour saw immediately why he rarely used his first name having been a policeman with a name like Bill left him open to all sorts of wise cracks.

Peter had thrown the idea to him, by asking what he intended doing for his retirement, Bill had explained that Betty and he had often given the matter considerable thought.

Sadly, he had spent many thousands of his life savings in trying to find his lost daughter, and also explaining that each advert that he placed on Nation TV or in National News papers had taken over a thousand pounds at a time. And that a similar fortune had been spent on hotel bills and hiring private investigators, all had in the end proved fruitless. Yet he went on to say he would do it all over again if it meant finding their child.

Peter’s heart went out to the man; he explained that he had spoken with Alex who was head of Security. Alex had long been complaining that the various companies had outgrown him and that there was far too much work for just one man.

Peter asked if he would consider talking to his wife, and asked her how she would feel about coming to live in Dorset, and that there was a position of joint head of security for him along with the keeper’s cottage.

He offered a salary of Fifty thousand a year, index Linked and a vehicle of his choice, it would mean working in line with Alex, dividing the various companies between them, and both been answerable directly to no one else other than Peter.

If his wife wished to continue with her oil painting, Christine was more than pleased to share the studio, it was far to large for herself alone and would easily accommodate her, and even others if ever required. “Anyway” Peter said, “you can always be in the area, then to hopefully be close to your daughter.”

It was that very thought that clinched it for Betty, she knew her husband had not felt their daughter’s presence, he had always dearly loved his daughter, but had never been as close to her as she had. In her mind, she knew she was no longer alive, yet her presence was always felt whenever she entered that building, as if she was there beside her.

Bill had been dearly tempted, as he knew he could retire at any time, yet he had been unsure if his wife could have coped with the upheaval and the stress of moving to a new area. He was pleasantly surprised at her reaction, and she almost ordered him to accept the offer before Peter had changed his mind.

That evening while sitting outside, they were watching the sunset over the western side of the island. It was a spectacular view from the Lighthouse or cottage, and you could sit resting against the massive white wall and look across the long horseshoe bay that extended for some eighteen miles up to the Golden cap in Charmouth Dorset.

As they sat with a bottle of wine shared between them, they watched the sun as it laid a beautiful orange path along the water, as it slowly appeared to softly sink into the distant horizon. That evening Bill signed the agreement and shook hands after accepting Peter’s offer, they both knew he had some ends that needed tidying up, like handing in his immediate resignation and placing their home up for sale. None the less Peter handed over the keys to the cottage personally placing them into Betty’s hands.

He explained that it was in need of decorating and airing the rooms, but as of now, it was theirs, and that the company would take care of whatever required doing.

Both Betty and Bill had come to realise by talking to some of the staff that Peter took extremely good care of his employees, and that he also genuinely valued their services, and only ever employed the very best in their field of expertise.

This knowledge kind of comforted them both, as it made them feel wanted and had in some way given them back a part of their dignity, as the loss of their child had drawn deeply into their souls and had stolen from them a part of their lives.

Bill’s colleagues were pleased, even envious that he had managed to secure such a coveted position and to have accommodation and any vehicle of their choice was more than any of them had ever dreamed of.

As it was after much consideration Betty and Bill had settled for a Land Rover Discovery, they had always liked the vehicle and it offered with its four-wheel drive capabilities and good off-road control. Alex personally preferred to stay with his line of expertise and chose to take charge of the research and development side of the business leaving Bill the Cavern, and any other off shoots.

He had hoped that would be offered to him, as it meant he could indulge his love of fossils. It also meant that he was now responsible for the coastal line that had thrown up Amander’s boyfriend and motorbike. Should heaven forbid another body become exposed then he knew he would be informed giving him advanced notice to prepare Betty, should it turn out to be their daughter? What had deeply disturbed both him and Betty was the thought of having to leave behind their much-loved police dog.

Jason had been with them for nearly nine years they had become much attached to him, it was Peter who secured his release. He would have been retired within the year with losing his master, and it was felt unfair on the dog to put him through the stress of having to get to know another master.

Early one morning, Betty woke to hear a barking coming from their garden, at first, she thought it was a dream and had laid back resting her tired head on the pillow. But then she heard it again, “that’s Jason,” she said to herself, sitting up, she gave Bill a nudge waking him. “Listen love, tell me I’m not dreaming, but that sounds like our Jason?”

Bill took a few seconds to gather his thoughts, and then pulling on his nightgown he slid himself from the bed and walked over to the window. There in a specially built kennel was Jason, unknown to them Peter had arranged for the kennel to be dropped off in the early hours of the morning. Jason had been muzzled and injected to ensure he would not be stressed by the long journey. When he had awoken from the tranquilliser he had sensed his master was nearby, from that morning onwards that dog was taken with Bill, to every site he visited, and they were to have become almost inseparable.

It was coming towards the end of the school holidays; Adam had managed to keep a low profile, and deliberately keeping himself out of trouble. He had become quiet an expert at disguise and had been amazed at how easy it was to transform a person’s appearance, simply with a well-made wig, some makeup and a change of clothing. He had been unaware that Christine and Elaine had left the island, had he known he would quiet possibly have made another attempt at killing her.

However now he had another more powerful desire that was driving him forward. In his unsettled mind, he had thought that Peter had some how acquired a very advanced humanoid, and that he was using it to protect his daughter and home.

He was unsure how Peter had managed this; he just knew he had to acquire that technology; the only avenue open to him was through Wendy Harlow Fairfax. If he could not buy it from her, then he would steal it, and if necessary keep her prisoner until such a time as she assisted him in acquiring it.

Unknown to him was that part of her research had been in the development of miniaturised surveillance, and that it was now possible to construct a motorised insect, and looking like a dragonfly that could enter a building with stealth. And make its way from room to room observing and recording everything within its field of vision.

Not only sending back a visual image but also seeing in infra red and ultra violet along with having acutely sensitive hearing that would pick up frequencies outside the range of the human ear.

This was in fact almost old technology, having been developed some ten years earlier and simply improved on as technology has advanced. Her field of speciality had never branched into the depth of advanced humanoid robotics, that was needed to construct such a living and thinking machine as Amander would have been. At least while Adam was aiming his attention at Wendy, he was leaving Elaine alone.

It was decided to bring Christine and Elaine home, although Peter spoke to an agency and came to an agreement where they could keep the two houses clean and habitable on a long-term contract.

Paying them to arrange for a cleaner to periodically go into the premises and keep everything in order. It had been relatively easy to keep the various surveillance equipment in place, this also meant anytime a person entered the buildings it was instantly activated and relayed pictures back to the security office on Portland. Peter had felt that if ever the need arose then he would like to have a safe house where he knew that he could send his family to in an emergency.

Christine got on well with the Peterson’s, it also pleased her to have another family so close, and it increased the feeling of security. Elaine was ecstatic at seeing Jason again, it was he who had originally found her and had continually kept licking her face while trying to draw his master to where he was.

It was also nice to see and talk with Bill again; she could remember how seeing him, and it had taken away the fear, and how she had looked up at him when he had wrapped his tunic around her. She smiled to herself at the thought of how she had slid her hand into contact with his broad big fingers, within his hand she felt safe.

Amander stayed more in the area now, there were still times that something would draw her presence away, but it never seemed to last that long and within a matter of days she was able to return.

Often during the times that Elaine was having her private tuition, she would slip unseen into the art studio and watch her mother as she painted, she had been working on the commission for Peter of the cavern. It was due to be officially open within three weeks. He had wanted if possible to have it ready for the big day, Amander made sure that whenever her mother or father was with Peter or Christine that she would not reveal her presence to them.

Yet no matter what Amander did it became impossible to hide from Jason, he always knew whenever she was nearby, “that’s strange the way that dog reacts at times” thought Bill, “its almost as if he is greeting an old friend”.

There had been much to do in the preparation for the grand opening, it was imperative to ensure all was in place and that security was at its highest state of alert, yet in appearance to be low profile. Since the bombing it had made them realise the danger involved in keeping the public and employees save.

The entrance had been constructed on a raised platform that was designed to give access to the site no matter where the tide was, and at low tide access was gained from a specially designed boat. This same boat was able to deliver its passengers during a high tide by docking onto a staged airlock, which ensured the passengers could enter or leave in safety. There were two further exit points, both leading to specially prepared helicopter landing parks on the cliffs headland. Both had been placed so that no pressure was placed directly on or near the cavern itself.

With the highest possible security in place, it was possible to know at any one point in time, where each visitor or employee was. Should a person or animal have tried to enter the facility unobserved the sensors would instantly have monitored their arrival and have secretly alerted security, sealing off a room or area the moment that it was entered.

The position of head of security was far from an easy one, and Bill was more than aware of his limitations. None the less Peter had every confidence in him, and had given at his disposal a team of highly skilled operatives, whom were trained in the areas that were required. It was Bills job to ensure that everything was in place, and to delegate when necessary any area of responsibility on to others.

It was the overall picture that concerned him, he made every effort to personally get to know all his staff and in areas where he knew he was lost, due to the advancement of technology, he made an effort to learn. He also had one simple golden rule, which he would never ask anyone to do something that he was not prepared to do himself.

It was to his advantage that all staff was ex-military or police, and were therefore used to working within the confines of a military structure, and on the day of the opening everything had gone off without a hitch of real trouble, other than the normal and expected cases of people trying to enter, who had not purchased a ticket through the correct channels.

Adam had tried to obtain tickets, but like the many thousands of others had to either wait or book some four months away. At least then he knew he was to get a place, his mistake had been to book five tickets all on consecutive days, then two more for the following week. He had wanted to ensure that he had a window of opportunity should it ever be required where he could be flexible. It also enabled him to familiarise himself with the site first, although he had paid for the tickets by credit card, it was the fact that the computer had picked up that the tickets were sent to the same address.

It was just something that Bill had requested to be put into place, as he had wanted to know if anyone seemed to do something out of the ordinary. He knew humans lived their lives in an almost habitual way, and that certain patterns were easily programmed into a computer, and if a person stepped outside those defined perimeters then there was a need for security to be made aware.

With the expertise and staff that he had available to him, he was able to check in advance Adams financial status, whom he was, if he had any police record, plus a wealth of additional data. When it came back, there was something about him that had made him uneasy. It was not that unusual for a person to want to visit such a site on more than a few occasions. Yet every single person whom Bill had checked into, and who had purchased such an arrangement of tickets had turned out to have a keen interest in palaeontology of some similar interest or hobby.

Yet Adam never had a single mention of any such interest other than having purchased a large quantity of men’s wigs, and that he had been researching into advanced robotics. On bringing the information to Peter’s attention, it was decided to have a surveillance team set up to observe him, and to collect whatever information available on him.

It was Wendy who on accidentally over hearing a conversation between Alex and Bill, had come up to them and enquired as to what was the problem. After they had explained and enquired as to her interest, she informed them of a new optical device that was in trial use with the military and police. Where certain specialised software was able to take an image of a persons features and bone structure, and that once programmed into its memory it was able to recognise that person from up to half a mile away while in a crowd of people and even if that person was in full disguise.

Wendy went on to inform them that an old friend of hers had left the ministry some two years before her, and had set himself up in business; it was he who had invented this device. The last she had heard was that he had run up against a few poor sited investors and that the banks were not to keen to invest in research, as they preferred to have a guaranteed income. Both Alex and Bill were suitably impressed with the information, and ask Peter if they could acquire the software along with the hardware needed to operate it.

Peter never needed to be asked twice, he saw immediately the potential for such equipment, and was about to authorise its purchase. He quickly stopped himself and asked Alex to look into the man’s background and find out whatever he could be of use to the company. “Oh, and Alex I would have liked it done yesterday.”

He could see the familiar smile on Peter’s face, “In other words I take it you want this priority one.” Peter nodded indicating yes. Within a month they had the system up and running, Peter had acquired a 61% controlling interest in the business, Joshua Woods, its inventor had not liked the idea of surrendering everything over to Peter and wanted to run his own company, as it had always been a childhood dream. Peter had agreed and could understand his desire, and he assured Joshua that he had been looking into investing his money, and after researching into him, he had felt it offered a good investment.

There had been only a very few conditions laid down, Peter had wanted his small one-man business moved to Portland, as with the injection of such capital it meant Joshua could now continue with his research. Peter had convinced him in the wisdom of allowing him to employ the staff to make and market his products, at all times in the construction side, and allowing him to have some control. Peter knew he was a brilliant young man, and if it meant allowing him a 39% share in this new acquisition, then so be it, rather that than to have lost him to a rival.

Adams digitised features had been captured from some old digital photos, and placed onto file. This now meant that should he at any time come near any of their facilities or sites, that he would be instantly recognised, and have security alerted as to his presence.

At the time, they were unaware just whom it was that they had placed on file. It was Betty who came up with the idea, she had been listening to her husband as he talked, and telling her how his day had been, and he had mentioned purely by chance that Wendy had told him that such equipment was in trial use. She had thought over his words and had spoken with Christine the following day; as they both got on so well together.

Betty was the older woman, and in some ways looked upon Christine as her daughter. Bill and she had conceived Amander late in life; and it had been thought Betty would never conceive. Then one day in her mid forties she had discovered that she was pregnant, Amander had been their only child, and to have lost her like they did, had taken a major chunk of their lives away.

Betty decided to leave it to Christine to talk to her husband; she felt if the idea were to come from her, he would be readier to listen. After their evening meal Christine brought up the subject, “Do you remember a few days ago one of our employees Wendy, who came up with the idea of using that new technology in optical recognition?” She used the word our, as the business was equally hers, they ran a partnership, although Christine stayed at home to look after the family, in their eyes that was as equally important as running the business.

Since they got back together after the separation, it was agreed that in marriage and business, it was a shared joint partnership, with both sections of their lives and responsibilities been equally as important as the other.

Christine had got his attention, “Well Betty was talking to me, it would seem their relationship is much like ours, anyway I feel she may be on to something.” Peter wished she would stop babbling and get to the point, “She thought that you should form a team of personnel, who could once a week meet to talk over any problems or ideas. Had you known of this optical device sooner, then its just possible that it could have prevented the attack on Elaine and myself here in our home?”

Peter thought over her words in his mind, and in truth wondered why he had not thought of it himself. He talked further to his wife about the suggestion and any other matters that needed their attention. A few days later he asked his wife how she would feel if she and Betty were to head up together, and between them run such a meeting. He explained he felt it would be good to have an outside perspective, as once inside it was all too easy to become pre-occupied in internal affairs.

At first the idea never appealed to her until she had given it some further thought, it sorts of grew on her, and the idea of heading up such a meeting once a week wasn’t as frightening as first thought.

After talking it over with Betty it was agreed that they would give it a go, however they laid down some basic conditions and ground rules. They wanted access to an assistant, as both women were to old to go about learning to type and they both felt it only right that they should have a small salary, they were not asking for a fortune, just enough to recognise the value of their input.

Peter smiled when he heard their joint demands, unknown to them he had already set aside an office and a secretary, as he had intended to go ahead with the idea even if they themselves felt unable to take on the role.

He had just preferred to keep it within family and friends. He also felt they were right for the job, had they not been, and then he would never have asked them. By offering a joint shared responsibility it meant that one could cover for the other should for some reason, domestic troubles prevent them from attending the weekly meetings.

It was eventually agreed on with both women receiving a modest salary of Ten thousand a year, use of an office and a secretary, and for Betty use of a company car. Christine already had such a vehicle, Betty had not worked in a paid environment in over twenty years, and it kind of pleased her and gave her a feeling of independence and worth.

She also realised Peter was not the sort of man who would have offered her such a position if he felt that she was unable to do the job. Betty had never seen Peter’s office, and she was amazed when she walked in to see her oil painting hanging in pride of place in the reception area. It was the first time she had seen it since handing it over to him, and in truth she rather liked it been here in such a setting where all visitors could see her work.

It was because of the painting that she had been called in to see him; Peter had shown her work to several business friends who had requested a private tour of the cavern site.

They fully realised such tours were a great privilege, as even now tickets on the open market were very difficult to come by and selling at One hundred and Forty Pounds a ticket. On the Black market, it had been known for people desperate to visit the site to pay over a Five Hundred pounds per ticket. Each block of visitors was allowed three hours to view the site before having to leave to allow the next booking in.

However, when Bill became aware that tickets where been resold, this presented a serious security issue, and they had to deny entry to any persons of whom had purchased such tickets, as it was stipulated very clearly on the booking site, that for reasons of security, such resale was not permitted. As such this presented further difficulties, and forced Peter to have to set up a reception area where all visitors presented themselves before embarking upon the guided tour.

In reality, this meant that there could only be five blocks of bookings a day, each block having a maximum of five hundred visitors. They were aware that in time the demand would not put such a strain on their staff, but until then it was virtually impossible to gain an unbooked visit.

Peter came out to meet her; taking her gently by her arm they walked together talking. He had a great amount of love and respect for this lady, she had been through such trauma over loosing Amander and in seeing how it had eaten away at her husband, as he had blamed himself for refusing to let her go that day.

He could see an inner strength within her that he admired; Elaine had taken to her and looked upon her as a grandmother. Not just that, he knew no amount of money could ever replace the debt that his family owed to her and her husband.

Peter smiled and then spoke to her. “Betty, I have some friends who have shown an interest in commissioning you to do an oil painting for them, now don’t let them know I have told you this, but if you play your cards right, then you could earn a comfortable Thirty Thousand a painting.”

The sudden shock almost made her drop her coffee that she had just poured herself from the reception desk. “Are you all right, I hope I didn’t startle you.” Her hands were shaking, “I told them that I had managed to talk you into doing this for me, and that I had got it for a bargain of only Twenty Thousand, and that your work normally sells in excess of thirty Thousand a time.”

She had to sit down and place the coffee cup on the table, Peter continued. “I know I have a definite three wanting to commission you, I’m not to sure on the other four but I imagine once they hear you have accepted the other commissions, then they will want to engage you. If so hold out on the remaining four and not accept anything under Forty Thousand Pounds a commission.”

Betty was glad she had a healthy heart, as she knew the shock would have killed her otherwise, she was no fool and realised the golden opportunity that Peter had placed on her lap. “I…don’t really know what to say,” Peter smiled, “you could say yes; you are more than capable, this work of yours is already insured for fifty thousand.” As she looked into his eyes, she could sense the deep respect and love that he held for her, yet she realised it was far from charity. In accepting the commission, it instantly increased the value of his painting, and she could see why he had a golden touch, when it came to making money.

“I accept, she said with as much dignity as she could muster,” It was then she realised Peter was holding an envelope in his hand; it had her name type neatly on its face. “Is that for me?” she enquired, Peter smiled as he handed it over to her, “Now I don’t want to hear you say no, you just take this and put it into your bank, after all you earned it.”

As she reached over, and took the envelope then opened it, there before her was her first true payment for one of her paintings. “Twenty thousand is that all, I thought you were going to give me more.” She said.

Peter’s eyes blinked as he looked at her, then he saw the crack appearing as she failed to keep a straight face. He was momentarily caught off guard, and then smiled, and was amused at her sense of humour. “Do you have any idea as to what they want from me?” Peter called over to the receptionist and asked her to fetch something from his desk.

When she returned he handed over to Betty a folder, “if you look in there you will see there are three cheques, each for Thirty Thousand as payment in advance, each one wants paintings of the Cavern but from different view points. I warned the other four that unless they commissioned you now, that it may be up to two years before they could gain your services, and by then they could be paying anything up to One Hundred Thousand a time.” She smiled at his words, “Well that will be there loss and my gain”.

Peter had not expected her to have accepted quite so readily, but was none the less suitably impressed by the woman’s business sense and shrewdness. That afternoon when Betty returned to the art studio Christine was there painting a beautiful flower arrangement, her work regularly sold in Weymouth to the locals and tourists and netted her a very comfortable income. She was unsure how she would take to the news of the commissions, when Christine heard she gave her friend a big hug and suggested that they went to Weymouth to celebrate.

Elaine was being cared for by her daily tutor, and Christine knew there would be adequate security staff left at the Lighthouse with her. That afternoon the two women celebrated, but Betty made sure her first port of call had been her bank, to pay in the cheques.

Betty toured the clothing stores and picked out for herself some new clothing, she also placed an order for new canvas and brushes along with a quantity of oils. Bill and she had seen some antique furniture that they had liked, but had decided against it due to the cost.

That evening when Bill sat at the table, Betty dished up his favourite meal, sirloin steak mushrooms and chips, along with a nice bottle of red wine. He had heard of her good fortune, working for such a close-knit community of business, it was difficult for anyone to keep such a secret. As it was he was pleased for her, he had tried in the past to encourage her painting and had felt years past before they lost Amander, that she could go places with her talent.

The loss of their child had forced her to place the painting on the back seat, so it was as no surprise to him when he heard of her commissioning. What came, as a shock was the value that people had placed on the work, and that over night they suddenly had become over a Hundred thousand pounds the richer.

As he sat eating his meal Betty went into the kitchen and returned with a small package, she knew he had a secret passion for old train sets, and as a child had played for hours on end with his Hornby set given to him by his parents.

When he opened it a tear trickled down his face, it was an old Hornby scale-working model of the Flying Scotchman, there was only three other working models known to be in existence. He had seen it on a visit to Dorchester, but the price tag of Nine Hundred Pounds had meant all he could do was dream.

There was a card with the present; on opening it he read “To my true love may this be the start of a new collection for you.” There was a receipt inside the card taped on the inside. It was for a length of track and buildings “I have left them for you to pick up, as I knew you would like to spend some hours in the shop talking, and now that we have the money buying additional pieces.”

Peter had agreed to give him the day off, as he knew any good business should be able to run when a person is there or away. The next day they toured Dorchester antique shops purchasing a variety of items, furniture included. Bill got to spend his two hours in the train shop; he was like a child with wide-open eyes looking in awe at the variety of stock.

He kept forgetting he could purchase almost whatever he wanted. Unknown to him, Adam had returned to the area, and by chance had seen two security persons of whom he recognised, as they accompanied Bill and his wife, while shopping in Dorchester, he had kept his distance but followed them discreetly, and had looked on in interest at discovering Bills passion for model trains.

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