Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Five.

The next day Adam was observed purchasing a small quantity of Cocaine, undoubtedly it was for his personal use. None the less the authorities were extremely strict when it came to their ever-growing problem of drug misuse. Especially whenever it involved some foreign visitors, whom in their eyes, were largely responsible for the supply and demand situation that now haunted their lands. Adam was violently arrested in the evening, while in his hotel room. There was not even a knock on his door, before he had realised what was happening, his room was invaded, like a swarm of hungry soldier ants attacking, killing, and then dismembering anything edible that was unfortunate enough to have found itself in its path.

It was not until the next day that he was dragged in front of the local magistrate. The hearing was over within minutes having been placed into a custodial order, until further investigation could be carried out. As he was been taken away he violently protested, his body language and attitude along with the constant verbal abuse, told a story in itself.

The drive from the courthouse to the local penal correction centre was far from local; it took three hours in sweltering heat. There was no air conditioning in the enclosed van, and his hands and feet were chained along with four other prisoners, to a railing running the length of the vehicle. On arrival, to his horror it was like something from a Second-World-War movie, where the inmates were at times caged in bamboo cells and with Japanese wardens in high towers.

“Out, out” shouted one of the guards, not even giving them time to adjust their eyes to the sudden blinding light. As the prisoners tried to stand their legs complained bitterly, through having the leg mussels kept in one position, they all instantly fell to the floor pulling on each other. Their chain restraints were preventing them from escaping. “Up” shouted a guard, as he hit each one with a rod of iron. “Up, or you will regret not doing as your told.”

Frantically they found the strength to assist each other in standing up, as another guard then unshackled them from the van. They were then lined up and there clothing was ripped off them to the wail of delight from fellow inmates. It had become a sort of initiation, a further act of humiliation, each prisoner was hosed down by a cold shower, and then given bright orange boiler suits to put on, but not until they were inside their new homes. As the men braced themselves, they then walked the required fourteen meters, passed the wardens office, to the jeering of thousands of men, all acting like half starved animals, wanting and waiting for the kill of fresh meat.

In the confusion of Adams arrest, he had been quick thinking enough, to swallow four gold rings. He knew it would be some time before they would make their way back into circulation, and by then, he had hoped it would have given him some opportunities to bribe his way to an escape.

His first ever night in such an establishment was one of fear and bitter pain, during the early hours of the morning, he was awoken by too guards, they wanted payment to ensure his stay was a pleasant one. Not having to hand anything of immediate value, the following beating, was given as a warning that once a week they would be back, and that by then, he had a simple choice, to either find a way to pay for protection, or face further humiliation.

The sanitation was almost none existent having some two hundred inmates, all-needing to use the one only operational toilet, in that section of the building, which was an unhygienic hole in the ground. Adam was intelligent enough to know that it was only to be a matter of time, before he would have acquired a case of severe dysentery. At least it enabled him to find a source of bargaining power, rather than wait for his bodies natural system to return to him the gold rings.

It was the local prison doctor who purchased the first of the four rings, gold was a valuable commodity, and one that acquired a high price. There were never any questions asked, as to how anyone acquired their various articles for sale, what only mattered, was a means of various wardens improving their humble wage, to support their ever-growing families.

For Adam, in time his astute business sense, had gained him removal from the rat invested communal rooms, to an area of the prison that was secured away from the stench, and with a room, if that’s what you could call it, of his own. It was made from Bamboo; it had neither windows nor a door and was frequently occupied by other inmates, not of the human kind, but ones that were looking for a meal of rats.

Adam hated snakes, and promised himself, that he would if needed, build a door and gain any other luxuries like a bed mat, a chair or whatever was available, however they all, had to be purchased. Still in Adams eyes, it was one step up the ladder, and hopefully that much closer to his eventual freedom.

He had received about the equivalent of Fifty-Five UK pounds for the first ring; it had cost him nearly One Thousand Eight Hundred UK pounds from the Covent Garden Jewellers, and the remaining three rings were of better quality. One actually housed a gleaming Diamond embedded within it, back in London this would retail for some Forty-Five Thousand UK pounds, and he hoped the doctor, been himself an educated man, would realise the true value of the first ring, and try to come back and enquire if he had any more for sale.

As predicted, it was within two weeks that the doctor had asked to talk with Adam, word had eventually got back to him, of the rings true value. It was after much haggling that Adam assured the doctor, that he knew where to find another gold ring, this time of better quality, and of far greater value. A price of Two Hundred UK Pounds was eventually agreed on, however Adam had to ensure that he was able to retrieve the ring from its new hiding place, without having given away its location. And then in turn, somehow find a further secure hiding place for the money, many inmates had died for far less, and he intended this was not going to happen to him.

Having waited three days after the second visit from the doctor, and on the pretence, that he was under treatment for genital warts, he managed to retrieve the second gold ring. Once the transaction was made, he had decided to wait a further three days before he bartered for additional items and had to make the weekly payment for protection. On one occasion some weeks into his sentence, an inmate had taken an interest in acquiring a new bed mate, having been built like a Sherman tank, Adams screams and refusal to give in, had cost him dearly. He awoke the next day to discover he had a broken jaw, fractured ribs and one very sore body.

When the guards came back on duty that had offered him protection, and had heard of the incident, they spoke with Adam, saying that unless he increased the protection money, that this would happen again.

The next day Adam had managed to speak directly with the camp governor, after much negotiation the governor walked away the proud owner of a gold ring with a beautiful Diamond set on its base, along with a further promise of regular monthly cash payments. That’s if Adam was allowed access to one of his many secret off-shore bank accounts.

By the next morning a prisoner was found dead in his cell, with his genitals having been cut off and fed into his mouth. The Governor had warned the two wardens personally, that should any further mishaps fall Adams way, that they would themselves end up like the inmate who had just so tragically died.

Jacquie quietly fetched herself another cold drink; her Thai contacts had informed her of Adams imprisonment, lying on a table beside her, was an unopened letter from Thailand. She knew immediately that it was from Adam, by the exaggerated loops in his handwriting. Sitting back in the lounge chair she undid her top and leaned back to enjoy the mid day sun.

Jacquie had worked hard to attain what was wanted, sleeping with Adam had been the sacrifice that she had to pay, as in truth, she hated the man and all that he stood for. For now, she had decided to lie back, rest and enjoy spending her newly acquired fortune. It had taken careful planning and manipulation, to have led Adam into the position that he now faced, as it was Jacquie who had informed the Thai police of his drug habit and of his intentions to smuggle drugs. A search of his suitcase had shown fifteen bags of heroin, with each carefully sewn inside the suitcases padded lining. Adam still had not realised that it was Jacqui that had placed them there, as far as he knew it had been the police who had planted them trying to extract a higher bribe for his freedom.

Elaine was now bringing rays of laughter to the staff in the hospital; her happy attitude and stories of Jesus made them smile. The doctors had put her physical recovery in the record books, as for her emotional state of mind that was another matter. Every night over the last five weeks had produced the same response, with her waking screaming and covered in sweat.

It usually took a nurse, to stay by her bedside, before she was able to once again sleep, and even then, she had been known to go through the same process, some two, or even three times in one night. Amander had not returned to see her friend; this had caused Elaine some grieve, as even though there were other children and adults to talk with, it was Amander who had proved her friendship, and had been with her on the times that she had needed her most.

Christine had placed herself into the expert hands of those trained to assist in her recovery. Having realised the drastic mess that had been made, and not only to her own life, but also to that of Peter and Elaine. She prayed daily for their forgiveness, and that both would recover from their ordeal.

Peter had himself in time recovered some from his illness; it had taken the doctors some time to find an anti-biotic, that the strain of TB, that he had contracted, was not immune to.

According to his solicitor it was estimated that he would receive compensation in the region of half to two thirds of a million, for his false imprisonment and for the way he had been treated while in custody, simply because the police had not undertaken forensic tests that would have cleared his name. Yet he knew that would never undo the past nor restore to him what he and his family had lost.

In truth, how could anyone put a price on the emotional strain and turmoil, which he and his family had gone through, from been a successful businessman with a house in Wentworth, a family, and a promising future. To of then been forced to unjustly face imprisonment, rape, beatings and humiliation and to later to have contracted TB from his time in jail.

For his daughter, she had been subjected to unimaginable and physical abuse, with it been short of a miracle that she even survived; and there was no telling of the untold mental damage that such an action could do to the child’s mind.

That evening Elaine had become tired and returned to her room, she enjoyed using a wheelchair as it gave her a measure of freedom that would have other wise have been denied her. The previous night’s nightmare had troubled her, this time she had found herself almost reliving parts of the event. The horror and pain had seemed so real, with her screaming in fright, as she had seen something from within the nightmare, for less than a shadow of a second, yet somehow it played on her mind, and was now refusing to leave her.

As Elaine laid back on her bed she could feel a cold chill ripple down her spine, momentarily it felt as if there was another presence in the room, unseen but without doubt still there. It was just gone 19.00hrs; and it was the first day that Elaine had not received any visitors. Her mother was in a detox unit, and her father had fallen in his weakened state, forcing him to be spending a few days in bed.

Elaine had been by her father’s requests, informed and assured that he was in no immediate danger, and that if wanted, then she could come and visit him in the morning. It had disturbed her been alone; she knew there were people throughout the hospital, and that it was only a matter of pressing a button that was by her bed, to bring an attentive nurse to her bedside.

Quietly lying there, Elaine suddenly realised that she was no longer alone, turning her head, there sitting on a bedside chair was Amander. “Where have you been”? Enquired Elaine, in glee at seeing her long-missed friend. “I have missed you, I was scared something might have happened and that I would never see you again.” Amander had a beautiful smile that would truly warm anyone’s heart. “I have come to see you every day, but you have always had so many visitors, that I thought you would prefer their company.”

Elaine could sense the genuineness within her answer, and assured her, that she was her very best of friends, and was wanted, and welcomed her at any time.

To the amusement of the hospital staff, Elaine was seen the next day, gaily pushing herself through the maze of hospital corridors, on one occasion a bewildered junior doctor, who had just finished a straight 94-hours of working. He had tiredly observed the child, as the chair seem to propel itself, with Elaine laughing, and as the wheelchair somehow mysteriously negotiated itself around a laundry trolley, then promptly did a 45degree, right angle turn, all unaided by Elaine.

Elaine looked up to the sign, as it indicated that this was Cloverdale ward, quickly she looked over to Amander, as they both smiled at each other. “This is the one.” Said Elaine, “I’ve not been in here before, so I’m not to sure which room that daddy will be in.” Just then, as she had finished speaking, two nurses walked up behind her and ask if they could help her. Elaine promptly explained who she was, and why she was there, before she knew it, one of the nurses started to take her into the ward to see her father. “Here you are my lovely, I will just check to see if your father is here.”

At that, the nurse opened the door and walked in, Elaine turned her head to talk to Amander, but was unable to see her anywhere. Just to her left Elaine saw the door to the ladies’ toilet closing, and ask the nurse to let her friend Amander know where they were when she came out.

Peter was sitting up on his bed; he still had some weight to put back on, and was not exactly the picture of health. None the less the moment he saw Elaine coming through the door with her leg still in a cast, a big broad smile went across his face. “There you are my little pumpkin, I was wondering when I would be graced by your royal highnesses visit.” Elaine loved it when her father teased her like that. “Close your eyes daddy, and put out your hands,” said Elaine. “I have something to give you.”

Promptly Peter did as she asks, from behind her back he could hear the rattling of paper been unfolded, then felt something been placed into one of his hands. “Can I open my eyes yet?” he asks, peeping with one eye at the same time. “Right it’s Ok now, you can open your eyes”. The gift felt heavy and had been wrapped very carefully, on top of the parcel was an envelope that had written the words. “To the very best’ist DAD ever”.

On opening the card first, Peter smiled at the drawing of a child with a cast on her leg pushing a man around in a wheelchair. The idea amused him; it also hit a little closer to home, as to how his daughter viewed things. Next, he very carefully opened the parcel, once that is, he had removed the outer wrapping, and he came to a used box of Milk Tray chocolates.

Looking over to his daughter he smiled, “Just what I’ve always wanted, a half eaten or an empty box of chocolates,” as he opened the lid there was a mass of kitchen roll. “They’re not half eaten chocolates are they, the ones you tried and didn’t like, so you left them for your poor, wee old dad”. Elaine laughed, “No daddy, just open the tissue and see.” As he pulled back the layers of tissue there before him was a true surprise, “My…where on earth did you get your hands on this.”

To his great surprise, he carefully lifted a fossilised fish from within the box, he had been a keen palaeontologist ever since he was a child, and had an impressive collection of fossils before he lost everything to the Liquidators. The item in his hands would very easily fetch Two to Three Thousand UK pounds from any Japanese collector.

Elaine was pleased he liked it, but then in truth she knew he would. “I found it while on holiday, I ask my friend Amander to bring it in for me, and she has been looking after them for me.” Her father’s eyes looked in amassment, “Them…do you mean you have more,” Elaine smiled, “Oh yes daddy there are at least a hundred similar to that one, its just this was the only small one that I could put into a box.”

Peter swallowed and took a breath in, then paused before he spoke. “Bigger than this you say,” Elaine never gave him time to finish. “Oh yes” she said casually, “Many of them are longer than my arm, there are other ones as well, they’re not all of fish.” Peter was stunned, “Please go on, and tell me more” Elaine picked up a pencil and paper and drew her father a strange looking skeletal type creature. “I’m not sure what it is but there are two that look similar to this, and also numerous ones like you once showed me when you took me to the museum.” She paused only for a brief few seconds, and then continued speaking. “I could not carry them, so my friend Amander helped me hide them, until I can take you there to give them to you.”

Her father was in mild shock, praying quietly that his daughter was not simply imagining the quality and quantity. He knew, that if she was correct, and that these items were, as she had described then, then there would be a small fortune awaiting them, that’s if her friend Amander has kept their location secret.

It was a further nine days before Peter was well enough to go home, his solicitor had secured an interim payment of two hundred thousand, explaining these things always took time. Peter’s first action, had been to buy himself a three-bedroom apartment, as close to the hospital as possible. It was a further three months before the doctor’s felt Elaine had recovered enough, mentally, as well as physically, to allow her home.

It was difficult to prevent a massive media interest; also Peter was very aware of the exclusive agreement that he had signed with the publishing house, and that they were still waiting for him to disclose the full events that had led up to that moment in time

Brien had lost weight; amazingly most of his work colleagues had stood by him, although sadly his wife had been violently treated by some of the neighbours. Their home had been frequently attacked with bricks thrown through their windows, and on one occasion, someone had poured brake fluid over the family car, and his children had been attacked physically as well as verbally while in their school.

The strain was telling on his family, and in time they had to be moved to a different location for their own safety. Brien had repeatedly held to his story that he was innocent of the said crime, none the less the evidence pointed other wise, and as a result he was treated like all such paedophiles while in prison.

Each and every night he would go down on his knees and pray, on one occasion a fellow inmate along with a prison warden caught him in the act of prayer. A hand gripped the back of his head and forcibly pushed his head down onto the metal bed frame. Brien lost most of his front teeth and received a broken nose, his complaints went unheard or believed, as there were inmates along with fellow wardens, who swore they saw Brien slip and hit his head during the fall.

His solicitor eventually managed to arrange through the courts, for him to be transferred; yet it was Peter who repeatedly, each and every day prayed for him. Asking that Brien would be treated with civility and be placed into a prison where he could escape from the abuse that he himself, had at one time, been forced to go through.

Adam had contracted Malaria, he had a simple choice either pay for private treatment or die, and there was no in-betweens or National Health for him to turn to. He like many millions, of other such citizens of third world countries, had no such luxuries in the prison, people were treated worst than rats, and were at times discarded without food or water, if they were unable to pay for their medication. Death was slow and agonisingly unbearable, many in acts of desperation would throw themselves onto spiked Bamboo canes, in an effort to kill themselves, and free them from the eternal pain.

As long as Adams bank account held out he at least knew he was safe, although he had come to realise that his letters to his wife were either going unanswered, or were not reaching their intended destination. Also, the thought had occurred to him, that as long as he kept supporting the Prison Governors monthly wage, that it was going to be unlikely that he would find himself ever going home. It was this thought that guided his thinking into ways of escaping, knowing nothing in this wretched country came for free, and he knew it would cost him everything he had.

The only real friend he had, was the doctor; there was no one else that he could turn to. It seemed to him that the British Embassy had closed its doors to him, preferring that he was not one of their subjects. Fortunately, on the regular fortnightly visits by the doctor, Adam had come to an arrangement that he would bring him a bottle of American Whisky. The doctor never had change with him for the Five UK Pounds notes that Adam would give him, so he had resigned himself to allowing him to keep the change.

What he resented was the occasions, when the doctor would stay, helping him make a start on drinking from the bottle. At least in that time, he had come to know the man, and was therefore sure that if the prise was right, that he could somehow purchase his freedom. How he would get himself out of the country was a different matter, but for now it was important to simply survive.

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