Contagion - Plans of Deception - Book One.

Chapter Chapter Eleven.

Brien’s case had finally come to the appeal hearing, his solicitor was sure that, with this new evidence and the backing of Elaine’s father, that his client had every possible chance of having the charges dropped and that he would attain his freedom. He was devastated when he heard that the judges had turned down his appeal on the grounds that the child still maintained a positive identification and that the forensic evidence had shown there were traces of blood on some of his clothing.

Brien had felt like committing suicide, his whole world had been destroyed, he had not only lost his freedom, his wife and children, he now felt there was no avenue for redress, and that in the eyes of the law he was guilty. There was one small avenue of hope for him, the Appeal judges had indicated to his solicitor that as Elaine’s father had indicated that he himself had doubted his child’s evidence. That if at any time in the future he should secure evidence to the contrary that they would hear the new evidence, it was therefore ordered that he be kept in an open prison until such a time. It was this knowledge alone that had given Brien a thin thread to hold onto.

Peter truly felt for the man, as he somehow knew that he was innocent and having himself, had been falsely accused in the past, he knew personally only to well of the horrors and nightmares that he must be going through. That evening back at Guys Marsh, Brien kneeled before his bed and prayed it was some two hours later that he made his way into the computer rooms. There he felt a gripping pain as it held his chest in a firm vice like grip, as the pain seemed to move into his left arm, and he could feel the room starting to move.

He woke up three days later to find himself in a hospital bed, having survived from a mild stroke; the stress had simply proved more than he was able to cope with, as all the past events especially placed upon the shoulders on one who was innocent, was more than any person could be expected to withstand. In simple truth, the authorities and those in power, who had known or suspected his innocence, were in awe at just how long Brien had managed to hold onto his sanity, and even now it was not his sanity that was at question, his heart had simply been unable to cope with the level of stress, which he had been subjected too.

Peter had discussed in some depth, his legal rights with regards the cavern and its contents. He had been advised to put everything on hold until his solicitor had obtained clarification on certain issues. As it was he had wanted to move some of the crystals and fossils, and take them to some Fossil fairs, which were soon to be held. He knew one in particular would create some considerable interest, having photographed the said items and sent details to various private buyers.

All items were sold before he had a chance to have taken them to the fair; he was satisfied having secured in cash just over Twenty-three thousand pounds for three rare fossils that were to go to a private collection. Eleven thousand for a single fossilised bird and another Ten thousand for some of the crystals and a group of rare fossilised fish, these items were to go to an American museum. He donated two very rare fossilised birds, knowing there to be only another one in known existence, to the British Museum, a particular Japanese buyer had offered him a cool Half a million pounds for the same said items.

His donation had made the national news, and unknown to the nation, he had acquired himself a secret deal with the government over the cavern. And receiving backing for his proposed use of the site. Especially as the contents were therefore to stay in British hands, however unknown to the authorities, the Japanese dealer had not gone away empty-handed. Peter had removed a quantity of rare and precious crystals and fossils to another site, he had not wanted to flood the market as that in itself would reduce their value.

When he had taken a group of representatives from the British museum to the cavern, they were so overwhelmed by the quantity of perfectly preserved specimens and the sheer beauty of the cavern itself, heralding it as the worlds greatest ever discovery. He knew for a certainty that the items he had removed would have gone unnoticed, having made the find public knowledge, had meant that a security team of ex soldiers were employed by the government, to enable them time to document and secure the site. The Japanese collector had quietly and in secret, parted with a cool third of a million pounds in cash, for two fossilised birds and a nest of eggs, plus a selection of crystals and not so rare fossils.

Under the agreement that Peter’s solicitor had secured, Peter was given full publishing rights, along with the site to stay in his family’s hands, and to have full revenue rights. The government had in return secured the right to full ownership of all contents as itemised from an agreed date with the rights to remove no more than a third of any items or items for sale, loan or display. The British museum had confirmed that there were at least four unknown species residents there, with a vast quantity of as yet unidentified species waiting to be uncovered.

For these Peter had secured himself a thirty- percent stake, basically Peter and his solicitor had secured themselves a small fortune. The government had acquired itself a vast fortune with the knowledge that the said items would be kept within the country other than the items that they had proposed to sell to fully offset with profits their outlay. Knowing that it was Peter’s responsibility to arrange and finance the marketing side of the agreement. Fortunately, Peter had very shrewdly secured publishing rights with a major media company, which was in time to net, both him and themselves almost countless millions.

Peter always was a shrewd businessman, unknowingly to him and Adam; the collapse as manufactured by Adam of Peter’s first business, had done him a favour. Peter still had full ownership of the seven miles of Coastal line and full ownership of any future discoveries that were awaiting to be made, outside of the cavern. He already had knowledge thanks to Amander, that there were two small sites on a vastly reduced scale to the main cavern site, both to be found just a little further along the Coastline.

Along with whatever was to be found washed and exposed by the never-ending pounding of the waves against the cliff face, fortunately the Coastline was no longer reachable by foot. As Peter had secured the right on the grounds of security and safety to have the area sealed off, and patrolled by his own security teams, plus the highest level of surveillance installed.

He had not wanted the public entering onto the above fields which ran along the coastline, and to have people fall through sink holes or entering the site and acquiring fossils which were now legally his property.

As it was he was unable to prevent people from accessing the area by boat, other than using his own security company, who he had ensured were well paid and fully equipped with whatever was necessary to ensure the safety of his investments.

The museums Security Company had proved unable to fully protect their investment; this had inspired Peter to set up his own company and had contracted a section out to protect the cavern site. Peter was more than satisfied by this arrangement, as he knew he now had control, he felt that by offering ex military and police a wage twice that of the nations average, that they would in turn not wish to put their job security at risk, by doing anything stupid.

By using the most modern surveillance equipment available, Peter knew that he had taken every possible precaution in protecting his investment. It also meant that the local council benefited by the area been maintained and kept at its optimum level, with spin off incomes from the proposed sites and investments.

As of then, Peter had not managed to find Amander’s body, he was sure that it was nearby, as he knew from listening to Amander’s conversations, that there was something preventing her from entering that particular area close to the water in the cave.

She could and did freely walk the Coastline, often scaring and confusing some of the security personnel, in whom had proved susceptible to her presence. It had become a game with her, after having spent some five years in a lonely void, walking and exploring the Coastline, she had come to know it intimately, and had been able to inform Peter whenever he wanted a new or rare specimen, for some rich private collector.

His only real concern was not to allow himself to choke the market and taking away the desire in owning such items. It was this thought alone that made him come to a decision of not selling more than three rare items a year, no matter what was offered. He had a steady bread and butter market, as he called it; from the variety of less exotic and rare fossils that he still sold at the fossil fairs, which he still visited.

There was however one advantage which he was to soon apprehend. Any fossil associated with and could be verified in been from his site, had increased in desire to be owned, and collectors were prepared to pay vast sums just to be the owners of such items. They in turn understood the market, and had realized, that eventually the supply would end, and then that in turn would vastly increase the value of any remaining fossils offered up for resale.

Elaine had found the last few months stressful but had come to enjoy the level of comfort that the newfound wealth had brought to the family. Her nightmares were less frequent but none the less they still occurred, causing her considerable stress for a few days, then it would leave her, allowing her to continue with her life. It was Christine, who noted that the nightmares seemed to correspond to her menstrual cycle, this had given the family an opening in been able to prepare them, and to obtain treatment that would reduce the child’s stress at this time every month.

Peter had done everything within his power to ensure his child recovered, yet he knew that as long as she held back and never faced the nightmare, and that she would never fully recover. It was this knowledge that had made his wife and he agree to have their daughter sent to a private clinic that specialised in such sleep disorders. He had another ulterior motive in that his book with the publishing house was about to be published and he wanted his daughter out of media attention.

He had clearly stated in writing and included it within his book, that he felt Brien was innocent of the said crime, and that he was doing everything within his power to ensure the man had a fare opportunity to clear his name.

He knew behind those nightmares, stood the face of her attacker, and that his daughter was too scared to look the demon in the eye. Until then she would continue to claim it was Brien who was guilty, he personally had no idea as to who the attacker could be, but he was also aware that such a statement could place his child in danger if the attacker thought she would in time identify him.

Adam had found his way back into England, and had made his way to his home, only to discover that it had been sold, as it was thought that he had died in Thailand. He had obtained this information by the new owners, they had seen him approaching and had gone to the door to find out who he was, been quick thinking he explained he had been abroad and was looking for his old school friend who used to live there.

It had been accidentally discovered that a previous wife of Adams, had seen him one day before he had gone to Thailand, he had been leaving one of the homes which he had kept secret even from Jacquie, and the government had traced his wife to the old Windsor address, only to learn from the selling agents that she had been informed of her husband’s death and sold the flat and moved away leaving only a contact address.

Eventually on her return from Canada she had contacted their legal office and explained the said events claiming she was unaware of the other home. Eventually everything had been cleared to the satisfaction of the authorities, and the house had been sold. Jacquie paid whatever taxes and expenses that were due and had walked away that much richer, having firstly ensured that she handed over his personal home computer and laptop to the police, claiming his employers had informed her that enquiries had been made.

She was not the little miss innocent wife that she had painted, having been fully aware of Adams intentions in defrauding Peter. Yet ensuring that there had always never been, any said evidence to incriminate her, her performance would have won her numerous Oscars. After that she simply left the country, feeling it safer to be away should Adam ever find his way back into England? As it was Adam was still unsure if his wife had received his letters, and felt there was a reasonable chance that she had genuinely thought he was dead.

For the moment, he had been prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt and not pursue it any further. Had he thought for one moment that she had set him up, or had used the situation to her advantage, knowing him to be alive, and then he would have hunted her down until he had killed her?

He knew he had left a message on an answering phone, but in fairness it was not her voice on the recording, as unknown to him, she had only replaced the old one days earlier. For now, he was content to rest and recover, and keeping a low profile from his apartment in Bray, having lost all bar two of his investment accounts through his supposed death.

He had greatly reduced his expenditure, knowing that if he was careful then the remaining interest alone, would sustain him over the next few years, until such a time as he had rebuilt his empire under a new identity. Like every other citizen in the UK, he had heard of the magnificent and spectacular finds made by his ex partner, as it was he had an element of respect for Peter. Knowing he was a good businessman, yes there was always an element of luck involved, yet Peter had that ability to turn such luck into a positive earner, it was this that had attracted him to getting to know him in the first place. It was the revelations of the book that caught Adams eye, “the shrewd old fox” he thought to himself. “He has bloody well even turned that into a money spinner.”

Yet it was the revelation of his statement that he felt Brien was innocent, that had got Adam into thinking, and he had gone out and purchased himself a copy of the book and read it from cover to cover. There had been just one more thing of great important’s that he had wanted to do for his friend Sidequi, as he had undoubtedly saved his life. That in itself would have been reason enough, but he noticed on his last night there, that the family has slaughtered one of their precious goats so they could share a full and traditional meal together. He had only had three goats to his name, and Adam was fully aware of the great sacrifice that had been made, especially for him, their much-honoured guest.

That morning he had booked himself a room in one of London’s premier hotels, on his arrival he had made an appointment with the pets and livestock manager of Harrods, after a short conversation Adam had ordered eleven goats one prize Ram, twenty chickens and eight Geese. All to be personally delivered along with approximately one year’s supply of feed, and included in that, was one shotgun and cartridges, plus two thousand UK pounds, to all go to Sidequi’s farm. He smiled to himself knowing that word would travel through the village, and that such items would in their eyes mean the family had much wealth and plenty to barter with. For his policeman brother, he sent him perfume for his wife, cigars and a new handgun for himself.

Adam was fully aware that this presented several obstacles for Harrods to over come, yet he also knew they were the one company who would overcome and deliver. While been in business under a different name, he had opened an account with them some years back, purchasing every year various hampers and gifts for his sister. It depressed him that for now it was better to leave his sister thinking him dead, he had opened up a small investment account for her some years earlier and knew it gave a small but acceptable return on its interest.

Peter had wondered if Amander would follow Elaine into the private clinic, the idea of his daughter been seen, been pushed around the grounds by a wheelchair apparently pushing itself had given him reason for concern. The girls had assured him that if Amander had decided to visit the clinic, and that they would be on there best of behaviour. They also realised the risk in drawing unnecessary attention to themselves, yet like all children alive or dead, Peter was not so sure that they could resist the chance of pulling a few pranks on the clinics clients and staff. It was during a visit by Christine and Peter a few days later that Peter had heard, that some of the night staff had reported seeing items of furniture moving apparently by themselves. Also, that a particular administration manager who Elaine had taken an instant disliking to, had phoned in to frightened to return to work, after having been chased around her office by a floating waist paper bin.

Peter knew immediately what had happened, and could not help laughing at the thought of the poor woman’s misfortune. It went without saying that he in turn had stern parental words with his daughter, but could not keep a straight face, when she insisted that it was not her chasing the old witch around the office. And that she felt it was unfair to blame her, as she could not be held responsible for something some one else had done, especially if they were already dead. “She did have a point,” he thought to himself.

Brien’s health had taken a further turn for the worst, the hospital doctors had hoped that he would recover from the stroke, however as it was now looking, he stood little chance of recovering. His wife was informed of the possibility of him dying, her first reaction had been one of shock, and part of her felt drawn towards this man who had shared a major part of her life, and had fathered their children. Yet it was not to be, she had managed to resettle herself and the children, in a small village on the outskirts of Bradford. There both she and the children were unknown, the violence against them had stopped and for once, in what had now been over a year their lives were starting to touch on what could be classed as normal.

She had felt it wise not to inform the children, as it had been equally as difficult for them. They were close to their father and the shock of the crime had left an immovable mark on their souls, the violence committed against them was far in excess of that committed against their home. On one occasion the youngest brother had been forced to watch a group of grown woman, who held him firm, while the others stripped, beat, then painted the word “scum” in gloss paint over his brother’s body and genitals. Even though they knew the said child was totally innocent of any crimes, their combined hatred and rage, had overcome their rationality, and acting as a pack, they had done something which in time they were going to deeply regret, and one day be answerable for.

Then they had sent them home as they were, both boys were in constant fear of their lives and even now the nightmares and memory of the incident haunted them. As such they had learnt too never talk to anyone, not even themselves about their past, for fear of been overheard, and the violence starting over again.

Brien wanted so much to protect and to see and to be with his family again, yet he knew now that was to be an impossibility, and that it was better and safer for them to be as far away as possible, in having started a new life for themselves. In his eyes true love, was in knowing when to let go, it would have destroyed everything that he held sacred, if he through his selfish actions, he had brought further pain and suffering on them. The doctors were frank and honest with him and had informed him that if he could get over the next few days, that there was a 50/50 chance of partial recovery.

They never held back the knowledge that he was from this moment on to be a different man, and that his right side of the brain had little chance of full recovery. His solicitor had informed him that Peter had published his book, and that it openly stated how he felt Brien to be innocent, and that now he had taken his daughter into a private clinic, in an effort to heal the mental wounds. It was still that thin thread of knowledge that gave him the strength to hold onto life, he knew he was innocent, and if not for himself then for his wife and children, he needed to clear his name.

Elaine’s session had started like before, in a slow introduction, not wanting to put too much on the child, they knew from her past medical records of how she had reacted. It had been agreed that the family was to not be present during the sessions, and that they should an over a program of time, slowly try to explain to Elaine how much Brien’s action had been for the families’ best interest.

It was not until a further six weeks into the sessions that Peter and Christine had finally got through to the child that Brien was acting at the time in the family’s best interest, and was not to blame for separating the family. It was that combined with the clinic’s medical team, who eventually had managed to take Elaine through the rape and look at it as if it was happening to someone else. This detachment had in time allowed the child to look back and view the incident, without the fear that it had once originally injected into her. The day finally came when the taped sessions were being led through the incident, step by step. The doctors had managed to bring the child once again through the actual rape, when Elaine mentioned for the first time how she could feel that the rapist’s skin was against her face, she described the smell of tobacco on his breath and the sickly smell of a sweet perfume.

Then she made a statement that was in a short time, to clinch Brien’s freedom; the doctor asked her if the man had any facial hair. Elaine quietly and calmly said “No”. Brien at the time had a full beard and moustache, “No don’t be silly, Adam has no facial hair.” There was a moment’s stunned silence, before the session continued. “Tell me Elaine” asked the doctor, “why did you think we were talking about Adam?” Elaine was momentarily quiet, as it dawned on her what she had said. Then like a frightened animal she retreated back into herself. “No… No it was not him it was Brien.” At that the session ended when she stormed out of the room, Amander had been quietly observing the sessions unknown to Elaine or the doctors.

Peter was called in and after some discussion, the taped session was handed over to his solicitor with instructions to ensure that Brien obtained his freedom at any cost. Peter and Christine’s heart wept for the man, he and his family had been put through hell. That accusation made by a scared and confused child, had destroyed the man, and had taken away his family and robbed him of his health. He had been subjected to unspeakable abuse both physically as well as mentally and even robbed him of his dignity. The same could be said of his wife and children.

Peter had previously agreed with his solicitor that should such a revelation come to light, that rather than allow the wheels of justice to move in freeing the man, that they would ensure the knowledge was made public. That very evening, a copy of the taped session was handed over to a major newspaper and to Sky TV. It was agreed that simultaneously the next morning the news would be broken to the world. Such exclusivity had come at a price; the agreed sum of One hundred thousand was put aside by Peter’s solicitor for Brien’s future welfare.

As expected there was a storm of media coverage, with pressure placed on the Home Secretary to obtain Brien’s immediate freedom. As in the eyes of the law and government it was believed that Adam was dead, and therefore the police were within a few days instructed to close the case. Brien had obtained his freedom and had after talking with Peter agreed to engage his solicitor in obtaining compensation. As it was, for now he was quietly taken to a private clinic to aid him in his recovery, his family was now aware of his freedom, although thanks to Peter, who had been unknown to the authorities, financially assisting the family.

He had spoken direct to Brien’s wife, and ensured she was aware of the media storm that was to brake. After some minutes into the conversation, it was agreed that in the best interest of herself and her children that it would be wiser to take a sudden unannounced vacation. He had sent a car to pick her and the children up, and to take them to a temporary place of safety, just in case the media had managed to discover where her and her children had been living.

Adam had heard the News while watching TV, the shock at the announcement had angered him, he realised that unless the child was silenced, that she would possibly at a later time, recover enough to actually confirm that it was him who had committed the act of rape against her. The News channel had given out the address of the clinic that now housed the child, it was itself within hours besieged with TV and News reporters from across the world. Peter had not foreseen this as he had asked that his daughter’s location be kept secret for her own safety. It was therefore felt that her removal from the clinic was needed as the change in circumstances had placed her in imminent danger, from any emotionally unstable individual who wanted their fifteen minutes of media fame.

Jacquie even though abroad, had heard the News while in a friend’s house, it had left her stunned and feeling scared. She knew Adam was still alive but was unsure as to his whereabouts, she had not known that he had committed the rape. But on reflection she could remember now, the day that it had been announced on National TV of the child’s rape. That he had been highly agitated and had returned home to the Windsor address in different clothing to that which he left in. She had thought nothing of it at the time, other than been a little unusual, but knew he was constantly buying himself new clothing.

The attack on Elaine had horrified her, and even she had prayed, something that rarely ever happened. Asking that the person responsible be caught quickly and brought to justice. She like countless millions of other people from across the world, had been in fear for the child’s life, and due to the veracity of the attack had wandered if the attacker would strike again. Jacquie realised that if Adam was still alive and had heard the News, then it was highly possible that he would do his utmost to silence the child, for him that could only mean death.

Jacquie now found she was in a dilemma; it was imperative in her eyes to warn someone that Adam would, without question, be making an attempt at silencing the child. However, she had made a new life for herself and had not wanted there to be any chance in the police or anybody at that, in giving away her identity and location. After some days of thought, she decided to send Peter care of the clinic a letter explaining that it was imperative that the enclosed letter be passed on to Elaine’s father. It had taken some four days for the letter to arrive at the clinic and another two before it had reached his hands, after reading it, he paused for some minutes, before he spoke to his wife. She in turn reached over, took the letter and read it for herself.

“Dear Peter, I know it will come as a shock to you, but after seeing the article on the TV regarding your daughter’s admission that it was Adam who had attacked her. I have been worried for her safety; you see Adam contacted me some days after he was announced dead by the Thailand authorities. I have not informed the police of this, as should Adam ever come to realise that I had received his letters and had heard the answer phone message, then my own life would be in danger. He is a ruthless man and if crossed, he will think nothing of killing someone. Please understand I cannot go to the police, as it will then put me in fear of my life, as it is I have taken a great chance in informing you. I can only ask that you realise, it is for the safety of your child, that I have taken this risk, and that in knowing that, you will not implement me in any way. I can only appeal to your good nature and pray you understand.

Yours truly

Jacquie, Adams ex-wife”

Christine put down the letter, she had turned white, “Dear God, oh… God, when will this ever-bloody end?” Peter walked over and hugged his wife as she cried. The shock of the received News was just too much for her, “Oh Peter what in heavens name are we going to do?” Fortunately, their isolation due to the remote location of their home, actually gave them an advantage, Peter had already had the grounds and house kept under observation from his own security firm. He decided after some consultation with his wife and solicitor, which it would be wise to firstly beef up the security without making it too obvious, it was already a problem keeping the media at bay. That in itself was an ideal excuse for the increased security, as for informing the police of Jacquie’s letter, they decided to respect her wishes and at the very least be grateful she had warned them in time to take these extra precautions.

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