Consumed (Blood Ties Book 9)

Consumed: Chapter 35

“Pet?” London called me and pushed forward.

I jerked sideways, one hand holding my belly and the other a gun, lifting it high in the air as I took aim. Bang! The kickback was strong. Still, the shot hit its mark, bringing one asshole to his knees in front of Carven. He took him out with one slash of his knife across his throat, killing him instantly.

Blood shot high, then welled over the gash before he fell face down, leaving us to step over him and keep going. There were too many of them spilling from around this ugly fucking thing in front of us. Too many for us to wade through.

“Son.” Came a snarl from our right.

Out of nowhere they came, three Sons spreading out to attack us. Carven and Colt were at the front, surging forward to slam into two of them. But that left one…and he came for us.

Grunts followed as Carven slashed and punched. But each blow he gave was met with one just as fast if not faster. His brows creased with the effort, unleashing all he had. But these warriors were strong and trained…and there were too many of them.


A shot came from out of nowhere and slammed into the third Son who’d come to attack us. He stumbled backwards but didn’t go down. No, he righted himself and surged forward. But as London readied to attack, three massive men slammed into them. I caught sight of the towering hitman London had called Alvarez and two others just as big and dangerous. The Cerberus brothers. Three men who did the Mafia dirty work. Three men you didn’t want to mess with.

Powerful blows landed, driving the Son down.


Alvarez fired his weapon, killing the male instantly. He slumped to the ground and for a second, I felt…loss at the sight of his dead body in front of me. I knew there was no way out of this for them. It was either kill or be killed. Still, knowing they had no choice but to attack hit me harder than I was prepared for. That could’ve been Carven or Colt. I shifted my focus to my twins, each of them fighting with all they had. The only difference was, my Sons fought for survival and love, not for a leader who was a monster.

Alvarez lifted his head, then glanced back at us over his shoulder. One nod from London and he left with the brothers, pushing further into the horde of Hale’s henchmen.

“We can’t get through.” London scanned the mass of men fighting in front of us. The Lawlor men were there, driving powerful blows into a mass of bikers, dropping one after another. “Not through there, are least.”

Movement came from the right. Hidden further back from the trees where the three Sons had come from there was a door, one that was open, leading into darkness. “There,” I shouted, lifting the gun and pointing to the door. “There’s a door.”

Carven rose from a Son, the blade in his hand dripping blood. “I’ll go.”

“No,” I shook my head. “We stay together, remember?”

He didn’t like it, clenching his jaw, but he nodded.

“We need to be prepared for whatever comes in there, Pet. You prepared for that?” London glanced my way.

“It’ll be no different than what’s out here,” I answered, staring at that open door and the hell that waited for us inside. “We need to get in that building, London. We haven’t come this far…to just come this far.”

“That we haven’t, Pet, that we haven’t.” He took a step, nodding to the twins.

Carven and Colt pushed forward, and we headed for that gaping wound, desperate to carve this cancer out for good this time. The hinges howled as Colt pushed the door open. He slipped inside, followed by his brother, then London allowed me to push in behind him.

“Vivienne, take my hand, baby.” London’s deep rumble came before a brush at my arm.

I grasped his hand and stepped inside, following the familiar thud of boots. It was a tunnel. The same tunnel Carven had told us about? It had to be. But all the way out here? The tunnel must’ve taken…forever to build.

Rage seethed inside me. I gripped London’s hand and my gun and pushed forward.

“There’s more coming.” Carven murmured.

“Behind me, Pet.”

I stepped behind London, releasing his hand to find my weapon as we moved deeper into the darkness, until we came to another door. It was too easy. It felt…too damn easy.


He kept walking.


He stopped as Carven reached out and grabbed the door.

“It’s too easy.”

From beside each door, they came, two Sons moving fast. The slash of a knife was instant. Carven gave a grunt before he unleashed a snarl and drove one shadowed bastard back against the wall. Colt grabbed the other and slammed him backwards. The BOOM of gunfire was deafening, making me scream out. Colt’s roar followed, the bellow half man and half…beast.

I couldn’t keep up with them. They spun, slammed, and fists flew, but from whom I didn’t know. I lifted my gun and took aim, until London grabbed my hand and pushed it down. “No.”

Grunts and fists, and the desperate grappling for life were all I saw and heard, hating how fucking useless I felt, until someone groaned “No”, and fell.

My world stopped as my eyes widened. I stared into that darkness, stared until they blurred into one and another body dropped to the floor.


The third body dropped.

My eyes adjusted to the gloom and found the silhouette of Colt as he sucked in hard breaths and turned toward me. The whites of his eyes were all I saw, glistening in the dark.

“Baby,” Carven called my name and took a step toward me. “You okay?”

In a rush, my word started again. My pulse raced and my breaths were panting. It was all I could do not to pass the fuck out.

“We’re okay.” Carven took a step toward me. “Look at me. We’re okay. We have to keep going.”

I gave a nod and moved when he turned, pulled open the door, and stepped inside. For a moment, it was even darker, pitch black. Still, we kept walking, shuffling until a weird pulsing light slowly brightened the hallway, growing brighter the deeper we moved. I glanced at London and found him scowling. We relied on the twins, following them. Carven was ahead, sweeping his gun around corners as we moved deeper until we came to a cracked open door where that pulsing light came from.

For a second, I froze. I didn’t want to go in there, didn’t want to see what hell waited. But it was Colt who pushed the door wider and stepped inside.

“Colt,” London warned.

The Son stopped, glancing over his shoulder but it was me he spoke to. “I can feel them.”

Feel them?

He turned back, instinct leading the way. We had no choice but to follow. Carven stepped in next, leading the way as he let London, then me inside. It was some kind of airlock arrangement, leading to another door. One that was locked. Colt tried the handle, letting the hard thud echo through the space.

“We need an access card,” London said as he moved to the secure keypad.

“You mean one like this?” Carven lifted his hand.

A blood-splattered card was in his hand. One jerk of his head and Colt moved aside, leaving his brother to sweep it across the sensor. The tiny red light turned to green, signaling the door was open. Colt pulled the handle and wrenched the heavy steel door open. What the fuck was in there?

The scent of cleanliness hit me instantly, bitter alcohol and filtered, cool air. Colt stepped inside, but through the hiss of air came another sound, muffled and quiet. But the more I focused on that sound, the more I realized what it was. A chill swept through me as I stopped walking.

London jerked his gaze to me. “What is it?”

“That’s cries I hear. Cries from women…lots of women.”

He swung back, moving faster. We all did, heading to the far side of this. Carven slammed the card against the scanner on the wall and, as Colt yanked the second door, we saw what hell waited for us. A terrifying, sickening hell that was their lives. The room expanded to a floor of cages and medical equipment. A woman was cuffed in place on one of the beds, her wide eyes fixed on us as we neared.

“No.” She shook her head. “Don’t hurt my baby.”

I froze at the words, my eyes shifting to the bump of her belly. Revulsion slammed into me, tearing a sickened sound from my throat. There were machines everywhere, beeping and pulsing. This place looked like something out of a horror movie. Half science. Half hospital.

“Easy now,” London urged. “We’re not here to hurt you.”

Those cries grew louder, so loud they were all I could hear. My pulse was racing, that cold, empty feeling met and swirled with the fevered rush of adrenaline. I scanned the row of doors at the end of the fucking horror room, finding movement in the small glass panels.

“Get them out of there.” I shook my head and stumbled forward.

It could be Ryth in there.

It could be Helene.

Or me…it could be me in there.

“London…” I swung my gaze to him, desperate. “Get them out now.”

He stepped forward, grabbed the card from Carven, and slammed it on the scanner of the first door. It opened with a clunk as he stepped to the next. I moved forward, slowed at the woman cuffed to the bed, and touched her arm. She flinched at the contact, pulling away from me.

“It’s okay.” I moved closer. “I’m a Daughter, just like you.”

She stopped fighting and her eyes widened as her lower lip trembled. “Y-you are?”

I gave a nod as more doors were opened. “Yes, baby. I am. Carven…” I swung my gaze to him.

“Already working on it, baby.” He growled, searching the room for anything he could use to get her free. He moved to a desk, swept aside pages and keyboards to snatch a set of handcuff keys from the mess, and strode back to me. I grabbed them, my hands shaking so bad I couldn’t get the key in the lock.

A wounded sound vibrated in the back of my throat.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, her focus fixed on me.

Tears welled as I shook my head, finally driving the key into the lock. “No, it isn’t.” I twisted, unlocking one hand, before I rounded the machines connected to her body. “None of this is okay.”

The rest of the cell doors were unlocked now as I unsnapped her last cuff. She rose carefully, her hand moving to her belly.

“I’ll get these off her.” Carven started unhooking the monitor leads.

She helped, pulling the cords free, and peeled the tape off her arm before yanking the plastic catheter from the vein in her arm. Blood flowed instantly.

“Shit,” Carven snarled, lunging to grab a wad of gauze and slap it over her arm. “You could’ve waited for me.”

No. No they couldn’t.

I stepped toward those open cell doors, watching the women still standing inside in terror. How long they’d been held here, I didn’t know. My throat thickened until the ache was all I felt. A kick came deep in my belly, making me lower my hand and press against my side comfortingly.

But it was the women that called me. These women I hurt for, deep in my soul. My words were thick and husky, but I was desperate to connect with them as I moved to the first door. “It’s okay. You’re safe now. You’re safe.”

They all stared at me, most were desperate, some were full of hope. I opened my arms, pulled one against me, then moved to another. She clung to me, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. Her thick sobs filled my ears. I held her, staring at all of them. But one stood separate from the others, cramming herself as far back in the shadows as she could. I patted the Daughter’s arm around me and gently pulled her back.

“Follow them,” I urged. “We’re going to get you out of here.”

But it was the Daughter huddling in the gloom who called me. I stepped toward her, reaching out. “I won’t hurt you.”

She pulled away, causing me to stop. “I’m Vivienne,” I murmured. “I’m a Daughter, just like you.”

She shook her head. “No. Not like me,” she whispered.

“Why?” I stepped closer. “Why am I so different?”

“It’s not you who’s different.” She whispered and slowly took a tentative step forward.

All I saw was beauty. Big voluptuous curves, round perfect cheeks, deep natural red lips which only accentuated her big, dark, doe eyes. “It’s me,” she finished.

I shook my head. “No…no.” I wrapped my arms around her.

I could only imagine the kind of terror she must’ve endured. They’d all endured.

“My name is Melantha,” she murmured.

“Well, Mel, we’re going to get you out of this hell. What do you say to that?”

She smiled, revealing perfect dimples. God, my heart ached for them. I stepped away, leaving Colt to urge them forward. “You need to be quiet, help us to get you out of here,” he urged.

They touched him, brushing their fingers along his cheek. One even moved closer and wrapped her arms around his powerful chest. He just froze, turning panicked eyes to mine. I gave him a soft smile and nodded. They needed him, even if it was just the idea of him. They trusted him, because he was a Son.

“Keep moving,” London pushed. “We’re going to get you out of here. But you need to be careful. There’s a lot of men out there. Men who want to hurt you.”

The Daughters were wary of him, giving him a wide berth as they made their way to the door.

“This way.” Carven led them out.

I moved from one cell to the other, helping them out. They touched me, my face and my belly. Their eyes were so full of hope it was heartbreaking. “It’s okay,” I urged. “Hurry, it’s okay. We’re getting you out of here.”

It was all I could do not to break down in tears. These women deserved so much more than a life in a cell, being used as nothing more than a vessel. They were human…they were real.

Rage rippled through me. My baby kicked. I knew instantly which one it was. My boy was a force to be reckoned with. I glanced at Colt, just like his father.

It took too long, but we got all the Daughters out of those cells, urging them through the rooms and back out into the dark hallway.

“I’ll lead them through the tunnel and be back,” Carven urged.

“We’ll wait here,” London answered.

Their steps shuffled, their hands reached for me. They were scared and desperate. “It’s okay,” I whispered. “Go, follow Carven. He’s going to get you out of here. I promise we’ll take care of you. I promise.”

Those words hit me hard and my heart climbed into my throat. They left, held onto each other for comfort, and followed Carven as he led them out of there. I knew the carnage they’d witness. The bodies and the blood, and I only hoped once they were out they wouldn’t all run.

You’re a Daughter, right? You belong to us.

Those words resurfaced from the attack outside the restaurant on the night Colt had been taken. I now knew there were other rogue Sons hunting Daughters. Who they worked for I didn’t know. All I knew was it was a dangerous time to be female and owned by The Order.

We waited, standing in the dark while the scuff of their bare feet grew fainter and finally ended. “London, I’m scared for them and for us.”

“A few more minutes, Pet. A few more minutes and I promise we’re out of here. Just need to find him. You give me that and we’re done.”


The sound made me jump and cry out. I stumbled sideways, slamming into Colt. His arms were around me in an instant and my baby kicked…hard.

“Oww.” I doubled over with the sudden pain. “Easy.”

But he wouldn’t settle in there, just kept rolling and kicking, which would’ve been fine if there was only one of them. But he never kicked his sister, no, he unleashed his karate blows on my insides instead. I caught my breath, then slowly released it as London stepped toward the sound.

I’d missed the heavy thud of steps, but Carven’s deep growl cut through the air. “I heard it from outside.”

“We have no idea where the fuck that asshole is,” London snapped.

“Only one way to find out.” Carven brushed past me, his fingers gentle as they skimmed my arm. “Stay close, baby.”

I intended on doing exactly that, following them along the hallway, until it branched out. There was a low light spilling from floor lights now that led in a different direction. The place was a maze. Still, we followed Carven as he led the way.


The sound of a door echoed like a shot along the hall, causing Carven to grip his knife and surge ahead, then turn left, heading further into the belly of this beast. Colt followed, barely a step behind. A cry was followed by the sound of blows.


A shot came. London pushed me backwards as shadows came from further along the hallway in front of us.

“Baby.” London urged me back and stepped to the side, directly in front of me as two Sons appeared.

I gripped my gun, ready to kill, as London strode forward, lifted his gun, and fired. BOOM! The sound was deafening as he fired once more and rushed forward to meet the killers head-on.

One Son went down, but he didn’t stay there for long, shoving upward as London clashed with the other bastard. London fought, but he was slowly earning crippling blows to his kidneys. I pushed backwards, horrified, and lifted my gun, taking aim.

Only I didn’t feel the air shift behind me. Nor did I feel the wall at my back slide sideways. But I heard the sickening voice of my nightmares as Haelstrom Hale murmured in my ear. “Now we don’t want to pull the trigger, do we, Vivienne? You wouldn’t want to kill the man you love.”

His hand wrapped across my mouth and he wrenched me backwards as he gripped the gun, then pressed his finger around mine as he took aim at London and fired.


All I saw was London stumble forward before I was dragged backwards.

“London!” I screamed behind Hale’s hand. “LONDON! NOOOOO.”

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