
Chapter Con 95


Elijah’s POV


The party was in full swing now. I stood at the edge of the crowd, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I watched Sophia, radiant and beaming, surrounded by colleagues and well–wishers. The celebration party I had organized was a success, and seeing Sophia so happy made it all worthwhile.

Congratulations, Sophia! Your designs are truly exceptional,” one of the senior architects said, shaking her hand warmly.

“Thank you, Mr. Thompson. It means a lot coming from you,” Sophia replied, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

Another designer, Lily, stepped forward. “Sophia, we’re all so impressed with your work. The new concepts you introduced have taken our projects to a whole new level.”

Sophia blushed slightly. “I couldn’t have done it without the team’s support.”

“We’re glad you’re leading the design department of Sinclair Realty,” said Mark, a junior designer “You’ve brought a fresh perspective and so much energy.”

As I listened to the chorus of praise, pride swelled within me. Sophia had always been talented as I’d noticed back in the university, but seeing her recognized for her brilliance made me wonder why I had never paid her this much attention when we were married. We would have made an amazing pair, a powerful couple in business. I regretted not seeing her potential back then.

Perhaps things would have turned out differently for us if I’d given her this kind of attention and care, if I’d shown appreciation for her abilities and intellect. I was so full of myself then. Soooo stupid….

My gaze shifted across the room, and that’s when I noticed Julia standing in the corner, her arms crossed and a frown marring her usually composed face. It surprised me. Julia, my long–lost first love and childhood best friend, had always been supportive of others. But here she was, glaring at Sophia with undisguised envy.

I continued to watch her closely as she eventually approached Sophia and they began talking animatedly. The expression on Julia’s face had changed all of a sudden.

Hmmm… Did I just misread that? Or is she only pretending to be happy for Sophia?

It certainly hasn’t been easy for them to work together again after that controversial plagiarism issue. And recently, Chris had mentioned to me that Julia didn’t seem to be herself.

She’s often spaced out, sort of disconnected, Chris had told me worriedly.

Maybe she’s still getting adjusted to the situation, I’d said. Especially since you often bring her along to your family gatherings.

I don’t know, Elijah, Chris had answered. I think it’s because of you. Why haven’t you been visiting her or spending more time with her outside of work hours?

made up some excuse about being busy. But the truth was, I still doubted Julia, Istill couldn’t accept that she was the Sabrina whom I’d first loved when I was still a kid. I should have rejoiced when Julia was discovered to be Sabrina. But instead, I had her investigated.



That investigation hasn’t gone anywhere yet. It’s hard to dig up Julia’s actual past. I wonder why… What is she hiding?

“Elijah,” Trevis’s voice broke through my reverie. I turned to see him motioning to me, a beer in hand and a knowing smirk on his face. “Why aren’t you joining the party? You organized this thing, after all.”

“You know I’m not much of a party person,” I admitted, shrugging. “Never have been.”


Trevis chuckled and shook his head. “Come on, man. You’re the boss. You should be leading the celebration, not hiding out here.”

“Let Sophia soak in all the attention. I prefer it that way.”

But Trevis wouldn’t let me be. “Let’s have some fun, for a change, okay?”

He practically dragged me, weaving through the throng of people until we reached a group of designers and architects. They looked up as we approached, smiling and raising their glasses in greeting.

“Hey, everyone, look who decided to join us!” Trevis announced, gesturing to me.

Some of them said hello, but most seemed suddenly conscious. I was their big boss, after all.

My eyes kept wandering to the other side of the room, where Sophia stood talking to Kayla. She looked radiant, her laughter lighting up the space around her. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing every time I saw her smile.

Suddenly, I heard Trevis gather some people, saying, “Why don’t we play a silly old game?” He appeared to be thinking for a moment. Then his face lit up as he said, “Truth or dare!”

Some laughed, and many found it amusing.

“What are we, a bunch of teenagers?” I said, finding it totally outrageous.

“Well, when was the last time we acted like teenagers?” someone said. “Let’s give it a shot.”

Those who’ve had plenty to drink started cheering and grabbing chairs so we could make a circle. When I saw Sophia joining, I found myself wanting to participate too.

Most in the group were the younger employees, though. Everyone became eager to try it. Trevis grabbed an empty wine bottle. “Alright, let’s get this started! If you can’t answer a question or do the dare, then you have to take a shot.” He pointed to a bottle of vodka that was still filled to the brim.

As the game of truth or dare began, the energy in the room was electric. Trevis spun the bottle with a mischievous grin, and it landed on Sophia. The cheers erupted louder than ever–after all, this party was in her honor, celebrating her latest successful project.

“Truth or dare?” Trevis asked, leaning forward with anticipation.

Sophia hesitated for a moment before smiling. “Truth.”

Trevis’s eyes twinkled. “Tell us a secret.”

The room fell silent, everyone hanging on her next words. Sophia took a deep breath. “Well… Many of you don’t know that I have a threeyear–old daughter.”

A chorus of “oohs” and a few smiles filled the room. Some people whispered to each other, impressed by



the revelation…

I couldn’t help noticing that she didn’t mention this was actually our child together.

Next, the bottle was spun again, and it pointed at me. I chose dare, not really caring much about the game

at that point. However, everyone suddenly grew excited, eager to see their big boss carry out a dare.

I was stunned when someone shouted, “Elijah and Julia should kiss!”

Today’s Bonus Offer

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