
Chapter Con 93



Sophia’s POV


I held Reese’s hand as we both walked eagerly into the hotel’s lounge. The place was buzzing with anticipation, the warm lighting throwing a golden glow over the sleek, modern décor.

I spotted Kayla near the front, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she waved us over.

“Sophia! Reese!” Kayla greeted us, her enthusiasm infectious. “You made it just in time. Adrian’s about to go on.”

We settled into our seats, and I tried to calm the fluttering in my stomach. Adrian and I had grown close since that time when he’d asked me to help him out at the grocery. I knew this night was significant for him. He had poured his heart and soul into his new

single, and I was here to support him.

The lights dimmed, and the room fell silent as Adrian stepped onto the small stage, guitar slung over his shoulder. He looked confident, yet there was a softness in his eyes when he glanced our way.

“There he is!” Reese exclaimed beside me.

I smiled at my daughter. She was a music lover, even at her very young age.

“Good evening, everyone,” Adrian began, his voice warm and inviting. “Thank you all for being here tonight. This song is very special to me. It’s about someone who came into my life when I needed it the most and brought light into my darkness. I hope you enjoy it.”

As he strummed the first chords, I felt a lump form in my throat. The melody was hauntingly beautiful, and his voice carried the weight of every word. The lyrics told of a woman who appeared when he was at his lowest, a beacon of hope and light in his life. I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, and ! squeezed Reese’s hand.

Kayla leaned over, whispering, “This is incredible, Sophia. Look at the audience; they’re captivated. I can’t believe he wrote this about you!

I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to think. And yet, I was unable to tear my eyes away from Adrian. I felt genuinely happy, a warmth spreading through my chest.

When the final note faded, the room erupted in applause. Adrian smiled, his eyes finding mine again. I clapped enthusiastically, my heart soaring with pride for him.

After the show, the lounge was abuzz with congratulations and praise. Adrian made his way over to us, his expression hopeful.

“Sophia, glad you made it! Did you like the song?” he asked, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

I smiled, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. “You sang it beautifully, Adrian. I loved it.”

“I loved it too!” Reese quipped, making Adrian and I laughed. But then she began to yawn and tug at my sleeve. I looked down and saw her eyes drooping with sleep. “Mommy, I’m a little tired.”

Adrian looked at her tenderly, then back at me. “Let me take you both home.”

I actually didn’t bring a car today, so that would be perfect. But I didn’t want to take any of his time during this special moment. “Oh, no, that’s okay. You might have to go to the celebration party afterwards. And


I’m sure lots of people will want to meet you.”

He shook his head, a gentle smile on his lips. “It doesn’t matter. I can catch later.”

Touched by his offer, I nodded. “Okay, thank you. That would be great.”



Adrian’s new car had a sleek, modern design that shimmered under the streetlights as he pulled up to the curb. He stepped out and opened the door for Reese and me with a flourish, his grin infectious.

“This car is amazing, Adrian,” I said, sliding into the passenger seat while Reese climbed into her booster seat in the back. “It’s a bonus from Raven Media, you said?”

“Yeah,” Adrian confirmed, starting the engine. “But I’ll be paying for it in installments. Can’t have everything handed to me on a silver platter, right?”

“Still, it’s fantastic.” I glanced around, appreciating the new car smell and the luxurious interior. “How do


feel now after the launch?”

“Pretty good,” Adrian said as he navigated through the evening traffic. “But enough about me. How are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m great!” I said, feeling a warm surge of pride. “I didn’t tell you yet that I got promoted at Sinclair Realty. Plus, I’m working on this exciting project with Kayla for the creative department.”

“So, I’ll be seeing more of you then?” Adrian teased, throwing me a sideways glance.

I grinned. “You have no choice! I’ll be designing your photo shoots and other stuff.”

“Wonderful. I can’t wait.”

The drive to my apartment was filled with easy chatter and laughter. When we finally pulled up to the building, Adrian turned off the engine and walked us to the door.

“Thanks for the ride, Adrian,” I said, giving him a friendly hug. “Enjoy the party tonight.”

“Anytime, Sophia. Have a good night,” he replied, waving as he headed back to his car.

Today’s Bonus Offer

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