
Chapter Con 90




Sophia’s POV

I was halfway to my apartment when I realized I was still wearing Adrian’s jacket. The rain had poured down heavily earlier, soaking my thin blouse and leaving me shivering in the cold. Adrian had draped his jacket over my shoulders without hesitation, also insisting to come with me in my car and make sure I was safe coming back home.

“Oh, shucks, I need to return this to him,” I muttered, turning around to go back to the lobby. “Hope he’s still there.”

The elevator ride was quick, and as the doors slid open to the lobby, I heard voices. I paused, recognizing Adrian’s voice immediately.

“Why do you care so much about Sophia? Is she your girlfriend?”

I held my breath, peering around the corner just enough to see them. Elijah stood with his back to me, his posture tense, while Adrian faced him, arms crossed defensively.

Elijah’s response was calm but firm. “No, she’s not my girlfriend.”

A flicker of relief and disappointment mingled within me, confusing my emotions. But before I could process it, Elijah continued.

“She’s my wife.”

My heart stopped. The air seemed to thicken around me, and I clung to the wall for support. Adrian’s mouth fell open in shock, but he quickly recovered, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Your wife? No way,” Adrian said, chuckling sarcastically. “There’s no spark or special connection between you two. You act like normal friends.”

Elijah laughed, a sound that echoed through the empty lobby. It wasn’t a joyful laugh, more like one filled with irony. “And you think you and Sophia have a special connection? You’ve known each other for less than a week.”

Adrian’s face darkened, his jaw tightening. “We might have just met, but I know what I see. There’s nothing special between you two. But for us? There could be something growing.”

Elijah took a step closer to Adrian, lowering his voice but still loud enough for me to hear. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Sophia and I… we have a history. And it’s none of your business.”

I was greatly surprised. The possessiveness in Elijah’s voice stirred something deep within me.

I decided to show myself, casually walking over to them. “Oh, Adrian! Good to know you’re still here,” I said in a cheerful voice. “Sorry I forgot to return your jacket.”

Seeing that, I noticed Elijah’s mouth turn into a tight, grim line. His eyes seemed to shoot daggers at Adrian. But I simply ignored him.

“Hey, no worries,” Adrian told me. “I’ll go ahead now. Take care, Sophia.” I felt relieved when he turned to leave.

Elijah turned to me, but I spoke before he could say anything. “You should go home now too, Elijah. I’m


really tired and I need to get to Reese.”

“Yeah, okay,” he answered. “Good night, Sophia.”


Back at home, I closed the front door quietly, the faint click echoing in the stillness of the night. The rain had already stopped, followed by silence outside. Reese was still sleeping soundly, her gentle breathing the only sound that filled the space. I tiptoed to her room and stood by her bed, watching her tiny chest rise and fall.

As I gazed at her, Elijah’s words echoed in my mind. “She’s my wife,” he’d said. Why did he say that? We’re divorced! There’s nothing between us anymore! Why did he sound angry, jealous even, about Adrian?

“Why now, Elijah?” I whispered into the darkness, my voice barely audible. During our marriage, he’d barely noticed me, let alone cared who I was with or what I did. His indifference had been a constant ache, a reminder that I was never enough. But today, his tone was different. It struck me, sincere and almost… desperate.


I leaned against the wall of Reese’s room, the weight of the day’s events pressing down on me.

always had the feeling that Elijah loved someone else. He’d told me several times after our divorce that he cared, but I’d never believed him.

And those intimate nights together in that small hotel? They weren’t supposed to mean anything, right? asked myself, the memories rushing back to me. We had acted like honeymooners, but we’d agreed that it was just a mere hookup that didn’t mean anything.

I’m definitely not willing to make a fool of myself, to risk my heart again. But tonight, for some reason, his words lingered, refusing to be dismissed.

I glanced back at Reese, imagining what it would feel like to be one family together. Elijah, Reese’s father, with Reese and me. A brief, wistful smile played on my lips. It was a beautiful fantasy, but reality was far more complicated. I couldn’t ignore the past, the hurt, the neglect.

And then there was Daniel. His confession still reverberated in my thoughts. He’d loved me all this time, wanted to be there for me.

How can I face him now? How can I face any of them?

The minutes ticked by, the night deepening around me, but sleep remained elusive.

The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed, dark circles under my eyes testament to my restless night. I dressed mechanically, my mind still tangled in the web of emotions from the previous evening.

Arriving at the office, I was greeted by Chris, waiting by my desk. His smile was warm, but there was a hint of urgency in his eyes.

“Sophia,good morning. I know it’s early, but I’m hoping you can come with me,” he said.

“Chris, what’s going on? Lasked, trying to muster some enthusiasm despite my exhaustion. He grinned at me. “It’s for the project you’re designing. My grandparents want to meet you.”


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