
Chapter Con 83




Sophia’s POV

I could feel the color getting drained from my face. “Why is she calling you that?” I


Kayla’s eyes widened as she took the phone from me and began chatting with Reese to distract her. Elijah glanced at me as he continued to drive. He was quiet for a while. “Sophia, I…” He was hesitant for a while, making my heart race even more. “I’ve already told Reese that I’m her father”

My mouth dropped open. “You what?” I whispered, barely hearing my own voice. I remembered that I hadn’t even divulged it directly to him yet. “How did you. I mean, why…” I paused, taking a few deep breaths. For a while, I considered denying it again.

“Sophia, I’m her father, am I not?” Elijah said with emphasis, “It’s the truth, and I’ve always felt it in my heart ever since I met her.”

I gulped, feeling tears rising up in my eyes. My heart was swept up in a storm of emotions. But I reminded myself that this wasn’t about me. It’s my daughter and her feelings that count the most. It’s the reason why I wanted to approach this issue carefully.

“H–How did she take it?” I asked him, still unable to process this.

Elijah smiled and reached over to touch my hand briefly. “She was very happy, Sophia. She never doubted it for one second. I think she could also feel it in her heart, even at her very young age.”

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat from my unshed tears.

“Mommy? Daddy?” I suddenly heard Reese’s voice from the phone. Kayla leaned over toward us from the backseat, her eyes questioning.

I nodded at her and took the phone again, smiling widely as I faced my daughter. “Hey, Reese, we’re still


“When are you coming home?” she asked in her sweet voice, looking excited.

“Very soon, sweetheart. We’re on our way,” I reassured her, my heart swelling at the sound of her voice.

“They’re coming, Uncle Daniel!” Reese exclaimed.

Daniel’s face appeared beside Reese’s on the screen. “Hey, how about we all go out for dinner to celebrate you coming back safe and sound? I mean, that is, if you’re feeling up to it, Sophia.”

Kayla leaned closer to get in the frame. “That’s a great idea! What do you think, Sophia?”

I smiled, feeling a wave of gratitude for the support around me. “I think that’s perfect. I’m feeling good, don’t worry about me.”

I could sense Elijah tensing up, knowing that he and Daniel weren’t really on good terms yet. But then he smiled at me. “I think this would be good for Sophia and Reese.”

Reese clapped her hands excitedly. “Yay! I can’t wait! See you soon, Mommy and Daddy!”

My heart skipped a beat at her words. It would take some getting used to.



We ended the call, and I turned to Elijah. “Thank you for telling her. I’m glad she’s happy.”

Elijah’s grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly. “She needed to know. And I needed to be honest with her. With both of you.”

Kayla chimed in, breaking the moment of silence. “This is a big step for all of us. But we’ll get through it together.”

After a while, we got to the restaurant near my apartment. I stepped inside, my heart pounding as I scanned the room. There they were–Reese and Daniel–waiting for us at a corner table. Reese’s eyes lit up when she saw me, and she waved enthusiastically. I rushed forward, unable to contain my emotions any longer.

“Mommy!” Reese exclaimed, jumping off her chair and running toward me.

I knelt down, scooping her into my arms, and hugged her tightly. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I held her close. “Oh, Reese,” I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry I couldn’t take care of you.”

Reese wiped away my tears with her small hands and kissed me on the cheek. “It’s okay, Mommy. Don’t cry,” she said softly, her innocence and love breaking my heart even more.

Elijah approached us, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Sophia, you’ve done a good job as a mother,” he said, his voice steady and reassuring.

I looked up at him, grateful for his support. Just then, I noticed Daniel glancing at Elijah and then back at me, a mixture of concern and curiosity in his eyes.

“Sophia,” Daniel said, stepping closer. “Are you hurt? Is everything okay?”

I shook my head, forcing a smile. “I’m okay, Daniel. I’ll tell you everything later. But for now, let’s just enjoy this moment and be thankful that we’re all here together and safe.”

He nodded, though I could see the worry still etched on his face. “Alright, but if you need anything, you let me know.

“I will,” I promised, standing up and taking Reese’s hand. “Let’s sit down and have a nice meal. We deserve it.”

As we made our way to the table, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. Despite everything that had happened, we were here, together. And that was all that mattered.

After dinner, Elijah offered to walk Reese and me home. “Let’s leave the car for now,” he suggested, his voice steady. “It’s a nice night for a walk.”

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Alright, thank you.”

The streets were quiet, the cool evening air refreshing after the warmth of the restaurant. Reese skipped along beside us, holding my hand with one of hers and Elijah’s with the other. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It felt almost… normal.

When we reached my apartment, Elijah offered, “How about I put Reese to bed tonight?”

I nodded, feeling a warmth in my chest. “Okay.”




We got Reese into her pajamas, and she climbed into bed, her eyes already drooping. Elijah sat on the edge of her bed and began telling her a fairy tale. But it wasn’t a typical one. He spun a funny story about a mischievous dragon who couldn’t stop sneezing fire and a brave princess who tried to help him find a


Reese giggled, her laughter softening into sleepy murmurs as Elijah continued. Within minutes, her breathing became slow and steady. She was asleep.

I stood in the doorway, watching them. I felt like crying. I never imagined that Reese would be tucked in by her father. It was a sight that filled me with an unexpected happiness.

Elijah carefully tucked the blanket around Reese and then stood up, his eyes meeting mine. We quietly walked out of her room and into the living room. The silence between us was comfortable, almost


“It’s late,” Elijah said softly, breaking

the silence. “I should go.”

I nodded, feeling a pang of reluctance. “Thank you for tonight. It meant a lot to Reese… and to me.” He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me in a deep hug. For a moment, I was stiff, unsure. then, his warmth and the sincerity of his embrace melted my reservations, and I relaxed into him.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” he murmured into my hair. “If anything had happened to you… I would have regretted…”


He didn’t finish, but I knew what he meant. His words caught me off guard. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to just be in the moment, feeling his heartbeat against mine.

“You don’t have to carry it all alone, Sophia,” he murmured, his breath warm against my ear. “I’m here for you.”

I nodded, speechless. As he slowly pulled back, Elijah’s eyes locked onto mine, searching for something I wasn’t sure I could give. He cupped my face gently, his thumb brushing my cheek.

“Sophia,” he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. “…”

He trailed off, and I could see the struggle in his eyes. Then, as if making a decision, he began to lower his head, his lips moving closer to mine. My heart pounded in my chest, a wild, uncontrollable rhythm. Just as his lips were about to touch mine, a small voice broke the spell.

“Mommy, I want to go to the bathroom.”

I jerked back, startled, and looked down the hallway to see Reese standing in her doorway, clutching her bunny.

Today’s Bonus Offer

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