
Chapter Con 80


Sophia’s POV

Adrian snatched the business card out of my hand, his expression skeptical. It was clear he didn’t believe a word I said about knowing the owner of Raven Media.

“You should think about how to get in touch with your family and friends,” he said, his tone flat. “Our family won’t take in a strange woman for too long.”

I opened my mouth to protest, to explain again that my connection to Raven Media could help him. But then I realized that this could be my way out of here, to reconnect with the people in my life and tell them what had happened to me. They must be worried sick! And what about Reese? I must find


Suddenly, the man’s sister burst into the room before I could get a word out. Her eyes sparkled with

excitement as she rushed over to us.

“You know important people from Raven Media?” she said eagerly, practically bouncing on her feet. Then

you have to hear Adrian sing his original song!”

“What?” Adrian asked, looking startled.

“Come on, let her hear it,” the sister urged.

Adrian rolled his eyes but strummed a chord on the guitar. The familiar sound filled the room, a

and he started to sing. His voice was rich and smooth, blending perfectly with the melody.

I stood there, entranced by Adrian’s voice as it filled the small room. His singing was raw, filled with a passion that was hard to ignore. I didn’t know much about music, but I knew talent when I heard it. When he finished, I couldn’t help but clap enthusiastically.

“Wow, Adrian, that was amazing,” I said, my voice filled with genuine admiration. “You have a real gift.

Adrian looked at me skeptically, his eyes narrowing. Thanks, but I doubt it matters. No one important is ever going to hear me.”

“I can really help,” I blurted out. “I can get you a chance to be heard. We’ll call Raven Media now and I can talk to my best friend.

“See, Adrian? There’s still a chance!” his sister exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. “Maybe there’s a reason you found this woman on the beach and brought her here.”

-Adrian raised an eyebrow, clearly doubtful. “You? You don’t look like you know anyone with money or


I felt a flush of irritation but kept my voice calm. “Well, I can prove it. We just have to call this number.” I couldn’t wait any longer.

It was a good thing his sister believed me. She grabbed a phone and dialed the number. We all waited in suspense. Eventually I saw her face shift from uncertainty to surprise. “Yes, Kayla Davis? My name is Amanda, and I have Sophia Bennett here with me. She said you could help my brother, Adrian, with an audition or something? He’s a singer and a musician…

She paused, listening and nodding. I wanted to grab the phone from her right then and there.

“Let me talk to her,” I said, coming closer to her. But she had already put the phone down, to my great disappointment. Then she announced, “Kayla is coming over right now.”

“Oh, thank God,” I said with a sigh of relief. “Now I can go back to my family and friends.”

It wasn’t long before Kayla arrived. It was so good to see a familiar face again! It was only then that I had a rush of emotions that I didn’t realize I had been holding back. Tears filled my eyes as I stared at


“Sophia!” she called out, her voice filled with excitement as she hurried through the open front door.

“Kayla!” I exclaimed, jumping up from my seat. “You’re really here! Oh, god! You’re here!”

We met halfway, and she wrapped me in a tight, familiar hug. “Oh, my gosh! I’m so glad to see you’re okay! You’ve been gone for three days! What happened to you?”

you came at once, and I can now n

“It’s a long story, but I’m just so glad home.”

Just then, I noticed some movement behind her. My eyes widened as I saw Elijah standing there, gazing at me with worry, relief, and longing.

Elijah. Just saying his name in my mind filled me with warmth and a soothing feeling, as if everything was going to be okay.

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