
Chapter Con 77


Sophia’s POV

Elijah’s voice droned in the background as he continued to speak with the police. I sat there, my heart pounding in my chest, trying to calm the storm, inside me.

I took several deep breaths, thinking about what to do with this message that I just received. It was a huge, serious threat and I didn’t want to take any risks. Hence, I waited for Elijah to finish talking to the officers before I whispered in his ear.

“They’ve found Reese,” I said.

Elijah’s expression relaxed, relief washing over his features. But before he could speak, I quickly turned to the officers. “Thank you for your help, but I’m really tired. I’d like some privacy now. I’ll let you know if anything comes up.”

The police nodded sympathetically and filed out of my apartment. The door clicked shut, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake. Elijah turned to me, his eyes filled with concern and a hint of suspicion.

“Where is Reese? I need to see her,” he demanded.

My stomach churned as I forced a tense smile. “She’s… she’s with Daniel. He found her. But Elijah, don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come with me. don’t want you and Daniel to come across each other.”

Elijah’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Why not? You know I wouldn’t give a damn about Daniel at this time. I only care about Reese. What’s going on, Sophia?

Panic flared in my chest, but I tried to keep my voice steady. “It’s just… Daniel and you, you don’t get along. I don’t want any tension right now. Let me go pick her up, okay?”

He looked at me, searching my face for the truth. I held my breath, praying he wouldn’t see through my lie. Finally, he sighed and nodded.

“Okay, fine. But hurry back. I want to see Reese as soon as possible.”

“Of course,” I murmured. “I’ll be back soon.”

As I grabbed my coat and headed for the door, I felt Elijah’s eyes on my back. My hands trembled as I fumbled with the keys, hoping against hope that I could keep my facade intact just a little longer.

Driving to Willow Beach, my mind was filled with questions and suspicions. The anonymous text message had been a bombshell.

This person has Reese! What the hell does he or she want from us?!

I reached for my phone, trying to dial the number again. My heart pounded as I waited for an answer.” Come on, pick up,” I muttered to myself. But just like the previous times, it went straight to voicemail. Frustrated, I hung up and pulled into a gas station, needing a moment to collect myself.

I opened my contacts and quickly found Kayla’s number. My fingers fumbled slightly as I typed out a



Kayla, I got a weird text from an unknown number telling me to go to Willow Beach. They sent Reese’s photo! I’ve tried calling, but no answer. Can you help me find out who this number belongs to?

I hit send and stared at the phone, hoping for a quick response. She could definitely ask their staff at Raven Media to help trace the number.

Within minutes, my phone buzzed with a reply: On it. Be careful, Sophia. This sounds suspicious.

I appreciated Kayla’s concern, but my curiosity was overpowering any sense of caution. I took a deep breath and got back on the road, the thought of who might be waiting for me at the beach gnawing at my mind.

As I drove closer to the beach, the road became narrower, lined with tall, swaying trees. The sound of waves crashing against the shore grew louder, filling the silence in the car. I parked in a secluded area and stepped out, the cool late afternoon breeze hitting my face.

I looked around. The beach was completely deserted. I checked my phone again–no new messages or missed calls. I started walking toward the water, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of someone waiting for me.

I sat on the weathered driftwood, the salty breeze tugging at my hair, and watched the waves crash against the shore. The ocean stretched endlessly before me, a seemingly infinite expanse that mirrored my own desperation. I lifted my phone and snapped a picture of the water, capturing the deep blues and foamy whites. With trembling fingers, I sent the image to the number.

Almost immediately, my phone buzzed with a reply:

Stay overnight. Reese will be here tomorrow.

My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of hope and skepticism. I typed back quickly, my fingers stumbling over the keys.

How can I trust you? You promised to bring her as soon as I got here alone.

The response was swift and chilling: If you don’t do as I say, you’ll never see Reese again.

I stared at the screen, my breath catching in my throat. My mind raced with a thousand questions, but the fear for Reese’s safety kept me from acting rashly. I typed back again, hoping for reassurance, some hint of sincerity,

Please, just let me talk to her. Let me know if she’s okay.


Silence. The minutes ticked by with no response. I sent another message, then another, each one more frantic than the last.

Where is she? I need to know she’s safe!

Please, don’t hurt her!

Why are you doing this?

Nothing. The screen remained stubbornly blank, each unanswered message twisting the knife deeper Into my already shattered heart.


The sun dipped below the horizon, and the beach grew colder, the darkness enveloping me like a suffocating blanket. I rubbed my arms, trying to ward off the chill, but it did little to ease the icy dread seeping into my bones. I couldn’t stay out here all night; I needed some semblance of warmth and safety.

I glanced back at my car parked a little way up the beach. It wasn’t much, but at least it would offer shelter from the biting wind. I stood, casting one last hopeful look at the ocean before trudging through the sand towards the car.

The sound of the waves faded behind me, replaced by the crunch of gravel under my feet. I was almost in the car when a sharp pain exploded at the back of my head. Stars burst in my vision, and I staggered, disoriented.

Before I could react, the darkness consumed me, and I crumpled to the ground, the world slipping away into nothingness.


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