
Chapter Con 59


Sophia’s POV

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was the unfamiliar ceiling. The second thing was the scent of lavender and cedarwood that filled the room. Confusion gripped me as I struggled to piece together where I was. I pushed myself up on the soft mattress, my eyes scanning the elegant, well–decorated bedroom. Panic bubbled within me.

“Where am I?“.

Then, like a floodgate bursting open, the memories of last night came rushing back. Julia’s party at the Bakers‘ estate. The laughter, the music, the sparkling chandeliers, and the endless glasses of champagne. I remembered chatting with friends, mingling with strangers, andand then…. oh, my god!

My eyes widened in horror as I remembered lying down beside Elijah on this very bed. Oh, shit! No, no,


I sat up in bed and suddenly felt a headache coming on. I pressed my temples hard, thinking about the images in my head. Are they from a dream or are they real?

I couldn’t even recall everything. Most of the images were hazy, and I couldn’t understand what exactly took place.

Gosh, I must have passed out in this guest room in the Bakers‘ residence! What will they think of me?!

Embarrassment flushed my cheeks as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, my bare feet. touching the cool wooden floor. I stood up shakily, taking a deep breath. I needed to get out of here

before anyone saw me.

My head throbbed, and I felt drained, like I had run a marathon. Bits and pieces of the night before flickered through my mind – Andrew taking me to this room, Elijah and I kissing passionately. What the hell happened?!

Just then, I caught sight of Elijah sprawled on the couch, lightly snoring. He must be so exhausted. His presence sent a jolt through me, and shame washed over me like a tidal wave. I couldn’t help burying my face in my hands as a vague memory of my words to him played in my mind.

How can I ever face him again!

With a deep breath, I quietly opened the door and slipped out, careful not to wake him. I tiptoed down. the hallway, my pulse pounding in my ears..

Treally hope no one in this house finds out that both of us had stayed there.

Arriving at work on Monday felt like stepping into a minefield. The tension from last week still lingered, and I couldn’t shake the sense of impending confrontation. I had barely settled at my when Trevis approached me, his expression serious.


“Sophia, I think Elijah has something for you,” he said, his tone revealing nothing. “He’s asking you to go to his office.”

I nodded, my stomach twisting into knots. The last thing I wanted was another awkward encounter


with Elijah, but there was no avoiding it. With a deep breath, I made my way to his office, waves

heavier than the last.

When I reached Elijah’s door, I hesitated before knocking softly. His voice called me in, and I pushed the door open, my heart pounding in my chest. Elijah sat behind his desk, a glass of wre in tand though it was far too early for such a drink. As our eyes met, we both quickly locked away. He took a sip of his wine, the action deliberate and forced

Sophia,” he began, his voice strained and unnaturali need to talk to you about something important.”

I nodded, a blend of curiosity and dread swirling in my chest and spreading throughout my body.What is it?”

He set his glass down, staring at the liquid as if it held the answers he sought “Someone tried to hurt you during the party. They drugged your drink.”

His words made my heart and mind race. I tried to remember everything that had happened from the moment Kayla and I came in. “How? Who would do that?”

He didn’t give me a direct answer. “I’m not sure yet, but it’s important for you to be extra careful from now on. And I just thought it’s important for you to know.”

My mind was a blur. All I could recall was Elijah and myself on the bed together. The memory of it made me shy and embarrassed. My cheeks burned, and I looked away, my eyes finding a spot on the floor to focus on.

Elijah must have noticed my discomfort because he quickly added, “Sophia, we didn’t nothing happened that night… I promise you.”

I glanced up at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. His ears had turned a faint shade of red, a sign of his own embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, Sophia,” he assured me. “I’ll look into it. I can even hire an investigator.”

There was nothing I could do but just nod. But deep inside, I was also wondering why the two of us had ended up kissing in bed. I couldn’t speak up about it, though. I had the strong feeling it was my doing, and it was therefore better for me to shut up.

I was still deep in thought on my way back to my office, the weight of the morning’s encounters pressing heavily on my mind.

I should probably just try to avoid Elijah in the coming days. Even though we used to be a couple, we’re divorced now. If something like that happens again, it’s awkward and embarrassing and really not good.

The elevator ride to the sixth floor felt longer than usual. I could feel the eyes of my colleagues on me, but I kept my gaze firmly fixed on the changing numbers above the door. Each ding brought me closer to the sanctuary of my office.

When I finally reached my office, I closed the door behind me and exhaled a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. I sank into my chair, letting my mind drift momentarily to Reese, wondering if she was enjoying her day at preschool. A small smile tugged at my lips as I pictured her wavy hair bouncing as

she ran around with her friends.


Suddenly, I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I saw Trevis poke his head in. “Hey, everything okay?” he asked.

“Yes, of course.”

“Good.” He stepped inside and smiled. “I’m sorry I forgot to inform you earlier that we need to go on a business trip tomorrow. It’s crucial. You’re going with me, Elijah, and his assistant Connor.”

“What? Where?”

“I’ll give you the details later.” Then he left without any other explanation.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt the familiar rush of anxiety tightening my chest. A business trip with Elijah? I leaned back in my chair, staring at the door where my boss had just exited.

This can’t be happening. Not now..


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