
Chapter Con 51


Sophia’s POV

“I’m so sorry, Sophia,” Elijah repeated. “For everything.”

I was certainly caught off guard and didn’t know what to say. Elijah, always so composed and arrogant, rarely showed such vulnerability.

Eventually, I said, “It’s okay,” I wanted to end the conversation already because I had a feeling he wanted to talk about personal things already.

“No, it’s not okay,” he insisted. “I, uh… I’m not okay. I need to talk to you about the past.”

Just then, Trevis followed us, curiosity evident on his face. “What’s going on here?” he asked, looking between Elijah and me. There was a mischievous glint in this eye as he fixed an amused gaze on Elijah.

Elijah shot him a look that could freeze water. “Let us talk first. This is between Sophia and me.”

Trevis hesitated, clearly intrigued by the unusual display of emotion from Elijah. But a firm gesture from his friend finally sent him back to his chair, albeit reluctantly.

I sighed, crossing my arms. “There’s nothing to talk about. The past is the past.”

His eyes softened, a look of regret washing over his features. “I was wrong, Sophia. I handled things, badly. I just… I need to make things right.”

I shook my head, trying to keep my composure. “Elijah, I appreciate the apology, but I really need to go.”

He stepped closer, desperation creeping into his voice. “Please…”

I glanced at my watch, feigning urgency. “I’m sorry, but I have somewhere I need to be.

Before he could react or say anything. I turned on my heel and quickly walked away. The last thing I wanted was to dredge up old memories.

At home, I walked into the living room and saw Daniel was on the floor, still playing with Reese. They- looked up as I entered, and Reese’s face lit up with a smile that chased away some of my lingering


“Mommy!” she called, running over to hug me. I scooped her up, holding her close for a moment before setting her down.

“Hey, sweetheart. Did you have fun with Uncle Daniel?” I asked, ruffling her hair.

Reese nodded enthusiastically, then scampered back to her toys. I glanced at Daniel, who was watching me with a serious expression. He stood up, brushing imaginary dust off his jeans.

Sophia, can we talk for a minute?” he asked, his tone unusually formal.

I nodded, following him into the kitchen where we could have a bit of privacy. He leaned against the counter, crossing his arms, a pensive look on his face.


“I’m sorry about this afternoon,” he began softly. “I shouldn’t have looked away even for a few seconds

“Stop, Daniel,” I quickly responded, raising my palm. It’s over, so let’s not talk about it anymore. I’ve already told you it’s fine. Reese is happy.”

He nodded, a slight smile touching his lips before fading. “There’s something else. While you were out, I noticed something. Reese… she seems to know Elijah…”

I sighed. “Yeah, I didn’t tell you yet. I saw them playing at the park this afternoon. But thank God Elijah didn’t see me.”

Daniel’s eyes widened in alarm. “I really shouldn’t have brought her near your workplace. It’s risky. And if you really want a new life, we can’t let that happen again. You can’t get caught up in the past.”


I was quiet for a while, remembering the thoughts I had while watching my daughter play with my ex- I

husband who had no idea that he was Reese’s father.

“I don’t know,” Daniel said, running a hand through his hair and looking anxious. “I honestly think that Reese and Elijah shouldn’t get to know each other.”

I looked away, my mind racing. Shrugging, I told him the truth. “It had crossed my mind… to let them finally meet as father and daughter. But I need to think about it more. This is a lot to process.

Daniel nodded, pushing off the counter. “I understand. Just… consider what’s best for Reese. And for


With that, he turned and left the kitchen, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I could hear Reese’s laughter from the living room, a bright spot in the darkness that seemed to be closing in around me.

Later that evening, as I tucked Reese into bed, I listened to her telling me more about her newfound friend – Uncle Elijah.

“So you

had a good time with him?” I asked, smiling even though my heart was thumping wildly.

Reese nodded as she yawned. “Fun, fun, fun uncle…” she murmured sleepily.

I couldn’t resist the urge to dig a little deeper. “Do you like Uncle Elijah better or Uncle Daniel better?

Reese furrowed her brow, thinking hard. After a moment, she sheepishly replied, “Uncle Elijah better.”

Her answer surprised me. “Why’s that, sweetie?”

“He’s just soooo nice,” she said with a small smile.

I wanted to laugh sarcastically, thinking how bizarre this seemed to be. I leaned closer, intrigued.

How nice?”

Reese pondered for a long while, her tiny face scrunched up in concentration. Finally, she looked up at me with earnest eyes. “Super nice! Like a daddy… I want a daddy like Uncle Elijah.

Her words struck me with overwhelming force. I fought to keep my composure as my mind raced.” That’s a big thing to say, Reese.”


She nodded, already half–asleep. “I know, Mommy. Good night.”

“Good night, sweetheart,” I whispered, kissing her forehead.

As I walked out of her room, my chest was bursting with emotions. Reese’s innocent declaration had opened a floodgate of thoughts and memories I wasn’t prepared to deal with.

Over the next few days, I tried to push the conversation to the back of my mind, focusing instead on my work at the office. It was easier to bury myself in projects than to confront the complicated feelings Reese’s words had stirred.

Indeed the new project was keeping me busy as it had been granted to me instead of to Julia who’s been avoiding me completely.

Then one day, I was shocked to read a memo handed out to all the employees of Urban Next. The announcement read:

We regret to inform you that Architect Craig Miller is no longer associated with Urban Next Design Studio, effective immediately. This decision follows the violation of an important company policy…

My heart dropped. No damn way.


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