
Chapter Con 3


Sophia’s POV

I could sense his mind reeling from the unexpected news. He opened his mouth as if to say something.

I expected him to respond, to react, to ask questions. Anything at all! But he never said anything.

My heart thumped hard against my chest as we gazed at one another – strangers who’d been forced to live together. I had tried so hard to make this marriage work even after we had lost the baby.

But it takes two to succeed at this, I realized,

“I want a divorce,” I repeated, keeping my voice steady. “I’m serious.”

Slowly he nodded. “Yes, sure,” he answered before getting up and disappearing into

the bathroom.

My chest felt like it was about to explode. I pulled my open shirt around me, desperately covering myself up, as I coiled into a fetal position with my head. throbbing. A tear dropped down my cheek, and I quickly brushed it away.

This is it. I’m going to be free.

And yet somehow, I didn’t feel that ecstatic. His reaction only confirmed my worst suspicions. Now I know the truth – he never loved me at all. He’s not even upset about the divorce!

I sighed. It’s time for me to move on.

The next day, after eating breakfast on my own, I mustered up all my courage and called Elijah to the study. “We should sign this,” I said without any emotion, showing him the divorce papers.

He sat on the sofa across from me, looking at me quietly. His gaze always made me feel a little nervous, but today was different. I signed the papers and urged him to do the same.

“Elijah, please,” I whispered, making sure my voice wouldn’t break. “Let’s end this.”

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especially during my pregnancy with her grandchild. She had been caring and considerate. However, after I lost my baby, her demeanor changed drastically. She began treating me like a mere servant rather than a member of the family. I could never understand why she became so hostile all of a sudden. Sometimes I wondered if it had more to do with herself than with me.

That afternoon, I went home to where I grew up. As I settled in, I felt relieved that at least I had a place I could call my own. “Luckily I hadn’t sold it,” I muttered, looking around the living room and remembering my adoptive father. This house is the only connection I have left with him.

Night swept in quickly. I was worn out and exhausted. Climbing onto my old bed, I was ready to relax when I received a message from my best friend Kayla.

It showed a secretly taken photo of Elijah and Serena in a club, sitting intimately close and laughing together. A chill ran down my spine as I read the angry message from Kayla:

angry message

Damn that Elijah! You have no idea what I saw! Elijah was out partying and flirting with that bitch, which he never did with you! Major Asshole!

My heart sank, anger and sadness clouded my mind as I realized he was indeed getting back together with Serena and flaunting her around.

Forcing back my tears, I told Kayla:

It’s over between me and Elijah. We were divorced.

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