Complicated Love: (MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (Black Light Book 9)

Complicated Love: Chapter 9

“Daddy, you need to calm down. I was hoping you were going to be happy for me.” Emma had been right to dread this phone call. They’d already spoken hours before when her father had actually hung up after receiving the news that his little girl was pregnant and not planning on getting married.

“Seriously?” her father asked.

“Yes. You know how much I love Jaxson and Chase, and even more importantly, how much they love me.”

“I don’t doubt that for one minute.”

“Okay, then you just need to be happy for us.”

“Put Davidson on the phone.” It was the third time he’d demanded to speak with Jaxson.

“I told you, he’s not here. He’s at the club.”

“How irresponsible. He should be there with you.”

“Oh, for crying out loud, I’m pregnant, not dying. Do you really expect him to stay home and wrap me in bubble-wrap until the baby is born?”

“No, but I damn well expect him to stay home to start planning your wedding.”

Emma took a deep breath, trying hard to not panic. “Like I told you this morning, there isn’t going to be a wedding.”

“Bullshit. I made it clear when you started this weird relationship that eventually I expected one of the men who are taking advantage of my innocent daughter to marry you.”

“And we’ve told you from the beginning that wasn’t ever going to happen. No one is taking advantage of me.”

“Fine, Jaxson won’t step up, then marry Chase. Two of the three of you need to get married.”

His comment sparked her anger. She spat back the first thing that came to her mind. “Fine, maybe Jaxson and Chase will get married then. They are two of the three of us.”

The sound of her father’s angry growl corresponded with the front door slamming closed. Shit, one of the guys was home. She’d purposefully called her parents back after Chase had left for the grocery store. Jax and Chase had begun to look at Robert Fischer as a father figure in the years the trio had been together and she didn’t want her father’s promised anger to hurt their feelings.

“Put Mom back on, please,” Emma urged, hoping to avoid more conflict.

Wonderful. Both of her lovers came into the kitchen, each carrying grocery bags and looking concerned when they saw her on the phone. Chase silently mouthed ‘who’ as he set his bags down.

She didn’t get a chance to answer before she heard her mother’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“That went well… not,” her mother deadpanned.

“I know,” she chose her words carefully, “but I’m not totally surprised.”

Emma could hear a commotion on the other end of the phone before her mom added. “I’m sorry, Emma. I need to go. I’m happy for you, honey. I’ll do my best to calm your father down. We’ll call you later.”

She held the phone to her ear for a few seconds after her mom hung up, trying to decide how much of the truth she was going to share with the men in her lives. As her eyes met a worried Chase’s gaze, she knew she’d kept enough secrets for a lifetime. Nothing but the truth would do.

Emma threw her phone on the nearby kitchen counter before heading towards the men. When Chase threw his arms open, she rushed into them, comforted by his tight hug.

She was disappointed when Jaxson didn’t sandwich her like normal. She loved their Emma sandwich hugs more than anything.

“I’ll kick your father’s ass if he hurt you,” Jaxson growled. Of course he’d gone to check her phone to see who she’d been talking to.

“Mom is so excited for us,” she offered against Chase’s chest, her childish attempt at avoiding the coming conflict.

“Look at me, sweetheart.”

Jaxson’s use of one of her favorite endearments helped her release Chase. She was relieved when he let her turn to face their Dom, but then Chase hugged her again, pulling her back to his chest. Emma lifted her gaze to her Dom’s to see his concern for her. She knew he was not-so-patiently waiting for her to fill him in.

“It’s gonna take Dad a bit more time to be excited. I called them back hoping he’d have calmed down.”

“He’s pressuring you to get married, isn’t he?”

“He’s just old fashioned.” She felt relief he already understood the dynamics at play. “Women are supposed to be married before they have kids.”

“What did you tell him?”

Was he serious? “What do you mean? Of course, I told him none of us are getting married.”

Chase hugged her supportively. “Good girl.”

His words still hung in the air when Jaxson shocked them all. “You’ll be marrying Chase.”

She was spared having to figure out what to say by Chase exploding as he released her.

“Oh no you don’t. We’re not doing this.”

“Are you refusing to listen to your Dom?” Jaxson challenged.

“Hell yes I’m refusing. We are not leaving you out just to appease Robert.”

“It’s not just Robert, and you know it.”

Chase was furious, approaching Jaxson to make his point. “I don’t give a shit who it’s for. Until it’s legal for us all to marry each other, there won’t be any marriage ceremonies going on. We are a trio. We stay a trio.”

Emma was relieved to see a small smile play at Jaxson’s lips as he replied to Chase’s demand. “Well alright then. I see you feel strongly about this.”

“Damn straight I do,” Chase declared, uncharacteristically serious.

Emma hugged him from behind. “I agree. My dad will get over it. If not before the baby is born, as soon as he sees her and holds her.”

“You’ve referred to the baby as ‘her’ several times. Do you know something we don’t know?” Jaxson asked.

Emma pulled out of the hug to place her palm over her tummy affectionately. “No. Nothing specific. In fact, I don’t think I want to know ahead of time if it’s going to be a boy or girl. Do you guys?”

“I don’t want to know if it’s a boy or girl either,” Chase added.

“Okay, then it’s unanimous. But… we do need to get you in to see the doctor to make sure that the baby is healthy.”

“My doctor is in D.C. It will have to wait until after the clubs are open and we can go home for a long weekend or something.”

Jaxson grabbed two bottles of beer and a bottled water out of the fridge and walked to hand them to his lovers as he added. “I talked to Cash today. He sent over the contact info for the doctor he and Samantha used for their delivery out here in Los Angeles. He’s setup to handle high profile cases like ours.”

“But I love Dr. Drummond back home.”

Jaxson held her chin in his hand as he looked into her eyes. “This is our part-time home now too, baby. We’ll keep doctors up to speed on both coasts so no matter where we are, we have someone who knows your case and is at the ready.”

That made sense, even though she preferred they just go home to D.C. Then it hit her. “Wait, you told Cash about the baby? He isn’t going to tell Sam, is he?”

“No, but he did warn me not to wait too long until you call her yourself.”

“I’m going to go call her now!” Unlike calling her parents like she had dreaded, calling her good friend Samantha excited her. She grabbed her phone from the counter and headed back to their bedroom, looking for some privacy.

Chase called after her, “Tell Sam hi, baby.”

Just twenty-four short hours later Emma found herself in the back seat of the Town Car the guys had ordered to pick them up for their drive to her new OBGYN, Dr. Tipton. Being celebrities had its perks, and getting an emergency appointment with next to no notice with one of the most sought-after doctors in the city was just one of those perks.

Jaxson’s hand rested on her right thigh, Chase’s on her left, as they sat silently linked in the mid-day Los Angeles traffic, each lost in their own thoughts. Her mind drifted to her father. She’d tried phoning him that morning after giving him a night to calm down, but the call had gone straight to voicemail. She knew he’d love his grandchild with all his heart down the road but hated the wedge the pregnancy drove between them in the meantime.

The driver had been briefed ahead of time to drop the trio at the back entrance to the modern medical building about a block away from Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. A uniformed security guard met them at the back door, ushering them down an empty corridor to a waiting elevator. The guard used one of the keys on his over-filled key ring to call the elevator and program the floor for them.

In tune with her inner nerves, Chase reached to his right to wrap his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him as they went to the top floor of the medical building. Jaxson reciprocated, wrapping his left arm around her back, linking the trio as each of them worked to quiet their nerves.

They exited the elevator as one, grateful the hallway was wide enough for them to remain connected as they approached the frosted-glass double doors to Dr. Paul Tipton’s office. Jaxson reached to pull the door open, but found it locked.

A buzzing sound emanated from the nearby keypad as the door sprung open. Once inside, they found the waiting room to be different than any other she’d been in. Instead of a room full of chairs for patients, they found a wide hall with six openings to what looked like six small private waiting rooms. They weren’t closed in, but it was impossible to see who, if anyone, was in each private space.

Relief she hadn’t expected to feel overcame her as she realized they wouldn’t have to worry about other mothers-to-be snapping her photo and selling it to the highest bidder. News would eventually get out about her pregnancy, but she wanted it to be on her own terms and only after her parents had gotten used to the idea.

She was given a clipboard with a thick stack of paperwork that needed to be filled out. An attractive RN ushered them into one of the empty waiting rooms, and Emma appreciated that unlike most women they met, she managed to keep her focus on Emma and not the hotties with her.

“The doctor is with another new patient, so it’s a bit hard to know when he’ll be free. Can I bring you anything to eat or drink while you wait?”

“No, I’m good,” Emma responded just as Jaxson added, “Do you have any fruit juice for Emma?” She glared at him, but he didn’t back down. “What? You threw up your entire breakfast. I want to at least get some juice in you.”

The nurse patted her arm, somehow sizing up their family dynamic correctly when she agreed, “I’ll be right back with some juice.”

Emma tackled the paperwork to avoid showing her annoyance with Jaxson’s insistence on monitoring every calorie that entered her body. As she had promised herself, she refused to get upset by the men’s hovering because it was infinitely better than how separated they had become when they had first moved to California.

The paperwork was routine until she dug deep enough to hit a questionnaire wanting to gather the medical history of the unborn child’s father. She assumed it was to help with the screening for possible hereditary or genetic health problems, but the simple dilemma of not knowing which of her lovers had actually fathered her child brought unexpected tears to her eyes. Her father’s words sprung forward, shaming her before she could consciously reject them.

Chase leaned closer. “You need some help, baby?”

Emma shot to her feet to avoid showing Chase what had her stumped. “I’ve completed all I need to. I’m going to take these back up to the nurse.” She almost sprinted towards the opening to their small waiting room.

“Freeze.” Jaxson’s order had her screeching to a halt. “What’s wrong?” he prodded her.

Still facing away from the men, she could have tried to lie that nothing was wrong but refused to hide things from them again so soon after promising not to.

“The rest of the paperwork is about the baby’s father. Since I honestly don’t know which of you is the father, and more importantly I don’t care, I was going to just take the packet back up to the nurse,” she answered with the most even voice she could muster.

The men paused long enough that she was about to proceed to the glass window when Jaxson spoke. “Bring it back. Let’s look at it together.”

Taking a calming breath, she turned towards the men. An awkward silence fell between them as both men leaned over her lap to review the pages of health history questions.

She was grateful when Chase spoke. “I’ll go get another set of these forms. We’ll both fill them out.”

“Good idea,” Jaxson added quietly.

It took another ten minutes to finish the questionnaires. When they were complete, Emma met the nurse waiting outside the entrance of the exclusive waiting area.

“Ah good. I’ll take these. We have a room ready for you in the back.”

“Okay, let me just go back and tell the guys…” Jaxson’s arm around her waist cut her off.

“No need. We’re coming back with you.”

Emma should have expected this, but she’d truly been naive enough to think the men intended to stay seated in the waiting room, waiting for her.

“But, I’m sure he’s going to want to examine me. Maybe the nurse can come get you when the appointment is ending and we are just talking.”

Chase grinned a devilish smile. “Do you really think that lame excuse is going to work with us? I mean come on,” he teased.

Emma looked back and forth between her lovers and knew there was no point in arguing. Their minds were made up.

“Fine. Let’s go,” she relented.

She’d been to visit doctors many times in her life, but this visit continued to progress unlike any other she’d had in the past, starting with the complete void of any other patients or even medical personnel for that matter.

They were ushered into a room that looked like a strange mix of traditional examination room to the right and a living room with a couch, several cushioned chairs and two end tables to the left. An attractive man in his fifties looked up from the iPad in his lap, turning his chair to face the door. He took off his reading glasses and stood tall, walking towards them with a hand offered towards Emma.

“Miss Fischer, it’s wonderful to meet you.” Only when he’d made eye contact with her, smiling kindly, did he turn to Jaxson, shaking hands as he introduced himself. “Mr. Davidson, I’m Dr. Tipton.” He then turned to Chase and shook his hand as well. “Mr. Cartwright. Why don’t you all join me over in the sitting area first so we can talk through Miss Fischer’s medical history together before we get down to business.”

Emma liked the doctor instantly. She’d intentionally chosen women doctors in the past, worried she’d feel awkward with a male doctor, but she appreciated Dr. Tipton’s easy acceptance, at least outwardly, of their unusual relationship.

Once seated, the doctor asked the question of the hour. “So, what brings you here today?”

Jaxson had made the appointment. Emma had assumed he’d already covered the basics of their situation already. She looked to her Dom, uncertain. He reached to hold her hand before answering the doctor.

“We got your contact information as a referral from our good friends Cash and Samantha Carter.”

The smile on the doctor’s face broadened. “How is the beautiful Natasha doing?”

“Fine. Healthy. Still not sleeping through the night.”

“Yes, well, these things can take some time.” The doctor paused, waiting for Jaxson to continue.

“I called Cash because I wanted to find a doctor we can trust with our unique situation.”

“You’ve come to the right place. Like many of my other patients, Mr. and Mrs. Carter received what I call my VIP service, offered to clients who are in need of additional privacy based on their occupations or simply their last name.”

Jaxson started an interrogation. “Exactly how do you guarantee confidentiality?”

The kind doctor didn’t seem upset at Jaxson’s challenging tone. “You’ve already seen the beginning of how we differ from most of my peers. From your anticipated arrival and security escort through secured spaces to the private waiting rooms, to making sure patients never accidentally bump into each other… we make every effort to maintain your privacy. All of my nurses have worked for me for years. They have signed strict confidentiality clauses and legal non-disclosure agreements to ensure they never share the private information about our patients. This is over and above the normal HIPAA laws guaranteeing confidentiality. In other words, we recognize that many of our clients have more to protect than just their family medical history.”

Jaxson nodded, seeming satisfied with the doctor’s answers. He glanced to his right at Emma and Chase quickly before launching into a new question. “How familiar are you with our relationship?”

Dr. Tipton smiled as he answered. “I’d prefer you fill me in yourself. I’ve been at this long enough to know how much the press and social media can skew the truth. I tend not to believe half of what I read. All I ask is you are honest with me and give me all of the information I need to make informed decisions about Ms. Fischer’s health.”

If she hadn’t already made up her mind she liked the doctor, his perfect answer would have sealed the deal. Jaxson proceeded, clearly satisfied with the doctor’s answer as well.

“Chase, Emma, and I form a romantic trio. We live together and plan to spend the rest of our lives together. If it were legal, we would have already bound ourselves to each other in marriage. Unfortunately, that’s not possible, and while I wish it were, it’s irrelevant to the current situation.”

“Which is?”

“Emma is pregnant.”

Dr. Tipton turned her way again. “That’s wonderful news. Congratulations to you all. Do you mind me asking a few questions?”

She liked that his question was directed at her, the patient, not the men. “Of course.”

“Do you know for sure who the father of the child is?”

“No, sir. It could equally be either Jaxson or Chase.”

“Okay, that’s not a problem. I guess the bigger question is do you want to know who the father is?”

All three of them answered in unison, “No.”

“Well okay then,” the older man chuckled. “I’m sure you realize that with the visual differences between the men, it is likely you will be able to tell once the baby is born anyway, right?”

“Well, sure, but it doesn’t matter to us at all.” It was Chase’s turn to answer that time.

The doctor glanced down at the pile of paperwork the nurse had left with him. “That will work as long as I don’t see anything concerning in either of your medical histories that might have an impact on the pregnancy or the post-natal care of your child.” He spent a few minutes looking over the paperwork before adding, “I see that heart disease runs in your family, Mr. Cartwright.”

The news alarmed Emma. She turned to her lover, concerned. Chase grinned. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not dying here.”

Jaxson groused, “No, but I’ve always worried about you knowing your father died of a heart attack at forty-two.”

Emma felt like a total loser. She’d always known Chase’s father had passed away years before, but she’d never bothered to ask the background of how that happened. She felt terrible.

“I’m so sorry. I should have known.”

“How? I don’t talk about it.”

The doctor interrupted, “While that may be important down the road, this shouldn’t make any difference with the pregnancy. My only caution to you is you might want to consult a lawyer with your unique scenario. I’m guessing you will not want to leave the father slot empty on the birth certificate. Establishing legal parental rights with one of you will be in both Ms. Fischer and your child’s best interest.”

Emma hadn’t even started to worry about that hurdle yet. She was relieved when Jaxson replied, “I’ve been in contact with our lawyer to get his recommendation. He has practiced in both California and the District of Columbia, the two locations we would expect to deliver in. I’m confident he’ll be able to guide us to the proper legal stance.”

The doctor smiled widely. “It sounds like you’ve covered your bases. Just let me know if you decide you’d like to determine biological paternity prior to the delivery for purposes of the birth certificate. There are non-invasive tests we can administer.”

Chase and Jaxson shared an uncomfortable staring contest until Chase finally assured the physician, “We’ll let you know if we change our minds.”

“Very well.”

Emma was relieved until he turned and directed his next question to her.

“So how far along are you, young lady?”

“I’m not entirely sure,” she answered truthfully.

The doctor made some notes on the iPad on his lap before asking, “Were you trying to get pregnant? Have you been on birth control in the last twelve months?”

Those were two different questions. “We weren’t trying to get pregnant. It was a surprise.”

“I see, well, that happens. What birth control were you on when you conceived, and when did you become aware you were pregnant?”

Jaxson answered for her. “She’s been on the Depo-Provera shot, but then found out about the baby on Valentine’s Day.”

“Hmm, that was almost two months ago. Have you been to see another OBGYN in the meantime?”

“Just once.” She felt Chase and Jaxson’s incriminating stares as she answered. “I had an appointment with my doctor for my next shot on Valentine’s Day when they discovered I was already pregnant.”

“I see. So they performed a pregnancy test prior to administering the shot?”

“Exactly,” Emma admitted.

She could tell Dr. Tipton was choosing his words carefully as he continued. “What was the cadence your physician had you on for your injections?”

Emma looked the kind doctor in his eyes as she answered, “Normally every twelve weeks.”

“Interesting. The effectiveness of Depo at that interval is over 99%.” He smiled as he asked the million-dollar question. “So you are either in that one percent or perhaps there was an interruption in your normal twelve-week cycle?”

She felt three pairs of eyes on her, waiting for her answer. The longer she took to speak, the more guilt she felt. “I missed my appointment in January. The Valentine’s Day appointment was the make-up visit,” she finally answered softly.

Emma felt the hand resting on her right thigh squeezing as Jaxson internalized her words and their implication. Why couldn’t the damn doctor move on and just ask his next question?

Unable to stand the silence anymore, Emma whispered a soft, “I’m sorry.” Her gaze dropped to her lap, unable to look any of the three men in the eye.

“So, you missed your appointment in January so you could go visit Samantha and the baby in Colorado?” When Jaxson spoke, it wasn’t in anger, but the question was delivered in the ice-cold tone she’d heard him use in business meetings with other alpha men. In that context, his voice had a way of melting her core, watching her alpha Dom control everyone and everything in his way. Him using that tone today… with her… when she was already feeling vulnerable… it hurt. Her hands in her lap swam through the tears pricking at her eyes.

“Answer me, young lady.”

“Jax, don’t do this. It doesn’t matter how it happened,” Chase defended her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders supportively.

Jaxson didn’t back down. “Eyes.”

Oh God, why was he doing this here… now… in front of the doctor?

Because you didn’t tell him the truth at any point over the last five days when you could have done it privately.

Relief was all she felt when she looked into her lover’s gorgeous green eyes. Despite his clear displeasure at her actions, she could still see his love for her pouring from him.

“You’re just full of secrets lately, aren’t you, baby?”

Sweet relief came when he called her his baby. “I wanted to tell you,” she admitted.

“And yet, you didn’t.”

“I told you now.”

“A small consolation I’ll take into consideration.” Jaxson’s eyes didn’t leave hers as he addressed the doctor sitting across from them. “Dr. Tipton, there is another matter we need to discuss with you.”

Oh no. He wouldn’t.

“Of course. How can I help?” the elder man prompted.

Jaxson’s lips curved up slightly, telling her that this conversation was part of her punishment for hiding the truth. “Are you familiar with the BDSM lifestyle?”

“I am. In fact, I have a few other clients that practice the lifestyle as well.” Emma noted the doctor didn’t name names, even though everyone in the room knew that at least one of those clients was Jonah and Samantha Carter. “Do you have specific questions I can answer for you?” he prompted.

Jaxson spoke for the trio. “Emma and the baby’s safety is our top priority. I’m interested to know what aspects of the lifestyle should be put on hold during her pregnancy and which activities, specifically disciplinary sessions, can remain an option until after the baby is born.”

Emma wanted to crawl under the long coffee table in front of the couch they were seated on. Her Dom was doing an excellent job of making her squirm in her seat. He knew damn well talking about punishments always did that to her. As much as she hated real discipline sessions, there was no denying not all parts of her body agreed. She was humiliated realizing the doctor would surely see the proof of her sudden arousal when she bared herself for the upcoming examination. The growing grin on Jaxson’s face told her he knew that too.

“As a basic rule, most of the tamer portions of the lifestyle can remain safely unchanged throughout the pregnancy. Simple spankings, light bondage of wrists and ankles… anything that might be considered BDSM light is fine. Things to avoid are severe punishments or situations that will cause increased blood pressure. It goes without saying that at no time should any pressure of any kind, even light, be concentrated in the area of the baby. No breaking of the skin anywhere or activities considered on the advanced end of the BDSM lifestyle. Things like breath, blood, knife, or heavy impact play must wait until after Ms. Fischer recovers from her delivery.”

Jaxson finally looked away from Emma to address the doctor. “It sounds like you’ve done your homework on the lifestyle.”

Dr. Tipton’s smile grew. “I’ve been known to dive into topics I would find it helpful to research for my rather specialized practice.”

Jaxson reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out his wallet. He took a black business card out that was blank on the front. On the back, Emma knew he had printed his cell phone. Nothing else.

“You might have heard we are opening a club here in Beverly Hills. We might have a more private area, one where you might like to do some research. That’s my private number. Give me a call in a few weeks after we open if you’d like a tour.”

The doctor got up to take the card. “Thanks. That sounds interesting and exactly like the kind of research my wife and I might be interested in checking out together.”

Chase jumped into the conversation with his own cheery question. “What about sex?” He paused, glancing to his right at Emma, then Jaxson. “Things sometimes get a bit… vigorous between us. Can we hurt the baby having sex?”

“Normally I would say absolutely not, but as things can get a bit more intense in the BDSM lifestyle, my only caution is to use common sense. Intercourse is fine up until the final few weeks of pregnancy when the pressure of the baby may make it uncomfortable for the mother.”

Emma could feel her cheeks turning a rosy red at the blunt talk in front of basically a stranger. And she had thought the actual exam would be the most embarrassing part of the doctor’s visit. She didn’t think she could be more mortified.

She was wrong.

“What about anal sex? Is that okay too?” Chase asked.

“With plenty of lubrication, I don’t see that as a problem. Particularly if it’s an activity that is within your normal lifestyle,” Doctor Tipton answered with a smile playing on his lips, showing he was more than comfortable talking about personal sexual topics with his patients.

Emma groaned out loud when Jaxson asked her a pointed question. “It definitely is part of your daily life, isn’t it baby?” He squeezed her right thigh suggestively.

When it became clear no one in the room would say anything else until she answered her Dom, she squeaked out a quiet, “Yes, Sir.”

Emma sighed with relief when the doctor finally turned the discussion back to her pregnancy.

“Based on the uncertainty of your date of conception, but knowing it could be as early as mid-December, I’d like to perform your first ultrasound today. It will help us pinpoint a bit better your due date. I’ll have my nurse come in and draw blood and we’ll do a full work-up on you. I don’t suppose you’re on prenatal vitamins?”

Emma answered with a simple, “No, sir.”

“That’s alright. Ideally you would have started on them before conception, but as this was a bit of a surprise, I’ll prescribe some today. Take one daily. Have you had any physical symptoms?”

Again, Chase was happy to provide the doctor with a detailed report. “She’s been puking every day. We’ve stopped having her around greasy food that seems to set her off, but we’re worried she’s not getting enough calories or nutrients, aren’t we Jax?”

“Yes, we’d love it if you had dietary recommendations. Well, any recommendations on how to take care of her, really.”

“For crying out loud, I’m not a puppy!”

“No, you’re a hundred times more important than a puppy.” Jaxson answered.

The doctor got up and crossed to the bookshelf next to the door. He took down a copy of a thick paperback book. He brought it over to hand to Jaxson. “This is one of the best resources on the market. It will walk you through everything on your journey from week to week, even the first few months post-delivery. I’d suggest you all read up and then ask any questions you still have on your next visit.”

Jaxson seemed almost reluctant to take the thick book on pregnancy, but he finally reached out to take it from the doctor, handing it as if it were a hot potato over to Chase who gladly held it.

“Okay, we just have one more question before we can move to the other side of the suite and begin your exam, young lady. I always ask parents if they’d like to know the sex of their baby. It’s early in your pregnancy and there is a good chance I won’t be able to tell today, but I’d like to know if we are sharing that information with you.”

The men looked at Emma, letting her make the final call. “We’ve decided we don’t want to know the sex of the baby before he or she is born.”

“Fair enough. Many parents make that choice.” He stood and placed his hands in the pockets of the white doctor’s coat he wore over his dress clothes. “Are you ready to get your first peek at your baby?”

Emma placed her hand on her tummy, rubbing the little peanut too small to even show yet. Truthfully, she couldn’t wait to see the baby. It might help make it all seem more real.

“Yes, sir.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you three alone while I run out to arrange your blood work. I’ll be back in about five minutes. Take everything off from the waist down. Place the drape over your lap and take a seat at the end of the examination table.”

The friendly doctor wasn’t out of the room for two seconds before the men attacked Emma from both sides. She couldn’t help but giggle.

“You guys, this isn’t the time or the place for this! He’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

Jaxson kissed her neck as Chase groped her tender boobs through her top. “We could lock the door,” Jax suggested.

“Oh for crying out loud, we are at the doctor, not Black Light. Don’t you think he’ll be able to tell we just had sex when he examines me?” she protested.

Chase looked up mischievously. “Why do you think we want to do it? You’re extra adorable when you get embarrassed.”

“Evil. That’s what you are.” She slapped both men away from her. They chuckled but let her push to her feet. Emma hustled to the padded exam table. A fitted white sheet covered the long table where disposable paper would be in most offices.

Emma picked up the soft folded sheet, noting it too was fabric and not scratchy paper — more of the VIP upgrades.

When she turned around her men were staring at her from the couch she’d just left. They had each crossed their arms, waiting for the show she was about to put on.

“You two should be ashamed of yourselves. There is nothing sexual about going to see a doctor.”

“I’d have thought you would have realized that we have a gift.” Jaxson grinned, letting his playful side come out. “We can turn anything sexual.”

Chase grinned proudly, agreeing with their Dom. “I’m getting a boner just thinking about watching you put your feet in the stirrups. I think we’re going to need to test out the new medical table back at the mansion when we get home.”

Emma tried to stop her brain from picturing that scene, but it was too late. Playing doctor at Black Light in D.C. had been one of their favorite role-plays. It wasn’t fair they were reminding her of that just as she had to strip for an exam by a near stranger.

Trying to stay focused, she turned to face away from the men and started taking off her shoes and socks before moving on to the slacks and panties she’d worn. She was well aware she was currently mooning the guys, but all things considered, it was a small thing.

She had just reached for the sheet at the end of the table when she felt four hands on her bared skin, palming her tummy, grazing her embarrassingly wet pussy, reaching under her shirt to squeeze her tender breasts through her bra. It felt so naughty sneaking in a sexual romp in the middle of a medical visit.

Her brain fought for control over her body’s reaction, but she was a true sexual submissive. Her Doms were mastering her and it was so easy to turn herself over to them as she had hundreds of times before. The feel of a hard erection pressed against her left hip excited her almost as much as the thought of getting caught red-handed by the doctor.

“I wish we had time to do this right,” Jaxson growled against her ear, “but I’ll have to settle with watching you come and making sure the doctor has proof of just how well Chase and I take care of our girl when he examines you.”

His words were accompanied with several fingers being thrust in her snatch. Different fingers pinched her swollen clit at exactly the same time what felt like a thumb was shoved in her ass.

It took less than a minute of their vigorous ministrations accompanied by filthy encouragement against her ear for Emma to go off like a firecracker. She collapsed like a wet noodle against her men, letting the wave of ecstasy wash over her, leaving her feeling a strange mix of satiated and embarrassed.

“Ah, I see you three got a bit distracted while I was out of the room. Would you like me to give you a few more minutes or are you about ready for us to start Ms. Fischer’s examination?”

Emma wanted to crawl under the examination table and never come out. The men stepped back just enough to give the good doctor a front row seat as they extricated themselves from her body’s cavities.

As if they had choreographed the scene ahead of time, both men leaned in to place platonic kisses on each of her cheeks as they had a thousand times before. A playful swat to her bare ass landed just as Jaxson answered, “No, I think the next round can wait until after you’re finished with the exam.”

“Very good. Let’s get Ms. Fischer up on the exam table then, shall we? And you gentlemen can use the sink in the corner if you need to wash up.”

It was the feel of the drop of wetness running down her inner thigh as she walked the few steps to the examination table when Emma lost the last remnants of embarrassment. She could choose to be mortified, but why? She was the luckiest woman on the planet. Loved by two amazing men who would do anything for her.

As she’d learned, anything included staking their claim on her body whenever and wherever they wanted, and today that meant in front of her newest doctor.

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