Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 68

The naming ceremony and blessing took place in Shadow’s private library. Since the only time I’d been in here had been at the birth of Shadowshine Jr., I hadn’t had a chance to explore, so I paid close attention as we moved through the vast, dark timber shelves and rooms that appeared to move about at will.

We ended up in an area that looked like an observation deck from a space station. It reminded me of images I’d seen of human astronauts seeing Earth from above, but instead of Earth, we were staring into a galaxy outside the wall of windows.

“This is where the power lies for the Solaris System,” Shadow told us as he stood with Mera. Inky and Midnight floated above them, hovering near their bonded ones.

Mera held the baby against her chest. My bestie was in a bright red dress, floor-length, with the same corseted top and tulle skirt as me. She looked stunning, wild and powerful, her red hair left out in loose curls, and I was glad I’d decided to put a few curls into mine as well. Shadow wore a black suit like Lucien’s—all of the males were dressed similarly. And they looked amazing. I would hazard a guess that there was no better-looking group of eternals anywhere. Especially my mate.

Angel stood near Reece, looking angelic of course, in a corseted white dress. I was seeing a pattern here in the outfits Mera had chosen for us, and I loved it.

Were you really besties if you hadn’t matchy-matched for special occasions?

Galleli stepped forward, and Lucien grasped my hand. I’d heard the transcendent speak in my head a few times, and it wasn’t the most comfortable feeling… I appreciated Lucien’s support.

We are assembled here today to bless a child born of true mates and a powerful bond, he started. His voice always sounded like the gathering of a powerful storm, and it sent a tingle through me that was far different than the one Lucien usually created.

A name is honored in the Shadow Realm. This child will be honored in our family for all of our days, along with Damon, another new family member. Our warrior babies. Our next generation of power.

He turned to Mera and Shadow. Name your child. Bring their power and honor to light. Honor their heritage in the Shadow Realm.

He started to hum then… out loud. It was the first time I’d heard him make a noise, and I was mesmerized by the haunting beauty of the sound. The words that went along with the humming only happened in our minds, and it wasn’t in a language I understood, but it sent goosebumps across my skin.

Mera and Shadow turned toward the windows showcasing the power outside, their hands joined to hold their daughter higher. “We honor you,” Mera said, choked up. “Our perfect blessing, born of love and power and a true bond. You will never want for love while we exist. You will never want for a home. You will be part of this magical, incredible family forever, which includes your aunties: Simone and Angel, and your uncles: Reece, Lucien, Len, Galleli, and Alistair, who is watching you from the next life.”

There was a moment of silence as everyone remembered their fallen brother, and I held onto Lucien’s hand even tighter, knowing that it would forever hurt him to not see Alistair in this world. No matter your faith, the knowledge that your loved one’s life is beyond your reach is a hard one to live with.

“We honor you, child,” Shadow continued, sounding emotional for the beast. His eyes were blazing with gold and red, and even though he looked calm, there was a wild energy sliding across his skin. “We love you. We will destroy worlds for your safety, and none will stand against us.”

A different sentiment than Mera but, in the end, they were saying the same thing. This child had been born into an amazing family who would love her more than anything and also destroy worlds for her.

What more could a child want from life.

Galleli’s humming and blessing song grew louder as Shadow lifted the baby toward the stars. “Welcome to the world, Aurora,” he called. “You are the epitome of Sunshine and Shadow meeting at the dawn of each day, and you are our perfect creation.”

“And already got daddy wrapped around your damn finger,” Mera choked out, laughing and crying. “My Aurora.”

Galleli’s song in my head faded as he added the final blessing, and then there was silence. Until… a single cry from Aurora stole our attention as she floated above her father’s hands, soaring up to the highest pane of glass to press her hands against it. No one moved or said a word; we just watched that extraordinary child do whatever she was doing. Midnight and Inky hovered close, weaving around her, but they were not the ones holding her in the air. She did that herself.

“Is she bringing the stars closer?” Mera gasped, stepping toward the windows too. “Look, they’re moving.”

They were, growing brighter and larger in our vision.

“Just like her daddy,” Shadow said, puffed up and proud of his offspring. “Come here, Aurora.” He held out his hands, and she drifted down immediately.

I think we were all grateful to know that, as powerful as Aurora was and would grow to be, she had equally powerful parents to teach her how to use her gifts for the greater good. Well, maybe the greater good wasn’t exactly Shadow’s forte, but he’d at least keep her in line.

“We need to celebrate now,” Mera called. “I convinced Shadow to bring the food in here so we could stay in our family group without interference. Gaster wanted to be the one to set it up for us, but he knows he’s invited to dine and bring joy as well.”

The goblin who ran the Library of Knowledge was big on duty. Gaster would have wanted to make this dinner perfect for Mera, Shadow, and Aurora, and he was no doubt setting up something amazing as we stood here at the ceremony.

“Goblins don’t do naming ceremonies,” Len added, looking taller and more mysterious in his dark suit, which contrasted beautifully with his silvery hair and eyes. “But they definitely do celebratory feasts. Food is a massive part of their culture.”

“Mine too!” Mera declared. “And I’m freaking starving.”

There were cheers and calls from the others, all of us ready to celebrate.

Lucien and I had so much to be thankful for, and I couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring. For once, the future was so damn bright it was blinding.

Gaster had set up the table near a large fireplace.

It was a solid timber table, large enough to seat twenty, and was set for all of us and Gaster, by the look of the numbers of plates. There were also two white, cane bassinets for the babies if they grew tired. Not that I’d seen Aurora or Damon out of their parents’ arms for extended periods of time yet, but maybe they’d put them down eventually.

Or maybe not.

I wasn’t a mother and didn’t understand the bond, especially when I’d never had it with my parents. I imagined that it would be hard to let your child go… those perfect pieces of your soul.

Lucien and I sat side by side, my hand in his, the touch helping to keep our bond calm and content. Food came out soon after on magical trays, floating by the power of the Shadow Beast. To my surprise, blood-filled goblets were placed before Lucien and me. “We don’t need these,” Lucien said softly, eyes on me. “My mate sustains me in all ways.”

Mera let out another sigh, and it was so dramatically happy that I couldn’t help but chuckle. I totally understood the feeling that one sound had conveyed.

As the food settled onto the table, I was excited to see a variety from the different worlds, including Earth and Valdor. Lucien and I hadn’t eaten for a long time, so we enjoyed not just the nourishment but also the friendship, laughter, and joking taunts that were a natural part of this group.

“Did you two think on your couple name?” Mera called from where she sat at the head of the table. She’d insisted it was her spot, and Shadow had indulged her with a look on his face that said he’d enjoy finishing the argument later. Naked.

“Did you think on it?” I asked her with a laugh. “Or are we stuck with Sucien?”

Mera screwed up her face. “Not a chance. There has to be something just perfect for you two blooded-up vampire mates.”

“Simone is Bee to me,” Lucien said. “Not just because of her blood type, and the fact that the bee is absolute essential to Earth’s survival, as my mate is to mine. But now we have a blood call bond as well. Another B word that encapsulates everything important in my world.”

The smooth-talking side of Lucien was just as potent and deadly as the growling alpha side. Both had me wishing I was wearing underwear. Or nothing.

Mera nodded as her smile grew. “It seems that we need a couple name that incorporates Bee.”

“CrimsonBee,” I said in a whisper, my throat too tight for louder words. “Crimson is Lucien, and it also represents the parts of my past that were tied to my future. My forever.”

Lucien’s next words took my breath away. “You’re what I’ve been waiting centuries for: The perfect mate and life I believed was not for me. But now… I would not exist without you. CrimsonBee is our past, present, and future. It’s the full circle of our journey.”

There was a moment’s silence.

“That’s it,” Len said, clearly as invested as Mera. “CrimsonBee is your couple name for sure.”

Brilliant green eyes met mine.

“Holy shit,” I whispered. “We have a couple name.”

Lucien’s laughter lit up his face. “Also a complete soul bond, but the couple name is what cements it for you.” Before I could say anything, his mouth captured mine and the rest of the world faded away.

I had no idea what I’d done in my previous lives, but it must have been something good to end up with this mate.

No matter what happened, I’d never take any of it for granted.

CrimsonBee forever.

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