Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 47

After the breakfast, four selected were eliminated by Lucien and Carter. The masters were weeding them out fast now as we headed toward the final rounds. The four who were asked to leave snarled and sneered at me like it was my fault, and I made a mental note not to invite them over for a girls’ night any time soon.

Those of us remaining were led out of the chambers and into a small storage room built off the side of the main building. A tier one master met us there, and it was one of the males I hadn’t really seen or heard from much so far.

He looked annoyed as hell to be here, scowling as he stared around at the remaining selected. He was beautiful, as most vamps were, with brown skin, blood-red hair, and eyes that were only a shade lighter than his hair.

It was a striking combination, but his personality left a lot to be desired as he let out an exaggerated sigh. “Hunting is next,” he said slowly, his voice a warm, rich drawl, which once again, didn’t go with his expression. “Select armor and a weapon. You might be required to fight a multitude of different creatures, and whoever brings us the largest or most kills will get a date with the master of her choice.”

This entire part of the competition didn’t sit right with me because, as a shifter, I didn’t kill for fun or competition. I killed for food and protection.

The other selected didn’t appear to have an issue with it, though, heading into the room to grab weapons, while I remained back near Lucien and Carter.

“Your vampire nature will once again be suppressed during the period of this hunt,” the arrogant master added. “Don’t rely on your speed, strength, or senses. This is going to require skill. Something many of you have neglected to hone.”

“You definitely neglected social skills,” I muttered. Bowley squeaked and shifted on my shoulder before it burrowed back under my hair.

Carter snorted, but apparently the master in charge didn’t appreciate my little statement. “You!” he snapped, pointing at me. “Come here.”

I crossed my arms. “I don’t think so.”

He blinked before his gaze narrowed. “Did you just disobey an order from me?”

I mean, knowing Lucien stood at my back gave me a little extra confidence, but in truth, I didn’t fear these vampires any longer. I’d been told many times now that shifters and vampires were not that different. We were compatible, and while I might have forgotten my own strengths the last time I was in Valdor, I never would again.

“You don’t rule or control me, and I don’t have to obey you. I’m here for the selection.”

The vampire took a step toward me.

Just one step.

I prepared myself for what might happen next, but before I could even summon up a sliver of shifter energy, Lucien and Carter stepped in front of me.

“Nope,” I said, pushing between them. “This is my fight, and I’m happy to take a stand against an arrogant assface who rocked up today with a woeful attitude.”

Assface’s snarl grew more pronounced as his gaze wandered between Lucien and Carter, making it clear that no matter what I said, he considered those two the muscle in the room.

“Can we just get to the hunt,” I snapped, having no patience for their dick measuring. “Some of us don’t have all fucking day to stand around and eyeball each other.”

My wolf howled in my chest, and my eyes burned with emotion as I felt her strength. This was it. This was the moment I found my balance with vampire and wolf, when both were fed and strong. This was how we would get through this competition.

There were eight of us left, and I had a feeling tomorrow would be the final day of the selection.

Thankfully, Assface decided he couldn’t be bothered with this fight any longer and waved me off, telling me to pick a weapon. The others already held their choices, so I stepped forward to see what was left.

Torma wolves were trained to use a wide variety of weapons, and even though I hadn’t kept up with most of it over the years, I still knew what my best was: archery.

I’d been exceptionally good with arrows, which had given my parents some hope that I might end up as an enforcer too. As if I’d ever protect the alpha who’d tormented my best friend and killed her father. I’d been practicing to put a fucking arrow in his heart.

When I was suited up with breast and arm shields, I grabbed a recurve bow that looked about the size I favored and a quiver of arrows that strapped across my body in conjunction with the breast shield.

Normally, I’d pull my hair back, but with Bowley under there, I left it free.

“If you use your weapons against another selected,” Assface drawled as I stepped out to join the others, “you will be eliminated and punished. This is about showcasing skills that might influence the masters’ choices in a mate and bearer of offspring.”

Could I roll my eyes any harder and not see my brain? Doubtful.

Why the hell didn’t these masters just go on dates like normal people? I mean, at the end of the day, they still chose the one they wanted, like some sort of blood-filled bachelorette show, but there was very little normal dating going on.

This selection had already resulted in one death since competition drove the sanest beings to extremes. Even I was feeling somewhat competitive, which might in part have to do with the very real feelings I was developing for Lucien.

It felt like years ago we’d agreed to this show of “dating” so that he could choose me in the end if I wasn’t eliminated. At no point had it felt like a show, that was for sure.

Assface led us from chamber grounds and into a street I’d never entered. There were so many entries and exits to this maze that I could live here for a hundred years and not explore them all. After about thirty minutes of moderately paced walking—moderate for vampires, anyway—we ended up in an area that had no houses or shops. I’d never seen anything like this in Crimson City before. It looked like an entire street of abandoned warehouses.

“This is where the most dangerous creatures from the outer regions are kept,” Assface said without inflection. “We don’t go out searching for them, but a few get our scent and refuse to return to the wilds. It’s death or this.”

Staring at the huge razor-wire fences, complete lack of trees or greenery, and derelict buildings, I wasn’t sure if death might not be the better choice.

“What do they even eat here?” I asked. “Or do they eat each other?”

The master shrugged. “No idea. Not my problem.”

How mad would Lucien be if I shot this guy with an arrow? I mean, I could say it slipped, right? One of the selected piped up then, before I could further plan out Assface’s death. “I believe locals in this area feed them and bring fresh water. Around the other side there’s more shelter.”

Well, that was something at least.

“You need to head in and bring your kills back,” Assface snapped, seemingly pissed off by existence. His and ours.

He stepped forward and opened the gates, careful where he put his hands so they didn’t get torn up by all the razor wire. “The siren will sound when your time is up.”

As the selected stepped forward, I turned to Lucien. “I don’t want to kill animals,” I whispered. “As a wolf I’ve eaten the occasional bunny that crossed my path, but I don’t kill for no reason.”

His expression didn’t give much away. “I don’t expect you to kill anything. Just make sure you survive—some of those creatures are not to be underestimated.”

I reached up and patted my shoulder. “I’ve got my little security guard.”

Bowley made a snuffling sound, and his spikes scraped across my skin without drawing blood as he shifted position.

Lucien brushed his hand along my cheek, pushing a few strands of hair back. “That creature is the only reason I’m allowing this to go on,” he murmured, near my face. “I doubt the others will have much luck taking on the beasts inside. It’s going to be a lot of running and hiding.”

Carter snarled beside us, his glare on Lucien’s hand, which was still on my face. “Enough, she needs to get in there.”

Grabbing my arm, he pulled me away from Lucien with more force than was necessary. Spinning, I smacked his arm away, even as Bowley let out a growl near my ear. “Touch me again without my permission,” I spat out, “and I will remove your fucking hand.”

He reached for me again, his face creased into angry lines, and I jumped back far enough to whip out an arrow and nock it. Carter looked like he was about to plow right into the lethal tip, when Lucien moved in from the side and punched him so hard the other master flew across the space and smashed into the razor fence.

Silence descended over the industrial area, and I was mostly surprised and excited that I could still get my arrow nocked so quickly. Like riding a bike, apparently it was a skill I’d never lose.

Just a shame I hadn’t gotten to shoot it.

Relaxing my stance, I let the bow fall as I walked to where Carter was picking himself up from the ground. Bleeding cuts sprinkled his skin and some clothing was torn as well, but at least he no longer looked like a hulked-out vampire about to do something stupid.

“Shit, sorry,” he rasped when he saw me standing a few feet away. “Lucien touched you, and my instinct took over.”

His expression pleaded with me to understand, but I didn’t. “I think your true nature took over,” I shot back, “the one that believes your mate belongs to you and you can control her with violence.”

I didn’t mind possessiveness, especially the way Lucien did it. He told me what he wanted and used his sexiness to get it, but he never inflicted violence on me.

Not like Carter just had. His face had told me very real pain had been coming my way if he’d gotten his hands on me the second time.

“Remember your promise,” I said as I walked away. “I’m holding you to it.”

Carter’s expression fell, as if he was finally understanding that I would never choose him.

He’d had a small hope before that he could charm me, but he knew now it was over.

Now to wait and see if he’d refuse to accept it.

Only time would tell.

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