Compelled (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 5)

Compelled: Chapter 28

Outside of Hattie, I hadn’t really seen or interacted with the thirty females in the selection. Now, though, we were being herded together like a line of cattle to the slaughter, and as I fell in near the back, I was able to observe all of them.

I spotted Hattie about halfway along, animatedly chatting to the female in front of her. Both were dressed in the same pale pink, puffy ballgown with their hair intricately styled in curls and pinned on top of their heads. I noticed that most of the others in the line had also opted for the over-the-top voluminous dress. In varying shades and styles, but the puffy skirt was a staple.

As the line started to move, Len stood off to the side, leaving me alone. More than one female shot me a dark stare, and it was clear that Carter and Lucien’s little altercation had been seen by all. Bastards had put a target on my back by making it extra hard to convince the females I was no threat.

We moved forward slowly as each of the females spent time chatting to the masters. This was legitimately so boring I couldn’t understand why the other vampires in the room were standing around watching like it was the best show they’d ever seen.

Hopefully, they’d get the music and dancing going again shortly.

By the time it was my turn, my feet hurt and I’d almost fallen asleep standing up. Moving to Carter first, I stared up at him, my expression completely neutral. “Simone Lewison, of the Torma pack shifters,” Donovan announced from the side. “She’s here at the request of Master Carter and also due to her affinity with the Stone of Katu.”

Thanks, Donovan, you old fuck. Why don’t you add another five targets to my back? At this stage I wouldn’t have to worry about losing… someone would take me out long before then.

“Simone,” Carter said in his deep voice. “Pleasure to officially meet and welcome you to the selection.”

He held his hand out, and I tried not to look at Lucien, who was standing about six feet away watching us closely.

As I placed my hand in Carter’s, I leaned in. “I don’t want to be here. Just let me go now.”

Those close enough to hear gasped, but Carter just smiled. “Why don’t you give this a chance. A real chance. If by the end of the selection you haven’t fallen for my charms, then I will gladly choose another.”

His words were exactly what I wanted to hear, and yet I sensed that he was leading me down the path of false security so I would drop my guard.

“I won’t change my mind,” I told him firmly, removing my hand from his warm grasp.

He just nodded. “Challenge accepted.”

Dammit. I should have known better than to throw a definite no his way so early on in the selection. Ancient, powerful supernatural beings were used to getting what they wanted. I’d just given him extra incentive to win.

Before I could attempt to repair the damage I’d just done, Donovan was ushering me across to Lucien. When I stood before him, I took a few calming breaths and lifted my gaze to meet his. The rush of air in my lungs ceased as I stared into black pits.

Lucien might be standing here, expression blank, arms relaxed, but there was a war raging within him. I made the first move, reaching out to place my hand on his chest, hoping I could calm him before he ripped this room to pieces. “Crimson,” I said softly. His eyes never left mine, and even I was feeling an urge to run and hide from this predator. “It’s okay. Remember the plan.”

His jaw grew even more rigid, and I had no idea what I’d said to upset him further.

Maybe touching him had been the mistake.

As I went to pull away, his hand shot out and slammed over the top of mine, holding me in place. It didn’t hurt, but I jumped all the same from that unexpected move. Lucien leaned over, keeping me captive with his firm grip. His lips grazed across my cheek, and I fought the urge to collapse in a puddle of arousal. I’d clearly had too much wine for this because I was legitimately wondering if Lucien was going to rip my throat out, and if I’d even care if he did.

“Bee,” he said, voice a rasp of dark energy. “If Carter touches you again, I’m going to kill him.”

There was a moment where I wondered if my ears had malfunctioned. Did Lucien just say that? This was a selection, and I would no doubt have to go on dates and dance with Carter. There was no way I could avoid touching him completely.

“That’s not possible?” I spluttered.

The scrape of his fang across my throat was enough to have my knees trembling. His hand tracing across the bare skin of my spine made the tremors even worse. “Obey me in this,” he rumbled again, “or Carter will die and you will be punished.”

“Not much incentive there,” I managed to choke out.

Lucien’s laugh was not a nice one. “Don’t test me.”

I pulled away from him, trying to figure out what had happened to the laid-back surfer-vampire that I’d first met. This was the vampire of nightmares. A true monster.

And why in all fucks was I wet enough to feel moisture along the top of my thighs?

If anyone had lost their mind here, it was me.

Lucien released his hold on me, and I stepped out of his orbit, desperate to calm my energy and the blood pulsing within me. Both of us needed a timeout, and then we could talk more on this later because there was no way I could agree to his demand.

Tonight, though, I would have to figure out something because Lucien was a loose cannon.

A mix of curious and disgusted expressions followed my path through the crowd, but I managed to easily ignore them as I looked for Len. He would know what to do about his friend. The fae emerged from the shadows, silver eyes meeting mine. “What happened with Lucien?”

“He’s furious still,” I said quickly, keeping my voice low. “Warned me not to touch Carter again or he would kill him.” I swallowed roughly. “How the hell am I supposed to manage that when Carter is the other master in this selection? I’m sure we’re going to be asked to dance in the next five seconds.”

I paused to give the universe a chance to back me up, but to my surprise, there was no immediate announcement. Typical freaking vampires, always a pain in the ass—

“Selected, please make your way to the dance floor.”

Ah, there it was.

I turned my panicked gaze on Len. “Any idea what I should do now?”

He looked around, possibly searching for Lucien. If anyone could talk some sense into that hotheaded vampire, it was one of his brothers. “I’ll see if I can find him,” he told me. “Stay here, and whatever you do, don’t touch Carter until I return.”

He was gone before I could reply, and taking his advice seriously, I made my way in the opposite direction of the dancefloor, determined to be the last in line. Unfortunately for me, I was well known in this room. “Wolf, you need to go that way,” a male vampire said, blocking my path.

“How does fuck off sound?” I snarled not even looking at him but seriously in no mood for this dude who was most definitely not the boss of me. Stay in your goddamn lane, asshole.

His hand shot out to grab me, and as I focused on the vampire—who was not much taller than me, with a head full of golden-blond hair and angry, slanted grey eyes—I snarled.

“You’ve clearly got a death wish,” I said as I struck hard with my left hand, cracking the heel of my palm into his nose.

He hadn’t been expecting that attack and stumbled more than a few steps before he zoomed back toward me, both hands out this time. My wolf surged up at the last minute, weak but there, and she gave me the extra speed and strength I needed to spin and slam my shoe into him. My foot came free, leaving the spike of the heel embedded in his chest, which had the guy shouting and jumping around.

Kicking off the other shoe, I backed away as the vampire’s fangs sprang free. My back landed against a hard surface, and in a blind panic that it was Carter, I spun to find Donovan behind me. Which might be even worse.

His gaze went to the heel in the blond vamp’s chest and then back to me, and I wondered if I’d just signed my death warrant by attacking one of his own.

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