Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part 1

Lacey's PONV

"Grandma, why are we here?"

Chloe asks her grandmother who looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but here right now, not that I can blame her

I mean, how do you tell a ten-year-old and a four-year-old that we're here to do a DNA test on them so that we can find out who their

father is?

It could be a very simple thing to explain to them because we could just say that we're here to do a DNA test but then that opens up a

whole other can of worms, one which I'm not exactly keen on opening up just yet, well, at least not until we've got the proof in our hands

that they belong to my family

The reason why is because a lot of children out there would be excited at the thought of possibly having a parent in their lives, especially

when they haven't had one or both of them around and I don't wanna get their hopes up just to let them down again

Despite this, I decided to help out Grace with the first thing that popped into my head even though it was absolutely ridiculous

"We're here to do an ancestor DNA test on you and Alex, Chloe"

"Oh..what's that?"

She asks while looking both intrigued and confused

"It's a test that figures out what parts of the world are in your DNA"

"Oh ok..why are we doing that?"

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part

"Well because I heard you speaking Italian so fluently the other day and it made me wanna see if you've got any Italian in you"

Isay hoping she buys it because it sounds so f**+**g ridiculous to me

“That sounds silly but ok”

Chloe shrugs her shoulders and 1 let out a breath as Grace smiles at me

"Can 1go and sit with the triplets and Alex?" "Sure, sweetheart" I say while stroking Chloe's hair as she gets up and leaves

"Thank you for wasn't the best answer in the world but it's better than anything I could've come up with"

Grace said with a chuckle

"I just wanna protect them as much as possible, Grace, I don't wanna cause them any more unnecessary confusion and pain..they're too

young for that"

Isay whilst looking at the five youngsters who were happily playing on their tablets

Ithen looked over at Grace who looked like she was lost in her own world

“Are you ok, Grace?"

Task her and she quickly snaps out of her trance and looks at me with asmile

“I'm fine, honey" "Are you sure?" I ask and she lets out a sigh

“I'm just nervous and scared, that's all, sweetheart”

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part. nad


"Because science is science, can't dispute or deny science because it's fact"

She says and 1 nod my head

"And you're worried that if my billionaire father is proven to be the father of those two babies and he finds out then you're gonna lose


Lasked and my heart broke when Grace nodded her head and started to cry

"Don't cry, Grace"

Itry and comfort her but it was damn near impossible which isn't surprising because both her and her husband have been the sole carers

for Chloe and Alex

They've put their blood, sweat and tears into raising these two babies, they've worked tirelessly for many years and many hours for the

worst wage and now they've gotta deal with the stress of potentially losing their grandchildren to my billionaire b**+h daddy

"You're never gonna lose them, Grace, I promise you"

"How do you know that, Lacey? your father is a rich and powerful man and he's got a lot of influence in this world, how do you know he

won't take them from us?"

She asks with fear in her voice and I smile at her

"Because my brothers and I are also rich and powerful people with a lot of influence and so is my husband and his family, so trust me when

Itell you those two babies aren't going anywhere”

"You got that right, kid"

My brother says from behind me

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part. ba

Iturned around and smiled slightly when I saw my brothers standing next to a doctor but my smile turned sad when I saw Michael

crouching down in front of the kids and it looked like he was trying to explain to them what was going to happen next

"It's your turn to give your DNA samples, kid"

"Do I really need to if you guys have already done it?"

"They just wanna be thorough, Lace"

Justin says and I nod my head


"That's my babies, oh god"

Michael said as he stood up but he ended up stumbling and almost fell

Thankfully, Justin and Liam were able to catch him before he actually did fall

"Are you ok, Michael?"

“I'm fine, thank you...these knees aren't like what they used to be"

Michael says and I could tell he was feeling a little embarrassed, not that he needed to be

I'stood up and followed the doctor to one of the rooms, I was feeling a little nervous for some reason and I don't know why

Chloe and Alex also came to get their samples taken as well and their grandparents came along with them to try to take their minds off the

needles when they got their blood taken

We decided to do both a blood and saliva sample just to be thorough because we didn't want any of that inconclusive bullshit


Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part. ba

"Are you ok, ma'am?"

The doctor asks me and I nod my head

“I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little woozy, that's all” "Are you sure you're ok, honey?"

Grace asks me and I smile at her

“I'm fine, 1 promise”

After we were done giving our samples, we went back to the waiting

room and we all waited there for our results

Normally, it would take several days maybe even weeks for DNA test

results to come back and in any other circumstances, I probably would've

just waited but Justin, Liam and 1 all agreed to pay the lab extra money for

a quick result because we don't wanna cause Michael and Grace any more

Unnecessary stress or sleepless nights


“Mummy, can I have your phone, please?”

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Dayton asks me as soon as I enter the room


“I just wanna call dad”


Task as 1 pull my phone out of my pocket

"I just wanna ask him a question”

"He's busy, Dayton, he hasn't got time for your silly questions”

"It's not silly mum and I'm his son, he shouldn't be too busy for

He said in a duh tone


I mutter under my breath as I give him my phone just to get him out of

my hair, I just hope Logan isn't in a big or important meeting right

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part


"Hi dad, can 1 ask you a question?”

I hear Dayton ask his father as I sit down and rest my head on Justin's shoulder where I drift off to sleep

A Few Hours Later.

"Lacey..Lacey, Lace"

I hear Justin say my name in a sing-song voice as I wake up from my sleep

I groaned as I sat up and looked around the quiet room which

immediately had me on high alert because five kids under the age of ten doesn't make a silent situation and I was right

"Where are the kids?" "They were getting a bit frustrated and bored so, Michael, Grace and

Liam took them to get some Maccie D's as your littluns like to say, you can tell they were raised in England”

He says and I chuckle

"They learned it from the Liverpudiians, they abbreviate everything in that city”

"The who?" He asks confused

“Liverpudlians Justin, it's what you call someone who is a native of Liverpool”

"Oh... thought you were living in London?”

"Iwas but I had to head up North for a few months for work one year and while we were there, the kids picked up a few of the locals traits”

Isay as I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall behind me

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part

"Nice...s0, how are you feeling?"

“I'm fine"

"Are you sure? you fell asleep pretty fast earlier and you've been knocked out ever since”

Justin said with a slight chuckle

"It's been one of those months I guess..from the moment December started, I've had one thing after another happen and even though [

wouldn't change most of it, lie marrying Logan and coming back to New York..there are still some things that looking back on now, wish I

could do

over again or do differently”

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

"I hope identifying as Conor McGregor and beating the Skittles out of Dylan isn't one of the things you'd do differently because man...”

Justin drifted off and laughed

"I'd pay good f*****g money to see you do that again, kid"

"Well, he deserved it"

Isaid with a chuckle

"Yeah, he did...Luca also deserves a good beating from you as well, by the way"

You got that right, brother

Ithought to myself as a brief silence fell over us

“I don't know if I've ever told you this before, Lace but I'm so freaking proud of you, kid, I'm proud of how good of a mother you are to your

kids, I'm proud of everything you've accomplished on your own and I'm so unbelievably proud of the beautiful and strong woman you've


"Are you saying I was ugly and weak before?"

Isay feigning offence and Justin chuckles as he wraps his arms around

Chapter 99 - DNA Testing - Part. ~ me in a hug and kisses my head

“Definitely not, kid, definitely not"

We sat in silence for a few minutes when all of a sudden the room

became noisy again thanks to the kids who had returned with Michael, Grace and Liam who looked a little annoyed

"Your kids are menaces, Lacey, they're lucky I'm rich and I love them so much because otherwise, I'd be screwed"

"Why?" 1 asked with a chuckle

"Because I not only bought them a happy meal but they also conned milkshakes and ice creams out of me as well"

"You got bamboozled, brother”

Both Justin and I laugh at Liam who wasn't happy at all


He groaned in annoyance making us laugh even harder

"Mr Carpenter”

The doctor called for my brother and the room immediately filled with

tension because we knew that the doctor was holding our results in his hand

"Your results are in"

Timmediately jumped up from my seat and took the envelope from his hand

Ithen wasted no time in pulling the results from the envelope and scanning through them

"What the hell does this mean?"

Tasked while my heart was racing as I read the percentages on the


“It means there's a match"

The doctor says followed by a familiar voice that I wasn't expecting to hear

"A match to what?"

My head snapped up and I was confused when I saw my dad standing in the doorway with Logan standing by his side

What the hell is my husband doing with my father?

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