Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 - The Letter - Part 2

Lacey's POV

“To my little Lacey, I'm sitting here in my office thinking how funny it is that in this day in age, I'm writing a letter to you so that / can

communicate with you when there are so many other ways I can do this but this is the only way! can do it, not to mention, it's more

personal than a text or a DM and / doubt! could tell you everything I want to over a phone call, especially with how angry you are with me

right now, so this is the

best way

/ first wanna say how sorry 1am Lacey, I'm sorry that I didn't protect you and I'm sorry that I didn't stand up for you but most importantly,

I'm sorry for breaking the promise I made to you when you were born that I

would always protect you and make sure that nobody would ever hurt you

/t makes me feel physically sick that 1 abandoned you in your time of need, princess and I wish so badly that I could go back in time and do

everything again so that I could do it right

Jf could then T would've believed you instead of those two gormless gobshites, I would've stood up for you and stopped that brute from

hitting you, 1 also would've told our money and power-hungry father and our weak-ass mother that you're a good girl and it's not in your

nature to sleep around or hurt anyone, especially not that piece of s**t Dylan

/ don't know what you saw in him, kid but it clearly wasn't what I saw, / believe that Dylan loved you but he loved power and money more

and he also loved attention as well, I don't know for sure but I've heard rumours

from those in our inner circle that he had been secretly hooking up with

Chapter 90 - The Letter - Part 2

both genders behind your back for a long time

/ never told you about it because there was never any proof and I didn't want to hurt you unless I knew for sure that the rumours were true,

now I wish more than anything that I had just bitten the bullet and told you, maybe then I could've saved you the pain and the betrayal

Dylan was and still is a piece of s**t, Lacey and I'm so glad that you ran

away before you could be forced to marry him because you don't deserve


to live a miserable life with aman who only wanted to w***e around like a

rock star and who had no respect for himself let alone for you

You deserve the world, Lacey, you deserve a man who will do anything for you, who will give you everything you've ever wanted, whol kiss

the ground you walk on and move mountains to not only make you happy but to keep you happy and you've got all of that with Logan

which I'm so incredibly happy about, kid and even if this letter doesn't bring us closer again, I know I can live my life and feel happy and

content with the fact that you're happy and you've got aman who will do for you what I failed to do for you as your big brother, he'll protect

you and keep you safe

Imalso sorry for not trying harder to make things right with you, Lace

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When I first found out that you were back in New York, I wanted nothing more than to reach out to you and / was willing to do anything

and everything to make things right between us and to gain your forgiveness but I was scared... was so scared that you'd turn me away and

wouldn't want anything to do with me, now I wish more than anything that I had just put on my big boy boxers and talked with you face to

face, maybe if I did then none of us would be hurting right now

/ want to make things right with us, Lace, I want us to be siblings again, I want us to be as close as we were before all of this happened, I

Chapter 90 - The Letter - Part 2

want us to hang out like we used to and / want more than anything for our children to be in each other's lives

You've already met my beautiful daughter and I'd love nothing more than to meet my niece and nephews and be their uncle, I've heard my

youngest nephew is just like me and I'd love to see it in person but that's up to you of course

/ just want a chance, Lacey just one chance so that / can prove to you how sorrylam and prove to you how much! love you and show you

that! can be the big brother you deserve

/'mno longer in contact with our parents or with Luca and Dylan andy haven't seen or spoken to any of them since the day your lawyer

handed us

the restraining orders

/ mean, I've talked with our mom but that was only because she's been harassing me ever since and I wanted to make it clear to her that I

was truly disgusted and sickened with how they've treated you, kid and! wanted to let her know that I was done with all of them for the

foreseeable future

/ know it's going to take a lot for you to forgive me and give me a chance, princess but I really hope you do find it in your precious heart to

forgive me and allow me to be in both your and your family’s lives

Even if you don't want me to be in your children's lives, Lacey, I'l happily settle just to have my little sister back, I love you, Lacey, I love you

50, so much, kid, love Liam X!

This is just a small part of the four-page letter my brother wrote to me and it's what has been running through my mind over and over again

ever since I first read the entire letter after Logan had given it to me

I've read it umpteen times since last night and each time it's tugged at

my heartstrings and has had me questioning whether or not I should give

Chapter 90 - The Letter - Part 2. w} Liam a chance

I'd love nothing more than to give him a chance and I'd be a liar if I said I didn't feel guilty about having the restraining order slapped on

him but there's still that small part of me that doubts his words and his intentions and I fear letting him in just to have him implode my

world all over again

“Babe? what are you doing out here? it's freezing cold, you're gonna catch your death”

Logan says and I chuckle

“Don't be so dramatic, Logan, I'm all wrapped up and I've even got myself a hot water bottle and a nice hot cup of tea to keep me all warm

and toasty”

“It doesn't matter if you're covered from head to toe, love, I still don't like that you're sitting out on our balcony this early in the morning

while it's cold and snowing”

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Logan was now standing next to me and was gently stroking my hair as I looked up at him and smiled

“Well, if you're that concerned, love, why don't you put on the outdoor fire and join me?"

Logan's annoyed and concerned expression quickly changed to a smile as he bent down and kissed my lips, he then walked over to the fire

pit and lit it up before joining me under the blanket and wrapping his arms around me

“ to tell me why you're up so early this morning and why you're out here, babe?"

He asks me and I let out a sad sigh

“I couldn't sleep... couldn't get Liam's letter out of my mind"

Chapter 90 - The Letter - Part 2. ~}

I had tried to get some sleep after the third or fourth time I'd read it because my mind and my feelings were all over the place and I was

hoping that sleeping on it would make things clearer for me when I woke up but unfortunately, I only managed to get a few hours of sleep

and I'm still just as confused now as I was before I went to bed

"Yeah, it was a long ass letter, love”

Logan groaned and I chuckled as I rested my head against his chest

"He had a lot to say, I guess”

“But did he mean any of it? that's the question, babe”

Logan said as he gently ran his fingers through my hair

“Do you think he means any of it?"

Task as 1 look up at my husband who was looking out at the beautiful scenery in front of us

"Well, I saw the look on his face and in his eyes when he gave me that letter, love and he looked so hopeful but most importantly, he looked

sad and desperate..he also looked defeated when I told him there was a chance you wouldn't even read the letter let alone give him a


“You told him that? why would you do that?"

I ask annoyed

“Because I didn't want him to get his hopes up, babe...he looked so hopeful that this letter would be the magic wand that would fix

everything and I wanted him to be realistic and to know that the chances of you two reconciling are slim to none, especially now that you

feel differently towards your family”

"But..what if I want to give him a chance?”

Task and Logan smiles down at me

Chapter 90 - The Letter - Part 2. v7) “Then give him a chance" "But what if he fails?"

“Then I'll be right there behind you with open arms to protect you and shield you from the pain”

He says with a smile

“You make it seem so simple, Logan”

I say with a slight chuckle and he tightens his hold on me just a little as he kisses my forehead

“Answer me this, babe, is your heart telling you to give Liam a chance?"

He asks confusing me

"What? what's my heart got to do with this, Logan?"

“Just answer the damn question, your heart telling you to give Liam a chance? yes or no"

He says sounding frustrated

"Yeah, itis" "Then trust me and do as I say..after all, your heart was the one who

told you to give me a chance and look at us now, we're happily married and have got three beautiful children together”

Logan says proudly and I roll my eyes

Sure it was my heart and not the dominant, Italian alpha male who

barged into my house and demanded I be his wife

I thought to myself while chuckling

But maybe he's got a point, if my heart is telling me to give Liam a chance then I will, 1just hope I don't regret it

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