Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antonelli

Lacey's POV

There's nothing in this world that I hate more than getting my ass chewed out to me by my big cousin Klayton

Idon't know if you've ever been given a verbal smackdown by a mafia Don before but it's not a pleasant experience, especially when he's

got his three cheerleaders Abigail, Carmella and Cassidy here to help him out

"What were you thinking, Lace? why did you go to your parent's house?"

"Yeah, why?"

Cassidy growled as she stood next to her husband with a scowl on her face, her arms crossed over her chest and she was standing in a don't

mess with me kind of way

“Answer me, Lacey"

“Yeah, answer the man, why would you go to your parent's house after you'd just asked me to get a restraining out against them? what was

going through your mind?"

Abby asks me and I rolled my eyes whilst muttering oh my f=+*g god under my breath

Iwas looking down at the ground and rubbing my forehead as I tried to find a way to tell them why I went there whilst using the right

words so that I don't make them even angrier

Carmella has been like a raging bull ever since she showed up here and saw my face and she was made even more livid when Logan and I

explained everything to her and she found out that I wanted to make

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone

things right with my family

She didn't even give me a chance to explain that it was only my mom and Liam I was looking to give a chance to because she had gone off

ona tangent talking about how I need to be tougher and stop being so kind-hearted because I'm being kind to people who don't deserve it

Iknow she's right and maybe I can ask my therapist for some advice when I next see her because I need to stop being so kind-hearted to


because it's gonna be my downfall one of these days but still, let a b***h explain before you go off one one Carm

"Look at me, Lacey Black”

Klayton growled as he knelt down in front of me and gently gripped my chin forcing me to look at him

He looked so angry with me and I don't blame him to be fair but it doesn't make me feel any better about it

“Why did you go there, principessa?”

I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath before opening my eyes again and explaining everything to Klayton

I didn't leave anything out and I made it clear that I had no intentions of going there to see or make-up with my dad, Luca or Dylan but that

didn't sit well with any of them who believe that my mom and Liam don't deserve a second chance because not only did they ignore what

was going on and didn't reach out personally like Justin did to make things right but according to Klayton they also doubted that Luca

would hit me, especially my mom

This hurt like a b***h to know that my mom not only didn't believe Klayton when he told her what Luca had done but she also defended


“I'm sorry, principessa, I know they're your family...but they don't

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone

deserve you, I mean, anyone who is so blind to what's going on around them and can side with an alcoholic and believe they're innocent

when they're not...people like that don't deserve anything from you, let alone a second chance, Lace"

“T know"

I'said barely above a whisper

“I guess I just wanted to try, Klay"

“I know you did, kiddo and that's because you're a beautiful-hearted woman, Lacey, you wanna see the good in everyone but you need to

realise sweetheart that not everyone has got good in them and sometimes those people are members of our own family's"

“I know that now, Klay...I don't want anything to do with them ever again”


He says with a smile as he leans in and kisses my forehead

“So, what happened after I left?"

Task after I let out a breath

“Well, your grandparents chewed them all out and told them they deserve the treatment they're getting from you, they also told your dad

how ashamed they are of him and that they didn't raise him to be a sexist piece of s**t, they're your grams words, not mine"

Of course they were

I'thought to myself whilst rolling my eyes

Even when she's pissed as hell my grams still thinks she's a comedy queen

“L also offered to have your brother sent to one of the best rehabs in the country, where he'll receive the best care as well as therapy to

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone

overcome both his alcohol issues and his personal issues”

He says and my head snaps up as I look at Klayton in shock

“You did?"


"Why would you do that?"

Task and Klayton sighs as he sits down on the coffee table in front of me

“Because he's still family at the end of the day, Lace and you know how I feel about family"

“Famiglia é per sempre"

Isay and he smiles

“Exactly and I don't wanna be a hypocrite because I let one of my own people die instead of helping him even if that one person is Luca”

He says and I smile

“Well, thank you for doing that for him...he's got kids, Klay and I don't want them to grow up without him around”

“Don't thank me just yet, kid, he hasn't accepted my offer as of right now"

“Thanks anyway..hopefully now mom and dad can open their eyes and they can see the damage Luca is doing to not only himself but also

to everyone around him and they can encourage him to accept your offer”

“I hope 50 too"

Ireally hope he does accept Klayton's offer because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him and even though Klayton isn't his

biggest fan right now, he'll still make sure Luca is looked after and protected in rehab and he's given every ounce of help available to him

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone

“Abby, Carmella, can you guys give us a few minutes alone please?"

Klayton all of a sudden asks the girls who happily and obediently left the room leaving just myself, Logan, my cousin and his wife in the


"What's going on, Klay? is everything ok?" "Not really, you know I've been giving GiGi her punishment for

what she put you through and right now she's suffering worse than she ever has in her life"

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us now and continue your journey!

"Ok..if that's the case then why have you got a face like a slapped ass? shouldn't you be happy you're punishing GiGi, it is your favourite

hobby to punish the evil, Klayton"

Isay with a smile which quickly drops at his next words

“Actually, my favourite hobby is f=+*g my wife, Lace"

He said and I groaned in disgust


“Klayton, watch your mouth”

Cassidy gasped as she slapped his shoulder and he chuckled

"What? it's true"

He says and I shake my head

“Anyway, the night I left here, I received a file from one of my men who

claims he was hired by GiGi and he was paid a sum of four million dollars to do a job for her"

“A job? what job?"

Klayton looked hesitant to speak and I thought he wasn't gonna tell me but he eventually did after Logan got fed up with his silence

“For Christ's sake, Klayton just spill it will you, it can't be that freaking

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone


Logan growled

"Oh but it is, brother"

"What do you mean?"

Task confused

Klayton lets out a breath as he runs his hand over his mouth

What he said next left me in a complete state of shock

“GiGi had hired a sniper to kill you Lacey but not just you..she also wanted your kids dead as well"


I whispered whereas Logan growled


“How did she...L..did she confess to this? I don't understand"

I mumbled probably not making any freaking sense

“She didn't have to, Lace because the guy who she had hired showed me a voicemail from her where she more or less admits to everything”

“Can hear it?"

I asked and Klayton was once again hesitant but then he pulled out his phone and played it for us

“Callum, I don't care how you do it? when you do it? where you do it? or if you do the f*****g moonwalk between each shot, just get the

frig job done, do you hear me?..I want Lacey Black and her three ugly brats dead, oh and I want proof as well, want a nice little picture

of each one for my own personal enjoyment”

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us now and continue your journey!

Oh my god

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone

My hands covered my mouth as Logan embraced me wrapping his arms around me while Klayton placed his hand on my knee

“My initial plans to punish GiGi was to physically torture her before shipping her ass off to Italy where I was gonna have her work in one of

my clubs so that she could live the rest of her life in misery..."

“I also wanted to give her a nice new hairdo, as well as a manicure and

a pedicure with the help of a pair of clippers and some pliers but Klayton said no"

Cassidy interrupted Klayton who rolled his eyes at her

“Anyway, like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted...”

He said whilst narrowing his eyes to Cassie who smirked at him before

looking back at me

“This is what I was initially planning on doing to her but I feel this punishment is too light considering she was planning on having you all

killed, kid"

“So, what do you suggest we do with her now?"

“There's only one thing I can suggest, sweetheart”


Isaid and he nodded his head

“I don't feel comfortable keeping her alive, Lacey, she's a dangerous individual and that voicemail proves it, not to mention the fact that she

was acting insane and mouthing off to my men hurling racist and homophobic s**t at them while they were whipping her, if that doesn't

scream psycho to you then what does?"

He's right

“Right now she's locked up at my warehouse and you know my security is tighter than Fort Knox but just imagine for one second if she did

Chapter 86 - Act Like An Antone

manage to escape, and the kids would be the first ones she'd come you really wanna risk that?"

"Of course not"

“Well then, what do you say?"

He asked and I didn't know what to say

I of course want myself and my family to be safe but at the same time,

I didn't feel comfortable about ending another human's life even though I wouldn't be the one doing it

“This is one of those times where you shouldn't be so kind-hearted, Lace"

“My wife is right, principessa, it's time for you to put on your big girl panties and be the cold-hearted Antonelli that I know you can be"

Inod my head as my eyes narrowed to a picture of myself, Logan and the kids from our wedding which was sitting proudly on the fireplace

“Kill her”

Ifound myself muttering two words that I probably wouldn't say at any other time but for the sake of myself, Logan and our triplets, I would

happily say them over and over again if it meant that we were all safe and alive

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