Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 - Famiglia e Per Sempre

Logan's PO

“Logan Black, to what do I owe the pleasure, vecchio amico?" (Old friend)

He says and I smile

“Ciao fratello..I need a favour from you" (Hello brother) "Straight to the point, that's what I've always loved about you, Lo" My friend said

with a chuckle

“What do you need from me?"

He asked and I told my friend everything from beginning to end, starting with my love for Lacey, our one-night stand and our eventual

marriage and children

Itold him all about GiGi and her sick obsession with me, as well as all of her stunts to try and break me and my wife up and paint Lacey as a


Finally, I told him about all of the dirt Abby was able to find on her which pissed him off

To be honest, it pissed all of us off

"Questa dannata stronza” (That f**+*g b***h)

My friend growled in Italian

Tknew he'd be angry because us Italians are all about family and we always have been, so it's disturbing for us to know that GiGi would

abandon her family the way she has without a single care in the world

Famiglia é per sempre

Family is forever, no matter what happens, family is always family and

Chapter 67 - Famiglia é Per Se

family always comes first above everything else

I'm not saying this only applies to Italians because it sure as hell

doesn't but as a born and bred Italian American, I can honestly say that this motto is drilled into us from a very young age, at least it was

with my family and it definitely was with my friends family as well

"How could she do that? how could she just abandon her famiglia like that, especially those poor bambinos?" (Family) (Baby's)

“I don't know, my friend but in all honesty, it doesn't shock me that she'd pull a stunt like this, I mean, it's GiGi after all, the girl would sell her

own nonna for a chance to hit it big in this world" (Grandmother)

I say while rolling my eyes

It's honestly sad what people in this world will do for a little bit of fame and money

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"You're right, Lo... did try and warn you about that girl but you never f***g listen to me"

“I know, I know" I groan as I rub my forehead in frustration

“But you know what I'm like, fratello, I like to see the good in everyone"

“Everyone except for your girl's family from what I've been hearing? howis the beautiful Lacey? still a little firecracker I bet?"

My friend asks and I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smirking

Tlook down at my wife and smile

“She's perfect, she's my wife now...oh and she's the mother of my three kids"

"f**k, you don't waste any time, do you?"

Chapter 67 - Famiglia é Per Se

He asks while laughing

“Says you, how's your wife and your little boy?"

"They're great, they're the happiest I've ever seen them”

He says and I smile at how happy he sounds

"Good, you all deserve it"

Isay with a smile

My friend and his little family definitely deserve all of the happiness in the world, especially after everything they've been through this past


"Thanks fratello, that means a lot to me, it truly does, so tell me..what

do you want me to do with GiGi?"

"You're the Don, right? what do you think I should do with her?"

Task as I let out a breath

“I don't want GiGi dead because as annoying and as irritating as she is, not to mention how evil and disgusting she is to abandon her own

kin the way she has, I don't think death is good enough for her...I want her to suffer, fratello, I want her to live the rest of her pathetic and

miserable life wishing she had done better, instead of messing with me and my family"


He says faintly

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The line was silent for a few seconds before my friend spoke up again

"Give me a couple of days and I'll get back to you, I'm in Cabo right

now with the soon as I'm back in New York, I'll contact you, is that ok?"

“That's perfect, thanks brother”

Chapter 67 - Famiglia é Per Se

You're welcome”

The call ends and I let out a breath of relief

"What did he say?"

Justin asks and I look up at him

"He said he'll contact me in two days, he's holidaying in Cabo with his family right now"

Tsay and Justin nods his head as he sits down on the coffee table in front of me and looks down at his little sister who is sleeping peacefully

It's a good job my friend has requested two days because this gives GiGi a chance to redeem herself and hopefully put an end to her

relentless pursuit of a man that's not hers and a lifestyle that she doesn't deserve but as we all know by now, this is GiGi Addams we're

talking about, so what are the chances of her redeeming herself

I'mean, if she didn't learn her lesson after she was publically humiliated by the mistress of the Black family then why would she now,

especially after we've revealed some pretty deep, dark and disturbing secrets from her closet?

Igrab hold of my baby's hand and lift it up to my lips kissing her bruised knuckles which we had covered up with make-up but anyone who

is looking close enough would've instantly noticed the cracks and the abnormal colouring underneath the tanned coloured make-up

“What happened to my wife's hands, Justin?"

I ask as look down at her precious hurt hand

“Are you sure you wanna know, brother?"

Justin asks as he lets out a breath and I snap my eyes towards him

Chapter 67 - Famiglia é Per Se

“wouldn't ask if I didn't wanna know, Justin"

I growled and he flinched slightly


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Justin sighs before telling me everything that happened today from Lacey showing up at her parent's mansion driving like a crazed maniac,

to her going all Conor McGregor on Dylan which is something that I would've loved to have witnessed, as well as the slap she gave her

father and finally, Justin told me about Lacey's brutal verbal assault on her family

I couldn't help but feel insanely proud of my little fighter and I'm not ashamed to say I also feel a little scared as well, especially if Dylan is as

fr up as Justin says he is

“She kicked ass today, Logan both literally and figuratively”

Justin says sounding like he's proud of his baby sister

No wonder my poor baby is so exhausted

She's been pushed to her limits today not just mentally and emotionally thanks to her family and GiGi but also physically as well

Tknow what it's like to beat the holy crap out of someone who has done you wrong and how draining it is because you're not just attacking

or fighting for fun, you're doing it to let out a lot of pent-up anger and pain and it's even worse if it's been pent up for as long as Lacey's has

"Why do you sound proud, Justin?..why do you sound like you're proud of what she did today?"

Task my best friend whilst keeping my eyes on the love of my life

“That's because I am proud of her, was a long time coming and we all deserved everything we got, especially dad and Dylan, lord

knows I've been wanting to beat that little fucker up ever since I found out he hurt my little princess”

Chapter 67 - Famiglia é Per Se

"Why didn't you?"

Task feeling confused and curious as I look over at him and I was shocked when I saw tears in his eyes

“Because I had hurt her as well..I may not have hurt her physically or done what Luca did but I still hurt her, I still caused her pain by not

doing anything to protect her when that's been one of the most important jobs I've held ever since she was born..all in all, Logan, I don't

think I deserved to kick Dylan or Luca's ass for what they did because it'd make mea hypocrite”

He said with so much pain in his voice and I felt bad for him

know he loves my wife and it would make his Christmas if she were to reconcile with him but like I've already previously said, that won't be

happening until my wife is ready for it

“Time is a great healer, brother and I hope you understand that Lacey needs time and a lot of it"

Tsay and Justin nods his head

“I know you all want Lacey back in your lives and you wanna be a part of our children's lives as well but that won't be happening any time

soon, do you understand me?...Lacey needs to heal and that process won't be rushed, not for anyone"

“I know and I do understand's just gonna be hard, that's all"

He says and I smile

“I know"

Trust me, T know

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