Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 - Let It All Out

Lacey's POV

“And Lacey..what would you like from her?"

The reporter asks and my mom smiles half a smile

“We hope that Lacey can heal from the pain we caused her, we know that she's happy now with her husband and her three beautiful

children but we hope that one day in the future she can forgive us and we can move

forward together as a family”

“We would also like to clarify that our grandchildren ARE Logan Black's biological children, I know there are people out there who don't

want to believe this and there's also a certain someone and she knows who she is who is currently running a smear campaign against my

daughter and grandchildren trying to paint Lacey as a w***e and her children as bastards but that's not the case and this person whose

name Iwill not mention because I don't want to give them the attention they're clearly craving is just a miserable, selfish, entitled brat who

has been spreading her legs in the elite circles for years now trying to find a husband and is now trying to destroy my daughter's happiness

with her lies and we won't stand for that"

“lagree with my father"

Justin says as he sits there with a stoic expression

“Logan is my best friend and I can confirm that before my sister, he never had any kind of relationship with anyone, let alone a long-term

one and he certainly wasn't engaged to be married either, ifanyone believes the lies that have been spread about my sister, my niece and

my nephews

Chapter 61 - Let It All Out

that's more fool you and it shows how dumb you all are for doing so because not only are you believing a shady woman with a very and!

mean VERY shady past but you're also siding against us as a family and by doing that you're also going against the Tates and the Blacks as

well and for what? a bitter, miserable golddigger who wants something that she can't even afford"

"Are you saying all of these stories about your sister and her children are lies?"

“Well, duh, were you even listening, dude?"

Liam said and I chuckled through my tears

I couldn't listen to this anymore because I was feeling so overwhelmed with everything that I've just witnessed and Iwas in absolute

shock that my family have done this

Like, I can't believe they went on national television and did this knowing full well that it's gonna be shown worldwide and it'll be all over the

internet as well

God, why would they do this?


Ishout for my kid's nanny after wiping my tears away and turning off the television

I'then stand up and walk into the hallway just as the nanny appeared with Teddy by her side

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“Yes, ma'am, what can I do for you?"

“I've got a slight headache and would like to go and lie down, can you keep an eye on the children for me?"

“Of course, ma'am that's why I'm here"

She says with a chuckle and I smile


Chapter 61 - Let It All Out

“Thank you so much, Teddy make sure you and your brothers behave, ok"

“Ok mummy, we will but are you ok? you look like you've been crying"

Teddy asks whilst looking at me sadly

“Mommy's fine, baby, I promise you"

I'say with a smile to reassure her before heading upstairs to my room

As s00n as I got there, I instantly flopped down on the bed and all of the floodgates that I'd been holding back opened and hit me like a

freaking Tsunami and I couldn't control it, no matter how hard I tried

Logan's POW

Larrived home as quickly as possible and as soon as I entered my home, I was shouting and looking around for my wife


“She's gone for a lie down sir, she said she had a headache"

One of my maids who was carrying a bunch of snacks and drinks in her hand told me

I immediately rushed upstairs and burst through the doors of my bedroom only to stop in my tracks when I saw my baby girl lying on our

bed and she was crying her little heart out as she cuddled my pillow

Oh, my poor baby

I quickly stripped myself of my suit jacket and shoes before getting on the bed and embracing my wife by wrapping my arms around her

shaking form as I rested my forehead against her temple

“It's ok, baby, I'm here, sshhhtl, sshhhi”

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“Wh.why did th.they this, L.Logan? wh.why h.have they

Chapter 61 - Let It All Out

o.opened up this c.can of w.worms"

“They wanna make things right, babe, they want their baby girl back”

I'tell her which only made her sob even harder

Lacey's been forced to be strong for such a long time that she's locked away six years of hurt, anger, pain, sadness, bitterness as well as

feelings of loss, abandonment and fear and now she's unable to hold onto them any longer

Irolled over onto my back and pulled Lacey in close to me so that she was practically lying on top of me

I then wrapped one of my arms around her waist and rested my free hand against her head holding it against my chest

“Cry baby, let it all out..I've got you"

Isay while kissing her forehead

Lacey sobbed her precious little heart out and my heart broke for every sob and whimper she released

"They told that reporter e..everything, Logan, even about my dad hitting me"

Lacey said and my hold on her tightened

It fills me with red, hot boiling rage when I think about someone putting their hands on my woman in any kind of a way much less the

negative kind and the fact that it was her father that did it makes my anger even worse

Twas raised to treat all women with respect even the ones who don't deserve it like GiGi and I was definitely raised by a good man anda

wonderful woman who instilled good values in me and taught me right from wrong


Chapter 61 - Let It All Out

Inever have, will or ever hit a woman and I for damn sure would never hurt my own children, so it enrages me but it also shocks me that

James Carpenter would hit his daughter, the same girl who was the apple of his eye and the centre of his universe

I know some will say that he only did it once and it was in the heat of the moment when emotions were running high but that's no excuse

and it never will be

One hit is one hit to freaking many, in my opinion


“Yes, baby"

“What should I do now? now that everything is out in the open”

Lacey asks sounding vulnerable and I don't like it, I don't like it one single f=*+g bit

“For now baby you cry, you let out all of the emotions you've had pent

up for the past six years and tomorrow we'll work on finding you a new therapist out here in New York so that you can heal yourself and

move on from the past in your own time and in your own pace, as for the can't think about the future, babe just take each day

as they come, do you understand me? if you and your family are meant to reconcile then you will but it'll be when you're ready, not them”

I say meaning every single word

Lacey is my responsibility and I'm gonna make sure she heals from the past and grows from it

I'll be her punching bag when she needs to vent her anger, her pillow when she needs to cry and if she needs me to be her therapist when

she wants to unload or clear her mind then goddammit Iwill but most importantly, I'll be her protector until the day I f+ die and if that

means that I have to protect her from her very own family then so be it

Chapter 61 - Let It All Out

“Logan” "Yes, baby" I narrowed my eyes at Lacey and smiled even though her teary eyes

and tear-stained face was breaking my heart

“Ilove you, Logan..I love you more than anything"

“Ilove you too, babe"

I'said as Ileaned down and gently kissed her lips before resting her head back down on my chest

Lacey then spent the past god knows how long crying and sobbing in my arms while she discussed the press conference with me and I've

gotta say, Iwas pretty shocked myself that the Carpenters would willingly air all of their dirty laundries out to the public like this

They must really want Lacey and our kids back in their lives if they've done this but they'll have to wait for Lacey to be ready first because

I'm not gonna rush her or allow her to do anything she's not ready for

Her mental and emotional health comes first before anything or anyone including me and our children and definitely before a reconciliation

with her family

8 MizzLaura u*

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