Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 45

Logan's POV.

How did I get so lucky?.

How did I manage to land myself a wife who is not only beautiful and sexy but is smart and strong as well.

Talways knew I'd feel incredibly lucky and insanely proud to have Lacey as my wife but I never thought I'd feel this lucky and proud.

As for my love, my love for this woman is off the charts and I honestly believe right now as I sit here looking at her as she nurses my

wounds from my fight with Justin that if I ever lost her, I would literally die of a broken heart, that's how much I love and adore this woman.

“Are you ok, babe?"

My baby's sweet voice asked me but I was too lost in her beauty to answer her.


Lacey says as she gently caresses my cheek with her fingertips.

“Have I ever told you how much I love you, Lacey Black?

Task and she smiles.

“Yes, Logan Black you have told me how much you love me, you tell me every single day, you tell me during every text and phone call we

share, whenever your hands or your lips touch my body but most importantly, you tell me every single morning when we wake up together

and every night before I fall asleep in your arms”

She says and I smile as I grab her hand and kiss her palm before looking back at my wife.

“Ok then, have I ever told you how proud I am of you? because I am, I'm unbelievably proud of you, Lace, I'm proud of you for having our

babies and raising them to be the amazing human beings they are and I'm proud of you for being an incredibly strong, brave, beautiful,

kind, sweet woman who I'm proud to call my did incredible out there, baby"

I'say as Ilean in and kiss my wife's nose before resting my forehead against hers and brushing my lips against her soft, thick lips.

"Are you sure about that, love? I don't feel like I did incredible”

“Oh trust me, my love, you were amazing, the way you stood up to your family and Dylan and put them in their place...fuck, it was the

hottest thing I've ever seen"

Isay and she giggles.

“I mean it, Lace, you were amazing..I'm the luckiest man in the world right now"

"And I'm the luckiest woman in the world"

Lacey says as she leans in and kisses me.

Iwasn't able to enjoy my wife's kisses for long because we were interrupted by the last person I was expecting to see.

“Well, well, well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes”

Lord kill me now.

1 pull away from my wife and look to my left with an annoyed expression on my face.

"Rachel, what the f**k do you want?"

Task before groaning in pain when Lacey slaps my chest.

“Don't be rude, Logan"

"Ok fine, to what do I owe the displeasure?”

Task and Lacey glares at me.

Fuck, she looks so freaking sexy when she's angry.

“Oh 1just heard from a little birdie, my BF that my big brothers were back in town and one of them brought with him a ready-made family

featuring none other than the Crapenters long lost princess, so I thought I'd come and check it out for myself”

My little sister Rachel says whilst smiling at Lacey.

"Your bf?"

T asked with narrowed eyes.

"My boyfriend"

should've known.

"Who's your boyfriend, Rae?"

“Logan never told you?"

Rachel asks Lacey sounding confused and I frustratingly rubbed my forehead.

“It slipped my mind"

I say as Rachel scoffs and mutters figures under her breath.

"Ok, so who is it?"

Lacey asks as she looks between the both of us with a confused expression.


Rachel says with a smile.

“My brother?"



Lacey said as numerous different emotions spread through her face.

"Well, that's not weird or anything"

Lacey says while rolling her eyes and I chuckle.

“So, how long have you all been a thing?"

“A little over five years...he was a heartbroken and devastated mess after you left and I helped pick up the pieces for him"

“Lucky Liam"

Lacey says with annoyance and anger in her voice.

I grabbed hold of her hand and gently caressed the back of it to comfort her and calm her down which worked because she let out a slow

breath as she smiled at me.

“Yeah, lucky leaving f****d your family up, Lace and it broke...

"Please Rachel, please save me the my family are the heartbroken victims and I'm the evil b***h who left without a word speech because it's

boring and it's so far from what's actually the truth”

"Nobody's saying that, Lace...”

“Yes, you are, Rach”

Lacey once again interrupted my sister.

“Everyone always talks about my family's pain, my family’s heartbreak, my family's guilt and my family's loss like they're the victims and

they're not, [am but most importantly my kids are"

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us now and continue your journey!


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“I'm sorry, Lace”

“Don't be, it's not your fault my brother and the rest of my family have tricked you and the world with their sad puppy dog faces"

My poor Lacey.

I can't even imagine how it feels to be betrayed by your own family and fiance just for those same people to turn around and play the victim

after your disappearance.

“I'm sorry, Lace, I didn't mean to upset you"

“It's ok, Rach”

She says with a smile and Rachel smiles back at her.

“So..Ryker said you all have got three beautiful babies together, how the hell did that happen?”

“Really, Rach? you're asking us how two consenting adults created three children? I'm surprised you don't know the answer to that question

considering how much you and Liam love to f**k"

“Logan, EWW!I"

Lacey groaned in disgust and I chuckled as Rachel glared at me.

“I know how babies are made, dumbass, I just didn't know you two were a thing before Lacey left"

“We weren't, it's complicated”

“It doesn't seem that complicated to me"

Rachel says with a smirk and she's right, it's not complicated but it's also not something either of us want to discuss right now or ever.

"At least mom and dad can relax now"

Rachel says confusing us both.

"What do you mean, Rach?"

Task and what she said next not only pissed Lacey off but it made me feel absolutely livid.

“I overheard mom and daddy talking the other day, actually, they were more like fighting and it was because that skank GiGi Addams

wanted daddy to arrange a marriage between her and Logan and he was seriously considering it as well"


“Are you being serious? please, tell me you're joking"

Lacey and I ask Rachel sounding shocked and my sister shakes her head.

“Unfortunately, I'm not, brother”

"But why would dad even entertain this BS when he knows that GiGi is just a friend and that I'm in love with Lacey and she's the one I've

always wanted to make my wife?"

Task my sister who rolls her eyes.

“You know why, Logan, you're not naive"

Once again she's right, I just hoped that this wasn't the case.

“Men like daddy are willing to do anything to capitalise on their already burgeoning wealth and they'll do anything to keep their high status

and stay up there as one of the powerful top dogs and GiGi knows this, she knows that rich men like dad are willing to do anything and risk

everything including their own children's happiness and future to make sure their rich, comfy and luxurious lifestyles stay the same. just like

what James Carpenter did with Lacey and Dylan"

Rachel said and Lacey's body tensed at her words.

“So...50, your dad agreed to an arranged marriage between Logan and GiGi for...for what?"

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us now and continue your journey!

Lacey asks confused but there was also a lot of anger in her tone as well.

“Well, it's definitely not to merge two powerful families together considering she comes from a poor family in South Amboy New Jersey, so

my only guess would be it's to appease the board members at Black Enterprises who aren't happy that their CEO is approaching thirty and

he's still not married and hasn't produced an heir to the throne yet"

"Jokes on them because I completed both of those tasks in London”

I say before downing my bourbon in one go.

Rachel didn't understand what I meant at first until she looked down at our hands and saw our wedding bands and Lacey's expensive

engagement ring.

"Oh my god"

Rachel gasped but thankfully it wasn't loud enough to attract anyone's attention.

"You guys got married?"

"Yeah, we did"

Lacey says with a proud and very happy smile on her gorgeous face.

“ know mom's not gonna be happy about this, right? she's been planning all of our weddings since I can remember”

“Well, no offence to mom, Rach but I really don't care, I had finally found the love of my life after six long, torturous years and I wasn't

leaving the country without her tied to me"

"EWW!!, gross”

Rachel said whilst looking at me in disgust and I rolled my eyes.

Of course, she'd take it the wrong and dirty way.

“Anyway, I don't care, Lacey is a way better choice for a wife than GiGi Addams, that b***h doesn't deserve the Black name attached to her"

She said as she made a disgusted sound and rolled her eyes.

“I thought you two were BFFs, Rach?"

Lacey asks confused and so was I.

"We were until she tried to steal Liam from me around a year ago, after that, I cut off all ties with her"

"Good, she's bad news"

Lacey says with anger and some jealousy in her tone.

I gently squeezed her hand to give her some comfort and she offered me a half-hearted smile in return.

“I know that now, Lace...oh man, I can't wait to see her face when she realises she's lost out on becoming Logan's wife, I really hope

someone takes a picture of it so that I can frame it"

My sister says excitedly and both my wife and I chuckle.

“Anyway, I've gotta dash, Liam's waiting for me, I'll come and see you guys later, ok, I'm dying to meet my new nephews and little niece, see


"Bye, Rachel"

"Bye, kid"

When my sister left, I sat there thinking about what she said and I couldn't help but feel angry at my father for agreeing to sign my future

away to GiGi Addams without my consent but I was also confused as to why GiGi would request this from my dad when I've told her

umpteen times that I only see her as a friend and nothing more.

What the hell is she up to?.

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