Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 - And Move On. Ww) Chapter 111 - And Move On

“Holding on is believing that there's only a past, letting

go is knowing that there's a future”

~ Daphne Rose Kingma

James POV

When or how did my family get to this point?

What happened to make my family break apart the way that it did?

It's so easy to place the blame on others or say that all of these other factors are the reasons why it happened but it'd be a lie because I'm

at the centre of most, if not all of my family’s problems so that means that it's my fault

It's my fault that my son was molested, it's my fault that he lost his way and became addicted to alcohol, it's my fault he's made a mess of

his life and it's my fault that he's had to suffer for the past twenty years

I know many will say it's not my fault because I didn't know about the abuse which is true but it is my fault that I didn't see the signs when it

was happening or that [ didn't get him the help that he clearly needed afterwards

My wife and I both tried our hardest to get Luca into therapy but he was adamant that he didn't wanna go because he said he wasn't ready

which we respected at the time but now looking back, I really wished we'd pushed even harder or forced him into therapy, maybe if we did

then his latter life would have had a different outcome

Chapter 111 - And Move On. J

And then there's my baby girl, my Lacey

Iwish I knew why I resented Lacey's gender the way that I did but the truth is that I honestly don't know

I wasn't raised to feel this way, so it really is anyone's guess but despite my obvious disdain for the fact my youngest child is a girl, I honestly

did love and adore that little girl and I'm so proud of the woman she's become

“Are you ok, honey?"

My wife asks me and I sigh as I run a hand through my hair

“I'm fine"

“Are you sure?"

Ilooked down at my beautiful wife who looks a lot like our daughter and I smiled at her

Iwas about to answer her when I heard Lacey's very loud and angry voice coming from outside

“Why do you wanna know, Dylan? do you even care about Luca and those kids?"

What the hell?

I stormed outside to see what was going on and that's when I saw the heated argument between my son-in-law and my daughter

Dylan looked lost and like he had no clue what was going on whereas Lacey looked like an angry bat out of hell that was ready to stick her

fangs into this asshole and to be honest with you, so was 1, especially when I heard how he was talking to my little girl

“I beg your pardon, asshole, what did you just say to me?"

“You heard me, Lace, you're not so innocent yourself, you stand there acting like the queen of f***+*g Sheba like you're Mrs Perfect who's


Chapter 111 - And Move On. i

done anything wrong in your life but you're not perfect, you're far from being perfect, Lacey, so you can stand there and get mad at me all

you want for leaving but just remember this little abandoned him as well”

This motherfucker

"YOU BASTARD!" I shouted as I stormed over to Dylan and punched him in the jaw

I'then punched him another two times before I heard my daughter's panicked voice coming from behind me


Lacey shouted my name but I ignored her because I wanted to teach this asshole a lesson

Fortunately for him though, I was stopped by Lacey and Logan, the latter was holding me back while my child was standing in front of me

and looking up at me like she was scared and or worried

“Dad, please don't do this, it's not worth it"

I glared at Dylan before looking down at my baby girl and it hurt my heart to see how panicked she was

"I'm sorry, sweetheart”

“It's ok, dad"

She says with a smile

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Lacey then turns to face Dylan and I swear I've never seen such a nasty glare on such a beautiful face before

“As for you prick face, you're right I'm not perfect and I've done a lot of things wrong in my life, one of my many wrongs being you"

She says and Dylan looks at her shocked

"You're also right when you said I left, I did leave New York..but I

Chapter 111 - And Move On. =) didn't abandon my brother, unlike you Dylan and do you wanna know the difference between the two huh?

the difference is that I didn't know what my brother was going through when I walked away from him and my family but you did, you knew

that he had a drinking problem and you knew all about his past and what he was suffering through and yet you still abandoned him and

your kids, you left them in that house which looks like it's been ransacked by thieves and you left them without a care in the fg world”

Lacey says and Dylan had the good sense to look down in shame

“I may have left, Dylan but I'm back now and I'm doing something which none of you had the balls to do, I'm getting Luca the help that he

badly needs and that's where he's heading to right now"

“But what about me and the kids?"

Dylan selfishly asked my daughter but it was her husband who responded

“Oh stop being such a selfish prick for once in your life Dylan and think about someone other than yourself for a change, none of this is

about you"

Logan growled at him

“Luca needs help with his drinking and his trauma and if he doesn't get that help now then he's gonna die, do you want that?"

“Of course not, Logan, I love him"

“Then let him go, let him get the help that he needs"

Logan says in a softer tone

“And the kids?"

Dylan asks with a sob

“The kids are fine and they're gonna be fine but they're gonna need

Chapter 111 - And Move On } you now more than ever, Dylan, you can't keep running away when things get too tough”

“didn't want to, it's just..he refused to get help, he refused to take your threats seriously and I couldn't take it anymore”

Dylan said as he ran his hand through his hair

“What happened here, son?"

ask him and Dylan lets out a breath before explaining everything that

happened on Christmas Day to us

“The day started off normal, the kids opened their presents, we had breakfast and Luca decided he wanted to cook dinner for us but he

ended up burning the food and he nearly set the kitchen on fire because he was drunk..after that, we got into a huge argument and I told

him that I wanted

him to take Klayton up on his offer but Luca didn't want to, I had even threatened to divorce him and get full custody of our kids if he didn't

and that's when he lost his s**t, he trashed the house before going down to his den”

“And what happened after that?"

“Itold him my threat still stands and that if he hadn't made the call by the time I got back then I'd make the call for him"

“But it's been three days since then, Dylan, where the hell have you been?"

Lacey asked him and I could tell she was getting angry again

“I wanted to give him some time to really think, I."


We were all shocked when out of nowhere, Lacey slapped Dylan across the face causing his head to harshly snap to the side

“You're a selfish bastard, do you know that, Dylan Tate? you don't

Chapter 111 - And Move On. J deserve those three poor, innocent babies”

“I thought they were safe, Lace..."


Lacey shouts angrily

“You left them alone with a man who was drunk off his ass, Dylan"

“But he never drinks when he's alone with the kids"

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Dylan says sounding like he's either in shock, denial or both

“Well, he did this time, asshole”

Lacey glared at Dylan

She then gave him a look of disappointment and disgust before walking away from us

“I didn't want any of this, James"

“Tknow, son..none of us did"

I'say whilst gently gripping his shoulder

None of us wanted this but it's happening and we need to accept it and learn to move forward from it

Lacey's POV

I wanted to hit him

I wanted to smack the stupidity and selfishness out of him but I couldn't do that because I knew if I did then I wouldn't stop and I wasn't

willing to risk my pregnancy for someone like him

After walking away from Dylan, I came over to Logan's car and rested my body against it, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the

window as my hand subconsciously caressed my flat stomach

I didn't even realise Logan had followed me over here until [felt his presence close to me and I felt his hand touching mine

“How's my superwoman feeling?"

Chapter 111 - And Move On. 7 "Superwoman?" I ask Logan as open my eyes and narrow them at him

Logan was smiling down at me as he bit down on his lower lip whilst his free hand was resting on the car next to my head

"How am I superwoman, Logan?"

“Because you're out here saving people's lives and making them better”

He says and I chuckle

“That doesn't mean I'm a superhuman, babe, it just means that I'm a human with a good heart"

“You're still my superwoman, love"

Logan says as he leans in and kisses me

The kiss was only brief but it was filled with so much love which makes me smile against his lips

When Logan pulled away from me, he looked down at me and smiled

“Let's go home, love"


Logan gives me one last kiss and I smile at him

Ithen turned to get in the car but before I could even open the door, my eyes narrowed on my parents

“Hold on one second, babe"

I briskly walked over to my parents and I wasted no time in hugging my dad who seemed shocked by my actions at first but then he relaxed

and wrapped his arms around me

“Are you ok, sweetheart?”

My dad asks me and I nod my head

Chapter 111 - And Move On

“I just wanna say thank you for protecting me from Nico when I was a little girl”

“What are you talking about, princess?"

He asks sounding confused and a slight sob left my mouth as I remembered everything Luca had told me

“Luca told me Nico wanted me and he always tried to get me to sit on his lap but you stopped him and told him I was only allowed to sit on

yours or gramps laps”

I'say and I felt his hold on me tighten

“You're my little girl, Lacey, I'll always protect you"

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My dad says while kissing my head

“Tknow you don't believe this, princess but love you, I really do love you"

“Ilove you too, dad”

I'say and I swear I felt him smiling against my head

After giving my parents and my brothers a hug, I left with Logan and we headed back home to our babies

Iknow you're all probably wondering why I hugged my parents after everything, well, there are a few reasons why, the first is because I'm

not a heartless or cold-hearted person, my parents needed some comfort and I wanted to give them it

I can't even begin to imagine or understand what they're currently experiencing as parents or how bad the guilt is that they're gonna feel

for the rest of their lives and I hope to god that I never have to

Secondly, I hugged my dad because he saved me just as much as Luca did

Only god knows what would've happened to me if he'd allowed me to

Chapter 111 - And Move On

sit on that man's lap and get close to him, so I hugged him to thank him and let him know that I'm forever grateful for him

Logan and I arrived home not too long later and as soon as the car came to a stop, I quickly got out and headed inside ignoring Logan who

was shouting my name as I did

As soon as I burst through the front door, I made a beeline for the living area where my babies were sitting with their cousins and their



Teddy said excitedly as she ran over to me with her brothers following


I couldn't help but become tearful as I knelt down and embraced my three babies in a hug while kissing each one of them on their little


“Are you ok, mummy?"

“I'm fine, baby"

“But you're crying”

Logan Junior says as he wipes my tears away with his little thumb

“Mommy's just happy, Lo..I love you all so much”

“We love you too, mummy”

Dayton says as he snuggles into my right side while Logan knelt down next to me and wraps his arms around myself and Logan Junior and

kisses our heads

“Ilove you guys too"

Logan says as I rest my head against my daughter's head and look up at my husband with a smile feeling so f*****g grateful for the amazing

human being that's in front of me

Chapter 111 - And Move On

Logan Black came into my life like a big, giant, stubborn ass tornado and I couldn't be more grateful or happier that he did because now I'm

not only incredibly happy but I also feel like the luckiest woman on earth

My grandmother used to tell me god puts people in our lives for a reason, it's never accidental or coincidental and I always used to think

that it was just the gin talking but now I know she’s right

I believe I was meant to run into Logan the night of my engagement party, I also believe that I was meant to run into Ryker's girlfriend

Tiffany at the kid's school and I was meant to reunite with Logan again so that we could be a family and I could help my brother with his


Lalso truly believe that I was meant to come back to New York because this is where I belong, it's my home and I'm back here all because of

this stubborn and persistent man kneeling next to me who wouldn't take no for an answer

“Why are you looking at me like that, my love?" “Because you're handsome” I say with a smile

“And because I was just thinking about how happy I am...thank you so much for coming to London and fighting for us, love"

"You're welcome, Lace"

Logan says as he kisses my forehead while I look at him and smile brightly

“Ilove you so much, Logan”

“Ilove you too, babe"

He says with a smile as he kisses me earning a bunch of disgusted groans from the kids which makes us laugh

Ifinally felt free, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders

and Iwas ready to move on and be happy with my husband, our triplets and our new baby or babies knowing my luck

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