Collide: A Hockey Romance

Collide: Chapter 15

THIS IS NOT a date. Nothing about my outfit or the extra time I spent on my hair means anything. It’s two friends—kind of—hanging out in an attempt to learn the ropes of college fun. God, when did I become so lame?

When I left the dorm, Amara and Cassie were adamantly referring to Aiden as my date. Something about me not going out for months and saying my vagina is probably shriveling up as we speak. Rude. My vagina is completely fine, I just don’t have time to focus on her, though fixing that situation might be exactly what I need.

Now that we’re here, I’ve learned that my tongue gets loose when I drink. I say things that I would otherwise keep safely locked up in a fire-resistant safe, and there was proof of that when I told Aiden I like him. Logically, my only option after that is to walk back to Kayce Howard in this athlete-infested bar while Aiden’s eyes focus like a sniper on my back.

The attention Aiden gets on campus is staggering. But the attention he gets in off-campus bars is ridiculous. I hadn’t even taken three steps from where we sat when a girl from the overeager table approached him. So what if I wanted a taste of what it’s like to be the one with all eyes on them?

“Crawford couldn’t convince you to stay away from me?” I crane my neck to look up at Kayce. When I said he was tall, it was the understatement of the century. Kayce Howard is six-foot-six inches of pure man. It’s kind of jarring seeing him this up close. The epitome of tall, dark and handsome.

“I’ve never been one to do as I’m told,” I say.

His eyes spark. “Then lead the way and I’ll follow.”

I laugh despite knowing we aren’t going anywhere. Aiden is worried about something, and I don’t want to ruin his night by stressing him out.

“Does your offer still stand?” I point to the pool cue, and his answering smirk is heavenly. When Kayce leans close, his woody scent sends a sharp thrill down my back.

“I’ll teach you anything you want, Sunshine,” he drawls.

“Don’t call her that.”

Aiden’s rough voice assaults my back like a flame. Kayce’s eyes focus above my head and his mouth sets in a tight line. Instead of responding, he heads over to the cues to pick mine out.

With a dramatic pivot, I face Aiden. “Is this a part of your shitty wingman approach?”

Sunshine?” he repeats, annoyed.

I probably should have corrected Kayce. But I mean, what’s the point? Telling a guy I just met about my fucked up relationship with my dad probably isn’t the best opener.

When I shrug, he releases a sardonic breath. “I’m just here to play pool.”

“I’m sure you are. Go assert your caveman tendencies elsewhere.”

Aiden leans against the pool table, arms crossed and biceps popping under his white T-shirt. “Only thing I’m asserting is my free will. How about we play a round? Me and Bethany versus you and Kayce.”

Kayce’s deep laugh sounds beside me. “Kicking your ass in pool? I’m game.”

“I love pool!” A drunk Bethany sticks to Aiden, and his hand encircles her waist to steady her.

“I’m not so sure your aim will be any good,” he teases.

She tiptoes to whisper in his ear, but even in the chaotic bar, I can hear her clearly. “Keep your hands on me, and I’ll be steady.”

Barf. I’m going to need another drink soon.

Kayce racks the balls and hands me the pool cue. He explains the basic rules and I pretend to pay close attention. We order drinks before we start, and the booze hits me hard. I try to aim, but it must be bad because a hand slides over my abdomen, and Kayce’s warm body covers my back.

“Hand higher. Position yourself to the left on the balk line so you can aim at the second ball.” Listening to Kayce’s instructions is awfully hard when he’s so close his minty breath fans my neck. I might as well be getting fucked on the pool table with how the basketball team watches us. Though out of our opponents, Aiden’s the only one who looks like he’s going to break the pool stick.

When Kayce’s hips connect with my ass, I stumble, and take the shot. It’s a crappy one, but I manage to pocket a solid. That earns me a high-five, and I step back with flaming cheeks.

Aiden steadies Bethany but lets her take the shot on her own. Bad idea because she fumbles and misses, which only makes Kayce’s next shot a breeze. When it’s Aiden’s turn, he easily pockets the stripes, winking at me when he makes my next shot near impossible.

“I can go for you,” offers Kayce, as if I’m some measly woman who can’t step up to a challenge. I hold my head high, determined to wipe that smirk off Aiden’s face.

“I got it.” I head over to where Aiden stands, bumping him away with my hip. He lets out a low chuckle watching me with a cocky smile.

Leaning over, I take one calculated strike for the ball to slam three solids into two pockets. The murmur quells when the basketball team including Kayce stare at me in shock. Bethany whoops in excitement, but I don’t think she remembers whose team she’s on. I prepare myself to gloat at a sulking face, but instead, Aiden beams brightly as if this is exactly what he wanted. The smug smile slips from my lips.

“He must be a good teacher,” Aiden says, gesturing to Kayce.

My hand tightens around the stick. “Maybe, I’m just a good actress.”

“Is that right?” he drawls. “You like a little roleplay?”

His words are like hot liquid cascading down my skin. I bring my pool cue to lift his chin. “You’ll never find out.”

His gaze only darkens with a determined look that startles me.

“Didn’t know you had a hidden talent,” Kayce says, snapping me away from Aiden’s unsteadying look.

After that, it’s an easy win. But instead of wearing a look of defeat, Aiden’s eyes are alight with satisfaction. I have an inkling it’s because he got me to drop the clumsy girl act that would have stroked Kayce’s ego.

I turn to Kayce, who pulls me into him. But it feels weird. None of it’s like I thought it would. Not the touching, not the whispers about how hot I am, and definitely not the flirting. It feels like I’m forcing it, and I don’t want to do that anymore. I don’t want to mold myself into something I’m not. Winning at pool might have sparked this awakening.

My eyes gravitate to where Aiden and Bethany stand to find his gaze already on me. She pulls him to the bar yanking his attention from the heavy hands on my waist. I’m not sure if it’s the look Aiden gave me or that weird feeling swirling my stomach, but I detangle myself from Kayce’s arms.

“This was fun, but I think I’m going to call it a night,” I say awkwardly.

His disappointment only lasts a second. “I had fun, too, and if you ever want to make Crawford jealous again, you know who to call.”

Make Aiden jealous? Kayce walks off before I can dissect the statement. When I look for Aiden, he’s whispering into Bethany’s ear as she types into his phone. She’s laughing, face blushing. There’s something about Aiden that turns women into a fawning mess.

Taking my jacket, I exit the bar, bypassing all the drunk patrons loitering by the doors. Outside, I’m trying to get an Uber, but the app reloads, unable to find any available rides. I’m leaning against the brick wall when a hand pulls me back.

“You were just going to leave?” Aiden runs an exasperated hand through his hair. “Jesus, Summer, I thought you left with him. I was losing my damn mind until I found you out here.”

His distressed face confuses my drunken brain. “Sorry, you just seemed into Bethany. I didn’t want to interrupt that just because I wanted to leave.”

He stares at me like that is the stupidest thing he’s ever heard. “I’m wherever you are, Summer.”

That weight in my stomach sinks. With a hand on my back and without another word, he leads me to his truck. It’s a quiet drive, aside from the low hum of the radio that switches between pop songs and new renditions of classics.

We’re driving through an unlit area when the first strings of Tennessee Whiskey filter through the speakers. Suddenly, Aiden halts the truck. When he chuckles, I wonder if some of Bethany’s drunkenness rubbed off on him.

“What’s so funny?” I ask.

Somber green eyes search my face for a long second. “This is a newer version, but this was my parents’ first dance song.”

My smile mirrors his. “Country?”

Although the hockey stereotypes run deep with the genre, Aiden’s love for country seems more personal, like it’s a part of him he keeps close to his heart. He turns the volume on the radio up and steps out of the truck.

I’m watching him round the truck before my door pops open, and Aiden extends his hand to me. “Come.”

“Where are we going?” I ask over the lyrics.

“Just out here.” He nods to the front of the truck. I don’t know why but I take his hand and follow him to where the headlights drown us in bright white. When he looks at me, his eyes are as muted as the evergreens surrounding us. There’s a sadness to them that I can’t quite place, but his sweet smile contrasts that look.

“You dance?” I ask when he lifts my hand onto his shoulder.

“No,” he says. “But I want to with you.”

There’s a lump in my throat when he pulls me closer. “Are you sure you’re not drunk?” I ask, attempting to crush the boulder pressing into my chest.

He shakes his head, and the look in his eyes is so intense, I lay my head against his chest to escape it. I let my eyes close as the lyrics wash over us. The cold night air barely penetrates the warm weight of Aiden’s arms around me. Either that, or it’s the alcohol that heats my blood. But I can’t shake the feeling of comfort and safety when I’m with him. I can’t deny that he feels like home.

My eyes wrench open at the thought, and my heart runs into overdrive. No. No. It has to be the alcohol. It’s the only explanation for the ache in the center of my chest and the tingling, warm feeling prickling my skin. When I finally calm my beating heart, Aiden presses a kiss to my hair. It knocks the speed right back into my heart.

Slowly, the song fades, and I pull away. His breath tickles my forehead, and for a split second, all I can think of is his lips on mine.

I abruptly break free of his warm embrace. “It’s a good song. I heard it on the playlist,” I say.

That melancholy look goes nowhere, but he’s smiling now. “I guess I managed to turn you into a country fan after all.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” I laugh and let him help me into the passenger side.

When we’re pulling into Iona House, I’m reluctant to pop the bubble around us. It might be the haze from the alcohol, but the buzz of nerves that tunnels under my skin is well aware of the change that’s taken place between us. One I can’t begin to explain.

My ability to form words scatters, and when I unclip my seatbelt my hands are sweaty. In a quick decision, I lean over the console, and his breath hitches before I plant a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

Then I exit his truck like it’s on fire.

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