Coast to Coast: A Brother’s Best Friend Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 7)

Coast to Coast: Chapter 15

Rolling over in bed, I realize that I fell asleep. Shit. I quickly sit up in a rush, throwing the covers away from my body. I only meant to lay down for a few minutes, but I must have been more exhausted from the trip here than I thought.

I jump out of bed in a haste, my bare feet hitting the hardwood floors before I start moving through the apartment. It doesn’t register in my mind that I’m not alone until I’m in the living room area, noticing the TV is on and there’s Chinese food spread out on the coffee table.

The door to the bathroom opens and I glance over, my eyes wide as I see Simon step out with a look of curiosity on his face. He tilts his head to the side, raising an eyebrow at me. “Where’s the fire?”

A sigh escapes me and I shake my head as I try to fight the smile that pulls on the corners of my lips. “I woke up in a panic because I didn’t realize that I even fell asleep.”

A soft chuckle comes from Simon as he walks deeper into the room before dropping down onto one side of the sectional couch. “You’re good, Stella,” he says softly, patting the couch cushion beside him. “Now, come sit and eat with me before the food gets cold.”

“Chinese?” I question him as I follow his command and sit down next to him.

Simon shrugs. “Who doesn’t like Chinese food? We have nothing here to eat and I wasn’t going to wake you up to go out. We can do that another night.”

I smile over at him before reaching forward for a pair of chopsticks. Simon rises to his feet and I watch him as he walks over to the fridge. He comes back over with a six-pack of beer and I can’t help but roll my eyes at him. “I see you made sure to get the staples.”

Simon’s face instantly falls and he freezes in place. “Fuck. I’m an asshole and an idiot.”

My eyebrows pull together as I look up at him. “What are you talking about?”

“You don’t drink. And I brought home beer.”

“Simon,” I start, my voice soft and gentle. He stares down at me and I’m momentarily lost in his steel gray irises. “Just because I’m not drinking doesn’t mean that you can’t drink either.”

Simon sighs as he drops back down onto the couch. “I know, but I should have thought about it. I feel like a complete asshole right now.”

I stare at him as I watch the torment wash over his face. “Give me one,” I tell him, reaching out for one of the bottles.

“What? No,” he argues, shaking his head at me. “I’m going to just take them back.”

Frustration grows inside me. “Just give me a damn beer, Simon. Let me prove to you that I don’t have a problem… that I can drink one and that be it.”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you,” he retorts, his voice strained. “I just don’t want to be a bad influence on you.”

I swallow roughly and keep my hand outstretched as I purse my lips. “Give me a beer. I’m not arguing with you anymore.”

A wave of conflict passes through his eyes and he runs a frustrated hand through his hair. “Fuck. Fine. But only one.”

“Yes, daddy,” I mock, rolling my eyes at him with a smirk. As soon as the words fall from my lips, I instantly regret them. A fire ignites in Simon’s eyes and his jaw clenches as he stares at me. “I was just kidding. I don’t know why I said that.”

Simon stays silent for a moment before he hands me one of the cartons of food. “Just stop and eat, Stella.”

There’s thick tension that settles in the air and it feels like you could cut it with a knife. Part of me wants to argue with him because I don’t usually just bow down, but with the way he’s looking at me right now, I can’t help but obey him. Twisting off the lid of my beer, I take a large gulp before setting it down on the table.

Simon directs his attention away from me and picks up his own carton of food before he digs in. Whatever is on the TV is quiet and literally just background noise at this point. I haven’t once looked at it and even if I did, I’m pretty sure my brain wouldn’t be able to focus on it.

His eyes are no longer on mine and I watch the way he dips his chopsticks into the noodles before lifting them to his lips. I’m mesmerized by the action, knowing exactly what his mouth feels like on the most sensitive parts of my body. Swallowing roughly over the lump that is now in my throat, I clench my thighs together before diving into my own food.

I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to focus on eating in these conditions, but I have no choice. Simon and I are just friends. He invited me along just so I could get away. I wouldn’t have minded staying with Lincoln, but there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity. Now that it’s just the two of us in this small space, there’s definitely a shift.

And it scares the shit out of me.

Simon’s eyes find mine as he swallows a mouthful of food before washing it down with some of his beer. “Did you have any plans for tomorrow? I have to be at the rink by seven and I won’t be back until later in the afternoon.”

I shrug, attempting to act dismissive like him. Like there wasn’t a sudden shift in the air between us. He can act like he’s unaffected, so I’ll do the same. Two can play this game and I’m fairly certain that both of us are sore sports.

“Nope. I figured I might go for a walk and see where the day takes me.”

Simon raises an eyebrow. “Living life without any inhibitions?”

“I didn’t say that,” I tell him, adjusting in my seat as I set my food back down on the coffee table. “I just don’t want to be locked into any plans. You know how they can often change. I’m here with literally no agenda. I’m just going to let life take me wherever it wants to.”

He tilts his head to the side, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “I like it,” he says, his voice soft and gentle. “Instead of controlling your journey, you’re letting it become you. How freeing does it feel?”

His eyes are burning through mine and I feel like I’m being drawn deeper into the inferno. My skin feels hot, and my cheeks are definitely bright red right now. Yet, I can’t pull my gaze away from his. “I don’t know,” I admit, my voice barely audible. “I’ll let you know tomorrow, after my journey begins.”

“You’re already on your journey, angel,” Simon tells me, and I’m lost in his steel gray eyes. “You just haven’t let yourself fully experience it yet.”

I don’t know what the hell he’s doing to me, but this wasn’t part of the plan. Ignoring my beer on the table, I turn on the couch to face him fully. Simon’s actions mimic mine and he’s scooting closer to me, closing the distance between us. His palm is soft as he slides it across my cheek. His fingertips brush against my skin, slowly inching their way into my locks of hair.

His gaze collides with mine. “If you don’t want me to kiss you, now would be the time to let me know.”

My lips part slightly and my breath catches in my throat. “And what if I do want you to?”

I’m falling into the flames, completely consumed by his fire. His eyes bounce back and forth between mine briefly before his mouth crashes into mine. There’s nothing gentle about the way his lips feel, yet they’re so soft against my own. His kiss is brutal, and he bruises my flesh as he takes what he wants with nothing holding him back.

And in this moment, I will gladly give him every goddamn piece of me.

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