Claws and Kisses

Chapter Luminescence

“So Lady Wendy,” said a plump, old Drachen noble from across the dining table, his gut jiggling repulsively as he leaned forward in his chair. “How does if feel to be a mortal sitting in a room full of the dragon elite?”

I glanced at Bora, who sat directly next to me. She was dressed in a fitted emerald evening gown that clung to her breasts and waist before flaring outwards. All of the single Drachen men in the room could not take their eyes off her, as she was the most radiant woman in the room. Hell, even some of the single ladies were eyeing her with lusty gazes.

She looked back at me, raising a smooth eyebrow in wordless reply. The answer to my silent question was clear in her icy blue gaze. Just because I am Queen of all Drachen does not mean that you cannot speak for yourself. Use your big girl words and talk to the man like an adult.

Cringing internally, I turned back to the noble with a flat smile plastered to my face. “I feel just fine, sir. The Drachen have been more than generous in their dealings with me. And for that, I am grateful.”

The noble smiled through yellow teeth back at me, his beady eyes darting to my chest as he nodded distantly. “Quite so, my lady. Quite so.”

Bora saved me the trouble of having to talk to him further as she began to chat up him and his companions. I slouched in my chair, relieved to have a moment of peace. The last day of our visit to Jara was finally here. Tomorrow, we would leave early in the morning. As we were exiting the territory instead of entering, we would be able to fly home without worrying about accidentally starting a war. The carriages we had journeyed here in would be led back by a few servants and warriors that were being left behind to guide the luggage and such back to Avel’s Horde.

The past three days had been spent in the Queen’s company. She requested my presence everyday, and the majority of our time together was spent doing mindless things. We went on long walks outside, exploring the mountains and countryside of Jara. She took me on a visit to the hot water springs, we’re we drank and laughed for a number of hours. We went to temple to pray, the market to shop, the library to read for hours in silent companionship.

Even though we never spoke of it, I knew why the Queen desired my company. With all the medicines she was taking and all the pain she was trying to suppress to get through the day without shriveling into a ball of tears, she needed a distraction. My company was easy. Peaceful. When she was with me, I knew she could not feel the pain as much. Seeing such a strong woman in such a decrepit position had my heart aching, so I did not complain when she wanted to visit the shops or go out for tea. Even though I could never understand what she was going through, I still could recognize heartbreak when I saw it.

As it was, however, I did not see Avel all too much throughout the day. He hated that I kept going where he could not watch me like a hawk. When I reminded him that I was with the most powerful Drachen woman in the world, he merely scoffed and muttered something about being a big strong Dragon Lord who did not need a woman watching over his mate.


So I only saw him in the nighttime, when I crawled under the covers and into his arms. He always waited for me before going to sleep, and never forgot to ask about my day. Where I had been, what I had seen, if I wanted to go back one day with him. I would tell him all of it while tracing the tattoos on his chest, slowly falling asleep within the warmth and safety of his embrace. Before completely slipping under, I would ask him about his day. Every single time, he would just kiss me on the forehead and whisper, Go to sleep. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

The mere thought of my mate had me fidgeting in my seat, my desire to be with him swelling obnoxiously large in my chest. I looked around the cavernous dining room brimming with Dragon Lords, their mates, and their hordes, spotting Avel where he had been sitting the entire night with the Inner Circle and the rest of the Drachen nobles who had accompanied him on our journey.

He sat what felt like a million miles away, listening to the others and commenting every few minutes on something or another. More likely than not, he would be glancing back at me. Making sure I had not died in the few seconds since he had last checked.

Our eyes met, and the bond between us flared as my wanting for him pulsed with need. I knew he felt it, based on the darkening of his eyes and the way he clenched his fist at his sides. Honing his gaze in on me, he linked with me telepathically and asked, Are you alright, tiger?

I smiled at him, nodded, wishing I knew how to communicate in his head like he did with me.

His gaze flickered to Bora and darkened for another reason altogether. Your High Lady is testing my patience. If she keeps this up, I swear to the gods, I will


I twisted to face the High Lady, my eyes widened in alertness. “Yes, ma’am?”

She did not try to stifle her laughter as she shook her head and rose fluidly to her feet. “Come. I wish to go for a stroll, as the Dragon Lords will be retiring to the drawing room soon to smoke and drink their Vocatus. If you wish to go with the mates to sip tea and trade thinly veiled insults, however, I will not stop you.”

Everyone immediately scrambled out of their seats and stood up too, obviously to show respect for the High Lady. I rose too, and watched as she nodded to all of them, her eyes predatory as she lifted her elbow out to mine. I took it with one last glance at Avel, who’s eyes were hard upon the High Lady. The Queen noticed, and only smiled dangerously at him as she glided out of the room, me hanging off her arm and stumbling dumbly after her.

“You tease my mate,” I murmured with a chuckle, smoothing invisible wrinkles out of my dress.

It was a deep violet, the exact same shade as Avel’s mesmerizing gaze. The cut of the bodice was low and revealing, a staunch contrast to the breeches and fitted tunics I usually preferred. When Avel had first spotted me, his eyes had nearly popped out of his head. Between keeping an eye on me throughout dinner and snarling at any male who so much as glanced in my direction, I’d say Avel had had a busy evening.

“He is easy to tease.” Bora laid me to the end of the hall where a pair of gigantic glass doors stood. They opened with the flick of her fingers, and I watched, hypnotized, as her powerful Drachen magic seeped into the air around us.

We stepped outside, our dresses billowing in the cool, summer night breeze. The stars shone brilliantly from the sky, each one twinkling like diamonds. I breathed in deeply, my eyes taking in every beautiful flower and tree that dotted the garden we now walked leisurely through. It was not a regular garden, but seeped in magic from the earth. All the petals and leaves and bark were glowing softly with neon luminescence, lighting up the open space in an otherworldly radiance.

“Oh my . . .” I spun around, laughing out in surprise. “What is this place? How . . . ?”

Bora smiled, the curve of her lips genuine as she brushed her fingers across a glowing blue flower. “I have kept this garden alive for centuries. It is . . . very peaceful.” Her eyes flickered up to meet mine. “It hurts my heart to know that once I die, it will too.” Her smile widened, a sparkle in her silver blue orbs. “Perhaps . . . perhaps someone else will take up the mantle, however. Once I’m gone.”

The suggestion in her heavy gaze was too much, and I turned away from her searching eyes to scrutinize the scenery once more.

My thoughts snagged on her calmly spoken words, and I breathlessly asked, “Are you afraid?” A beat of silence passed, and I placed my hand on the rough, jagged skin of a tree, scraping my nails against it. I did not look back at the High Lady. “Afraid of dying?”

The silence stretched, and I knew I had pushed her too far. Scared of what kind of wrath she could reign down on me for my insolence, I pivoted on my heel, my dress twisting around my feet as I looked at her, panicked. Instead of anger on her sharp face however, there was only thoughtful contemplation.

After a time, she simply said, “No. I am not afraid. How could I be, when I know Loch will be waiting for me at the end of the road?”

Her words had a bubble of emotion bursting in my chest. Avel’s face flashed in my mind, and I knew that he would always be waiting for me too. Silence reigned once more, and I could not help getting caught up in my musings. The way Bora could feel so safe in the knowledge that her mate was just beyond the corner. Ready and waiting for her to join him.

After a few minutes, or maybe even an hour, Bora decided to take her leave. “Stay as long as you want, Lady Wendy.” She kissed my cheek and left, gone without a trace.

I watched her go, my thoughts elsewhere. On my mate. On how much he cared. Yes, he could be an overbearing prick at times, but he was also the kindest male I had ever met. He was strong, intelligent, brave. He thought about things, and he laughed with his entire being. He was passionate about the things he loved, and fought tooth and nail for those he cared about. He was good. As a leader. As a mate. As a man.

There was a stone bench at the edge of the garden, and I slowly swayed to it, feeling at peace for what felt like the first time since I had arrived at Avel’s Horde. I sunk onto the cool slab of the seat, which overlooked the city of Jara and the mountainside itself. The only thing that would make this better is if Avel were here.

As if hearing my thoughts, there was a creak as the glass doors swung open from behind me. I twisted on the bench, excitement clear on my face as I beamed brightly. “Avel! I—”

From behind the shadow of the vine-covered walls, a man emerged. My entire body locked up as his power, all-consuming in its dominating nature, washed over my skin, my bones, my very being. His skin was gold and dewy, appearing fairytale like in its appearance. His dark hair was swept up into a short cut, brushing over his forehead and across his black brows. His shoulders sloped in a way that spoke of years of training and sparring. He was tall—taller than most of the Drachen I had encountered. And his eyes. They were piercing, clouded in a warm, fiery brown shade. The likes I had never seen before. Without a doubt, he was one of the most handsome dragons I had ever met.

He wore a cape, the color of pomegranate seeds. His armor was like that of the other Dragon Lords. Instead of the golden, boisterous armor that many of them favored, his was a striking silver. I watched, slightly entranced as he glissaded forward. Towards me.

The stranger halted a few feet away from, his eyes finally resting on me. His lips quirked up as he smiled kindly down at me. “Hello,” he murmured, his voice deep and velvety. “I hope I am not intruding?”

I studied the way his brows slightly scrunched up as he spoke, and shook my head slowly, slightly frazzled by his sudden appearance. “No, not at all. Apologies for my outburst. I thought you were my mate, Avel.”

Upon my approval, he strided a few feet forward, his cape whiring with each step. The gentle smile never left his lips, and I found myself concluding that he was not an immediate threat. If he was one of the visiting Dragon Lords, he would certainly not risk Avel’s wrath by harming me.

“I must be a terrible substitution for your mate, but it is a pleasure to meet you anyways.” He sat down on the bench next to me, and stuck out his hand to shake. His smile widened with his words. “Aamon. At your service.”

I looked down at his hand in surprise. Most Drachen did not know or care about the mortal customs. Smiling at him too now, I gripped his hand and shook it with a firm grip. “Wendy. Pleased to meet you.”

He gave my hand a final squeeze before releasing, his eyes skating to the landscape beyond the garden’s walls. “It’s really something out there, huh?” He whistled, his cheek twitching as he chuckled. “It sure don’t look like this where I come from.”

Glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I asked, “And where do you come from, Aamon?”

He glanced at me, clasping his hands together in his lap. “A tiny, insignificant island on the southern coast. It ain’t much more than a strip of beach and some palm trees, but there are some real great people down there. Work hard and all that.”

The southern lilt of his voice made sense now. I tilted my head, eyeing him in full now. “You wouldn’t happen to be the Dragon Lord of that tiny, insignificant island, would you?”

Aamon laughed, scratching his neck in a shy way as he gradually shook his head. “Naw, I ain’t no lord of nothing. I, uh . . .” His eyes met mine as he thought about how to word his sentence. “I help out with certain things. Magic-related things, specifically.”

My eyes lit up. It was only natural for a human like me to be fascinated by those who could use magic without a second thought. “What kind of things?”

Aamon smiled. “Well, I—”


The loud, barking voice had me twisting on the bench to face the man standing in the doorway of the garden. Avel.

“Avel,” I breathed, standing at once and ripping myself from the bench as it were on fire. Even though Aamon and I had only been talking casually, in a completely platonic way, it still felt odd to know Avel had seen him and I together. And based on the fire in Avel’s eyes, I was right to feel that way.

“Avel,” I repeated, running a hand through my hair and biting my lip. “Hey, I was just about to—”

“Come here, Wendy.” His eyes were not on me, but on Aamon, who was sitting awkwardly on the bench, obviously unsure what to say or do in the Dragon Lord’s presence. His eyes flicked to mine once. Harsh and cutting. “We’re leaving. Now.”

My cheeks heated in embarrassment. For some reason, I glanced at Aamon to see his reaction. He was politely staring at the ground, pretending to study the tilework of the garden floors.

Avel growled, the order in that dominating sound clear. Gritting my teeth and trying not to cry frustrated tears, I strided to him with clenched fists. As obedient as a chastised dog. Once I reached him, he sunk his fingers into my arms and clutched me with a ferocity that hurt my arm. He yanked me through the doors and away from Aamon, too quickly to even shout a hasty goodbye.

Once we were far enough away, I snarled and shoved him off me. Even though my struggling had no effect on him whatsoever, he let go with a scowl and watched as I paced angrily in front of him.

“What the hell, Avel! Who the fuck do you think you are, pulling rank out there like that?” I nearly spat the words in my fury, feeling so unbelievably furious and humiliated. “Can you not control your hormones for one gods damned second? You fucking bastard—”

All of the sudden, I was being shoved into the wall of the hall we stood in. The wall did not hurt me, but I still looked disbelievingly down at Avel, who was seething in my face. His eyes were filled with rage and disappointment and . . . worry?

“How could you do that, you stupid girl?” He shook his head, his features a mixture of pained and incensed. “I turn my back for one fucking second and you end up alone with a warlock? What the actual fuck were you thinking?”

Aamon was a warlock? It was not too hard to believe. He had told me himself that he was here to help with magic-related things. I guess that falls under the category of what warlocks do.

Avel’s dark hair was wild atop his head, and his violet eyes were searching as he gripped me fiercely. His golden armor stood out in the darkness of the hallway, which was unlit besides one dim candle in the distance. I had never seen him so shaken.

“So . . . what?” I shrugged helplessly, feeling a lecture coming on. “He was nice, and didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt me. Maybe you should get to know him before you make nonsensical accusations about him.”

My mate’s gaze flared with outrage. “You think that I am—” He cut himself off, breathing in deeply as he pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. “Gods, give me strength. You are going to be the death of me, Wendy.” He let me go and took a step back, chest heaving. “Warlocks have a different kind of magic than the Drachen. A dangerous one.” He pulled at his dark locks, the tension in his shoulders and body painstakingly clear. “His magic was clouding you. Your aura. I couldn’t feel our bond for a minute. I thought . . .”

His voice broke off, and I finally understood his fit of temper. My cheeks paled and I almost sunk to the ground as I breathed, “You thought I was dead.”

The haunted look in his eyes was all the answer I needed.

Holy hell you guys! I am so sorry. The late update was due to my computer breaking yesterday morning. It was a pain to get it fixed, and once I figured it out, it was no longer Saturday :( Anyways, apologies again!

Also, it is time for some big girl/big boyz talk. I did not think that I would have to put a disclaimer in this book, especially one this late in the game, but recent events and feedback have swayed my opinion. So, here it is:

1.) My beautiful baby angel cakes, this story is completely, wholly, and undeniably fictional. None of this is real. The characters, their actions, and otherwise. I will implore you not to do half the shit that the characters say/do/insinuate in this story. (Except for Elora. She seems to have her head on straight.)

2.) The Mating Ritual is bullshit. Bullshit. If you try to do a public claiming or get a giant-ass tattoo for your true love in our modern day world, there is a 78% chance you will forever regret it. But as stated in point number 1, everything in this story is made up.

3.) For everyone who is worried about any past problems that have not been solved by our lovely protagonist duo yet, I promise you that Avel and Wendy will get around to talking about it and figuring their shit out. (I am talking directly to the people who keep bringing up the enslaved children from the village. Relax. I. *clap* Have. *clap* Not. *clap* Forgotten. *clap* About. *clap* Them. We will get around to it, I promise.)

4.) You all are wonderful and I don't deserve you. *Blows kisses to everyone*

Alright, that is it for this Q/A and disclaimer. Please let me know what you thought about the update and Aamon the Warlock (OoOo who could he be??) in the comments. As always, thank you for everything you guys do. You all rock!

That's all for today folks. Hope you enjoyed, and are excited for the coming adventures!


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