Clash of Tides (A merman story)

Chapter The Clash of Land and Sea Teaser 1

“What does it mean when you become the King of the Sea? I ask, my curiosity aching inside me to what he will say.

The corners of his lips turn upwards. “It means I can walk on land at my leisure and make love to you whenever I desire.”

My bottom lip drops and my cheeks go aflame to his words. Fuming, I raise my legs out of the water but his strong grip captures one of my ankles, keeping me in place. “I am tired of you toying with me. Let me go!” Assan likes to rattle me; he is always this way, but right now, I am too tired to try and retort him. I don’t want to keep Seidon waiting any longer.

He glares at me, not releasing me from his hold. “I am not teasing you, Elena! I want you to think of me as more than just a mer; think of me as your partner, and you, my future queen.”

Silence passes between us. I am speechless at his confession, unsure of how to respond to him. After everything that has happened between us and may happen, I don’t know what to say. I belong to the Governor now, so a life with Assan or Seidon is not even a possibility. If I break my agreement with the Governor, he already told me my life would be forfeit. I can’t tell Assan or Seidon that at any moment, I could die by Nathan’s hand.

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